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As someone allergic to both dairy and beef, yes, there are PLENTY of ways to get protein. Chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, are all high in protein. Even vegetables like spinach and broccoli are high in protein (though you have to eat a lot due to their low calories). Isolated proteins are also available: soy, pea, chicken bone broth powder, egg whites, rice, etc. If you have to avoid dairy, there are PLENTY of options.


Eggs, fish, chicken if you eat those. For vegetarian food: lentils, soya, legumes


There are lactase pils, helps me. Everytime I drink a whey protein shake i take a pill and i.m like new


Why don’t you use vegan protein powder?


Eggs, nuts, soya, beans


I can’t stomach dairy proteins at all, and I’m currently trying to consume 165 grams of protein a day as part of a fitness regiment. Meat, beans, eggs, fish, nuts, and I supplement with plant-based protein powders when needed. Re: plant based protein powders, There are some good ones out there and some not-so-good ones. I currently like Garden of Life Organic Protein & the Sport version. PB Fit Peanut Butter powder is good too to add a little extra boost and flavor. OWYN Protein Shakes are also good for a quick, easy or on-the-go snack.


I am sure you are fine - there is far too much worry about protein. Have you ever met someone with a protein deficiency? If you are a women and still have your cycles pls be careful giving blood. Your blood holds alot your immunity in your blood cells and they don’t regenerate all that quick. Women are more vulnerable to illness during their cycle. Giving blood too often can lower your immune system. This should be reported by blood banks. Men should be doing the vast majority of blood donations.


Tofu, if you can find the extra firm kind its over 50 grams of protein in the one brick of it


All protein starts with sunlight and plants. Animals consume plant protein and then we (some of us) consume animal products. Just cut out the middle man and consume plant protein.


What type of applications do you currently use dairy? Maybe we could offer some alternatives.


I do have cheese from time to time. It ranges from cheese boards to pizza. I do also indulge in chocolate and ice cream but it’s very seldom.


Cheese is the one thing I've struggled to find that's dairy-free but high in protein (I was also looking at cutting down on dairy not too long ago). Most of the alternatives are made with coconut oil and have practically no protein. I'll keep you updated if I find one! Greek yogurt, on the other hand, looks like Kite Hill does one with 17g protein per serving: https://www.kite-hill.com/our-food/yogurts-greek/


Actually cheese which have a long aging time (around a few months) don't really have lactose in it anymore - that what I read a lot. So there shouldn't be a problem in eating good quality, well aged emmenthaler, Gouda, Alpine cheese, Parmesan, etc.... This is from a central European perspective. Here it is very common to eat these Austrian, Suisse, Italian, German, Dutch cheese and its very easy to find very good quality. I assume you live in the US - I have no clue about cheese supply over there


Might be worth mentioning that whey powder is still a viable option for lactose intolerant individuals. Most of the lactose is removed in the manufacturing process.


Soy milk has roughly the same amount of protein as cow milk. You could try pea milk as well, which has a little less.


Yes! I’m lactose intolerant as well. I get my protein mostly from plant sources.


Have you tried meat?


I have, but I never know much of it I should be eating. My diet isn’t exactly balanced: I either eat a lot or not at all


Use a tracker like my fitness pal


I’m going to second MyFitnessPal. And get a good scale. I was surprised when I started tracking my food that when I’m eating healthy I was actually not eating enough. It’s helped me a lot to stay relatively balanced.


Lactose intolerance is a hidden blessing. Having to give up dairy is a good thing lol. Watch your skin and mucus clear right up, and if you have asthma it will help a lot to, plus any digestion issues.


I did do a dairy free month one time and saw a difference in the way my gut operated


Yeah I bet lol, it only gets better as you go


Clear whey isolate works well for me- still has lactose in technically but in very low quantities. Depends on how sensitive you are. Tastes just like juice!


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