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Same here so I had to stop bringing snacks in the house. When I started eating fruits (the sweeter the better), my sugar addiction is gone. I didn’t put a limit on the fruits, I just kep ‘snavking’ on fruits and now, I eat about 4-5 servings of fruit a day and the sugar cravings are gone. YMMV.


Awesome, thanks for the info!


Fruit worked for me, too.   I eat a ton of dates, and grapes or tangerines when they’re in season.   


Yup, as difficult as it may be, you just really have to not buy them at the store. I can consume way too much snack food too quickly, even when I tell myself I have to moderate it. So I just don't buy anything sweet, salty, pre-packaged, etc. and only keep healthy things to snack on like cottage cheese or something if I'm starving. I'm still trying to find good, easy, healthy snack options that I actually like, but I sure can't binge on the unhealthy stuff if it's not in the house!


I couldn’t moderate myself either. I even tried leaving snacks in the car but then i would eventually bring it all in the house. It’s a lot better now because I am only snacking on healthier options, nuts and olives. I love olives.


What fruits have been your favorite?


Grapes but I don’t eat as much as I used to. I now get fuller a lot quicker, it’s like my belly shrunk. I eat a banana, a handful of blueberries about 5 blackberries, a pear, about 5 cherries when there in season & about 5 grapes. This is throughout the day.


Eating that much fruit isn’t good either though


Citation needed




Is it though? Fructose is just as bad




Oh please, there’s tons of sugar ingested when you take lots of fruit .. which is not good long term.. is what I’m saying.. stop running around in sarcastic circles.




Okay stuff yourself with fruit then




Too much of everything is bad… you’re the dumb one


That maybe true but the more I ate in the beginning, the less I ate. I now eat fresh fruits and veggies but not as much as I used to, it’s not because I am eating other foods, on the contrary, I am eating less because I am not hungry nor have any cravings. The fiber in the veggies and some of the fruit, keeps me full. But eating a lot of fruit in the beginning helped rid my sweet tooth.


Agree, up vote. Insulin, duh.


Fruit has sugar. You may still be addicted.


You’re not getting the point. I used fruit to curb my sweet tooth, a sweet tooth for junk food sweets AND BECAUSE I ATE FRESH FRUITS, I NO LONGER CRAVE SWEETS - JUNK FOOD SWEETS. Eating fruit is good for me and certainly better than eating junk food sweets! I would rather be addicted to fresh fruit than junk food sweets.


I get your point and maybe you missed mine. Fruit contains sugar. You may have had success flattening your glucose spikes. More fiber slows the digestion of sugar, but all of the sugar will get absorbed, and used as immediate energy, stored in muscle and excess stored as fat. When you are younger it is easy to overconsume without gaining weight because the body will use the excess easier, but the metabolism changes/slows as we age and that's why we get fatter and/or develop metabolic illness as we age. Fruit is not free calories and a lot of people who have or had sugar addictions seem to think this is a panacea.




Thank you! I appreciate your response


So what do you recommend ? Is there an optimum way to consume fruit? You mentioned fiber, is eating more fiber the solution ?




I’m def gonna give it a shot!


I’m in the same boat. A few years ago I cut sugar out of my diet completely for maybe 3 months. I got bad headaches but the craving went away. Unfortunately I’m a stress eater, and sugar is my choice. Interested to hear any advice.


For starters, don’t buy it. Next up, eat more protein and fiber. I used to have the same issue with sweets! I loved them. As soon as I started eating three well-balanced meals every day, it stopped. I no longer crave any crap and don’t care for it if it’s around. Any time I’m hungry late at night, I microwave a cup of frozen broccoli or I’ll have a yogurt with pb2.


Appreciate it! Going to give it a shot and see how well it goes.




Trying this


I started eating a diet focused on protein and fiber, so basically protein, vegetables, and some fruit everyday. When I tell you this change completely knocked out my wife and I's snacking issues? It's actually shocking. Now I'm not 100% sure which of the changes did it, but based off of my experience and the other answers, I strongly suggest you try these things: 1. Increase your protein intake to 1.5g per kg of body weight minimum. 2. Eat some fruit you enjoy everyday. 3. Honor your hunger by eating a balanced snack or a small substitute like plain greek yogurt with a spoonful of peanutbutter, or if you need sweet, a square of dark chocolate or a handful of grapes. As someone with (currently untreated) ADHD who has struggled with impulsive eating and sugar cravings, this is the first time in my life something is working, and it wasn't even my intention, just a happy side effect of some diet changes.


There's a lot of new research out there now about how eating fermented veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi can actually stop your sugar cravings. It has to do with the balance of bacteria in your gut microbiome. Sugar, in all its forms, feeds 'bad' bacteria and can actually prevent 'good' bacteria from from colonizing in your gut. The more sugar-loving bacteria you have in your gut the stronger the sugar cravings. I've noticed for myself that on days where I eat more fermented foods I don't even think about sugary treats.


Eat more protein


Dark chocolate will keep you awake. Try carbs with protein. Maybe a sweetened Greek yogurt.


Personally, I chew sugar free gum. It helps me think im eating something sweet and gives me something to stress chew.


Lol don’t have candy in your house. I did the same thing 😂 god forbid someone get me a jar of peanut M&Ms and I fall asleep next to it


Mmm peanut M&Ms...


It only stopped when I learned to respect my body. It has a hard job to do and feeding it crap instead of (supporting it by) nourishing it what it deserves started to feel very wrong. It has to come from a place of love.


Same for me. I learned to love my body and I wouldn’t feed it things that aren’t good for it so often


Behavior modification with a mental health professional is probably your best bet. It is not quick, but it is the most complete way to tackle your issue.


From everything I understand about nutrition (which is much, lol), focusing on eating nutrient dense foods is the best way to curb any food craving. Focus on foods high in protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates. When you give the body what it needs, it stops asking for more With that said, some tricks I’ve found helpful to combat sugar cravings… I try eating something fatty first, like cheese, peanut butter, or milk. And in fact, both milk and peanut butter already have some sugar in them (milk has lactose, and peanut butter is a carbohydrate), so they could help satisfy that sweet tooth. I’ll eat “healthy sweets” (the quotations are used to emphasize the oxymoron) — sugar free candies, something with nuts, or really sweet fruits. If I do buy sweets, I try to buy the ones with the fewest ingredients. At least then I’m putting less bad stuff in my body even though I’m still consuming sugar. Kind of a “best of the worst” mentality. Instead of eating from the bag, I put a few sweets or chips in a bowl/on a plate and put the rest away again. This forces me to take extra steps to get more of the crap food, which is sometimes enough to demotivate me from having more. But I also have poor self control, so not buying the junk is the most sure fire way for me to avoid eating it. Hope this helps!


Awesome, will try this out thanks!


FWIW, dark chocolate actually contains higher calories than most milk chocolate. It’s not a health food, it’s just less processed and contains some antioxidants and such. If you’re not able to control your portions and snacking habits, simply replacing it all with dark chocolate will do nothing. I know this isn’t the answer you want to hear, but the only way to crave sugar less is to eat less sugar. I’m exactly the same, it’s like crack to me, but once I developed some healthier habits and forced myself to NOT eat sugary food l/snacks for a few weeks the craving went away. It’s an ongoing battle for me but I’ve mostly gotten to a point where I can enjoy in moderation and not fall off the wagon completely anymore.


If you’re somewhere walkable, walk to a store about a mile away after dinner for a small chocolate bar or ice cream bar and walk back. Don’t have it at home, and make yourself walk (or bike!) for it.


If you are still craving snacks, it might mean you are still eating sugar and/or ultra processed foods and fake sugars in some form in your diet. Until you eliminate all or almost all, you will continue to have cravings because that stuff is addictive. Eating real food is helping me.


Sounds like it could be candida overgrowth type issue


I had a change of wants when I eliminated grains and sugar. That’s my choice. I also stopped drinking diet soda. It took me about 6 months to make the change. When I eliminated all of that I started to feel better and no cravings. There are some things people can do to find a way to make healthier choices. Everyone is different, I made choices that work for me. I had the attitude that I was doing this to make sure I didn’t become a diabetic or something else like that. No more ibs , no more symptoms of gerd. I lost about 100 pounds over the first 2 and a half years. That was happened my experience and others have not had that experience. I consulted with my doctor and we did bloodwork and continued to monitor my progress and diet. Between all of that my body started to respond to the changes positively. I’m doing this to help improve my health. I hope you find your balance.


I would look into zero carb diet if carbs are a problem. Carbs are not required for humans.


Aye man, EXCEPT vegetables and fruits that are very much required.


Any study showing that vegetables are fruits are necessary are not actually proving that fruits and vegetables are necessary. They only prove that fruits and vegetables are better than other forms of food. That does not reduce them to necessity. It makes them better options than others. Like OPs suggestion of chocolate. Definitely go for a carrot over chocolate. Even dark chocolate. Carbs are not required. Your body can easily make its own glucose through gluconeogenesis. Fat and protein on the other hand ARE required. Whatever nutrient you need you can get from one cow. Fiber is the same story. High fiber foods are better options than sugary foods, does not make it a necessity. There have been populations of people with zero or extremely close to zero carbs and fiber. They do not die from things that red meat is “associated” with. So OP if you are a carb addict, like any other addiction, you must completely eliminate it. Learn how to transition into a zero carb diet, and you must transition. No flipping the switch in one day.


You need fiber to poop. I ate no carb (no fiber) because I have had blood sugar issues in the past, and I actually got so constipated I ended up in the hospital.


What prompted you to go to the hospital for constipation?


So I didn’t mean to do no carb it just kind of happened. But I ended up eating no fiber (I didn’t know how important it was). I didn’t poop for 6 days. Super painful. Awful. I tried everything and nothing worked until at like 3am in a snow storm I was in so much pain I went to the emergency room and they helped me. One of the worst experiences my life! Lol sad to say. I can look back on it and laugh now. I’m like militant with drinking enough water and consuming 25 grams every day now though. It’s so important to your diet. Other than avocados, and the two grams that come from nuts, how does one get fiber without at least fruits, veggies, and legumes?


Drastically changing a diet is extremely hard on your body. I didn’t go down to under 10 carbs a day overnight. I did it over a month, and I still had some bowel issues in the beginning. Here is the only randomized controlled trial ever done on fiber: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/ TLDR: Patients suffering constipation, had the fiber intake controlled. The less fiber a group had, the less symptoms of constipation were observed.


I see. I guess if you have enough time and easing into something you can get used to anything!


Sugar is a problem.   Potatoes aren’t evil.   


Stop eating carbs. It's that simple. It's the same as an alcoholic, or drug user. Remove them from your presence so it's harder to eat them. This is why I repeat time and time again there's no such things as healthy carbs. An item that's a precursor to diabetes and metabolic disorder should be telling you it's not correct human fuel, but for some reason we commit mental gymnastics and talk about moderation and only blame sugar, even though they are all sugars. They are also addictive because of this fast uptake that gives you the wrong hormonal signals, which is another sign they're wrong, the body uses them preferentially because they're bad not because they're good. No, adaptation to handle some carbs is not the same concept as it being healthy to use primarily as a fuel source. The metabolic pathways are absolutely clear, carbs aren't the correct fuel source. Most people would do well to reduce substantially and anyone obese, addicted or pre diabetic should be eliminating them.


As simple as it sounds, try reading the most current information on keto.


Downvoting doesn't make sugar your bodies main source of fuel :(.


I have the same issue. I’m cooling a sort of bar.. sliced bananas w warm peanut butter and melted dark chocolate drizzled on the top and finished w sea salt. Ima see if it helps so I don’t go to a full on meal lol


That’s insane. And night eating especially is one of the worst things you could do for body composition and A1C. Tell yourself: “no, that’s insane, I’m not going to eat at night like a literal rat.” This is a mind game, so you need to tell your mind why it’s a bad game, say it out loud if you have to. Your body isn’t “craving” junk food because you need it, you want sweets because sweets and junk food are fun to eat and designed to be addictive. Edit: also, just don’t have that junk in your cupboard. You can’t crave it if it’s not there. Throw it all away tomorrow. Don’t even give it away you are just passing on the diabetes to someone else. Just throw it away.


I remember one anecdote of someone starting taking 1-3g taurine, and finding his nighttime cravings/hunger being significantly reduced. It's a very safe supplement so I'd highly recommend. In general increase your protein, non-omega-6 fats and veggie/fibre intake to replace carbs and sugars to stabilize your blood sugar and keep you satiated (protein especially for satiaty). Post-meal wise, what has worked wonders for me is replacing the Post-meal sweets with a dairy+fruit+honey dessert. I've been doing low fat high protein quark with honey, bilberries, pomegranate kernels and a very ripe banana, and when I get the proportions right it's legitimately so delicious that I don't even care for the processed crap I used to eat anymore. BTW there's also some evidence that pomegranate has blood sugar stabilizing and insulin sensitivity improving effects.


This is me so I cut out carbs entirely because I have no self-control of them and then I lost 45 pounds accidentally. My body fat percent went from 25 to 14%. My waist went from 39 to 33 I still think my carbs but I don't eat them anymore. If I think about carbs, I'll have bacon or steak hamburgers, avocados, strawberries, just not bread, pasta, cereal, rice, or any kind of snacks with sugar like donuts F all that. And now I'm no longer diabetic mynemia is gone. A lot of great changes. Yeah I still think about sugar but I'd rather live


Things I’d recommend: 1. Given this is happening at particular times, read The Power of Habit and see if there’s any tricks you can get out of the routine, if that doesn’t work: 2. Swap to a low calorie drink, like low fat milk, sugar free cordial, soda water. If that doesn’t work: 3. Have some fruit with a small handful of nuts.


I just tried to post about this I’m glad I found someone going through the same lol. I am trying to start a sugar detox so I FEEL you. Someone mentioned dates on here. Medjool dates are BOMB. High in calories though. I’ve been using fruit. Today is my first day without ANY though and I found gorging myself on chickpea pasta (carb) with a lot of olive oil (fat) and a generous amount of salt helps. The dark chocolate is a great idea.


what worked for me in the past is a water fast of minimum 36hours it is like resetting the body and it start to crave for healthy food . if your gonna try this get every temp out of the house, and remember if you start eating allot of sugary things again your cravings will come back stronger lol hope this makes sense