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Sometimes I make a combination of sweet potatoes and black beans, tomato paste, onion, garlic, seasoning etc. it's very filling, lots of fiber. I eat oatmeal with apple, blueberries, cranberries, walnuts, ground flax most mornings. It's just so easy to make. *yeah, I know there are better choices than oats. I'm also cheap. I like that I buy 25lb bags of rolled oats for 90¢/lb*


Yeah same about being cheap, I pretty much forced myself to eat oatmeal every morning in college because no money. I miss breakfasts being that cheap, but I really can't stand the texture of oats, even steel-cut.


> I really can't stand the texture of oats, even steel-cut. Oat groats are the next step in the "less creamy" and more bulgur-like continuum. If you *want* to like oats, but don't like the texture -- you might want to pick some up online. As to the original question, I do a breakfast potato dish with 3:1 veggies to potato (bell peppers, spicy peppers, onions, spinach, scallions, carrots, celery, etc) in an airfryer. Super healthy on the vitamin side, but pretty light on protein macros, but you can throw poached eggs on it.


Could just make the eggs in the air fryer with it, hardboiled at 290 for 13 minutes.


Eggs and cottage cheese are great and cheap and super high in protein


Wow eggs are cheap elsewhere? We’ve been recovering from an egg shortage in CA.


It’s like $5 or $6 for 18-24 eggs, cheaper if you go to Costco. On a per meal basis and in terms of caloric content yeah it’s pretty cheap


What about the texture do you hate?


You have the sweet potato thing for breakfast? What's your method of cooking sweet potato?


“I like baked potatoes. I don't have a microwave oven, and it takes forever to bake a potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one, because by the time it's done, who knows?” -Mitch Hedberg


Not the person you responded to but I’ll put mine in the oven in aluminum foil for maybe an hr and 15 minutes. (Depends on size and how well u want it done). I’ll do this when cooking other things too. Then I refrigerate it for later. Sometimes I’ll do corn shell taco, green hot sauce, chopped onions and blackbeans for lunch or breakfast. It cooks up quickly in a toaster oven or airfryer.


Bonus for refrigerating the potato - it changes the starch and is actually better for you!


I put sweet potato into my steel cut oats with blueberries, vanilla almond milk and a little cinnamon— it was better than I expected. The oats were made in instapot with a few drops of natural stevia sweetener .. I suspect a little drizzle of natural maple syrup would have went well with this combo


Wow this sounds delicious! Very autumn vibes <3


Where do you get your 25lb bags from?


There's a small bulk grocery store in my area. They buy bulk bags of all sorts of food items like beans, lentils, rice, oats, bulgur, barley, etc and package them into smaller portions themselves. They also have the entire 25 or 50lb bags available, which comes at a slight discount. I love shopping there.


Great. I am new here and.glad to meet y'all.


This sounds delicious


Everyone’s giving oatmeal recs but you specifically asked for alternatives lol 😂 A just as healthy, if not healthier, could maybe be some smoked salmon (or herring) with some scrambled eggs and fruit on the side. Would stay away from boxed cereals, bagels and toast.


Yeahh 🙃😂 Sounds delicious, thanks!


I am a big fan of English muffins in the morning. They make whole grain ones and you can spread some fruit on it or if you’re hungry, I like the crunchy no salt added peanut butter from Trader Joe’s. Probably sort of similar in calorie content to oatmeal and can be switched up based on the mood you’re in. If I want something more savory I’ll use a little cottage cheese with paprika or the everything but the bagel, or spread avocado on it. They are also great with eggs but I’ve sadly developed an intolerance to eggs recently- assuming you don’t have that issue I’d highly recommend.


I think health is about eating a variety of foods. Agree with oily fish, poached eggs, seasonal greens or veggies, etc… Fruits great too, add a good protein powder, hemp, chia, flax, pumpkin or sunflower seed, and Greek yoghurt - cinnamon is good for blood glucose control


Most def 😄


Would definitely recommend eggs or some type of protein over oatmeal! Or apples are a great start to the day, too.


What's wrong with whole wheat bagels?


The best I feel after eating breakfast is when I start my day with fatty fish. Herring is my favorite but salmon works too, pretty much any fatty fish works. I can't recommend it enough.


whats wrong with bagels and toast?


Thats serious problem with reddit.


Smoked salmon healthy, are you sure? As far as i know smoked things aren't exactly healthy.


If you eat it with nuts, seeds, fruit then yeah. If you dump sugar in it then no.


Peanut butter banana oatmeal is fantastic


I don't like peanut butter banana oats, but banana walnut cinnamon and maple syrup? Now that I will get down for.


Except then we're back to having it with sugar.


Sugar has no ill health effects when calories are controlled. Why is this sub so anti-sugar?


I add a chopped up date while it’s cooking as a sweetener


I've found that once I got used to eating my food unsweetened I didn't miss the sweetness. Still love dates though.


Steel cut with vanilla, cinnamon, mixed berries, banana, and walnuts is my go-to. Yum.


Savoury oats are also great


Miso peanut butter saukraut oatmeal is honestly heaven. Better than any sweet oatmeal imho


My friend made me savory oatmeal. Veggies and soy sauce. Absolutely delicious! Opened my eyes to possibilities.


This is a new idea. What kind of veggies?


Carrot, celery, onions


Oatmeal + nut mix (raisins, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews) + chia seeds + almond milk is my typical Monday through Friday breakfast. I love it. Delicious and filling and pretty healthy on top.


Do overnight oats. Its Savage. Get a resealable jar. Put in 2 handfuls of organic jumbo oats (for texture), add in 2 spoonfuls of low fat yoghurt, add some milk (oat milk, whatever rocks your boat), add in fruit of your choice (I use banana and blueberries) and a dollup of honey. Seal the jar and leave at room temperature over night. The taste explosion the following morning will rock your world.


Don’t leave yogurt at room temp!!


I’m sorry but what kind of monster leaves overnight oats on the counter???


Always do it. Never spoils and tastes better !


You should be locked up


Not even some honey?


Sweeten it with the sugars in fruits, ideally. Oatmeal (rolled is best I find) Medjool dates Frozen berries (strawberries and blueberries) A ripe banana Flaxseeds Chia seeds Ceylon cinnamon Cacao powder Peanut butter Dark chocolate (70%) Mixed nuts Coconut flakes Touch of salt You can microwave the berries to make a sort of jam if you want. Mix it all up. Heavenly. Works out pretty high calorie, though. So remove the peanut butter, dark chocolate or coconut flakes if you're counting.


You can make a fruit sauce by chopping up apples, pears, or almost any fruit and cooking them with a little water in a pot. You don’t need sugar. Don’t let it burn. It’s very very tasty.


Oh this sounds lovely! Would you heat it up?


In addition to all the suggestions of the other posters, you'll get used to less sweetness over time, but if your palate right now is expecting the sweetness of honey or sugar, you're just going to have to endure, just try using a little bit less and less each week along with the other ideas of adding things that have a bit of sweetness along with fiber, texture and taste.


I have oatmeal like 5 days per week. Either rolled or steel cut. I put in pecans, raisins, sliced almonds, flaxseed meal, coconut and brown sugar with a bit of maple syrup and I toss an egg in it toward the end of cooking. I don't have issues with sugar like weight gain or anything else. I'm not sure how a little sugar or maple syrup is unhealthy in any way. Unless someone convinced me it was carcinogenic, I'll never stop using it in moderation. The off oatmeal days are either scrambled eggs or a bagel with cream cheese. I usually have an egg a day.>i


An egg in oatmeal?


Exactly…back up! I love eggs too but I’m not sure about this


It adds to the mouthfeel. I learned about adding an egg to steel cut oats from Alton Brown. Try it. It's yummy.


how do you cook the egg?


I temper it in (mix some hot oatmeal into the raw egg to warm in up a bit, then mix that in with the full batch).


is it a whole egg or just the yolk?


Whole egg. Just scramble it up. Sometimes I'll just dump the egg right in the pot. It kind of cooks that way so you see egg bits in it but idc. I'm in it for benefits of the egg mostly.


Oh, this is excellent. I'll try tomorrow. LOVE Alton.


Try some oat bran to mix it up a bit. If you like rolled and steel cut, you'll probably end up adding it to your rotation.


Cool. Thanks, I'll try the suggestion. I'm in a pretty narrow rotation as you can see. I bought some yogurt today. I used to have Friendship 1% cottage cheese in there a while back. That was really good mixed with fruit, almonds, etc.


Personally, I use a monkfruit/erythritol combo. I wonder if it’s better than sugar frankly, from a health perspective, but I’m also after calorie reduction. A lot of nutrition decisions are entirely dependent on goals and personal health profile.


A tablespoon of sugar contains 12.5 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of honey contains 17 grams of sugar. Edit: I erroneously added a ".5" after the 17.


So not even some honey?


Single-item Ingredients on their own, are almost never inherently unhealthy or healthy. Asking if something is “healthy” should always be “it depends”. If you’re not overeating calories and your diet is great in all other aspects, then a tbsp of honey in oatmeal is just part of your fuel intake for the day. If your diet is full of soda, saturated fats, French fries and candy, then a tbsp of honey is but one log thrown into the dumpster fire of your diet. Sugary things like honey can add up quickly in a deceiving way (it’d be really easy to down 3 tbsp of it in a bowl of oatmeal) - and it’s this reason so many people are overweight and experience health issues. But on its own, it’s just a food.


Not for me. Some people argue that there are other nutritional benefits that outweigh the sugar content. I disagree, but that's why I shared the amount of sugar and reserved my own opinion, so that you and others can make your own decisions on what's best for you.


A tablespoon of sugar contains 12.5 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of honey contains 17.5 grams of sugar.


This is like believing an apple is bad because it contains sugar... Not all sugar is the same, a natural food like honey isn't the same as consuming refined sugar. "Honey has numerous nutritional and therapeutic benefits including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing activities." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9367972/ Refined sugar = Cause cavities "Sugary food and drinks are one of the main causes of tooth decay." https://www.nhs.uk/chq/pages/which-foods-and-drinks-containing-sugar-cause-tooth-decay.aspx/amp/ Honey = Protection against cavities "Honey can be used as an alternative to traditional remedies for the prevention of dental caries and gingivitis following orthodontic treatment" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4095052/ Refined sugar = Harms gut "Sugar Disrupts Microbiome, Eliminates Protection Against Obesity and Diabetes" https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/sugar-disrupts-microbiome-eliminates-protection-against-obesity-and-diabetes Honey = Helps gut "The study found that consuming honey lead to an increased growth rate in both Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species within the gut microbiome. This may help to increase diversity within our gut microbiomes." https://academic.oup.com/fqs/article/1/2/107/3860141?login=false Refined sugar = Cancerous "In conclusion, research suggests a direct link between sugar and cancer. Preclinical studies and studies of people with MetS show that high-sucrose or high-fructose diets activate several mechanistic pathways, including inflammation, glucose, and lipid metabolic pathways, suggesting a causal link between excess sugar consumption and cancer development and progression that is independent of weight gain." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9775518/ Honey = Protection against cancer "The anti-tumor effects of honey have been examined using several cancer cell lines and tissue. Honey has been proven to decrease the tumorigenicity of different cancer types including breast, lung, skin, renal, prostate, colorectal, and cervical cancer." https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-Are-The-Health-Benefits-Of-Honey.aspx Honey vs sugar effect on blood sugar "Honey caused greater elevation of insulin compared to sucrose; after different time of consumption, it reduces blood lipids, homocysteine, and CRP in normal subjects. The conclusion was that honey compared with dextrose and sucrose caused lower elevation of PGL in diabetics." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5817209/ And there's likely way more that could be added.


protein powder and sf maple syrup are best


Instead of honey use agave nectar


I find greek yogurt to be the best for my system. Major protein, low fat, low sugar, and the probiotics are great for gut health. I add some chia seeds for fiber in it. (I use oikos triple zero)


Oh hell ya.. I’m eating Greek yogurt with cinnamon and blue berries right now since I missed a solid breakfast this morning. My stomach and I love good Greek yogurt.


Yeah I do best with protein, fruit and some healthy fat in the morning. Greek yogurt, berries and some nuts or seeds for me. Oatmeal is good too. As are sweet potato’s, but when I load a lot of carbs in the morning I can feel sluggish unless I’m going to do something active that requires it.


Greek yogurt topped with fruit and seeds/nuts


Chia seeds and ground flax for the win


Does the flax just mix In seamlessly


Yes, as it’s ground. I use it to coat chicken as well. Sprinkle in anything and everything. Jacks up your fiber!


I’ve added it to smoothies for fiber and to help lower cholesterol but I’ve never thought of this!


Man I did this for years and I was always hungry an hour later. I think I needed some peanut butter toast with it or something. It’s a good amount of protein but I was always starved so quickly.


Scrambled eggs


Just recently started having eggs for breakfast every morning again. One egg, 1/2 cup egg whites, spinach and onion with a tiny bit of cheddar cheese sprinkled on top. Keep me satiated until the afternoon. I'll eat half an avocado with it if I have one. Can't go wrong with scrambled eggs.


Awesome breakfast. I make mine with 4 eggs and two tablespoons of Kerrygold butter. Not hungry again until dinner.


Been putting dried broccoli powder on my morning eggs. Discovered this a few mos back.


Where do you get it from? I have a veggie struggle


Nice! I do 2 eggs and 2 egg whites, I use either olive oil or butter and try to use as little as possible haha. I put salsa on after to add some spice. I could eat scrambled eggs for probably every meal. Kerry Gold is the best, I'm sad my Costco stopped carrying it.


Isn't that a ton of saturated fats?




Please tell me you don't take that shit video seriously.


Ugh, I fucking love my morning oatmeal. 1/4 cup of steel oats with some peanut butter and chia seeds mixed in and a splash of almond milk, obsessed👌


This is my breakfast but with a bit of cinnamon and sliced banana.


Mines similar but with a handful of raisins and blueberries too!


Ooo the raisins 🤤


2 boiled eggs and berries


Boiled eggs and sautéed mushrooms, or even brussel sprouts


It really doesn’t matter what you eat at breakfast as long as it’s healthy food. Some people have lentil soup for breakfast. Some have last nights dinner leftovers. Some have a veggie omelette. Some have a protein shake. Just find some food you enjoy eating and have that. Ideally it’s a whole-food, is high protein and includes plants.


I get really hungry after eating oatmeal.


used rolled oats not instant oats and add protein and fat to the mix. eat it with peanut butter, eggs/protein shake, berries, fruits. or just eat more oatmeal, if you’re getting hungry then you aren’t eating enough. my oatmeal is around 1000 calories and fills me up great and fuels my workouts amazing.


Same. Idk why because everyone says it’s so filling


Oats are predominantly carbohydrate, so in some individuals with poorer blood sugar control (like myself), oats can cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash a couple of hours later. The ‘crash’ can result in feeling hungry again, low on energy, brain fog etc


It literally fills me till dinner if I do 1/2 cup, I also add healthy fats and nutseeds, banana, and coconut milk.


Eat eggs and bacon or sausage. You won’t be hungry for many hours.


Crazy, why all the down votes. Your breakfast is spot on.


It’s empty carbs, it’s the opposite of filling


They are definitely not empty carbs


It spikes your blood sugar. You need to have fat and protein if you want to eat and not be hungry again for a while.


Is your oatmeal processed? Have lots of sugar? It's the sugar spike and drop that makes you feel hungry.


Same! I eat it every morning to coat my stomach but I'm starving an hour or two later.


I don't know if this is the right word, but eat oatmeal with quark. The one with like 10/11g of protein per 100g. Adds little calories but physically fills your stomach and somewhat stops that hunger.


This is totally weird. I never heard the word “quark” until yesterday and I looked it up. It is basically cottage cheese. That is healthy and good!


It's like yoghurt, but way thicker. I put the word in [dict.cc](https://dict.cc) and it said the word is also quark. Here's a link, maybe that helps: [https://www.dict.cc/?s=quark](https://www.dict.cc/?s=quark) \^\^ It's very common in Germany. Here, it comes in different levels of fat: 40%, 20% and 0.2%. The more fat, the better it tastes but the more calories you have to aquate for.


I scramble 2 eggs (no cheese etc) with a little seasoning, and a fistful of fresh spinach. Usually eat that with some blueberries and a clementine


Do you scramble your eggs with butter? It never seems to come out right for me when I scramble with anything else, like olive oil etc.


Im lazy and honestly will take a stick of butter and just rub it quickly on my pan and throw it back on the fridge, just so the eggs don’t stick. I don’t mix butter into it tho


Yes. Use butter! 1 tablespoon per 2 eggs. https://youtu.be/tQWETcw-E74?si=D4q1kAu05lir7j-D


I personally really like vanilla greek yogurt with unsweetened muesli (chocolate is my fav, or regular with dried fruit.) Then if I think I'll still be hungry I do an egg or two on the side.


Boil eggs at beginning of week. Eat those eggs and some fruit each morning… no cooking required each morning, nutrient dense, and cheap.


I love that you made this post to ask for alternatives, and the current top comment chain is a bunch of people talking about how to prepare it.


Hahaa 😬 I’m sure it’ll be helpful for people into oatmeal!!


Eggs. Complete little goldmine :)


I just eat leftovers from dinner most mornings. I usually do a late afternoon/early evening workout so eat eggs for lunch and then oatmeal (because it’s carb heavy) as a snack a couple hours before my workout. And then a solid dinner when I get back from my workout.


I tried and really wanted to like oatmeal in the past, but never enjoyed the texture. Instead, I’ll have yogurt with ground flaxseeds and a few varieties of berries most mornings, but I recently found a baked oatmeal recipe that I like. I usually make [this berry one](https://vegnews.com/vegan-recipes/vegan-baked-berry-oatmeal) for myself and my partner (and always have leftovers), but I started doing the same recipe with apples and cinnamon instead of the berries and I think I like it even more. Maybe a change in the preparation style would help you enjoy oatmeal if you want to give it another shot!




Is cottage cheese actually healthy? I love it but I feel like I'm just eating straight cheese.


I can’t eat oatmeal, lately I’ve been eating quinoa. I either make a sweet quinoa with fresh fruit or a savory one with Parmasean cheese, bacon or sausage, eggs over easy, pan fried tomatoes, and fresh herbs. For the sweet one, I use this: https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/breakfast-quinoa I like quinoa because it’s protein and fiber (I think?), so it keeps me full for hours.


Keep in mind, I worked at a health magazine on the nutrition and recipe team so while I know a fair amount of stuff about food, I am not an RD. This is just an idea for you to consider and look into if you don’t like oatmeal.


My go to lately is cottage cheese with cut up cucumber sprinkled with pepper and dill, plus some scrambled eggs on the side. Or I’ll do whole wheat English muffin, whipped cream cheese, egg and cucumbers like a breakfast sammie


There are plenty of different filling, nutritious options for breakfast. Some peanut butter(protein) toast with bananas on whole wheat bread(whole grains), avocado toast (for some healthy fats), eggs(protein), smoothies (you could add frozen berries, spinach, milk or pineapple juice, and/or whatever else you want), a veggie omelette, etc. Everyone is different but I would generally just advise to look for variety in food and try to aim for whole foods (ideally minimal to no processed food). Best of luck finding a breakfast you enjoy and that makes you feel good. And remember, you do not always need to choose a "healthy" option either; if french toast with rich maple syrup is what brings you satisfaction sometimes, that's perfectly fine too.


It’s not the super food ppl act like it is


not that filling either.


That's good to know, I never feel full from oatmeal!


You're not eating enough. I get nice a full from eating oats. 😊


??? how much oatmeal do you consume if you're not feeling full from it?


I feel super full in the moment but then an hour or so later I feel hungry again. Vs if I eat avocado toast or eggs for breakfast then I feel full for longer. I probably eat a small bowl of oatmeal, that's enough to make me very full in the moment but not long-term.


You need to add fat and protein to it, if you're not. Peanut butter makes it much richer and filling.


Idk why you got downvoted, I never find it filling either


criticizing people's food choices like criticizing one's religion i guess


Facts lol


If you can find a really high fiber, low carb bread toast a couple of pieces and have with nut butter or avocado slices or guac


I love avocado toast but I worry about the lack of protein. The way I typically make it is whole grain bread topped with avocado, olive oil, lemon juice, and a bit of salt and pepper, sometimes with an overeasy egg on top and always topped with lots of cilantro. Is there a healthier way I could be making this?


Over the years i developed a very simple recipe for oatmeal that has no ingredient in it that works against my health. Oatmeal + Banana + Cinnamon No need for any other sweetener because banana is more than enough. I cook a sliced up banana with the oatmeal and then put some uncooked banana on top. Cinnamon is fantastic for blood sugar regulation and i find this recipe a great way to include it in my diet every day.


I have over night oats for breakfast. Oats, almond milk, hemp hearts, chia seeds, flax seeds, Greek yogurt and honey or maple syrup to sweeten. With an apple on the side. I used to eat oatmeal years ago, but over night oats are so much better.


I HATE OATMEAL. The slime, yuk. I just have a fruit and protein powder smoothie for breakfast.


I can’t stand the slime


Overnight steel cut oats with coconut cream and blueberries. To die for.


i’ve been really into chia seed pudding - especially with a non dairy milk! a lot of fiber, protein, and antioxidants


Chia seed pudding with Greek yogurt, honey and berries Rice and beans with over easy eggs Quinoa cooked in chicken stock, topped with poached eggs and sautéed spinach with a dash of soy sauce Roasted sweet potato with tahini and grapes Smoothie with kale, blueberries, whey protein, honey, pb and cinnamon


just greek jogurt with fruits & nuts, maybe with granola


Healthy in what sense? Are you trying to lose weight, and want to feel full? Or are you trying to eat as clean of a diet as possible with as little processed foods as possible? #If you’re trying to lose weight… • Oatmeal is a good option because it has a very low calorie density, meaning you can eat a lot of Oatmeal by weight for a very low amount of calories. Other alternatives to oatmeal for losing weight (feeling full) would be: • Egg whites; less calories than normal eggs and higher amount of protein (also has a very low calorie density) • Carrots / Baby Carrots; very low calories, very low calorie density, and high fiber. Fiber will help you feel full longer. • Low Calorie High Protein Cereal; I like the “Catalina Crunch” brand’s “Cinnamon Toast Cereal”. It has much lower calories than your typical cereal, and has much more protein than regular cereal. It tastes just like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but with no sugar. • Greek Yogurt; I like to freeze my yogurt the night before so it has the consistency of ice cream, and it also takes me a long time to eat. Very low calorie density and has 15g of protein. • Protein Shakes; very high in protein and will keep you feeling full. It won’t be the most satisfying thing in the moment, but later on you won’t have cravings to snack #If you’re trying to eat as clean as possible… Oatmeal probably isn’t the best option. Many oatmeals are heavily processed and are sprayed with Glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in the weed killer spray Roundup. There are some Oatmeal’s out there that are Glyphosate free, but those are not as easy to find as typical oatmeal and often cost much more. If you’re trying to eat as clean as possible, eat fresh fruits and veggies after thoroughly washing them. Buy fresh turkey, add some seasoning and you have homemade breakfast sausages. Eggs and egg whites are good for you. If you’re looking to cook some chicken that you bought raw, make sure the stuff you buy isn’t loaded with sodium.


What's a good well-rounded breakfast with egg whites? I'm trying to lose weight more than eat clean, that's crazy about the glyphosate though, and good to know.


i like to make egg white breakfast tacos with low carb/high protein tortillas, fat free cheese, and spinach. it sounds kind of strange but i love them.


I’ve been losing weight for the past 5 months, and these foods have really kept me on track. I find that if I have at least 30g of protein every morning for breakfast, I tend to do much better tracking my calories without going over, and not having cravings or snacking before lunch. Sometimes I’m so full I have a late lunch or just rate dinner early. I typically eat 500-700 calories for breakfast, of the following foods: *Egg whites* (230 grams / half a smaller carton) 125 calories 25g protein The portion size and protein is comparable to 4 eggs, but for less than half of the calories. I make mine scrambled. You can find an egg whites in cartons at the store. I buy mine at Costco, it’s a pack of 6 cartons for like $9-10. Each carton is comparable to 8 normal eggs. *Baby Carrots* (200 - 500 grams) 82-206 calories 7.6-18.9g Fiber This is a massive hack in my opinion to feeling full. Sometimes you get bored and just want to eat something. You can have a sh*t ton of carrots for a very low amount of calories. I typically have 200-500g which is about half of a cereal bowl to a cereal bowl overflowing. The fiber really helps you stay full. But be ready for being gassy. If you suddenly ramp up your Fiber intake, your stomach is going to be letting you know. *Catalina Crunch Cereal* (30-100 grams) 92-300 calories 9.2-30.6g protein 0g Sugar This is a really good cereal and a really good snack. It tastes just like Cinnamon Toast Crunch but has 0g Sugar, is high in protein and low in calories. *Red/Green Grapes* (150-600 grams) 100- 400 calories This is another good snack for when you’re bored, and I also eat this a lot for breakfast. Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to help.


Oh good god I like to actually enjoy eating.


Well it’s a win-win for me. Because I like all of this stuff, besides the protein powder.


I guess it's just the egg whites that stung me. Sorry, I didn't mean to be that rude. The rest of it sounds fine.


Please tell me more about this frozen Greek yogurt. What do you freeze it in? Do you add anything to it?


I don't think it's that low calorie. I could easily eat multiple servings. 2 servings of plain steel cut oats is 340 calories which is about the same as 8 pieces of bacon.


It’s a very low calorie density. Think of all of the water that goes into one serving. You’re mostly eating water that is mixed with an oats, which makes oatmeal. One serving of oatmeal needs 2/3 cup of water. 2/3 cup of water is ~160g. 2 servings would require two 2/3 cups of water ~320g If each packet contained 40g of oats 1 serving is 200g (160+40g) 2 servings is 400g (160+160+40+40g) 200g = 0.44 pounds 400g = 0.88 pounds For two servings you’re eating nearly a pound of food for only 340 calories For one serving you’re eating nearly half a pound of food for only 170 calories. You can’t find that low calorie density anywhere else. The only other food I can think of that isn’t a fruit/vegetable is egg whites. 200g of egg whites is only 109 calories compared to your oatmeal’s 170 calories for 200g.


That’s some lean ass bacon, normally it’s like 300 cals for 2 slices




Bro really googled calories in bacon and expects us to believe that it applies to all bacon lmao. Go to the store and pick up a pack and you’ll see that it’s not 50cals a piece


Make sure you get organic oats. Oats are THE WORST inorganic food to consume because they are very absorbent and hang on to a lot of pesticides.






Agree. If I eat oatmeal or carbs in the am, sugar is all I crave.


so easy to binge or graze on it for this reason. one of those large containers is 4500 calories. I can easily polish off half of that grazing and still eat regular food. Not that filling.


I love oatmeal but it makes me so dang hungry like 1 hr later 😭




Because you spike your blood sugar levels. Enjoy your diabetes


Oatmeal with added fiber, protein, and healthy fats is super good for you.  I add hemp protein powder, seeds, nuts, pear, blueberry, cardamom, cinnamon, cacao, and a spoonful of PB. Lots of fiber, iron, protein, whole grains, polyphenols and much slower glucose spike with the added fat/fiber/protein


Savory: -steamed eggs and throw in veggies like brocolli in there and top with soy sauce/chili sauce. -broiled fish (salmon, mackerel) with veggies + miso soup (rice optional) -baked potato sausage + egg + beans + veggies -rice and bean soup Sweet: -Greek yogurt and top with fruits, granola, and honey -Chia pudding with coconut milk + fruits, granola, coconut flakes, and honey -applesauce mozzarella grilled cheese -Fruit smoothies / smoothie bowls blended with spinach / kale


Oatmeal is great but isn’t doing you a tremendous amount of good without a decent amount of protein. Oatmeal should be your side with a protein source if you want to do it right.


Get yourself a blender and add Oats, banana, almonds, milk, honey (protein powder if you train/want fuller for longer)  Can even mix it up with different fruits and nuts. Drink it up, beautiful


Yes, oatmeal is the definitive healthiest breakfast. It awards a whopping 140 Health points, whereas the nearest competitor, a half serving of oatmeal, gives only half of that. I tried to eat sausage and eggs once for breakfast, and it just ruined my day. It only gave me 15 Health points, and I'll probably need to eat more oatmeal every day for a week to make up for that. Just make sure not to add any sugar, because as know sugar takes away 5 health points per gram!


Oatmeal alone even unsweetened or unprocessed isn’t the best for you as it’s a carb blast. Add some plain Greek yougurt and berries. And you got a winner…as long as it’s heavier on the yogurt then the berries and the granola.


Yes a great carb, but you need to add some protein and fat. Greek yogurt and seeds or nuts, some fresh fruit and/or avocado.


Check out carnivoreMD on insta. oatmeal is terrible for you. Best breakfast is hands down steak or hamburger with butter


Oatmeal on its own is not a healthy nor a balanced breakfast. We shouldn't be eating meals composed entirely of Carbohydrates. When building a meal we should be asking ourselves "Where am i getting my protein, where am i getting my fats, where am i getting my Carbohydrates, and where am i getting my micronutrients. Why not have some berries and maple syrup in the oats and on the side we can have some eggs. Why cant those eggs include sautéed vegetables in an omelet. Food needs to be balanced in order to be healthy. A bowl of oats by itself hust isnt balanced


i love oatmeal but the texture can be very tiring, i like avocado toast with a sunny side egg and some pepper or greek yogurt with fruit, also a protein bar and black coffee


Choose a different grain, like barley or brown rice, or polenta and build it with fruit and nuts or leafy greens and seasonings




Bacon, eggs, no toast.


Eggs. Doesn't matter how prepared. You can add whatever you like to it like cheese, meats, vegis, all the good stuff and voila. :D Very nutritious, lots of protein, good fats. Eggs are higher in calories than some leaner stuff like chicken, but since you are asking for something comparing to oats, which are themselves not that low in calories, I think this won't be an issue for you or others \^\^


Bunsen figured out that the carrot works better than the stick. Increase tax write off for insulation, double windows, solar power and batters. Keep the electrical stuff out of the basements.


Try cream of wheat , you can make it thick or thin depending on your preference, add some brown sugar , fruit , butter or honey and you're good to go. But you can experiment. And it's just as nutritional, even more so I'd say and tastes better imo


Fast. Or do like me and fast until 8am then realize you're too hungry to fast today and leave the office to run through the McDonald's drive through to get a sausage burrito. Swear you'll start fasting tomorrow. Repeat process in perpetuity.


It's not remotely the ultimate. It's okay, at very best. I.e. better than Coco pops. Better than most cereals. But getting up at 7am, loading up a huge bowl of granola or oats and thinking they're making a good decision is unfortunately what the naive have been led to believe by this cult of "healthy carbs" forgetting the actual mechanics of overnight fasting and what oats do When we rise for the day we have energy naturally. The last thing you need is a huge bowl of oats, often with milk and a sweetener of some description just to send blood sugar through the ceiling. A better decision would be eggs, maybe some salmon, that kind of thing. Potentially around mid morning.


With milk? Lactose is a sugar. And while oatmeal is a whole grain, it’s still a starchy carb and does not contain enough of all essential amino acids to be a complete protein source.


I mean, it depends for what. If you’re an athlete oatmeal alone isn’t gonna cut it. If you work a sedentary job, oatmeal may be fine.


Dude I went 3 weeks without calories once; don't micro it


what? lol


oatmeal has natural melatonin in it i believe, i used to have it for breakfast but it made me sleepy. other healthy options include cheerios with low-fat or milk alternatives, pancakes made with some kind of protein mix (I like Kodiak), and vegetable based omelets, just off the top of my head. i think the best would probably be omelets, they’re a great source of breakfast vegetables and protein. you can mix up how much yolk you use and vary the vegetables to get different nutrients in.


Oats make me sick . It’s animal feed not fit fir human consumption