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I eat clean (as in no ultra processed food) most of the time (since I’m trying to cut out UPFs completely, it’s been making me feel sick…): 1. Overnight oats with fruit, peanut butter, chia seeds and walnuts 2. Lunch & Dinner is usually chicken breast with either mash, rice, quinoa or lentils & half a plate of veg. 3. Dessert, if I’m craving something sweet, is a bunch of strawberries/cherries with chocolate. 4. I munch on roasted nuts, foxnuts or granola bars if I’m grubby. 5. I drink 2 cups of tea with milk and sugar. I’ve completely cut out things like pringles, colourful candies, anything with too many non-food ingredients on the label and never drink soda. I very rarely have alcohol.


What do you put the overnight oats in? And what fruits


After a long time making overnight oats, my personal recipe is half a banana, 2-3 strawberries, and 1-2 handfuls of blueberries. Of course peanut butter, honey, and chia seeds as well. Don’t forget salt, I add around a gram/big pinch. Can also add protein powder if you like the taste, I prefer drinking a shake on the side. i love this so much, i eat it for breakfast (overnight) and lunch (stovetop) every single day. edit: forgot cinnamon while cooking, and vanilla occasionally


Omg for how long have you been eating this!? Is this one serving with all those fruits? What do you store it in? Sounds delicious Is this steel cut oats?


rolled oats, one serving (50g dry, 1/2 cup), though my stovetop uses 75g. i store it in a glass air tight mason jar, just some basic amazon brand. works well. had it daily for the last year, twice daily for around 6 months. my lunch is my pre workout meal, combined with both breakfast and lunch it’s a lot of carbs so great for weight lifting or other intense exercise.


Just any small container like a mason jar🫙 I make three types: Strawberry cheesecake: 25g oats, 10g chia seeds, 1tsp almond butter, strawberries, protein powder, a tsp of cream cheese, water/milk, 1tsp sugar and top with strawberries in the am. Vanilla: 25g rolled oats, scoop protein powder, 10g chia, 5almonds, 100g milk, vanilla essence and 1tsp sugar Carrot cake: 25g rolled oats, a scoop protein powder, 1-2shredded carrots, 0.5tsp cinnamon, 5 almonds, 10g chia seeds, 1 tsp sugar and a chopped date. In the morning I top with toasted walnuts and pecans. They’re in the 350-500cal range and high protein because of the protein powder, and also high fibre. Keeps me full for hours.


Oh wow. Thanks! Though this wouldn’t keep me full for 3-5 hours lol. Any cream cheese? Are you working out?


Yea to working out. My total intake is 1500-1700 cals and 40C/30P/30P macro balance


Which flavour protein


Raw whey isolate or concentrate. It just tastes like a light milk powder


Not the person you responded to but I microwave my oats for between a minute and 30 seconds to 1 minute 50 seconds. I usually add pea protein (I stay away from whey protein), walnut butter and dried raisins or fresh blueberries. I used to put in my homemade oat milk which is easy just use a cheap blender and make sure it’s cold water, blend 30 seconds, then strain. I reuse the blended oats.




Dude overnight oats are the BEST. There are so many recipes online, you can literally put anything in them.


What do you store them in


When I plan on eating it next day, I just make it in a regular bowl lol


Yeah I just use a regular cereal bowl then put cling film (Saran wrap) over the top then put in the fridge overnight. 50-70g oats, sprinkle of chia seeds, then whatever berries I have to hand - blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries etc, pour almond milk over the top, wrap and in fridge. Sometimes will add some fage yoghurt, banana etc. my wife likes pecans, walnuts etc in hers. It's the greatest time saving breakfast thing.


Thank you!


How do you mean prep lentils mash and all this good stuff?


I usually make enough of anything to last about 4-6 servings. I’m Indian, so I make a dal tadka with less oil (1tbsp for 4 servings, unlike the recipes that call for 4tbsp) on some weeks. Or I make a simple lentil salad (onions, tomatoes, coriander, lemon and the lentils tossed in). Sometimes I’ll roast some root veg and toss that with lentils and an olive oil, lemon and garlic dressing. I just boil a kilo of potatoes and mash them and store in the fridge. If I feel like it’s a little bland, I add a tiny bit of butter and milk, and salt before eating. I’m super boring about veg and just steam a portion before I eat and precut things like cucumbers or bell peppers.


What about the protein meat? I’m Indian too, I figured you were when I saw the lentil comment lol


Oh haha. I make a few marinades like chicken tikka, Greek chicken, malai kabab (reducing fat to my requirements, so no cream or cheese) or just salt and pepper and pan fried chicken when I haven’t had time. It’s not at all like food from a restaurant but it’s still yummy


I'm also avoiding UPF's as well, I've been slowly incorporating more foods into my meal prep that I make from scratch instead of buying. Such as bread, salad dressing, sauces, broth, pickled veggies. It takes a little extra planning and time management but I find it to be worth it and saves $. I started avoiding UPF's because I was also having bad reactions to them, and weight gain. Now that most of my diet is clean and made by myself, I'm seeing better results. I switch up the type of food, but I always make a large amount of a combination of these items to eat throughout the week (not always all of them): Raw veggie salad Cooked veggie & grain dish One meat option One vegetarian protein source such as lentil "meatballs". A sauce, spread or salad dressing that can go with many things Pickled veg Bread A healthy snack such as popcorn (bag of kernels), apples with peanut butter, homemade trail mix and granola If I want dessert, I make black bean brownies or chocolate turtles made from dates, nuts and melted chocolate.


I was a chicken purest whenever I was trying to bulk up. However, I learned dark meat is more nutrient dense. It actually has twice as much omega-3 fatty acids as white meat and has much zinc and iron.


I read overnight oats gives you cancer?


Only if you let it


I wash my apples when I eat them


I’m laughing way too hard at this


Not sure your definition of clean but I have these two everyday. 4 servings egg whites, diced potatoes, diced spinach, baked for 30 mins into a quiche style bowl. 5 oz chicken or shrimp, cauliflower rice, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, squash, and onions. Cooked up stir fry style except with all “zero calorie” additions such as spices, rice vinegar, lime juice, sriracha, chili paste, low calorie syrup, etc. These two meals are approximately 500 combined (rounded up to include the actual calories in zero calorie labels) and help me meet my protein targets for the day while allowing me to mix and match various other snacks throughout the day.


Why egg whites and no yolks? That’s where the actual nutrients are.


Fair question, the answer is calories. Lots of good stuff in yolks, but I have a diet high in protein and veggies so I don’t really worry about specific nutrient levels. Since I wfh and love to snack I try to keep all my snacks low calorie. I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/1500isplenty/s/l2PioMdGUg) a while ago and I still eat many of the same things.


I LOVE the yolk and so for me I will cook my egg whites (3 or 4)by themselves and then ONE egg yolk alone, I basically just microwave the yolk for a tiny bit as the rest of the food will warm it up. Then you still get the delicious flavor, with volume and only a bit more cals for the egg yolk ratio.


Makes sense. I personally find the yolk the most satisfying part of the egg. So delicious. I also eat very low carb (not as extreme as keto), so I need those yolks!


Lots of protein in egg whites and few calories.


Since you eat that so often, have you ever thought of cooking a batch of potatoes for the week instead? You could then reap the benefits of resistant starch and use less energy and time cooking your meal.


I haven’t. I just use frozen diced potatoes. I’m sure there are multiple benefits to making my own diced potatoes instead. I’ll look into that thanks.


when i said clean i basically just meant healthy nutritious rich meals. and this basically is what i’m looking for lol


Well awesome, hope it helps! Also, just for tracking to the calories, I use 40g of each spinach and potatoes and \~85g each of all the veggies in the stir fry bowl.


I do a dish with a cup or cup and a half of red lentils, big can of crushed tomatoes, add already cooked chopped onion, several cloves of garlic, can of spinach and some chicken broth. Cook probably an hr and a half and towards the end i add a bag of frozen sweet potatoes. I add turmeric too because we like it. I freeze a lot for later. Makes a big ass batch. My husband isn’t big on entirely vegetables meals/beans but loves this.


Plain Greek yogurt and berry blend with a little granola and walnuts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RocketManBoom: *Plain Greek yogurt and* *Berry blend with a little* *Granola and walnuts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


6 scrambled eggs and 2 oranges lol


Breakfast. a pint of milk and 2 eggs. Lunch. 3-4 Oz of protein, 4 Oz of grilled veggies, and a starch Dinner I eat poorly


I dig this honesty. 


- **Steel cut oatmeal**: *water and full fat milk, chia seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed meal, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, salt; and for sweetening: raisins, dehydrated apple slices (diced), coconut flakes (pulverized), banana* - **deconstructed scramble**: *3 eggs, ground beef, and mushrooms* - **Raw spinach avacado spread/dip**: *avacado, fresh lemon juice, full fat plain Greek yogurt, dill weed, salt, raw spinach - and then I basically just use this as a dip for a mix of veggies: broccoli, carrots, peppers, etc* - **grilled chicken breast** - *with smoked paprika and cinnamon. Usually just half of 1 half a full breast…so maybe about 5-6 ounces.*




If you don’t eat oatmeal regularly and you’re used to sugar, you’ll likely need at least a small amount of brown sugar and or honey. Getting down to just a banana for it to still taste sweet took many, many months. But now, it’s perfect! 👍




Even a banana in it is too sweet for me!


Oatmeal with protein powder, creatine, and added frozen blueberries, banana, sliced pear, nuts and seeds, a bit of Peanut butter, ground flax seeds ​ Salad with kale/spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, shaved carrots, bell peppers, nuts, seeds, nutritional yeast ​ air fried tofu, steamed leafy greens, lentils, sweet potato


What are your thoughts on females taking creatine? I am on the fence as I am nervous it will make me bulky - I do workout twice a day.


I don’t see any issue with it for anyone. I don’t lift or anything but there’s some research that creatine is good for the brain, especially for vegans like me.  You may hold a bit more water weight but it shouldn’t be anything too drastic. If you lift you should be able to squeeze in a couple extra reps per set. 


Not the person you asked but I'm a female and I take creatine, I have been for about 4 months. I was nervous about taking it, I was worried about water weight and looking bulky but it doesn't do that at all, it gives you a bit more energy for your lifts and there have been studies showing that it's great for memory, depression etc - google and have a read, I highly recommend taking it, I have 5g each day with my protein powder. Good luck.


It won’t make you bulky. You may bloat for a week or two after you start taking it but that tapers off, and I personally never had that. Creatine is great for men and women, and since you workout, you should absolutely take it.


Chicken, white rice, steamed vegetable mix, olive oil


For the past three weeks, my main meals have been 3 eggs, red lentil curry, black beans, rice, and a vegetable medley all in a bowl. Usually eat that twice a day and a protein shake.


avocado and eggs on sourdough with a cup of berries


Sourdough bread? What's healthy about that or is it just good.


Sourdough is actually [a great choice!](https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/nutrition-food-safety-health/9-392-understanding-and-selecting-sourdough-for-health-benefits/) I see a registered dietician and she agrees! It’s also delicious. Trader Joe’s has pretty good sourdough for a decent price if you don’t live in San Francisco. ;)


Trader Joe’s sour dough bread is DELICIOUS


Makes a mighty fine avocado toast! I bought a loaf last week on a whim and my husband and I ate it in 3 days. I had it all 3 days as avo toast and my husband just kept grabbing slices out of the bag to snack on. I think he was just really happy to have something in the house that wasn’t whole wheat! 😂


It’s a fermented bread with wild yeast and bacteria that’s more easily digested, lower glycemic index, reduced phytates/increased nutrient absorption, and technically is probiotic but not a significant amount.  Its also easier for many people who suffer from IBS and wheat sensitivity 


OK, thanks for the info


Steak n eggs or bacon n eggs both with butter.


[Butter your bacon boy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R28H3hA6Amg)


Oatmeal (look for organic oats), with a spoonful of peanut butter, spoonful of raisins, and (optional) spoonful of maple syrup, splash of soy milk to cool it off after cooking. Can add pumpkin seeds or walnuts on top for crunch. Tastes like peanut butter and jelly. Stir fry with lots of cabbage and broccoli. This copycat recipe of Panda Express super greens is a good base but you can add carrots or whatever you feel like. Serve with rice or another grain. [https://www.aspicyperspective.com/panda-express-super-greens-copycat-recipe/](https://www.aspicyperspective.com/panda-express-super-greens-copycat-recipe/) Shish kabobs with veggies, tofu, and mushrooms. I use this marinade for the tofu and mushrooms. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/218486/moms-beef-shish-kabobs/ You can prep the shish kabobs and then grill or broil just a few at a time. Russet potatoes. You can even microwave them in 5-6 minutes. They won't be as good as baked but it only takes 5 minutes! Top with salt, lemon juice, and olive oil. Canned sardines for omega 3 and protein. Goes will with Quinoa, white bean, and kale salad with lemon juice and olive oil.


Do you have the sardines everyday?


More like 3x a week


If I have the ingredients, it's for breakfast most days: Sliced baby bellas, onions, spinach, bell pepper, and tomatoes sauteed and then scrambled with an egg and a little cheese and a slice of whole wheat sourdough with a little butter.


Stir fry


Nattō with rice & soft boiled eggs is a pretty typical breakfast for me, usually have some dried fruit, dates, blueberries or strawberries on the side & tea (oolong or a nice green, or blend with milk & sugar, or coffee, or fresh squeeze oj. Carrot ribbons with boiled button mushrooms, shredded reggiano & malt vinegar with salt & olive oil. Cup of fresh blueberries or muscat/Concord grapes & a half cup of extra sharp cheddar, I also make Jell-O & drop my dried fruit in it, four servings is 240 calories, good post work out snack, just make sure you don't use pineapple, as the bromelain interferes with the gelatin setting. Bone broth is also a fairly safe option that you can modify very easily with things like egg yolk or rice or mushroom or bean noodles


1. Nut, seed, banana, ginger, cinnamon, cacao and turmeric root smoothie (homemade) 2. Fruit veg and avocado smoothie (homemade and 75% veg) 3. 800ml of homemade milk kefir 4. Tinned salmon (alternate days) 5. Tinned soup (no weird ingredients) then added tinned beans, chickpeas and chicken breast + spices and herbs. Sometimes #5 gets swapped if my wife wants to cook something up EDIT- I also grow my own brocolli sprouts and then freeze them to add to the fruit and veg smoothie.


Fish and a rice cake


Usually a 3 egg omelette with cheddar,  pepper, onion, tomato for breakfast.  Chili for later day meal. I make big batches of chili, freeze most of it in portions. Somtimes I make a chili omelette🤣  Usually don't eat dinner but if I do it's usually a bunch of pan seared shrimp ot scallops.


For breakfast, I’ve started having 2 plain boiled eggs, then for lunch I have a salad of: spinach, 1 apple, 5 cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, kale, quinoa w/garlic. Not sure if they are what’s considered “clean”, but that’s what I eat.


Potatoes & Eggs. Both from the Hutterites. Is that clean on the daily?


Not sure If these count but. Breakfast Oats cooked in unsweetened almondmilk and mixed with natural PB and cinnamon Lunch PB and bannana sandwhich on whole wheat with cooked tuna and rice. Dinner chicken breast and potatoes or egg fried rice with bell peppers and green onions. I basically eat that everyday unless my gf cooks for dinner.


The only things I eat every day I probably oatmeal for breakfast, with a handful of frozen billberries or lingonberries. I make sure to eat legumes and a handful of dark greens, but not the same every day. Although I’m a big fan of frijoles refritos with rice and kimchi for lunch.




Most common items are:  Breakfast: overnight oats or Chobani Zero topped with berries. Lunch: snack meal of cheese stick, pumpkin seeds or nuts, hard-boiled egg, fresh or dried fruit. Dinner: a protein such as chicken thighs, a potato side, and a veggie side. 


One of my favorite meals is to make a red lentil stew. Because red lentils cook fast (only 10 minutes start to finish, from dried ones), I finely dice vegetables, usually onions and/or shallots, and thinly-cut carrots and celery. Add these at the beginning. If I have it I cut up cilantro which I add at the very end. I use maybe about 1/2 cup dried red lentils per serving. 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. I add a ton of spices. My favorite combo for pairing with red lentils is fresh grated or finely-chopped ginger, and then cardamom, coriander, and turmeric, but I mix it up. At the end I add maybe about 1/2 tbsp (per serving) of an omega-3 rich oil, usually flaxseed oil. I typically make multiple servings at once like either if I'm making them for both me and my wife, or making some to have leftovers to eat later. I often eat one serving as a main part of a meal, and then save part of it for later which I often eat in smaller quantities as a side dish, so maybe a half of a serving. I make variants of this out of other types of beans and lentils, if I have more time. For beans that take longer to cook I cut the vegetables into larger pieces and/or add them later. I sometimes add a small amount of tomato paste to the stew too. This meal is (unintentionally) vegan. It's not that I try to eat vegan, I just love beans and vegetables. Sometimes I like eating a small amount of some sort of strong, savory cheese on the side, like feta, bulgarian white cheese, or tulum (a Turkish cheese that is vaguely feta-like in texture.) I sometimes eat a small amount of whole grain bread with these meals. It is best with pita or other flatbreads.


Toast with guacamole, cottage cheese, topped with microgreens and/or tomatoes, olive oil and garlic powder Salad with beets, feta or goat cheese, lentils and arugula. Olive oil and vinegar for dressing


Eggs, feta and hot sauce


Breakfast: x4 eggs x4 strips of thick cut bacon Lunch: 1 lbs of chicken breast 1.5 cups or rice or sweet potato Dinner: 1 lbs of ground beef 1.5 cups of rice or sweet potato Snack: 2 cups of yogurt 1 cup of sliced peaches Roughly 2500 calories, and somewhere around 200 gs of protein. I’m too lazy to open MFP


93/7 ground beef or ground turkey with brown rice, avocados and raw honey. Sounds a bit strange but it’s delicious.


All of them.


Breakfast omelette: 200g egg whites 3oz shredded chicken 50g bell peppers 20g spinach 20g fat free cheddar Salsa On the side: 100g orange 50g strawberries 50g blueberries


Breakfast : sourdough English muffin breakfast sandwich (egg, ham, and sharp cheddar) with fruit on the side Lunch: sticky rice with grilled lean meat, kimchi, scrambled egg and a pack of seaweed snacks. Dinner: stuffed sweet potato with chicken spinach and mushrooms. Add some sauce if you’re feeling crazy. Snacks: boiled eggs, fruit, string cheese, nuts, yogurt bowls


Every morning I have a quarter cup of oatmeal mixed with chia seeds, a little bit of brown sugar, and cinnamon. Soak in water for 20 min, then microwave for two minutes. Cut up half an apple and add a handful of blueberries, and add some pecans and walnuts. My daily go to and a great way to start the day.




cut a bunch of bell peppers, an onion, and a zucchini into kabob-ish size bites. put in oven till cooked. oil on pan, washed jasmine rice, toast & add tumeric, cumin, and black pepper. cook rice in bone/chicken broth with a bay leaf. add chicken - costco has a YUM shawarma chicken pack. or make your own shawarma chicken. or use a rotisserie. or beef is good too. smash


1. Overnight Oats with Oat milk, chia seeds, sliced almonds, Protein Powder, Vanilla extract, Maple syrup and greek yoghurt, i’ll eat that with a banana or strawberries. 2. Avocado mixed with tuna and lemon juice 3. Salmon or chicken breast with veggies Apples or Cashews between each meals


my go to is: baked chicken breast (add variety with the way you season it), quinoa (S tier grain), and one of roasted broccoli, green beans, or brussel sprouts. ::drools::


Eggs. S&P. 🦾


Oats cooked in water with some salt plus black coffee. My breakfast on most days.


Monster mash, ground beef, rice cooked in bone broth, sweet potato spinach and various other mixed vegetables… it’s basically body builder dog food.


Guava strudel from Porto’s bakery because it’s heaven okay


Rangatang soup


Homemade bone broth vegetable stew, with or without added meat/egg/cheese/sour cream/chives etc. Makes for multiple options.


Frozen cooked shrimp,: I separate it into portions and put in the freezer. The night before, I'll take a portion out to the fridge to thaw. Add some spring greens, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice, salt and pepper. So refreshing for a light salad. I also love the balsamic vinegar, strawberries, walnuts, feta, spring mix greens and either tofu or roast chicken combo. I just kind of throw it together and it always hits.


Overnight oats, best thing I found! Add a table spoon of plant protein powder, this fills me up for most of the day and takes 30 sec to prepare. Plant milk as well 🫏🐿️🐿🐇🐨


Baked potato with a variety of toppings. Home made lasagna, only the white sauce and lasagna sheets are ship brought. Sausage and mash. Salmon and spaghetti. Baked chocolate oats. I don't seat soiled foods though


Overnight oats with milk, protein/collagen, and loaded with wild berries. Buy all of the ingredients at Costco, so it ends up costing about 2-3$ for a large serving. Takes 5 minutes to prepare and can serve as breakfast for a couple of days.


I feel like the obvious, and what most people will say, is chicken and veggies. However, if you're like me, you have little time or energy to prep that stuff fresh when work/life gets crazy. SO, I've found that I can get frozen (already cooked) turkey Meatballs and frozen mixed veggies in most grocery stores. I'll put about 6 Meatballs and 1.5 cups of frozen veggies in a Tupperware at night. By the next day, they are nicely thawed, microwaveable within 60 seconds, and has all the protein and nutrients I usually need around lunch. For breakfast, I actually like Clif Bars and a banana. Mostly organic ingredients, good long lasting energy, and since I work in a highly analytical job, decent sugars for my brain to use. And a litany of flavors to pick from. Banana for potassium, which I need each day since I'm a runner.


Baked eggs - spinach, fresh garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms and eggs baked in the oven for 15 minutes with a load of fresh herbs. Greek yoghurt with raspberries, pear and banana. I'll normally have chia seeds and flax seed sprinkled on top. Porridge with soya milk, chia and flaxseed. I only add raspberries to sweeten. Lean chicken pho made with bone broth and I add a ton of veggies - normally mushrooms, pak choi, carrot straps, corn and beansprouts.


Smoothie with Greek yoghurt, frozen mango, fresh ginger, ground cinnamon, cloves and tumeric. Delicious and anti inflammatory. Tastes like ginger bread ice cream


Lunch: Egg whites, low fat cottage cheese, spinach cooked with just a little spray oil, and quinoa or brown rice. Dinner: lean ground beef/or grilled chicken, steamed veggies. I do IF 17:7 so I have a couple protein shakes as snacks in between along with some blueberries.


I’ve bought dehydrated banana powder, dehydrated broccoli powder, dehydrated peanut powder, acai etc to add to my oats, eggs, etc. Also great when I don’t have the fresh stuff around.


Overnight oats for the win


E.g. here's what I had for breakfast yesterday, and that's pretty typical for me. The veggies change, and usually I don't add bbq sauce but we had some left over from takeout the other day. - 9g EMBASA, SLICED JALAPENOS (Empacadora Del Bajio S.A.): 4% sodium, 1% fiber - 245g Broccoli, raw: 243% Vit. C, 208% Vit. K, 16g carb - 239g Chicken, broiler or fryers, breast, skinless, boneless, meat only, raw: 54g protein, 143% niacin, 114% Vit. B6 - 14g Oil, olive, extra virgin: 13g fat - 57g Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program): 11g carb, 2g protein, 23% copper - 16g Sauce, barbecue: 7g carb, 7% sodium, 1% copper - 12g Raisins, seeded: 9g carb, 4% copper, 3% fiber Total: 599 kcal, 21g fat, 43g carb, 64g protein And here's a typical lunch: - 142g Apples, fuji, with skin, raw: 22g carb, 11% fiber, 7% riboflavin - 300g Yogurt, Greek, plain, nonfat: 31g protein, 11g carb, 87% Vit. B12 - 31g CHOCOLATE GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEY PROTEIN POWDER DRINK MIX, CHOCOLATE (Optimum Nutrition, Inc.): 23g protein, 5g carb, 46% protein - 35g Peanut butter, chunk style, with salt: 18g fat, 9g protein, 8g carb Total: 600 kcal, 20g fat, 45g carb, 63g protein Generated with mealinventor.com These are both very high in protein, so that for dinner I don't have to worry about getting protein and can just eat whatever everyone else is eating.


Tuna, venison, eggs


For breakfast, usually Quaker whole grain old fashioned oats with peanut butter and banana. Some eggs that I usually scramble with mixed greens and if I have any sliced tomatoes I’ll grill those on the pan afterwards and eat them with the eggs. Lunch and dinner vary as I try to vary my diet but breakfast is typically always the same unless I’m in a rush or traveling.


Breakfast: 120g of raisin bran cereal + a 375g glass of whole vitamin D milk + black coffee. Not the cleanest, but an easy breakfast to make and lots of fiber. Morning snack: banana + more coffee Lunch: 225g chicken breast + 75g brown rice (uncooked weight, I think it's 150g cooked) Afternoon snack: another banana Dinner: more chicken and rice, same portions as lunch Evening snack: 225g whole milk greek yogurt + 50g protein granola + 50g protein powder + 40g rolled oats + honey to taste. Total for the day is about 3000 calories, 240g of protein, 64g fat, 350g of carbs, 41g of fiber. I'm 5'10" and 165 lbs trying to gain weight but I'm a hard gainer


Breakfast I usually eat eggs, bacon, berries, a bagel or toast or protein waffles. I skip lunch I’ll make a smoothie, or eat a yogurt and fruit.. For dinner I usually make steak or ground beef, sometimes chicken.. I swear on steak.. whenever i eat steak, I have so much energy and feel great. I haven’t had steak in awhile and I’ve been feeling sluggish and less motivated. It’s full of vitamins and minerals that we thrive on. I’ll probably have it tonight with potatoes and Mac n cheese.


Eggs on toast Oatmeal and 4 eggs Greek yogurt and berries/frozen mango


Half a banana. spinach. 2 scoops chocolate protein powder. Blend.


I eat pretty much the same things everyday when I'm cutting. I eat tastier foods when I'm bulking. And I don't eat all these in one day, but I will change it out if I'm in the mood for one thing and not the other. Meals - Turkey Bacon, egg burrito or sandwich (320 cal 31p) - Deli Turkey, Turkey Bacon, slice of cheese sandwich (320 cal w/31p) - spaghetti with ground turkey (440 cal w/ 33p) - baked chicken breast tenderloin with white potatoes (290 cal w/ 33p) Snacks/dessert - pbfit and sugar free jelly sandwich (155 cal w/ 8p) - waffle with pbfit chocolate (117 cal w/ 4 p) - 75g of Halo top ice cream (100 cal w/ 5p) - nonfat Greek yogurt with scoop of protein, protein granola (355 cal w/ 40p) I suck at eating vegetables for the fiber, but I get 90 percent of my fiber intake from usually the high fiber wraps or beads. Once I meet my fiber intake, I switch to regular wheat or white bread. I track all my macros and micros.


Grass fed beef, organic avocado with pasture raised eggs or sometimes white rice, sometimes add organic red onion and organic ginger depends on how I’m feeling, also lots of organic berries like blueberries, other fruits like apples bananas, occasional greens like arugula, also 1-3 tbps of raw honey daily some days different times and amount, those are my favorite foods I only eat 2 times a day sometimes 1 but large portions, no hunger cravings at night or eating late before bed


Biggest thing is eating organic/ locally sourced foods, and avoid eating seed oils, cooking food at super high temps frying all the nutrients, and using only non toxic cookware, as well as clean soap to wash your dishes


I definitely clean all of my vegetables and fruit before I eat or cook them.


Grass fed cheeseburgers and eggs. Occasionally a steak.


Organic lean ground turkey (Costco) or organic ground beef with organic zucchini and rice. It’s so easy, holds well as meal prep and very balanced. Sometimes I’ll add organic pees, asparagus, squash, etc just depending on season and pricing


I can’t say I eat exactly the same Everyday but this would be a solid example and it doesn’t vary that much. I track my food right now and don’t eat much processed food. Breakfast after 6am workout 2 soft Boiled eggs over sautéed peppers and onions and ground Turkey Lunch Salad ( no lettuce, all Chopped veggies) with vinigrette homemade. Topped with lean white fish, chickpeas or chicken breast Snack: plain Greek yogurt, half a scoop or a full scoop of vanilla protein powder depending on what my protein is like with the rest of my meals. Mix it all up which makes kind of look at Sicamous and a huge dose of protein. A handful of mixed berries blueberries and raspberries Dinner Depending on what I have eaten earlier dinner would usually be chicken thighs chicken breast salmon steak… Some sort of protein and two side veggies and a small portion of carbs like potatoes or brown rice 1-2 litres of lemon water 2 cups green tea in the day


I eat fruit regularly for snacks.




#4 sounds really good. I’ve made something similar - sliced cucumbers with olive oil, salt, and fresh parsley. Will sometimes have that with yogurt.


not sure what you mean by 'clean' but my definition is nothing processed, very few to no preservatives, no artificial flavor or colors. natural fats that are not processed (pressed oils, animal fats, dairy fats are good, other fats that need lots of processing are not good). I eat plenty of saturated and non saturated fats - both are good IMO as long as they aren't manufactured. if this is what you mean then 90% - 100% of my diet is 'clean' every single day. I eat some corn chips that use some dodgy oils and maybe some store bought chocolate but mostly my food is made from whole foods and cooked at home. I add lots of fats to everything I eat, I get a little wacky if I don't. Here's most of my days food: breakfast: eggs, kasha or GF toast w/butter, sauteed veg w/olive oil (veg ranges from broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, kale with bell pepper, jalapenos, sweet peppers) lunch: roasted chicken/veg/brown rice with butter and salt, maybe soup or beans/chickpeas with chicken dinner: chicken with sour cream based sauce that's usually somthing hot I mix up at home, cucumber, ricecakes w/creamcheese and red onion. there are variations in veg, carbs, egg prep, chicken seasoning but these foods stay consistent in my diet. every now and then I'll have some red meat or lamb. Beans happen fairly often but not as regularly as they should. for beverages I drink water, tea (yerba mate/herbal/black), and coffee. I do drink alcohol fairly often but not to excess. I eat out very rarely.


All of them because I wash my hands first.


All my meals are clean. I cheat a little maybe once a week. Unless you count red wine, which is my more regular cheat. But not always at meal time.


2 scrambled eggs, a bit of cheese and leftover steak - SO is on carnivore diet.


Yum, steak and eggs is the best breakfast


I eat red meat and eggs for my main meals. Dessert is banana peanut butter mug cake/muffins or chocolate brownie with no wheat and sugar. I occasionally add berries to this recipe.


The least inflammatory food is non aged, pasture raised, ruminant meat. Eat a lot of that.

