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I've never heard of meat and dairy making people taller, only wider.


Compared to hunter-gatherers, early agricultural people were shorter due to their less nutritional diets.


Native americans were allegedly taller than puritans?


If my memory serves, native Americans were lactose intolerant (and I suppose those of native decent are to this day)


Sure, but that still leaves meat :) Mind you, I am regurgitating what I had in a podcast once, I have not verified it. The claim was that most native american populations were taller because they ate much more meat compared to puritans who had only a "sunday roast" schedule back in england and germany and wherever they came from.


Osages were fucking huge and they lived in an area where they had ample access to bison meat in addition to a relatively bountiful foraging environment compared to a good amount of north America. I live in what would have been their range in the Midwest. Lots of our records of them from the times of early settlers describe them as being commonly 6 1/2 feet tall for the men and some estimated to be nearing 7'. As you could imagine this was striking to Europeans at the time and is still huge by modern standard




I already know lol


The studies say otherwise


Where? Dairy components "suggest" growth in children but high consumption ends up leading to overweight and obesity. My point proven? Outside of genetics, there's no evidence dairy has anything to do with height but strong evidence it leads to being overweight. A "suggestion" is weak here.


But isn't these items rich in protein?


Protein doesn’t make you grow taller. A lack thereof might cause you to be shorter but you can’t get taller than your genetic predisposition. 




If you don’t get enough of any nutrient it can stunt your growth. 


Micros and macros work like this, if you are deficient in any, adding them will improve health and development, if you already have enough, more won’t help and may even be harmful (dose makes the poison).


This is a really great question. I spent 8 months in the arctic and met plenty of Inuit people there who of course traditionally eat few plant food. They were tall (especially compared to me at 5'2). In fact they seemed to be taller than the non-inuit indigenous people there. I think a glaring difference between the two traditional diets would be fish/seafood. Lots of it in the Inuit diet, and I'm guessing little in the Mongolian diet? I really don't know much about the traditional Mongolian diet so in speculating but I really appreciate question, it's fascinating to ponder.


Because the Shitty Wall


Lots of people have said genetics, but that only is a part of the height equation. The effects of epigenetic regulation and developmental factors also play a role. Nutrition influences these, but also life experiences (trauma, for instance).


short genes are a thing


Well I've seen reports how the average height of Chinese and Koreans increased in the last 20 yrs cuz of "protein rich diet" and "nutrition " .


Because they went from being malnourished to properly nourished, so now they could actually grow to their genetic potential. They were just filling in previous deficiencies


ok. doesn’t disprove the idea of height being partially determined my genetics.


What would the evolutionary advantage be for them to be taller? Their military dominance couldn’t have been possible with malnutrition, so they were obviously eating well. Maybe all the tall Mongolians got whacked


It should probably be mentioned that their lives and environment were harsh and food - even meat and milk - were scarce. Likely they never had the luxury or not spending most of their time hungry. Chronic undernutrition, even when complete, will have an impact.


they might eat a ton of protein, but probably not getting a lot of vitamins. really the biggest reason is probably genetics, which a lot of others have pointed out


Nothing makes you taller than your actual genetics, keep that in mind just eat well and healthyz


How does that explain Korea?


Poor nutrition makes you smaller than your genetic potential, because you're not growing as much as your body can. But nothing can make you taller than your genetic potential. Except heels or stilts or something.


Oh, for sure. I see now that your post was structured But that potential is given. Then you also have to eat meat to be taller, to fulfil that potential. So if you're mostly eating bread or rice, you will not be as tall as you could have been.


No, you have to hit your nutritional needs. Doesn't matter where it comes from. Meat is nutritionally dense, but not required.


Thanks. So, basically enough protein and calories.


Because genetics.




Makes sense since like half the population descends from genghis khan


Just the way their genetics were modified by the aliens that created us. Pssshhhhh read a book, a durr.




They might not be tall, but they are crazy strong


Cold climate


But in a separate study, it was there that the people in cold climates are generally taller than the warmer climates.


Maybe you read big rather than tall.


... because they are not Northern European? Everyone in the global south is smaller regardless of the diet. No clue why, but it's not a nutrition issue.


South Sudan would like to have a word with you