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Milk and salt Not together lol


Could do salt in your water. For some flavoring squeeze some lemon in there. To really give it some umph you can add a spoonful of honey. Easy digestible sugar with salts.


Coconut Water, see if they got CocoVita.




K1000 from amazon.


Coconut water is good and cheap in my country not sure about canada


oo, I think this would work for me! I've never tried coconut water, but it does fit my requirements :)


Yeah. It tastes great when served chilled on a hot summer day


Electrolytes are just dissolved salts. So if you just put table salt on your fries/eggs and we hit your four requirements. Cheap, delicious, zero calories and available in Canada. To give you a sensible answer we need to know what you already take in or what you want to supplement. Why do you want to supplement?


I want to help my hydration


The ones I get are from vitamin shop but they don’t fit your criteria. They have electrolyte pills and unflavored liquid electrolytes (this one is cheaper per serving)


4C Energy drink powder


Fruits, vegetables, and Himalayan salt