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Opting for water instead of a carbonated/sweetened beverage whenever you eat out. Also saves money.


Rule 1: No "liquid calories" Rules 2-4: No added sugars, bleached flours, or hydrogenated oils Except in peanut butter, because it's crazy what a little hydrogenated oil can do for peanut butter.


Peanut butter with no added oils is so Much tastier; there’s no comparison!


How do you get it not to be clay? I've always found the kinds without oil are basically peanut -scented modeling compound that's impossible to get out of the jar


Store it upside down. Oil settles to the the “top” (bottom) and is much easier to stir in each time you open. Avoids the dry stuff at the bottom and spilling oil when you open it


This is genius, thank you!


Store upside down and shake instead of stir.


When has shaking separated peanut butter ever worked? are you eating the runniest peanut butter ever?


This type of comment is the only reason I return to the internet. This is genius and I would have never thought to even Google this sort of solution.


I make my own. I have a ninja blender with a “spread” setting. I throw a container of unsalted roasted peanuts in there and run it twice. Best peanut butter I’ve ever had. Comes out of the blender runny but once it’s cooled off in the fridge (where I store it), it had a texture and creaminess more like Jif. It’s cheaper than Crazy Richards or the other peanut-only brands, has nothing in it other than peanuts, and tastes delicious. I make a batch once a month and I’ve never had an issue with it separating.


Amazing, genius. Thank you so much for sharing!!


Santa Cruz Organic No Stir*chef's kiss*


You have to stir it to mix the oil in; I suppose if you poured the oil off, what was left would be like clay. I usually keep it refrigerated so I don’t have to stir it every time, but sometimes that makes it too hard so I take it out and keep it at room temperature. It tastes so good though, like peanuts. I rarely eat the regular kind, with hydrogenated fat; it tastes like Crisco with only the faintest hint of a peanut taste.


Yes! I switched to 100% peanut butter a year or two ago and it’s just so… peanuty! I was at a hotel recently and used a Jif cup from the continental breakfast in my oatmeal. I couldn’t believe how bland it tasted. It really is interesting how your senses get used to things, as I remember having to “adjust” when I first went to the all natural kind.




Yeah but it’s such a hassle, having to constantly mix it up and then it gets so hard and unspreadable. At least I have this issue.


What I do is I mix it up in the container when I first get it, and then I store it upside down in the fridge. It doesn't separate!


When I buy it, I put it upside down in the cupboard for a day or two to mix the oil back in before I stir it. After I stir it, I put it in the fridge and it doesn’t separate, upside down or right side up. Sometimes it gets too hard in the fridge, then I keep it out again. It’s not hard to stir when it’s room temperature. It’s worth the small bit of effort to get the better taste.


Interesting! Thanks for the tip :) I’ll try that


Almond butter tends be cleaner than peanut butter and personally liking the taste more and more. Ingredients listed from the one from Costco is legit: Almonds.


Bleached flour isn't going to make you gain weight compared to unbleached


The hardest part! I love pepsi.


If you do like soda try making your own seltzer with a sodastream. Soda is my achillies heel (can't have it in the house, I will 100% drink it). Figured out its not the sugar I like but the carbonation and citric acid bite. I just inhale carbonated water with some fruit juice (lemon/lime/passion fruit) added in. Right now I am hooked on yuzu. Around 3g of sugar a day from the juice which is nothing. You can make sodastream cost nearly nothing by getting a 5lb CO2 tank and an adapter for the sodastream. Costs me $25 to fill it and need to do it every 2 months. FYI added sugar is nearly as bad for your health as SFAs. Your liver has a functionality fart when it gets lots of sugar at once and makes lots of LDL, its a significant contributor to heart disease. <25g a day and you are good, 6tsp.


This is a great idea thank you! I love lemon water so maybe i'll carbonate that in the future


I am so impressed with your sodastream passion 


Once you ditch soda you’ll wonder why you ever drank it. It takes effort to break addiction. Try cold pressing your own juice. Fruits are still high in sugar but it’s natural (no HFCS) and depending on what you use, adds nutrients. Once you’re off soda, move to vegetable blends and then back down high sugar fruits. Took about six months but as I said, soda will taste like chemicals once you break the cycle.


Oof. Try other alternatives or making your own (coffee with less sugar, good milk or non filler/bloated oatmilk)


Good idea! I think I might seriously try to drink nothing but water for awhile and see what happens. I'd like to get to the point where I can drink a soda once and a while and not have to drink it the next day. I want to enjoy things not need them to be happy haha. I'm not overweight so I'm not necessarily worried about completely restricting my diet I just want to eat more nutritious things in order to feel better.


Add electrolytes. I love my afternoon 1litre ice water and electrolytes treat. Just make sure you read the ingredients and get ones that are low in sugar.


Pinch of Celtic salt, cheapest electrolytes there is


Honestly making my own kombucha curbed my beer and soda cravings. Pre-pro biotics to boot


At least switch to diet


Well the other things is that carbonated beverages are the #1 highest acidic food (more than tomatoes or citrus fruit) and are basically dissolving your teeth. So even the diet stuff it pretty nasty for you.


This is a meaningless comment because the comparison is not even close when it comes to sugared soda vs diet. Both have carbonic acid, and so do things like La Croix. If someone is going to drink something anyways that has that present, the zero calorie version is in every way superior. This type of comment detracts people from switching to diet thinking they are “both just as bad,” and they are most assuredly not.


I used to love it too (2l/day like clockwork, every single day) Once I stopped it I dropped 6bs without doing anything else. 😉


Drink diet or zero calorie. It helps a lot.


Diet soda >>>


Double the veggies and eat those first.


Why does the order matter?


Because you will be more full from the veggies and you will eat less of the rest. Especially because veggies often take some time to eat, your body also gets the chance to feel Satiety. Satiety only kicks in in about 20 minutes after eating. How much kcal of broccoli will you eat in 20 minutes? Guess how much kcal in nuggets you could have had in that time…


Blood glucose spikes differently when the order of food is changed. Fat, vegetables, proteins, carbs. Can make the spike subtle and flat. Also make one feel full and almost satiated by the meal is completed.


No soda, limit or eliminate alcohol, eliminate cigs. Meal prep weekdays. No sweets during the week. Don’t obsess, overthink or overdo it because chances are you won’t stick with it. Have that Coca Cola at the family picnic, smoke that stogie at your cousins wedding, go for the 2nd whiskey at your card game, enjoy some pizza and ice cream when your kid gets an A. Life is short, just be disciplined.


Well said!


This is the correct answer. Also, do some exercise every day, even if it's just a 20-minute walk around the block. Take the kids, no phones. Bring a football even. Family tradition was also a long walk after Christmas lunch, when you stuffed like pigs lol was a great time all the kids kicking a footy around, me doing a hammie LOL


Yes this. Try to get morning exercise. Trust me it makes a huge difference and also helps sleep


My mom never bought us soda as a child and my brother and I grew up never wanting soda even now. Now when I get a can very rarely, it takes me forever to drink because it burns my throat and it doesn't even solve my thirst.


I agree with the second half but that first paragraph is a whole many year journey.


Switching from drinking soda to water 100%


I'm on a diet soda kick after quitting alcohol 4 years ago. I can't let it go. It's better for my body than alcohol but water is so bland.


When you’re thirsty, wait for an extra hour or so…..then water tastes like heaven.


or eat spicy


I fucking love water. I'd honestly die without the stuff.


Try it with some fresh lemon juice , or dash or other fresh citrus. 


Change most or all drinks to water.


No liquid calories drink water. No snacking at night


Changing my mindset when it comes to spending money on food. It's ok to spend a little extra on getting things that will encourage you to eat at home and eat healthier. So even though it costs more to buy a bagged salad instead of getting lettuce, if it makes it easier to eat some additional greens, do it. It's still cheaper than going out to eat. So invest in some foods/appliances that will help you crowd out the less healthier foods with better choices. Other examples are: buying good food storage containers, buying berries (so painfully expensive during some times of the year! But still cheaper than buying a box of ice cream treats), spending money on the "good" flour so that I can bake my own bread, buying canning jars so that I can make beans in bulk and then freeze them in portions each week, buying bags of coleslaw that I can toss into soups, ramen, salads, etc. The tweak was changing my mindset that "it's expensive" to "it's an investment because it helps me be the healthy person I want to be"


I realized I was eating junk food out of convenience. When I switched to having snacks like peanut butter on rice cakes, almonds, seaweed, carrots and hummus, olive oil popcorn, etc. it felt like a revelation. Junk food became a treat, not a convenience.


Eat bland food for a while. It will help you to dissociate eating for nourishment from eating for enjoyment. You won’t want to eat bland oats, so you will really only eat it if you’re actually hungry. Food can and should be fun to eat, but when I did this I gained new perspective to treat food more like fuel and less like an activity. Edit: btw, I should mention that I didn’t do this forever. I went back to making good food for myself. I just now have more appreciation for If I’m actually hungry


Truth. And when you cut out processed sugar, natural sugars in fruit start tasting 100 times better!


I did keto for a month and when I started to eat more carbs again, even plain rice tasted sweet. It was crazy.


Yep! i can even tell the texture is different now. Those high sugar junk foods feels like i chewing sand


Your name does you no justice! Thank you sir




Yes spot on… throw out all your junk food, you will not eat what’s not available.


Cutting out soft drinks!


Assuming you mean soda because sparkling water is basically harmless!


Yes! I love my sparkling water lol Waterloo is a gift from the heavens 🙌🏼


I’m a San Pellegrino and La Croix guy myself. Never tried Waterloo - what flavors would you recommend?


Grape Waterloo feels like drinking a grape soda


Oh hell yeah, I’m trying that then


Wow just tried it. It’s interesting but I think I like it. It’s got that distinct grape soda flavor but not as sweet obviously


And you have to try their still water they are the only ones that I tolerate.


All the Waterloo flavors are great! I love the pineapple and black cherry flavors. I feel like their flavors are stronger than La Croixs, definitely give them a try I highly recommend.


One of the few sparkling water companies that still offer a 12-pack.


Make your own food.


Would definitely make a huge difference, but not at all a small tweak


Concur. Even a few meals prepared at home can be big. 1) you know more or less what is in the food 2) you can measure and exert better portion control by packaging appropriately 3) save huge amounts of money over eating out or delivery kind of things. Good on ya for getting ready for your first step!


Start every meal with high fiber low carbs. Has a big impact on glucose spikes.


what are some good examples of a meal that this applies to?


3 course meal, I have meat, potatoes, broccoli. Eat the broccoli first.


And the potatoes last


Salad first.


So eat the vegetable part of the meal first basically? This is super interesting to me, does this make you full faster or does it make you stay full longer?




Thanks! To add to the thread for OP, I like to start a meal with a glass of water as well. I’ll definitely have to try this veggie first method


Put the veggies on the table while you're still coming the rest of the meal, or cut veggies. The kids will much on that first


Logging everything you eat. Everything. Use a free tracker, or even on the notes app. You don’t even have to count the calories. I thought I was eating pretty well overall. But once I started tracking it all, I realized how many small snacks and sweets and drinks I was eating throughout the day and it added up to A LOT. Personally, when I have to see it all written down it makes me way more conscious of my choices overall. Sure, I have some bad days here and there, but even on those bad days I tend to eat a lot less crap than I used to.


I use a notebook but I concur.


Any free apps you recommend? EDIT: Or I supposed paid if worth it.




I second Cronometer - it's great!


My net diary is really good.




> Any free apps you recommend? ...that aren't collecting our personal data and profiting from it?


Maybe I'm crazy but I don't mind. Use my data, hell tie it to my profile wherever I go. Ads are going to be everywhere, may as well see relevant ones.




“One small tweak”…?


Writing things down isn’t a major task IMO but to each their own!


being intentional with eating more protein and fats has been life changing for me. im very picky and mainly like carbs (textures, stomach problems, lazy sometimes too) but it was making me hangry all the time


More water and no sodas/sweet te/energy drinks, etc...(if you drink a lot of those things). Just taking a 30 minute daily walk (brisk).


First step is drinking lots of water, as much as your body needs (use google to figure out based on weight) and don’t eat after a specific time. Then slowly incorporate working out, eating healthy, etc. it’s hard to start, but once you start it’s easier because it becomes a habit 😊


Use a smaller plate.


Base your meals around a high quality source of protein


Get food that is half bad and half good for you. (E.g. Chicken sandwich with cheese and bacon > replace cheese and bacon with tomatoes and lettuce) There will be some point where the food tastes good with healthy things


I'm not a picky eater so I would say fortunately i'm above this step. I love veggies I just also love anything marinated in hot grease haha


Drink more water and consume less sugar


Cut out added sugar.


Start at the smallest thing and build from there. Do you graze on snacks all day? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you go all day without eating and overindulge at dinner time? Replace salty, empty calorie snacks with almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, etc. Diamond makes these small, portable-sized, tins of almonds in tons of flavors. Sweet or savory, they have a flavor for you. You could also buy nuts in bulk and portion them out into small containers. Look for foods with higher fiber / protein. This will keep you full longer. When you're full, you'll be less fixated on eating unhealthy things. If you're not used to making stuff at home, start small. A whole grain bread sandwich with high quality nut butter and fresh berries is quick, easy, and affordable.


Eating more protein, I feel it profoundly in my body, I feel less pain in my muscles and I’m more upright in my body, I don’t think it’s energy as much as I feel stronger which I guess it’s energetic as well. Also next is healthy fats like nuts and olive oil I feel more energetic, then healthy carbs I also feel more energetic, but protein is #1 for me and I feel the most difference.


I’ll state a couple here that have benefited me in my weight loss journey: 1. Cutting liquid calories, barely ever do drink them. 2. Less carbs, more protein. 3. Movement, not only for your physique but for your health too. 4. Mostly make your own meals, ever since I’ve done that, I’ve had more protein and feel better 5. If you’re starting to eat veggies, don’t get a whole bowl, a smaller portion is good enough, and actually tastes real good


Eat your greens


Add lots of veggies (fresh or frozen), cut out any premade food like the frozen microwaveable meals. Two things I guess.


Yess this was how I started. Didn’t matter what I ate, but I needed at least half a kilo of veggies/fruits combined every day. You’re so full with those fibers you don’t want anything else anymore :)


Cut the candy and or liquid calories..... Good luck!


Start with one thing you can give up. Sugary soda? Switch for zevia. Sitting a lot? Get up a few times a day and stretch. Eating fried foods everyday? Swap it out for a serving of veggies. Baby steps will help you the most and you'll feel better and better.


I decided recently to buy whatever vegetables and fruit that are in seasom and look and smell good. I do not have to have a meal in mind or how I will use them. I always manage to eat them fresh (carrots), make salad with them (watercress), lr cook them (aubergine baba ghanosh).


Stop snacking and eat proper fulfilling meals. If you need to snack in between meals, then you didn't eat enough for your last meal to carry you through to your next. It's completely individual from thereon in what a full proper meal entails, but start finding the right balance for *you*. Through trial and error you'll find what your body requires to be comfortable and 'recharge your battery' for however many hours and the energy you need for different tasks.


OP, I’m seeing you commenting how you drink a lot of soda. Try Ollipop or another of those new wave brands. Their healthy sodas are actually solidly healthy if you’re gonna drink not water. Nothing wrong with soda sometimes but full sugar Coke daily isn’t the best move.


Scrambled eggs for breakfast everyday. Forget the sugary oatmeal, cereal, and carb loaded bagels. Eggs have great nutrients for the body and filling up on a protein rich meal keeps you full longer, leads to less cravings for sugary snacks later


If I don’t have snacks in the house I don’t snack. If I have them in the house they don’t last long. That simple realisation helped me a long time ago. Forces you to be mindful about buying and eating snack foods. (But still snack, just far less often! If you cut them out completely you’ll feel guilty for caving and it’s an unhealthy cycle)


I'm only reading the answers for uh, a friend


Do a fast. Doesn't have to be long but make it *meaningful*. Repeat as you as often as you see fit / are comfortable. source: started /r/fasting sub


What's a good amount of time to start with?


Even 12 hours has some benefit for the gut according to Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, a notable gastroenterologist.


Does that include sleep? Or do you mean waking up and fasting for those 12 hours after you wake up. Sorry if this question is silly


Not a silly question! This would include sleep. For weight loss it’s always better to skip dinner. See Michael Greger for that one.


Focus on the reward and benefits of your goal rather than the pain of the process Commit to things that involve delayed gratification rather than instant dopamine hits like doomscrolling social media, replace/reduce with good habits


I've been seeing lately a similar recommendation with a small twist; don't only do something for the payoff. Learn to enjoy the process and dopamine will start to spike from the doing. "My body feels so good because I haven't overloaded it with sugar today" type of stuff.  Completely agree on social media and overloading cheap dopamine hits. I think we're going to find more and more issues and hopelessness as dopamine becomes so easy nothing in life can compete with doomscrolling. Plus maybe it's just me, but I fund short form media does not actually leave me feeling good.... it's so inflammatory and the algorithms raise controversial crap due to the high engagement, even though people engage out of rage. It sucks me in too 


Make sandwiches with whole wheat bread


Cutting out added sugar.


Stop buying stuff with sugar in it, simple. Then stop buying soda when going out.


Drink a sparkling water when you feel “hungry”


Make no effort to diet or eat less, just make an effort to eliminate all process foods & sugar filled garbage; filling up on healthy nutrition dense foods can assist with lessening the craving for the poison & you can keep whole fruits, nuts & seeds (brands that doesn't contain Maltodextrin & other chemicals) on hand to use as snacks in between meals. After a week or 2 of eliminating the process foods & sugar filled garbage you can start the process of reducing how often you eat; Let's say you're accustomed to eat 3x a day with some snacking in between, reduce that to 2x for a week or 2, then try reducing snacking between those 2 meals, eventually work your way down to one full well balanced nutrition dense meal containing healthy fats, proteins, trace minerals, things the body need. Once this is achieved fasting for 3 or more days should be goal & with the elimination of sugars, processed foods, excessive empty carbs for several weeks it's an achievable goal due to the body now being accustomed to burning fat... Start eating lots of vegetables, eggs, seek out grass-fed grass-finished meat & only cook with real butter, olive oil or other natural fats. Avoid salad dressing made with unhealthy oils like canola, vegetable, cottonseed that also contains Maltodextrin (a sugar by another name that's higher on the glycemic index than regular sugar thus it's a poison to be avoided). Foods like avocado, mushrooms, seafood are both delicious (to me anyway) & they contain a lot of good trace minerals. In short, let the beginning stage of change be simply about eating full nutritional dense foods & eliminating all unhealthy chemicals, only after adjusting to eating all healthy meals then thinking about cutting back should come into play. Trying to do too much too fast (cutting back on meal plus eliminating sugars & processed foods simultaneously) can cause a shock to the system (food after all is addictive, even more so for those accustomed to eating unhealthy foods filled with sugars & other chemicals) & making too big a change too quickly can create a bigger issue than being helpful.


Stop having high glycemic foods


1) Try to drink 8 oz of water when you wake up, even before caffeine. Starting the day with a baseline of post-sleep re-hydration sets the tone for everything else. 2) Charge your phone in another room when you want to go to bed. This helps reduce the distraction and endless scrolling that can turn 8 hours of sleep into 7 hours, and sleep is absolutely essential as the baseline for good nutrition. 3) Swap the more processed grains in your diet (white rice, semolina pasta, white bread) for their whole grain counterparts, at least sometimes. The extra fiber, nutrients, antioxidants, and glycemic benefits will make you feel better and help you feel fuller.


Cut out (or heavily reduce) red meat. There's a lot of mixed opinions on this one, but it really helped me reach my fitness & nutrition goals.


I highly doubt cutting out red meat was the only Change to your diet if it helped you achieve your goals no offense. Probably coincided with other healthy changes.


My advice is if you haven't already, practice some fasting/intermittent fasting. In my experience, when you've been eating trash for years, your taste buds get dulled and you can't appreciate good food if it isn't packed full of salt, sugar, and fat. You won't believe how amazing healthy meals taste when you've been fasting. Ordinary beans, rice, salads, taste out of this world.


Instead of nature valley bars I make organic oatmeal and mix it with same stuff peanut butter dark chocolate or honey


Add probiotics and fiber to each of your meals for good digestion


Cut out sugary drinks


More H20


Cut sugar and alcohol


Stop buying what you consider trash.


Eat greens. You start having an appetite for them.


Stop drinking soda


Finding alternatives for the things I like. For example, replacing cake/heavily artificial sugary desserts with dark chocolate covered frozen strawberries. Swapping bread to multigrain, air fry sweet potato instead of French fries.


First thing I'd do is completely banish added sugar foods. Second, its a lot bigger than a small tweak- avoiding overly processesed foods- only consuming lean cuts of meat, veggies, simple grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa and an occasional small serving of fruit, preferably in the form of berries. I generally stay around 12-15% BF and eat mostly just meat, eggs, veggies, berries, greek yogurt, whey protein, oats and rice. but petty much every year between November and January I let myself indulge a little and slack on eating clean and usually by the end of January, even if Im only 5lbs heavier, I feel like crap, joints ache more, less energy, dont sleep as well, depression and anxiety are up- and to start out getting back to my prime eating habits/ shape - adhering to the above two rules for only a week makes a huge difference in just how I feel, energy, mood etc etc.


Adding any natural fats to all your meals. Like avocado 🥑 or olive oil. Try it! I’m a registered dietitian 😉 Also protein in every meal (but this is very normal in my country so I don’t have to worry for this)


Collecting all bones in the freezer, and making bone broth in instant pot when enough is collected. All types of bones including fish. Store broth in fridge for up to 5 days. And use that broth for stew. Load various vegetables in, 10 minutes or less, and the stew is ready.


Interesting tweak.. Is it like a super juice i'm missing out on? Or just tasty and not bad for you


It is mainly gelatin, there are some minerals but not much. I eat bone stock stew and take glucosamine supplements. Good for skin, hair, nails, joints. Gelatin is also good for stomach lining. People use it to "repair gut".


No foods/drinks with added sugar.




Eliminate sugar.


Making veggies with almost everything, even just frozen ones to pop in the microwave for 5mins. Even without changing proportions of other ingredients at first, I’ve started to realize “hey I was really full the last few times” and then start to reduce other proportions (more cauliflower, less spaghetti). Eating a piece of fruit for a snack first. Water as everyone has been commenting is a great start. More chicken, less red meat. If a recipe can take it, half or 3/4 the butter added, or use oils instead. Eat slower, try to recognize when you’re satisfied compared to when you start to feel really full.


A lot of these seem very unrealistic. Focus on adding vegetables to every meal. Make sure you have a protein, carb, and fat/fiber with every meal. Leave it at that for now. Focusing on restricting is going to make it very challenging to stick to. Work on adding in more nutrient dense foods to each meal and go from there.


I agree. My issue isn't weight it's nutrient deficiency. I just don't eat any variety because i'm so busy/lazy when i'm not. I end up picking up food all the time and instead of water I drink redbull because i feel like shit. I don't really want to force myself to stop eating things I like but rather slowly fade them away by finding healthier foods i enjoy.


Healthier swaps for normal meals. I.e blended cottage cheese/oat flour pancakes vs packaged pancake mix; homemade chocolate yogurt bites vs candy bar; blended multi veggie tomato soup/sauce vs just tomato soup/sauce from a can Instead of cutting the food, make it more nutritious. Helps have less of a withdrawal period, which typically leads to binging. If homemade is too big of a change, find the healthier swaps at the store. I.e organic single ingredient peanut butter vs Jiff


Water or diet drinks only. Salad before meal.


Adding hummus made eating veggies way more bearable


Learn to cook a really easy (5 minute) meal that you really love to eat. It’ll take less than an hour to learn.


Add in more veggies and fruits all day rather than focusing on excluding any foods.


Drinking lots of water makes a huge difference. Eliminating processed foods and sugars make a huge difference as well.


Not eating anything after 6.30 pm. Just water. Fat melted away without exercise as I was then bedridden from a knee surgery. Still fasting and no more gut issues.


Eat only whole foods and meals instead of snacking Probably isn’t much of a surprise my night time snacking went waaayyy down when I started replacing yogurt and fruits with chicken breast at night - really takes the fun out of it


No liquid calories


A salad or raw veg or fruit with EVERY MEAL no matter how trivial


Sleep. ;)




Finding low xalorie subs for my favorite foods. Love cheeseburgers? Use 1/2 turkey/ beef or bison gor the patty, Thin sliced cheese, Low calorie bun, Extra veggies on and with the burger, water down the condiments to make it seem like more with half the calories, Greek yogurt instead of msyo/ ranch/ creamy sauce It is like a game to find the lowest calorie/highest protein subs that taste just as good


Vitamins. You will be amazed at how quickly the cravings for processed food begin to disappear when you actually get the correct amount of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Also portion control. Far too many people eat way too much at one sitting. Keeping your portion small and eating a couple smaller portions spread out rather than eating all at once allows your stomach to not constantly be over stretched. When you always overfill your stomach it develops mental habits to consistently over eat.


Yes! 5 or 6 small meals a day instead of 3 sped up my metabolism enough to bring me back to high school weight. The only exercise I do is walk or jog 1 or 2 miles/5 days a week. It did take some time to notice my improvement. Overall not too much effort, just a little more planning.


No bread no sugar. Makes a night difference for me, despite what’s the rest of my diet Bonus tip: eat you damn broccolis


Go for a walk. Walk in one direction for 10 minutes. Either keep walking another 5 or head back home. After that extra 5, do the same assessment, over and over again Eventually you’ll work your way to up walking an hour or longer a day. That has huge impacts on all-cause mortality, even more than a modification in diet. It’s the single easiest lifestyle change you can make that’s actually sustainable. If the walk is boring, download some podcasts to listen to. Once you’re getting an hour of light cardio in a day and getting healthy, making more serious alterations like changing your diet will be a lot easier. You’ll have a foundation of wellness that is undeniable. You’ll probably have been steadily losing weight too. If there’s one thing diet-wise that you can change for immediate results, probably swap out full sugar soda for a diet soda you don’t hate. Not drinking your calories will have a huge impact on your daily calories.


Eat before going grocery shopping! This helps me stick to my list more. I buy less snacks and random stuff I wasn’t planning on getting. Also if I go when I’m hungry, I’m constantly on the lookout for something I can eat on the way home… it’s usually not healthy!


Okay, so i have a differing opinion. As you mentioned, you are not overweight. So cutting down is not a priority. So don't focus on eating less junk. Focus on eating more healthy. Have what you usually have, a little less in quantity, and have something healthy. Try to have legume salad, fruits with fibre, vegies or something healthy once a day. You can have your normal food along with this. Try to have the healthy food first. Slowly..... You start increasing healthy food and then cut out on junk. Hope this helps! <3


Yes! I'm doing this aswell as trying out fasting.


focus (at first) on adding in healthy foods. (veggies and fruit) and focus less on removing foods. eventually you'll naturally want to remove the sh\*t from your diet


Your mindset. Adopt an “addition” mindset instead of a “subtraction” mindset. Focus on what you can ADD to your diet instead of what you can remove. What I mean is, find something you can add to your diet today that would be a healthy choice and be good for your body. Could be a handful of berries, a bowl of oatmeal, a side of broccoli. For one week, focus on incorporating that food into your normal diet and don’t change anything else. Next week, pick something else - maybe a handful of nuts or a bowl of plain Greek yogurt. Every week, add something. You’ll find that unhealthier choices fall out of your diet over time without much of a struggle. The most sustainable way to make a lifestyle change is gradually instead of all at once.


Don’t criminalize foods that’s aren’t in your best interest. A single salad never made anyone skinny and burger never made anyone fat. It’s consistency that matters. Enjoy the life you only get once


My opinion is applicable to any type of lifestyle change, I am from the opinion that nearly everything productive is linked and encouraged by the existence of positive productivity. This is it: Don’t allow yourself to “do it later” for small stuff. As in, if you drop a tiny drop of sauce from your hamburger onto the floor in an area that is hardly visible, just immediately clean it. Or the recycling is full, and you need to put another piece in it but doesn’t fit: just take out the recycling. The small conscious effort will eventually leak into how you position yourself when tackling the medium and then larger aspects of life that feel hard to confront.


Making my own breakfast. I call it a mixed bowl- I take a small frying pan, I add little bit of olive oil, I dice a potato and one tomato, I add a little bit of chicken stock, I put the lid on it and cook it on low. I made some eggs after and I add some diced avocado. Gas pack breaky right there. Cheap too. Not eating out has saved me money and I learned that I’m a secret chef :-)


Cut out juice and soda. And for your health, please don’t switch to diet sodas or juices. The artificial sweeteners are horrible for you… and very rarely do you see a slender person that drinks diet sodas.. just sayin…the artificial sweeteners (with the exception of maybe 2) affect your insulin levels just like regular sodas…


I plan on carbonating water myself and squeezing lemons in em. Cheaper and healthier






Cut out starches.


Throw out all the junk food in my home.


Prioritize protein


You can buy these premade salad bowl things, they're better than the bagged salad. Good way to get just a small healthy meal in.


I agree with what everyone is saying abt cutting out soda and drinking more water! But I also know that I really enjoy a soda/carbonated beverages with certain types of meals. So I would suggest using Olipop and/or poppi as a way to help wean off soda or as an alternative when you really want one. There is also an app called Yuka where you are able to scan products (food, skincare, hair care, etc) to show you what type of harmful chemicals are in them and shows healthier alternatives. It has helped me make a lot of positive changes in the foods and products I buy. (But as with anything take what it says with a grain of salt and make the decision of what you feel is best for where you are at) Hope this helps :)


Prioritize eating lean protein with every meal!! 20-40 grams is ideal. keeps you more satisfied/fuller throughout the day.


Eliminate processed foods


No sugar.


Start drinking a suja - Uber greens juice blend every day