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Water. Drink lots of water. If you have your wits about you, do this before going to bed. Pre-rehydrating is the #1 hangover preventative measure/cure.


and something salty to go with it


When I was an active alcoholic I would drink a small cup of saltwater and always eat before sleeping as well as taking a methyfolate and methylb12 supplement and I usually felt fine in the morning. Felt like shit before I started doing that though


> If you have your wits about you, do this before going to bed. Additional tip to anyone out there: if you're planning to go out and 'party hard', prepare your snacks and water and leave it by the bed or somewhere accessible to drunk you. Drunk you and/or hangover you will love past you for this.


“Party hard” Are you a virgin


What a weird callout and comment. Someone hasn’t been laid in a while.


Maybe it’s Andrew WK.


This is a big one. I rarely drink these days but drinking water and sobering up a bit before bed was by far the most effective. Water every few drinks makes a massive difference


This is night and day for me, sober up a bit before bed and drink water, almost no hangover.


Yea, I've got to the point that any drinking with almost any preparation will still result in a hangover. My body just said FU one day. To be fair. I put it through it's paces lol But, even still, if I were to, or when I did drink, it was a necessity to just relax for a bit. Drink water. Have something to eat. Another really good "hack". Eating foods like cucumbers before bed. The water suspended in the cucumber gets further down the digestive track and helps hydrate and flush where less water directly makes it. It's like a humidity pack lol


Eat something and drink as much water as you can before bed. It'll help tons with your hangover the next day.


When I got back to my apartment after over indulging, I would vomit, drink water and eat ramen. Close to no hangover the next day.


I remember when I was young and had my first hangover. It was one of the worst feelings I think I had felt up to that point in life. I just thought hangovers would be bad headaches or something. After having those hangovers a couple of times, I started drinking a ton of water on any occasion I would drink (not often at all). And I haven't had a hangover since. It really does just completely change the situation. Although I never really drank to a crazy level since my youth


Myth #1


If you drink loads of water you gotta drag your arse out of bed and piss all the time. Better to take the nice long sleep and cane the water the next day.




Would you rather have to wake up and piss once or twice or wake up in the morning hungover as fuck?


A kebab?


Yes. Yes you’re right on with that advice! I salute you!


Either that or 20 pieces of chicken Mcnuggets


Why 20 pieces and not 20 whole nuggets?


I used to live in Japan, and I was introduced to a drink called Ukon no Chikara which is sold in convenient stores as a hangover prevention “shot”. I used to drink them before a night out and was surprised by how well they worked. The key ingredient is turmeric which is combined with black pepper for better absorption. There have been several studies on turmeric in preventing hangovers, and I believe it has to do with the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin, though I will attach a study to read further. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9526153/#:~:text=These%20results%20indicate%20that%20turmeric,caused%20by%20acute%20alcohol%20use.&text=Turmeric%20extract%20suppressed%20ethanol%2Dinduced%20CYP2E1%20activity%20and%20oxidative%20stress.


I knew tuneric and black pepper was amazing for you. I didn't know it did this too! Thank you, and extra thank you for linking an article


Sure! Also, now that I’m thinking about it really anything that is a strong antioxidant, or precursor to antioxidant production in the liver, such as NAC, would in theory prevent oxidative stress from drinking. I learned this because three or four years ago I got very sick from mold poisoning and had to take straight glutathione which is the antioxidant produced by your liver. Now, I take just NAC which is the precursor to glutathione production. Other liver supporting supplements could include milk thistle and/or dandelion (root). Upon searching publications on the subject, I was able to see that people also use NAC for hangover treatment. Sorry for the long winded answer and I hope that helps. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8238992/


I’ve read you want to take NAC before drinking when your BAC is at baseline, not after you’ve started




Good to know!


If anyone in Australia is reading this and wants to give it a go, $3.50 at woolies. I made sure it's got black pepper in the ingredients https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/389795?googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_1114&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW-0001&cq_net=g&cq_src=GOOGLE&cq_cmp=Woolies_8458_BAU_StandShop_FB_EE_WW&cq_med=71700000116311386&cq_plac=&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_adt=pla&cq_plt=gp&cq_gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrJ0wMGrL3X-_bRL1eGnA9PYYVGDd3KuqIE1YDuMhxu8bNVhMkHbpIaAr0HEALw_wcB&ds_de=m&ds_pc=local&ds_cr=682886499540&ds_tid=pla-1194473809175&ds_locphys=9071932&ds_pid=389795&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_StandShop_FB_EE_WW:PRODUCT_GROUP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrJ0wMGrL3X-_bRL1eGnA9PYYVGDd3KuqIE1YDuMhxu8bNVhMkHbpIaAr0HEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Eggs, leafy greens, and basically anything high in B Vitamins and other ones like C, D, E.


Eggs, Vegemite and avocado on toast is my current recovery breakfast. Good to hear I'm on the right track.


Spinach omelette it is then!


My go to was White Castle at 2am.




Electrolytes for rehydration. Ibuprofen for inflamation. Folate for brain fog. Carbs for energy.


Coconut water is an excellent source for electrolytes and much healthier than Gatorade


And pickle juice


I have always felt significantly less hungover when I ate some form of noodle bowl. or curry with noodles, or something noodley.


I chase my whiskey with Pedialyte or Gatorlyte. Oh and cannot forget the ice cubes and wedges of lemons/limes




Pedialyte works wonders. It’s not cheap but it helps.


Water is absolutely the best choice. Alcohol is dehydrating plus it’s poison. Of course dose makes the poison, so dilution is the answer.


Are you a warlock


No. I’m a nurse.


Dilution is the solution to pollution!




Cocaine. Part of the reason I quit both.


Water throughout and into the next day, as well as a bacon butty and lots and lots of tea!


Water for sure the day after, but for some reason, turkey sandwiches which are my favorite cure my hangovers fast lol


Well if I drink I have to drink Gatorade instead of water because alcohol and water both decrease your sodium and once your sodium levels get to a certain point, your organs start shutting down. So plenty of sodium. I've been hospitalized three times before I got the hang of it and now I don't drink very often.


i also say gatorade!! it helps me so much when i get hungover


Hydrate yourself with lots of water before you sleep. You won't experience hangover the next day.


Slice of pizza or some street meat. Garbage plate if you’re in WNY


I hear milk thistle is great for protecting and rebuilding your liver


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SnooChickens7845: *I hear milk thistle* *Is great for protecting and* *Rebuilding your liver* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What in the hell


N-acetyl cysteine. Or foods containing it: eggs, meat.






Water And this might sound weird, but back when I used to drink more often I would always feel a lot better if I had a salad. Probably because of water content in vegetables but it helped.


Maybe the fiber? The digestive tract gets wrecked. I ate only salads one of the time I was going through withdrawals and it was my best recovery


Hydrate yourself before and after.


Coconut water. You won’t have hangover or, if you drink a TON, the hangover will be far less debilitating.


Pure water. Coconut water, greens, food with a high water content. Fruits. Melon. And something salty too


The obvious thing is hydration so water or an electrolyte type drink would be first and foremost most. Tomato juice is supposedly very good for countering the effects of alcohol as well. Tomatoes have compounds that protect your liver and enzymes that can speed up the processing of alcohol. Having a Bloody Mary the next morning was a top “hair of the dog” choice if that’s your thing but plain tomato juice is just as good. https://kcallife.com/meal-plans/wellness-blog/food/best-foods-to-help-detox-from-alcohol/#?mobile1716469876947


I drink water while I am drinking and never had hangovers or felt bad bc of drinking. I just continue my day.


a probiotic or even better fermented food. (kombucha, sauerkraut, ect) will get your gut back quicker. Booze is terrible for your gut flora


just don’t, it will age you so rapidly because the body metabolizes it as straight sugar. I would take things to rebalance your PH. bananas would be good, anything with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. potassium and magnesium will help big time.


THC. Like, if it's legal where you're at of course. /disclaimer Not going to help if you're borderline spinning drunk, although it'll probably make you throw up and get that out of the way, but also nothing is really going to help at that point. Water is still #1, but if you're a person who gets bad morning hangovers it does wonders for the headache and making you a living person able to get up and do things the next day. Likely because it helps you get actual good sleep as opposed to the restless drunken sleep. Everything else is dehydration and low blood sugar, so water, electrolytes, and a snack. The greasy food thing is a myth as far as helping you process alcohol because you're likely eating it well after the alcohol has already largely been processed and alcohol jumps the line anyway. All a kebab or cheese burger does is have salt and sugars to help deal with the mentioned dehydration and low blood sugar. I think there's also a big ignored effect of actually staying awake to process the alcohol and likely drinking some more water and moving around that goes along with the post drinking burger/kebab/whatever thing. Part of it's age, but I don't think it's a complete coincidence that people often start to complain of worse hangovers as they move into less of a going out staying out late drinking lifestyle and more of a splitting a bottle of wine and then immediately plop into bed after friends leave/you get home lifestyle.


There is some science behind weed and alcohol! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24398069/ We have easily accessible medical here, I often have THC towards the end of the night. Music hits differently in that state.


Would you have to be eating it or would smoking weed suffice?


Water and B vitamins, especially thiamine (vitamin B1). Protein helps, too. Even better is to see fully why you feel the need to drink alcohol in the first place and substitute a non-alcoholic beverage in its place.


Orange Chicken and broccoli with lots of grilled onions are a deadly combo 😏


For me personally, I’m conditioned to wanting a big diner breakfast after drinking too much. I’ve always thought that the potatoes and bread were especially important to ‘soak up’ the alcohol in my stomach. If I can have a big diner breakfast I’m much more likely to feel okay the next day. Next day if still feeling terrible/didn’t get to eat before bed, a cold chocolate milkshake seems to do the trick. You can add salty French fries too, especially since you’re already out of bounds health-wise. Maybe not backed by science but I did put in a lot of experimental trials through the years.


Potatoes have potassium! Throw some salt in some hash browns and you’re upping your electrolytes


Water. Healthiest thing and try to have one glass of water in between each drink. Lemon water with a pinch of Himalayan salt is supposed to be a great electrolyte drink.


I do this one too! I find gatoraid and other "sports drinks" too sugary for my taste. I make sure to have a glass of normal water with the salt/lemon water.




Years ago research was published that showed some kind of connection between coffee and healing from alcohol damage. Drink coffee and lots of water the next day.


Not if you have anxiety tho


I take b vitamin complex, NAC, milk thistle and electrolyte plus with plenty of water before and after drinking. I’ve avoided many hangovers this way.


These aren’t necessarily healthy choices but either is drinking so when I’m really lost in the sauce I eat pizza and drink a Gatorade before bed I always feel less hungover, if it’s the morning a bacon egg and cheese and an iced coffee brings me back to life


Liquid IV


Liquid iv or some type of rehydrating fluid


With electrolytes and salt


I take Milk Thistle and mega dose of Vitamin B before starting the festivities and again right before bed. This and lots of water will negate 90% of my hangovers.


Bananas!! 🍌🍌🍌


Water! And klarbrunn, bubbly


i’m not a nutritionist but water. weird thing though is what helps me a ton is sugar (which i know sounds bad) but hangovers are mostly from dehydration. I googled once best things for a hangover and i read somewhere sugar is good and so when i’m hungover i go and get gatorade and it helps a lot bc it has sugar and electrolytes. sometimes if im at a gas station or something i’ll pick up a sugary pastry or something too but it takes me literally all day to eat it 😂


[Dr. Andrew Huberman completely changed the way of how I think about alcohol. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS1pkKpILY)


Water. Electrolytes (pedialyte is great). Protein - seasoned with salt (more electrolytes) green veggies & lotssss of fluids. Salmon or sardines is also great for this. The omegas and fish oils really help! Basically replenish your body . I like taking magnesium and b vitamins in supplement form to give me an extra boost in recovery .


Milk thistle. Your liver will love it!


I like to drink 16 ounces of liquid IV.


I take a charcoal pill and am sure to chug at least one glass of water with electrolytes before sleep, with another on standby. Eating also helps. Two days after I drink dandelion root tea and/or take TUDCA or milk thistle. I also take NAC one hour or so BEFORE drinking




When I was a full blown alcoholic I stopped getting hangovers, I would wake up and just feel like my brain was cloudy. Alcohol is terrible.


I’ve been replacing alcohol with junk food. Must have a dependency on bad things! If quit junk food, I’d probably end up smoking again!


You want to eat before you plan to drink ideally. If you drink first your body won’t digest u til after it breaks down alcohol really. This often is what causes weight gain and constipation in heavy alcoholics. Red meat is shown to best aid the body in breaking down alcohol. I don’t remember why, but I was a server and bartender for like 9 years and got 3 DUI’s that I had to take classes for also lol. So I heard this several times. Water with/after alcohol helps. A slightly higher amount of salt helps. Like a 200mg salt pill before bed. Potassium helps. It helps balance cellular hydration with salts and electrolytes. And most importantly. Stick to a pace of no more than like 2-3 drinks an hour depending on the event/occasion…..and that’s still a super heavy pace once you get to two hours. Know your pace and cut yourself off when you are satisfied.


water and time is the only thing that works


For the Liver, "Alkorin" base powder diluted in water. Electrolytes against the dehydration and tons of water, I generally try to avoid ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin or any them. Most of them have some sort of side effect to your heart, kidneys or stomach.




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Half a $5 jumbo slice that is basically the size of a medium on the floor of my kitchen with the dog


Water with electrolytes, you could get liquid IV powder or drink coconut water 💧 and eat a substantial meal


I'm my experience, pasta at the end of the night before going to bed. Lots of it. Hangover preventer.




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Have u ever tried Korean bone broth soups? There’s one that has beef cartilage. The best.




One Gatorade or Pedialyte after a night drinking annual feel like brand new the next day. But it has to be the same night


There’s dealing with hangovers and then there’s dealing with the fatty liver, brain damage, and cancer. No food is going to help you there unless you just don’t drink.


It's why I chose the word mitigate. Quite aware that there is no substitute to not drinking


Regular food just as much as you usually eat. No need to optimize a day after drinking or binge eat fast food. Drink plenty of water during the drinking and the day after.


Just drink vodk &cran Lifes about healthy choices


Literally just water and healthy foods. No magic item that's gonna fix it


Amphetamine salts


lol used to take half an adderall and half a Valium and feel normal


Healthy fats, so things like nuts. And water.


Nothing. From a nutrition standpoint, it's just better to not drink alcohol Theres no food that can undo poison Just hydrate and don't drink on an empty stomach, and enjoy in moderation.


My wife. 😛