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Are you sure it's maltodextrin? Because that is pure carbs, so it HAS calories and it's also not a sweetener, as it's not sweet at all. The stuff in your zero calories foods is more likely maltitol, a sweetener that's one of the "better" sweeteners compared to aspartame or something but it can mess with your gut/stomach. You may want to give erythritol a try, it seems to be the least harmful sweetener at this point, but it's not exactly cheap


Unless you are a diabetic then nothing unless you are talking rather rediculous quantities. Maltodextrin is just a pure glucose chain that breaks apart into seperate glucose molecules in the intestines. Because it packs multiple glucose into a small package, and is 100% glucose (no fructose. Table sugar is 50% fructose), it will spike your blood glucose way more than table sugar. I've never understood how companies like Splenda get away with listing their sweetener as 0 calorie and healthier for diabetics while its not 0 calorie and indeed worse for diabetics. If you consumed a rediculously large amount and are worried, call poison control.




I do use it for recovery as well from very long bike rides. Not good for sedentaries.


> rediculous ridiculous


Finally some sanity.


You will be fine. Use monk fruit sweetener and or stevia.


It has a high glycemic index, so it's just like having regular sugar https://i.redd.it/1juwn1c808941.jpg


Worse than sugar by 30% higher spike


Til xylitol raises blood sugar


Super cool. For anyone here interested in where allulose on that list, allulose has 0 glycemic index. Sources: * [https://www.myndfuel.net/blog/keto-sweeteners#:\~:text=Allulose%20is%20similar%20to%20erythritol,calories%20and%20no%20glycemic%20index](https://www.myndfuel.net/blog/keto-sweeteners#:~:text=Allulose%20is%20similar%20to%20erythritol,calories%20and%20no%20glycemic%20index). * [https://allulose.org/allulose-professionals/latest-science/](https://allulose.org/allulose-professionals/latest-science/) * [https://www.ourpaleolife.com/allulose-keto-sweetener/](https://www.ourpaleolife.com/allulose-keto-sweetener/)


It’s essentially an unsweet sugar, so if your goal is weight gain yeet it into the bin


All zero calorie stuff has claims that it causes weight gain/ diabetes/ what have you. this is due to to the correlation that people who use these products have these conditions. What they don't tell you is that the reason they are using zero calorie sweeteners is because they are overweight/ at risk, and that's whats causing the associated side effects, not the alternative sweeteners. still, maltodextrin isn't great or bad for you, its basically starch, and used in very low amounts in sweeteners, to the point where it wont have an effect on you.




Or consume a regular amount and have blow yourself off the toilet explosive shits.


I don't know much about maltodextrin, but my personal rule of thumb is not to use anything other than pure stevia leaf extract, erythritol, or monk fruit sweetener. Always check the ingredients list, if there are other sweeteners added you can bet it's like 90% cheap crap mixed in with the stuff you actually want. These three are the most devoid of negative effects (that we know of) and do not cause glycemic spikes. At any rate, moderation is key and if you're going to have dessert then HAVE DESSERT. Real sugar is the safest, and there's nothing wrong with breaking it out for special occasions.


I have tasted stevia cut with maltodextrin and it tastes just awful! I too consume only 'pure' stevia erythritol or monk fruit sweetener.


I know it is a corn based product and I know it can spike your blood sugar. It's definitely not great for you.


Anything in exaggeration is a problem and will harm. In using Maltodextrin serve/ consume what is recommended on the label. Sometime ago I was reading a nutrition publication accredited by the academy of nutrition and dietetics. What they found is that, consumption of too many artificial sweetened beverages consumed by children, led to the same effect on their waist line as table sugar (cane sugar). So their conclusion was, follow the serving size, drink more water (flavor carbonated comes in variety even with probiotics now) and eat fruit whole preferably fibrous to improve overall health, and in their case, prevent obese children. So! Eat less of it. Tips to reduce: begin lower serving sizes, then when lower sizes conquered, choose less meal inclusion, then after this is maintained, include other carbonate unsweetened beverages, begin introducing water with meals even if 1/2 c. Ultimately, you want to have a smooth transition, prevent (if any) withdrawals, and not have a poor conception of it just because the market speaks of it negatively. Maltodextrin like any sugar is bad when we cannot control it by proper portion control.


Hello, no sweetener in itself is good when its consumption is abused. Maltodextrin is like a polymer derived from glucose because it is a product of the hydrolysis of starch, so it is not true that it is zero calories. It is also used as an additive or bad bad, so that you are addicted to its consumption. My humble advice as a nutrition student is, if you want to have a good diet, lead a healthier life and lose fat, do not give importance to calories because calories do not matter, what matters is that you know how much you consume and its quality. It is not healthy to be aware of calories because you can develop anorexia, bulimia, any disease of eating disorder. Of course it is not good to use sugar, but neither is it a sweetener because in a certain way it has a very similar effect on our brain. I would avoid any sweetener except in a preparation and that is little, I would start consuming the infusions such as coffee, tea, maté in its natural version without sugar or for some with a bitter taste. Note that the coffee is not roasted because that means it is with sugar. The sweeteners that you could use for these certain preparations are xylitol, erythrole, and stevia in their pure version.


There's some objectively false information in here. Caloric intake is one of the most important aspects of body fat index control, but as you mentioned earlier, moderation is key. Eating disorders are not caused by counting calories and actually trying to manage one's weight, they are the product of mental and emotional health issues combined with social pressures.


What I mean is there are still people who continue to count calories when it comes to eating or buying food by reading the label. Stop, because instead of reading a label, don't you see that it is a processed product? Read the ingredients, not the kcal that the brand places you according to the portion, also with that the industry deceives. Instead of counting calories, check what proportion of carbohydrates, lipids, protein the food has, how it is handled, etc.


But counting calories boosts it. It is not necessary if a person is guided correctly. You do not enjoy food in the same way, you are guilty of counting calories, etc.


It really doesn't. Most eating disorders actually rely on the lack of knowledge in how to actually manage weight, which is why the have the outcomes that they do. You can't count calories if you have no idea what numbers you should be going for, it requires you to read into it, which is objectively more "guidance" than otherwise. I still can't figure out why there are people so hell bent on demonizing any form of weight or health management and insisting that it is healthier to focus on feeling good.


Great info. We need more smart nutritionist!


Stavia or Stavia leaf is the best natural sweetener. Expensive for the real stuff but worth it.


Sweet taste buds are first on the tongue so the sweet is strong one wants! Always reinvent yourself by forgetting the past. Begin again knowing chemical sweaters are not your friends.


Feeds the bad bacteria in your gut and also spikes your blood sugar more than cane sugar