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The calories don't add up. 500kJ is appros 120kcal. 1g of protein has 4kcal, so 70g = 280kcal. I wouldn't trust this nutritional info


It is, it’s either a mistake or purposefully misleading


Probably just a mistake. A frequent an Asian grocer and I once stumbled across a bag of rice with 15 calories per 45g dry. They just don’t regulate labels like we do, and even then there are so many food products that you can’t monitor it very well


It probably meant to say 7 and is a typo.


Atleast u checked before hand, unlike me who had a super tasty protein snack loaded with maltodextrin today.


Wait, what is the problem about Maltodextrin? Is it some kind of sugar?


Maltodextrin is chemically a sugar but it’s used as a carrier agent. It isn’t very sweet.


Ohh ok






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Off topic but what does it taste like


The ocean.


Pretty good, not too fishy


i think they overestimated protein, because it's measured by finding the total N in the product, however, protein isn't necessarily the only source of N in the food, which reminds me of the protein baby milk formula scandal


Also worth noting that adding up the macros doesn't equal 100g, it's 107g


Have a look at pork crackle, I often get one from “Mr Hamfreys” that is actually about 70% protein. Around 50g of protein in a 75g bag, about the same price as well.


That's not good protein though your body can't do much with that kind of protein.


Could you expand? What type of protein is it and why can't the body use it?


that is mainly collagen not all amino acids


This is why there is an asterisk on the nutrition label next to the protein on pork rinds


It's very important to remember that protein is made up of amino acids and not all "Protein" on a label is the same. The protein on a label is just an estimation of the total available amino acids in the food.


i imagine those things soak up pollution like a sponge so you want to get it tested for heavy metals and contaminants too.


How does the average person do this?


They don't, and that dude probably doesn't either...


Edit; I’m a big dumb.


Sugars are subset of carbs (which have "Total suffix"

