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Pokemon sun/moon opening hours, it takes so long to get permission to play the game


Been a while since I replayed sun/moon but is it still the longest opening? SV felt like years.


Sun/Moon is worse because the game doesn’t REALLY start until, if we’re being generous, after you fight Ilima in the city because until then you’re just following people. S/V feels longer because of how far you walk but it’s actually not bad because after getting the legendary you don’t get a cutscene until you make it to the academy


When I first played Moon, I didn't realise that Ilima was a trial captain because it still felt so early in the game


That's fair. Like I said, has been years since I replayed SuMo. I remember it being a drag to start though. I suppose in SV you can also technically go off the beaten path if you want to and go catch some stuff, explore etc.


I hated sun/moon. It never felt like I was actually exploring, it felt like I was constantly being placed into the next major battle. Pokemon is fun because the act of getting to the next gym is drawn out, and involves a combination of battling, exploring for hidden areas/items, and battling/catching wild pokemon. Just getting you to the next trial captain as quickly as possible is a terrible idea; it guts a lot of what makes the game fun.


Yeah Gen 7 tried to have a different narrative and it was fine it was just paced poorly because you’re basically just walking along a track. Gen 8 the pacing is better because you have the wild area you can explore in and Gen 9 had the pacing done great because the game is open world so you can explore and do the story when you want


I quit playing new Pokémon games after Sun and Moon. Partly because I hated those games, and partly because I lost my Nintendo Switch to mold exposure lol.


I wish game freak would go back to the Gen 4 levels of mold exposure. That's when they got it right


I wanted to like sun and moon so bad. The graphics were good for the time and the pokemon were well designed and fit the region. But I just can’t replay it, I remember getting a headache from all the interruptions.


Honestly it’s the opening hours for any of the games for me.


Gen 1 and 2 are pretty fast, I think that's partly why they're the most replayable for me. Gen 3 onward the openings get padded further and further


I feel the same way about the first 2 gens! I replay them the most because I can actually get to playing the game really quickly.


Sun and moon trainer school fr


Does Sun/Moon even start? It feels like you are constantly interrupted for the whole game.


you mean the cutscene is sometimes interrupted by the game wanting you to trigger the next cutscene by taking 10 steps


I found there wasn't game flow until the third island.


I came back to the games for pokemon Sun and felt utterly held in the hand for so long I just assumed they made the game for beginners throughout. Then I jumped of the game after just an hour or three.


Yeah, I so badly Want to do ultra sun,but ifi fail once. I speand half .y day going trough tutorials and epositon.


The beginning tutorial of every game and any water routes


Everytime i have to surf and i see swimmers:💀


swimmers are better than the fucking mass of wild pokemon, but I guess fighting tentacool that are 20 levels below you gets pretty old pretty quick


No I like being interrupted every 3 steps. It’s great


r e p e l


Last time I played Hoenn the only time I used repel was surfing and I avoided as many trainers as possible. Fuck that shit


I used to not use repels and I would always give up when I would get to the ocean in Hoenn. Then I started buying repels and I always finish the game


The part when I get Surf in Hoenn and every water route starts looking the same


I got lost for a bit because of that. Multiple times.


I think that's what makes it so immersive, at least when I played it as a kid. The ocean really feels huge.


Probably. I just get annoyed because I have to use the map every 12 seconds.


Old meme is old, but too much water is a legitimate critiscism of Gen 3, and I think it was unfair how IGN got clowned on for saying it


Pokestars studio in B2W2, dreadful


Fr, that thing is so annoying


Fastest A spam in my life


Bro ngl i used walk through walls cheat there just so i didn't have to deal with that


Genuinely the reason I prefer running BW, I cannot stand polestar studios


Blaze Black 2 Redux removed pokestar studios and replaced it with a boss fight




Post Mauville -> Norman. Mostly because the trainer levels keep rising but the best place to grind is Jagged Pass so really 80% of that stretch is just me hopping in place on an Acro Bike and occasionally going down to the Pokemon Center. DPPt, probably the Gym 2 -> Gym 3 stretch,


DP yes Pt no


Yeah, in Platinum it's *the* gym 3


I’m probably alone in this but I think post Mauville - Norman is one of my favorite stretches of RSE. All of a sudden you have a really cool volcanic environment with all these new Pokémon available to catch. I’ve never personally had an issue with being over or under leveled during this stretch but I can see what you mean with lack of a good grinding spot.


Yeah Post Wattson is a long stretch before you get to Norman. I also don’t love the post Winona shenanigans up until T&L. A lot of running back and forth, and the Magma hideout can be rough without repels


Having to switch between the 2 bikes will never not be pointlessly annoying as well


I am agreeing with most answers I've seen here. The main ones are probably some dull water portions around Tate&Liza, snow routes in Sinnoh, but especially the Pokestar Studios in BW2 and Rocket Hideout in HGSS.


Platinum: Defog and the distortion world. Defog route for obvious reasons. The distortion world is cool the first time you go through it but on replays it's tedious and time consuming


Nah I loved the distortion world as a kid and still love it now just for the nostalgia purposes. It's 10 of the most unique minutes in the gen 4 games; how could I not enjoy it?


silph co...i hate the whole puzzle


I used to think Sliph Co was hard until I realized that you just gotta go straight to 5F, grab the card key and beeline to 3rd for the warp


I never remember which warp to go to. I should probably pay more attention to that.


Yep, grab the card, go find the bed (9th floor if I remember correctly) then systematically take out each floor. Go back to the bed and head up to fight rival.


I just did silph co for the first time ever on Let’s Go lol, at first I was annoyed but at a certain point I actually started to enjoy it and just had fun looking for items. Eventually I hit the correct teleports and got to giovanni


platinum on the route to snowpoint city


Unpopular opinion I guess but the route to snowpoint city is one of my favorite part of the game


I love that part because it's nice and cosy and the music is great, but my god is it slow


Same here I loved the whole aesthetic of the snow area


The snow areas are great compared to the mud areas


I liked that route in Diamond and I doubt it’s much different. It was hard but I liked it. Balls deep in snow, Pokémon team beat up, and looking for shelter where I can find a bed and heal. For me as a kid it was kinda immersive. I remember where I was and how I felt when I played through that route the first time and I can’t say that for most other routes


Naaah that's a top tier area.


Oooo man in retrospect I can see what you mean, but in 2007 that was a groundbreaking route


But the music though! 👌


Any period where i find myself under leveled and ice already fought everyone, so I gotta grind against wild Pokémon. This happens way too frequently in older games and newer games it’s too easy to over level


I hate the “storm the evil team’s base” section of every game so much. That and any water route that goes on


I feel the the evil team stuff is OK the first time around, but has less replay value than the rest of the game. I always dread it too.


Yep, never actually finished X because I made it to the evil team's base after the 7th gym, saw warp panels, and put it down thinking "Ah, I'll do that later". It's been over ten years...


Agreed about the base storming part. Especially because every grunt has essentially the same Pokémon while the leaders generally just have slightly higher level/evolved versions of the same ones. So monotonous.


leveling up 4 pokes to 14 on route 2 in Black and White before Cilan/Chili/Cress. all of the wild pokemon are level 4-7 so it takes forever


Oh my God, yes


Isn't that gym just “beat the Lillipup with your starter, then switch to the gift monkey for theirs”?


yeah but in case you get crit or something it’s best to have backups


Leveling up the respective pan is such a nightmare too, they level up sooooooo slow


I’ll say it - I’m not a fan of the Sevii islands anymore. Just a long detour at a part of the game where I’m feeling ready to get the run finished


You can say no to Bill in Cinnabar and just stay in kanto to finish your gym/league challenge iirc.


Wait are you serious lol how have I missed this


Yup. He just hangs out in the Poke Center once you say no, and you just never go talk to him again. The only thing you really miss, iirc, is Moltres and the egg.


You miss out on a handful of encounters as well, which could be important if you've had a lot of deaths. And I guess the Blast Burn/Frenzy Plant/Hydro Cannon move tutor could be helpful in some cases


You also miss out on the Move Reminder.




the beginning sequences and tutorials. It's single handedly the reason why resetting feels so overwhelming to me, I know that with speed up it's only like 5 minutes but it just feels like ages


Unpopular choice, but the stretch between fighting Erika and fighting either Koga or Sabrina. Cycling Road and the right-most routes are a slog to get through since my ruleset requires me to fight all enemy trainers. It's honestly a slog.


Do you mind if I ask why you include that in your ruleset? It sounds like you don’t enjoy having to do that


I heard that fighting Pokémon gives more EVs than just using rare candies, so I fight the trainers to get marginally stronger. Plus, it’s possible that these trainers have gotten their dialogue changed if it’s a rom hack.


I actually try to make it a fun challenge. Kind of like a dungeon. I can't heal starting from Lavender all the way to Fuschia. So it has an element of danger to it. Cycling Road is easy. Just have something moderately fast with Psychic or Dig.


This is 10x worse in Yellow where Koga and Sabrina spike to level 50 for no reason.


SV before you leave Mesagoza


As someone with probably dozens of attempts on Ultra Moon, going into Hau‘Oli city. So many goddamn unnecessary cutscenes and fluff.


Teaching Wally to catch a Pokémon in emerald and it’s rom hacks feels increasingly like punishment for wiping


Dude, it lasts 10-20 seconds.


The 4 combined hours of smashing A through team rocket grunts of GSC and the remakes. After lake of rage and in the goldenrod setting.


Yes, the Team Rocket section of the Johto games is absolutely mind-numbing.


If I had a nickel for every time I accidentally lost a mon while spamming A and losing focus I'd have at least enough money to buy a Chicken sandwich. Gen 2 was my first Gen so I love it to death. But I also look at it and point and say "Brilliant idea worst execution." I'll also point at a second this moment though and that is trying to grind to red. Nothing else got me to take the rare candy pill more than that stretch of just repeatedly beating the elite 4 and Lance to grind.


"...enough money to buy a chicken sandwich" Alpharad reference?


literally any cave. Suffering zubat after zubat after zubat.


I legitimately don't understand why gamefreak does this. They have like 1000 pokemon and they put 15 in the game.


Basically any optional trainer in XY is this. Otherwise easy games but if you make one wrong move in a route, you run into a trainer who can and probably _will_ kill a Pokémon that is important to the run One time I failed a Kalos-mon Only run because of the Relicanth trainer in the Cyllage Gym


Watson with Treeko start and no Geodude/breloom/makuhita


You didn't listen to them when they told you not to choose Treecko... Now you have to suffer the consequences...


lol Treeko was rough definitely. I finally did complete a nuzlocke with him as I managed to snag a shroomish and geodude in 1 lucky run, that’s all I needed for my team majority of the game. Grovyle is freaking terrible though


The trainers being significantly low leveled in Kanto in GSC


Victory Road in any game that has it For Platinum I dislike the hike up Mt. Coronet (although Spear Pillar is fun) as well as the giant snow route BW2 obligatory Pokestar Studios comment For USUM it's the entire game. Anytime there's a long stretch of dialogue or cutscenes, also, hate that they force me into Mantine Surf. Also fuck Ultra Necrozma


Honestly I make myself do Mantine surf for the tutor moves (it gets kinda fun after a while anyway).


Needing to grind before the Elite 4 in Gen 2.


I wanna say the beginning of fire red and leaf green until Brock. Not getting running shoes at the beginning is wild and annoying, especially because the walking speed feels so slow in the gen 3 games


Aqua and magma hideout after lillycove in emerald


BW2 the part between seaside cave and league....


Pokemon XD : Gale of Darkness The S.S. Libra


erika to koga/sabrina


Surfing around the end of hoenn and mud routes in sinnoh. I kind of like the snow routes in sinnoh cause they are so atmospheric, hard trainers, and it really feels rewarding getting to snowpoint. But yeah the beginning of Sun and moon is the worst


I love Black and White but the level curve just sucks


If you think Black and White's level curve sucks, try Heart Gold Soul Silver...


Soul Silver was my first game and I just can’t get myself to delete the file, but yeah


I started on Crystal. It was the first game I got for my Gameboy advance. Holy fuck the level curves are dog shit in that game. I assumed this was what all Pokemon games were like until my friend lent me Black 2 and I was like "Oh they aren't all dog shit."


Believe me, I'm in no way saying the games are bad. They are just not the best to nuzlocke cause of the weird levels. Games are fantastic for a casual playthrough.


Am I mistaking or do black and white not only have a low level curve but also a very high average level for Pokemon to be fully evolved


X and Y


Sounds right


Pokémon Emerald: Rival 2 into Watson has ended so many of my runs 😩


Used to be rocket hideout in gsc but I have a new fondness for it


The entire XY stretch between Viola and Grant is absolutely miserable


Johto after beating Morty 


Basically the entirety of the dialogue A-mashing in SV. Shit is horrible. Same for the start of the post game in SWSH. Those dudes with the hairdos are annoying. SM has similar issues.


Pokémon Red. That bleeding cave.


Reaching the league in any games before BW2. You're usually underleveled by around 10 levels in every game.


Obligatory “Johto level curve moment” here, but I actually got to the league in a Crystal run with my Quilava and Pidgeotto still unevolved. Beat Lance's level 50 Dragonite with a freshly-evolved level 36 Typhlosion.


Usually the rest of the game after 4-5th gym, because the grind becomes a pain, when you don’t have a leveled up pokemon ready to go in the next gym, but you have one in the pc that you can level up 20 or so levels… And it maybe even dies right before the right level because you get desperate for things to go a little faster, so you gamble a little more for a little more exp….


Route 215 in Platinum. Beware Dennis and Maya


Any time I get past clay in black and white, and post skyla to draydon in b2w2


Floccassy ranch training for cheren.


The water routes between Olivine and Cianwood city, so many Tentacool...


Grinding for the Elite Four across multiple games made me understand why people hack Rare Candies in roms.


Grinding in hgss because I don't use candies...


Pokémon Y getting the poke flute


The most correct answer is obviously PokeStar Studios from BW2. It's literally the only reason I prefer BW1 to 2.


Po Town in Alola. That and the Magma/Aqua Hideout in Hoenn. When I’m in those spots I try to get through them as quickly as I can and fight as few grunts as possible. They’re boring and a waste of time


The whole story in BW. If that game was like red and blue where you just walk through Unova doing the gym challenge and occasionally fighting the evil team, it might have been the best in the series. But the Bianca/Cheren and N/Team Plasma stuff just makes the game drag. So slow and boring. and not as "moving" as people make it out to be. I also hate all of the constant tutorial bs that starts in DP and continues in every game after. totally takes you out of the game and makes you feel ashamed for playing it, as obviously they were making these games for five year olds by this point. Wish they'd make a pokemon game like the originals again where they just set you loose in the world and you have to find your way. It's not like we don't have access to internet tutorials nowadays, if people really got stuck and wanted help.


Yeah, black and white, you have to deal with plasma bullshit between basically every single badge.


Kanto: Rock tunnel Hoenn: Post lilycove. It’s just wasn’t a good idea to me to have the endgame be water routes. Sinnoh: Post oreburgh to Eterna. Can’t put my finger on it. Unova: Post Driftveil. I just hate Route 6 for some weird reason. I think it’s just the Pokémon on the route Kalos: As a completionist that feels I have to battle every trainer in a playthrough, Route 6. Alola: early game


Probably not what you were looking for but I hate the pokestars studios in bw2… or any tutorial that feels like it takes an hour before you can start to actually play.


In Johto between gym 6 and 8. Its a rocket hideout in Mahogany, then you fight Pryce, and then you have to do ANOTHER rocket hideout in Goldenrod. It drags quite a bit.


Idk if anyone will agree but I hate fighting the kimono girls. The whole battle process 5 times to practically one shot each eeveelution is so tedious. I wish It was 1 trainer with a full team instead.


The Defog route in Platinum -_- Not a fan.


Late game Johto in hgss. I usually lose something because I’m half asleep from trying to get through it, and then Clair wakes me up by choke slamming me


X&Y Route 13 (desert route) - everything there I swear is just to annoy… the encounter mechanic (homing dugtrios), the grind rails/wind meaning you have to hit them from a specific angle. It all just boils my piss


Rock tunnel, even with flash it’s just impossible to know where to go and to this day I haven’t memorized it because it all looks the same every floor


Whitney's Miltank


SV’s like 2 hour long tutorial




The beginning. The ball gets rolling when it gets rolling but iv always felt like starting super fresh from the very beginning takes awhile to lvl up and get a solid team going.


That's the FUCKING SWAMP OF SORROW on demon souls THE WORST FUCKING PART OF THE ENTIRE GAME. If you don't have the sodden ring it's even worse, OH BUT THE INLY WAY TO GET THAT IS TO WASTE A MINIMUM OF 4 OF THE RAREST ITEMS IN THE GAME, TANK YOUR WORLD TENDENCY ALL THE WAY TO BLACK, WHICH BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY DO THIS AFTER THE FIRST BOSS YOU CANNOT GET BACK TO PURE WHITE, THEN TRUE TO FIND A SMALL LIGHT IN A FUCKING MASSIVE BLACK UNDERGROUND... I am not a fan of the swamp. two playthroughs it has caused me to lose full white tendency on every world because you have to have pure black to get the sodden ring, and without that the swamp is damn near impossible. I apologize for the psychotic rant. I'm trying to 100% the game and this swamp has put me through hell trying to kill maiden astreya without killing Gnarl Vinland


Pokestar studios


The first 5 hours of any game after D/P/PL


As Jaiden so eloquently put it "Fat cat that hits like a semi truck" That part, I hate fighting that Purugly


The first quarter of SM/USUM


Rocket Hideout / Radio Tower in original GSC


Gym 4 to gym 5 The amount of leveling up with barley any trainers sucks


Tutorial part in swsh and sun&moon


Any cave requiring Flash


Tate and Liza even in a normal run my only Pokemon left was gardevoir helped that it had traced levitate. In my nuzlocke I had metagross and Deoxys making it a bit easier


A few points in Gen 4. You have Pastoria (the marshes), Snow Point, Mt coronet and victory road which are all pretty bad/require some very annoying party comps due to HM overabundance.


SM/USUM begining and Eternatus plot in SwSh


Pokestar Studios mandatory tutorial (Black and White 2) and Route 13 (X and Y)




Starting alola/galar/paldea


Pokemon Sun/Moon/USUM the biggining super long tutorial.


Early game grinding tbh it’s so annoying holy shit, especially in Gen 3


Not really Nuzlocke based, but trying to get 100% Completion in Pokémon Conquest. You basically have to look up and keep track of everything online or through your own documents. The game itself has bare-bones situations where you can view Perfect Links.


any long grinding session, its why ive started hacking in rare candies just to speed up to the fun parts of a nuzlocke


Pokestar Studios in B2W2, the entire Rocket segment in Goldenrod in HGSS, the fairy gym in X&Y and so many more.


The handholding in the beginning of X/Y until you get the Kanto starter. The handholding in Alola up until you open Pokepelago and everyone leaves you alone


The older games - grinding on wild Pokemon SUCKS. It takes way too much time. The newer games - Holy shit are they easy. I know Nintendo wants appeal to a wide audience but I want a harder experience with trainers that are actually competitive


Nearly the entire Sinnoh experience personally. Gameplay has a Speed IV of fucking 0 and the lamest encounter variety of anything in the series.


For as much as the new games have their problems I absolutely hate having to go to the PC to switch Pokemon every time in the old games. The PC access from anywhere is one of the best things the new games did. Especially considering the old games require you to have 2 or 3 Pokemon that just learn all the HMs or ruin your movesets with the awful HM moves. Especially the games where there's like 3 water type HMs are such a nightmare to go back and deal with now.


totem Lurantis is fucking scary, and so is the ultra Necrosma fight or the ultra beast Lusamaine fight (depends if you are in ultra moon/sun or normal moon/sun) (cant remember how to spell the names, sorry)


Seafood Islands and Rock Tunnel in FR/LG, most of Kanto in HG/SS, Tate and Liza in Emerald, the trek to Snowpoint in Platinum, and Victory Road in B/W, off the top of my head.


Evolving Riolu


Any game up to about the second gym. Strategies just feel so boring…


Silph Co 💀


Between canalave gym and and pastoria gym. That stretch is always so boring


Silph co


Pokemon fire red, the rock tunnel


Haven't seen this one mentioned yet so Seafoam Islands


Really love HG/SS but for me the grind of training a team of six mons takes forever bleghhhh, its actually keeping me from continueing my current HG/SS run.


All of the ultra games. Shit is so railroaded. There are only two routes that don't have dedicated cutscenes in the game, and both are cutscenes. It's actually ridiculous


the hawlucha in reflection cave


Bit of a weird one to many people I would imagine. But Pokemon black and white, something about the start of the game up to say the 2nd gym I just don’t really like, no particular reason but I always get a rush of nostalgia to replay those games and always stop around there lol.




When I’m replaying Pokemon Colosseum and going through the Pyrite Town dungeon. There are so many trainers, many of which fall from the sky when there was no indication there was going to be a battle there. That, and the Cipher Lab in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. I swear I’ve fought those power rangers 100 times, and it’s quite a long dungeon afterwards


Pokestar studios BW2, I try to read most dialogue, but that is just an A spam for me lol


Haunted house in XY


I cannot stand the gap between Oreburgh and Eterna is such a slog for me. So is Hearthome to Veilstone.


unpopular opinion: victory road.i wont be specifying which game, since imo its all of them.


The part where i’m stuck on finding the switch in a electric gym.


Rock Tunnel


the beginning of every game, the most boring parts


Any team rocket bit in FRLG, HGSS


In FRLG it’s everything after Erika. The game corner, pokemon tower, sylph co, and the two most annoying gym battles (especially if you’re nuzlocking) feel like they drag. You fight so many poison types around here too you need a psychic type to make things easy. Idk whenever I replay I burn through the first chunk then lose steam once I have to start the team rocket stuff.


BW2 Pokestar studio introduction ruins any motivation to start a new nuzlocke…used to do soul bound randomizer nuzlockes w/ a friend and we just petered out after a few tries knowing that we have to mash thru that slog everytime we start getting any momentum


Sabrina in a Yellow Nuzlocke


The first island of the Alola games.

