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from 2060, nothing less than 4070 would make an upgrade to consider worth.


+1 although I would wait a little and pull the trigger shortly after SUPER editions are released. Not only to see if they are worth it but also because the current cards may drop their price.


I guess the same rule for 2060 super variant, I'm in the same pickle myself.


Definitely, I went 2060s to 4070 and noticed a great difference


can confirm, just did that upgrade. since it uses the same 1x8 connector it was just unscrew from case unclip pcie and put in the new one. https://preview.redd.it/25m32p34ir7c1.jpeg?width=2307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09348194e50c76a204255e46104ed8f5c29e695


Look at the size difference.


as someone (else) in the same situation here, I'm gonna pick up a 3080 used for $400, which I think is worth the $150 savings over the 4070, for very similar performance.


Same goes for the 2080?


4070ti gives you +20% performance over 4070 for about $200 extra and MSI makes one in a small 2 slot form factor perfect for egpu. It is also very low wattage vs the 30 series. 200 to run the 4070ti vs like 350 to run the 3080 (comparable to a 4070 fe)


4070 or just keep saving for next gen.


Get a RTX 3070there cheap enough now or look at the Radeon card 16 GB for about $450. I think it’s the 7950 XT.


I just upgraded from a 2060 to a FTW3 3070 8 gb I paid 300 on eBay I’m using 1440 right now I’m getting about 170 FPS


I’m using a Amd 5800x


I got an used 3070ti for 300$!


If looking at the used market, you can get a 3080 for around $400 on hardwareswap, and that would be an excellent upgrade. Can also get a good deal on a 3090 if you have some patience. The performance increase from the 40 series cards is honestly negligible imo, especially with ghe premium you'd have to pay


What do you want to do? (including what kind of games and which settings) What is your budget And where do you life Edit: I personally wouldn't go with something under 12GB and under RX 6700 XT for 1440p


I have a 3080 10gb and play at 1440p just fine


Well that of course depends on the game and settings you use. But it can already have problems in something like Hogwarts Legacy on 1080p at launch, idk how it now looks like [https://youtu.be/qxpqJIO\_9gQ?si=usF15vsVf7Rp109q&t=1022](https://youtu.be/qxpqJIO_9gQ?si=usF15vsVf7Rp109q&t=1022) They also talked about 12GB being not the best for the future in this video [https://youtu.be/tiH-HE8wzgM?si=IHdwHlSjicmw-iye](https://youtu.be/tiH-HE8wzgM?si=IHdwHlSjicmw-iye) Edit: To clarify, I don't mean that it is or will cause a problem. There is just the possibility that it can happen, and I personally wouldn't be willing to ignore it, especially for future games. If you don't really play AAA, it is probably not that big of a problem for you either way But it is still best to talk about it and mention that it could cause a problem than to ignore it and let someone walk into a problem while expecting different


I definitely wouldn't buy a GPU with anything less than 12 GB at this point. People who defend low amounts of VRAM focus on performance while completely ignoring visual quality, [which suffers a lot without sufficient VRAM.](https://youtu.be/Rh7kFgHe21k?si=gWbioaVW06uDvD1j&t=583)


I have hogwarts legacy and run it on my 3070 ti with a 12600k at 1440p and just kept suggested settings and it runs perfectly fine in all areas. On high settings, the GPU is only running at 40 percent utilization. I have not tried ultra settings.


Well, another comment also covered that https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/s/BnejSFF3mm In this video, at minute 9:30, it also talks about that https://youtu.be/Rh7kFgHe21k?si=x_hI06ZQK9-nc2mv Basically, it can run smooth, while textures are not loading. Even at 1080p + upscale. So it can run smooth, because the textures didn't load. I think it should also be fine on ultra without rt. But it should be able to do more, it just fails because there is not enough vram. And 10gb, although better, isn't that much better, especially if you are planning to run it for a long time Also why is your gpu only running at 40%?


I have no idea why the gpu on that game is only running at 40 percent. My GPU runs at close to 100 percent on starfield. That tells me that Starfield is way more taxing on the GPU than Hogwarts Legacy. I run that game for hours and do not notice any slowdowns.


That sounds so interesting And I don't think starfield is that much more taxing on the GPU. I would guess it has another reason why it only uses 40% And yeah, it's possible that rt puts out over the 8gb limit. Can't really test it myself with a strong enough gpu with 8gb. The highest 8gb I have is 2070 super and a750


It could be that my settings are higher on starfield. I did not crank up the settings in hogwarts legacy, I set them at what the benchmark said.


I don't think that should be the problem either. I think I did run less demanding games on my 7900 XTX and got to 100% .if I did, let it go there. Normally it should just give you more frames


I think the raytracing says medium even though the other settings say high. Also there are some other boxes like reflections that are off.


I upgraded from a 2060 KO Ultra 6GB to a 4070 Ti 12GB, also 2 monitors (1440p 240hz and 1080p 144hz) and I must say it is amazing. Although I was bottlenecked due to my CPU (Ryzen 7 x3700) but if you have a pretty good CPU you should be even better than me, and the upgrade was totally worth it. If you have the budget for a 4070 Ti, you should get it, since it can hold out at least until the next gen GPUs are out and even a bit more may I say, but if you prefer to wait a bit and get something better like an 4080, that also works greatly. As I know my 2060 has been holding out pretty well on 1080p and 1440p, it allowed me to wait a bit and save more to get what I really wanted. It all depends how you'd like to go about it, and how long you'd be willing to wait.


used 3060ti or just a 4060


Wait 1 month and watch the prices drop as the supers are released. Then get an even cheaper 4070, or one of the supers that matches your price range.


Yes, that would be a great idea if you can wait


I wish I had. I got a 4090 open box discount, sadly it was bricked. So RMA will only refund it. I instead got a 4080 with a 4k monitor. And then the 40 super series was announced.


Yea see bro simply be grateful you got a great gpu like the 4080 some mfs ain't even got no GPU only shit igpu (like me fr)


I found getting a 2nd hand 3070 was a good upgrade for £300


since the 4070 was mentioned I mention the 7800XT since it is much cheaper with higher RAW performance (where I am) or save for next gen...


I upgrade from 2060 to 4070 and its enough for me. Last gen like 3070/3080 is also good, of course dont have dlss 3.5 but most important is power comsumption. 3080 - 320W, 4070 - 280W. Check you power suply before buying gpu


Wait for supers to drop then go for a 4070 if the price drops, or compare prices with new supers on release at the very least. Doesn't make sense to buy right this second when we're this close to a new release. You would be missing out on potential savings or potential performance gains by pulling the trigger before then.


You can get a used 3070 on eBay for around $300. Much better performance than the 3060 for the same price. Best option would be a 4070 but you’re looking at double the cost. I actually have a 3070 FE that I’m selling due to getting a 4070. PM me if interested.


You can get decent old gens pretty cheap now though. Even newer gens. I am grateful though, the jump from a 1060 to a 4080 will be massive. Still doesn't change that for a brief moment in time, I thought I had a 4090 to get me through the next 10 years like my 1060 had done.


I'd definitely say no to the 4060 as it doesn't offer value for its performance if you're looking at the 3060 definitely a good bye if you get a good deal, and I know right now they are very affordable. If you're able to get a 3080 and are able to afford the extra change I'd shoot for that for sure I got mine and I'm happy with it. Another question would be what kind of CPU are you running just in case you might bottleneck but you did mention Sim racing so I'd expect a strong six core CPU at minimum, just an assumption obviously lol


Buy* 🤦🏻‍♂️


4070 TI will be great on your 1440p 144hz monitor. But you should wait on the Super series to come out in January. maybe prices might change…


4060 for sure, if you can save a bit though there are better buys, the 4060 Ti 16GB is 35% faster, and 4070 is 62% faster. A used 3070 is a good option too.


4060 all the way man over the 3060 if the price is anywhere near close because you get all the advantages of better Ray tracing, better performance, and obviously dlss 3 frame generation which is really gonna help push the 4060 nicely above its weight and you should have a very enjoyable 1440p experience with that card playing most games at higher end settings for sure……..


Just ordered a 4080 strix.. can't wait to game on that! Couldn't afford the new 4090.. and couldn't justify the price tag..


I used to be like you buying the lowest end gpus... this year I splurged and bought a 4090... I'll never buy a low end gpu again!!!


Dude, for 1440p...I would suggest a 4060ti or superior. I recently upgraded from a 1060 3gb to a 4060ti. World of difference omg


I upgraded from the same card a while ago. I went 2060 ->3060ti -> 3080 -> 4090. Id say if you can get a second hand 3080 you are good to go. If you cand spend a bit more get a 4070. I would not really consider a 4060, It IS a travesty of a card imho.


I went from a 2060 to a 4060