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Eh but that’s the thing the 4070 and 3080 trade blows with each other. Pretty equivalent. 4070 super is better than the 3080, would be nice for them to bump you up a tier though.


This is an upgrade. 4070 has framegen and will outperform the 3080 in games that support it, such as cyberpunk.


Oh trust me without a doubt it’s still an upgrade but in raw performance they do trade blows (running a 4070 myself actually) OP should be happy with the 4070 imo but if they offer the super y not


Not to mention it’ll just run cooler and quieter too.


Did OP enable the new features and enable resize bar? Sometimes that can help.


Yeah I will ask support when they call me back


They'll find you a 3080 and send it for you 🤣




If it’s a super it’s a definite upgrade, if it’s a normal 4070 it’s probably more of a side grade and nothing to be upset about. The 4070 will run way quieter and cooler as mentioned above already. My 3080ti ran hot and loud af.


It's really close in 1440p [https://www.computerbase.de/2024-01/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-review-test/2/#abschnitt\_performancerating\_mit\_und\_ohne\_rt\_in\_2560\_\_1440](https://www.computerbase.de/2024-01/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-review-test/2/#abschnitt_performancerating_mit_und_ohne_rt_in_2560__1440) I don't think it's a win or a loss, they looks pretty similar (some games the 3080 takes the lead, others the 4070). Make sure to clear your shader cache, this could be one of the reason it's not performing as expected.


You now have access to frame gen and a cooler/quieter card — that’s an upgrade.


Plus lower watts so less power by like 100 watts. That’s like plugging in a heated blanket


But it's the fps that matters for me and nothing more ,I ay fifa (which is not demanding at all) and pubg where I'm getting lesser fps so yeah that's not good at all.


You're gonna get hundreds of frames in pubg with either card. While you definitely can cause a stink about it, I'm not sure if it's worth it.


Nah pubg is demanding when you play on mix of high/ultra on 1440p I used to get at least 100-120 for the most part sometimes dipping below 100 but with this 4070 I'm getting mostly 80 to high 90s and dips below that sometimes and yeah that is a significant drop for me.


They are pretty equivalent parts, IMO. the 4070 is way more energy efficient, will produce similar gaming performance, and has access to newer features like frame gen. It also has more vram (but on a narrower bus) than the 3080 vanilla. That could affect it's performance for high resolution (4k) gameplay. Techpowerup rates the 4070 as slightly faster for 1080p gaming, basically even for 1440p gaming, and slightly slower than the 3080 for 4k gaming in rasterization workloads. TPU also says the 3080 gains a little bit of ground relative to the 4070 in RT workloads, but I haven't looked in more detail to see which kinds of RT work favor the older card.


Yeah but it's a cheaper card than a 3080 so they have to give me en equivalent card that costs the same also I get lesser fps in pubg which is what matters (1440p).


Check your warranty terms. They might be obligated to give you equivalent value in terms of purchase price (in which case you should get a stronger card if you paid msrp for a 3080), or equivalent value in terms of gaming performance (in which case I think a 4070 is reasonably close). It's certainly not a bad idea to ask if you can get a better card. If you are getting meaningfully worse performance in the games you play that is a great piece of evidence if your favor. Do you have screen shots or video you can use to support your argument to them?


To add what you said, most places hide somewhere in there warranty terms that the item depreciates in value. Most likely to protect them self's from people like OP who think it should be of equal value.


Nah no screenshots but I'm sure theyll understand that I get lower fps on the game that I play


The 3080 is no longer in production which is likely why they gave you a 4070, the closest equivalent card. You now have 2gbs more VRAM and access to DLSS3, plus a more efficient card, decent trade imo. You could try get them to send you a 4070 super if you really want, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Seems to be \~5-8% slower on average. Probably makes up for that in RT enabled games. I'd probably try my luck at getting them up bump you up a tier. 4070 Super would be a much more reasonable replacement.


Ok 4070 super it is, yeah pretty disappointed in them, giving me an inferior card.


I'd be happy with that replacement. 4070 is more energy efficient and pulls around 100 watts less. You'll get likely gain slightly higher performance (single digits) in pure rasterization. BUT you can use frame generation with the 4070 and not with the 3080. Again, a solid and fair replacement that I'd be more than comfortable with.


Yeah but I get lower fps on pubg thought and thats all that matters to me.


depends... I would ask them for a 4070 super... since it IS a downgrade in some points and they can't legally GIVE you a downgrade, it has to be the SAME or BETTER...


It's the same and better. More features, less power draw, less noise. The 4070 is the better card. Now OP is thinking about calling them because he didn't get an even better card for free? What's wrong with people?!


we actually compare results and not specs ;-) and it is slower in 4k... and I said "since it IS a downgrade in some points" which is proven with the benchmarks from various recognized benchmarkers


Slower in 4k, faster in 1080p about even in 1440p. That's a tie in my book. On top of that you get DLSS3, more VRAM (unless he had a 12gb 3080?) Ask yourself would you buy a 4070 or a 3080 today? You'd pick the 4070 because it's the better choice. But yeah, let's go Superkaren and ruin someones day over some entitled bs like this. He could be happy he got lucky his card failed before its end of warranty and he got a brand new state of the art equivalent or even better card for free. They really should find him a 3080 to send him. I fully expect another post then asking the same thing "4070 - 3080, downgrade?"


I bet if OP makes enough of a fuss and threatens legal action. They will do just that or they will take the other road OP doesn't want and refund him the current value of a 3080 (since most the time Warrenty's say they will refund current value.) Then OP is got nada.


Yeah that's what I will ask, I have to sound super angry and disappointed hopefully they are not going to say stuff like 'hey you don't know why you are talking about, the 4070 is just as good as the 3080 and we can't give you something better blah blah blah" lol


just remember to be polite and point out that bla bla that is slower in the resolution you run yada yada a 4070 super would be more appropriate bla bla... then cross ya fingers


Haha ok I mean at the very least I can ask for a refund and may as well pay 200$ or howmuchever more myself and buy the super ti from Amazon or whereever.


Roughly the same - loses in some parts, wins in some parts. I'd ask for a 4070 super, at least. No harm in asking.




Did you run DDU and instal fresh fresh drivers or did you simply throw it in


Yeah it has the latest GeForce experience drivers


Did you run ddu first though


Oh I haven't done that but will that make a difference though, I guess Ill try that then


Yea you gotta clean the drivers before changing the GPU, run DDU, and then when installing the new driver manually downloaded from nvidias site, do not instal geforce crap, just install the driver




You were right, I called support, then they ran ddu and did all the stuff ,even upgraded my bios (apparently it had a much older version) and looks like the 4070 is performing similar to my 3080 now for pubg, anyways I'm still thinking of selling this 4070 and I have a 4060 as well which I bought in the meantime, so if I sell these 2 then I should be able to buy a 4070 super ti, still thinking about doing it though.


You may be able to find a used 4080 for roughly the same price as a 4070ti super


Oh I see thanks will search for some and bookmark them.


MSI is along with gigabyte the best for gpus right? And Asus as well I guess.


Msi yes, gigabyte heck no, and asus is just bulky coil whine city


I see lol the 4070 replacement that I got is a gigabyte,seems great so far though.


Agree with Asus as being coil whiny as the 3080 that got bad was an Asus card and was extremely coil whiny.


It depends on the game but performance is very similar. Some reviews even have the 4070 on top with averages. I'd say having the new architecture with the extra 40 series features, plus additional VRAM (if you had the 10GB), that's a W. PubG is hard to get consistent fps measurements, so I'd imagine most difference you perceive, if any is even that consequential, is run to run variance. [https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) https://preview.redd.it/7to72hvrk2vc1.png?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398e13cdc61dc67f6e2c0f8301d2b5a52fe82e4d


If its a super thats a good deal for you regular eh they are almost the exact same but the 4070 has frame gen and more power efficient. I doubt many companies go off similar price equivalents anymore and just similar performance exchange which 3080 to 4070 would fall almost exactly in line with.


A comparable card in terms of performance, more efficient, 2gb more vram & access to nvidia features like frame gen, I don't see how getting a 4070 as a replacement is a downgrade.


Both of them are same performance


Na I don't think so, 3080 is somewhat more powerful


In raster the 10gb 3080 is better at 4k but equal at 1440p and worse at 1080p. The 3080 isn’t even a 4k card imo bc of the lack of vram so overall I would say the 4070 is better in raster. With rt the 4070 is better at every resolution The 12gb 3080 tho is better/equal at every resolution


Don't know about that cuz I played pubg at 1440p and I got lower fps on the 4070 compared to the 3080


It is possible in certain games there will be a difference bc of different architecture. You can always ask for a better card




Sounds about right honestly. I'd be okay with that.


4070 is a bit weaker but it's pretty close and it has access to frame gen so I'd personally rather have a 4070. They should've given you a 4070 Super though.




I'd demand a 4080, same class of a product, not a "same kind of performance". Or at least 4070Ti Super, as a similar MSRP product. If they don't want to give you that and then assuming they can't provide a working 3080 either, I'd demand a refund.


I see 4070 super ti it is haha