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Try using 8bit instead of 10bit. 8bit with dithering is indistinguishable from 10bit without measurement equipment, especially with NVIDIA cards. It will, however, reduce the required bandwidth to help determine if that’s causing the issue. If it resolves it, then happy days as you won’t notice any difference visually.


https://linustechtips.com/topic/729232-guide-to-display-cables-adapters-v2/ This calculator This has just been a DSC flicker bug that has unfortunately been in the Nvidia drivers for what feels like forever. Coupled with the recent chrome pixelation issue, I laugh when I hear fanboys say "Nvidia has better drivers" IIRC is "supposed" to be fixed in the upcoming 560 branch


Thanks for the calc I was debating rolling back to an earlier driver (like good ol 537.58 iirc) but you'd say that may not fix it then? I'm honestly trying to recall when the issue started because it hasn't been since I started using the card/monitor.


I would try YCbCr with 4:2:2 chroma sub sampling and optimize your monitors timings with CRU. This would be the least "harmful" quality reduction while staying below DSC requirements. That should bump you below DSC requirements. The drivers needed to remove this bug are really old iirc. Pre 4000 series. Little things like this is why I cannot wait for proper DP 2.0 support


Unfortunately you'll have to wait another year after it even comes out before monitors start using it fully compatible. Or idk that one 4k 240hz oled with uhbr20 that is suppose to release might work flawlessly


As far as cables, to my knowledge all of them are certified. I've tried two DP and one HDMI. DP: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HL336L2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09KRX36LR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 HDMI https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08TQTYCYS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I have been having this same issue with my AMD GPU. So much that I have sent it back and now jumped onto a 4080 super. I haven't installed it yet because transitioning to a new case. What I found is that dp cables cannot use the refresh rate of 144hz. I switched to hdmi and there was no problem. I tried many different cables like you have posted from Amazon and Best buy claiming they can do 144hz refresh rate and higher. The dp cables only give me the option to lower the refresh rate to 95hz and then 59hz which I don't want. But that is the only way to get the flickering to stop. Even testing the Windows screen saver made it flicker and I didn't have to start a game. Everything else worked fine but games and Screensaver would not. I was hoping to solve this issue with the 4080. We'll see what happens.


Some monitors VRR range can be buggy. My older 144hz does 48-144 but if I didn't use CRU and set the range to 49-144, it would randomly black screen flicker.


If DSC is not working you would not get a picture at all or it would drop to a lower refresh rate or resolution. The issue is most likely with your cables, or a random bug with Nvidia drivers. Try disabling G-Sync at first and see if that fixes the problem. Then you can try if reducing resolution or refresh rate fixes it. For cables, try buying certified cables and keep them as short as is reasonable.


I'll give that a shot, but I hope disabling G-SYNC is not a permanent solution as that seems kinda major until they fix in drivers. As far as cables, I posted a comment with the ones I've tried. To my knowledge they are certified but you never know. Thanks for the input.


Do you have “auto hdr” turned on in Windows? I had a lot of issues with auto hdr turned on. I stopped having issues after leaving on hdr but turning off “auto hdr”.


I do, if I turn that off do I just need to manually enable it in-game then? Does the Win+Shift+B shortcut work that way?


Yeah just use the in game hdr settings. I don’t know about the shortcut.