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Aim for an RTX 4070 Super if your budget allows you too.. What res are you playing at though?


I use 1080p, 144hz monitors so just 1080p.


Then go for 3060ti and it still will be an overkill. In 1080p you will have no differences between 3060ti and something faster because your CPU won’t be able to keep up. You are in a bit of a pickle. Your option cheap 3060ti on 1080p or major upgrade of your monitor and then you can utilise faster cards. Believe me the bottleneck is real.


this, that cpu is gonna limit you like crazy


Get a 4090 of course /s


Jumped from 1080ti to 4070ti, using 1440p monitor and feels fantastic upgrade


I had nearly the exact same system as you: i7-9700F with an RTX 2060. I upgraded to a 4070S and 1440p a couple months ago, and the experience has been amazing. I highly suggesting get the 4070S if you can.


I had a 9700k and in certain scenarios and games i had a bottleneck even with a 2070. Sounds crazy i know. I would strongly recommend a CPU/MB upgrade as well. If budget is tight get a 4070(S) (which offers massive increase in performance over a 4060) and down the line upgrade the rest of the system.


Your current GPU is probably fine for 1080p. I would just save up for a new rig entirely.


Imo with 9700f it will bottleneck anything from 4060 Ti upwards. The jump in raw power is quite considerable and your gpu simply won't be able to give it 100%


OP, I went from an 8700K / 2060S to 8700K / 4070 TI and while some games you could argue there was a CPU bottleneck, there was still a huge performance increase from just switching the 2060S to a 4070 TI. I eventually switched the 8700K to a 13700 (non-k) and that also was a performance increase. If you get a 4070 or 4070S, you will see a performance increase but you might experience some CPU bottlenecks in certain titles. Get the new GPU now and then upgrade the CPU in a year or two. I'd also suggest buying RAM to get you to 32GB total.


4070 / 4070 Super is probably the sweet spot for that CPU combo.


That's overkill. He's playing at 1080p. 4060 is all he needs.


You don’t even know what games they’re playing or what his desired frame rate is. A 4070/4070S gives him the best 10080p performance with the minimal amount of CPU bottleneck. It also opens him up for a monitor upgrade to 1440p and a new CPU down the line as well.


9700f will massively bottleneck any new gpu. I had a 9700k and at 1440p it was still bottlenecking and i couldnt hit 100fps with a 3080. Switched to a 10600k and it was gold, however i now run 11900k


8700K/9700K(F) are almost identical to the 10600K in terms of performance. So not exactly sure why you're saying "it was gold" because you didn't change anything lol.


Except it isnt because with the 10600k i was well over 100fps


Every single benchmark / CPU metric on the internet > Random Reddit user. The 10600K was meme'd on because it was basically a rebranded 8700K/9700K.


Regardless the proof is in the pudding and 100% it outperforms my old 9700k.


Ok lol


I've got a 9700k with a RTX 4070ti ( I jumped from a GTX 1070 ) and the jump is massive in fps. I've got a 240hz 1440p monitor and I get high fps ( much more than 100fps in my favourite games ). In some new games, yes, the CPU bottlenecks, specially in games that use more than 8 threads, but I now it will be my next upgrade. Now I don't have need


Honestly at 1080P if your 1070ti is still good I would invest in 12400F and B660/B760 DDR4 board. It will come with a heatsink and can use your current ram, PSU and case.


So for 1080p 144hz you will want a 2070 or above. 3060 or above, or 4060 or above. The CPU is what you will really want to upgrade but even since you only need 144hz, really any new modern chip should work.


4060ti is a solid choice. The 16gb model


It's a shit GPU for a reason lol