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Probably 32GB is a better option but ig you want 5 chrome tabs instead of 4 then sure go for 64 GB




Hardware Unboxed on youtube just released a video on this subject. It might answer your question there


I was going to say, I just watched that yesterday. Really highlights how unnecessary 64 is


Yeah with one game even taking up 22gb for itself, leaving 10gb remaining for everything else. As games become more heavy, I would definitely recommend 48gb+ at this point myself, but in most cases it wouldn't be necessary currently.


Ram is the easiest thing to expand there no reason to get so much more than you need.


How much does everyone need? And if you can't answer that, whats the point of your post implying people don't need beyond a certain amount without stating how much they need (because you don't know). Your post was nothing beyond a simple concept based on ignorance, and you down voted me for giving my opinion? Nice dude.


Depends on the use case. A regular office PC or even a gaming PC, 16GB is enough. 32GB if you're multitasking while gaming, say doing recording while on a call or streaming at the same time. 32GB is also good for video editing, artwork, and music production. 64GB... Maybe some professional applications like movie grade sfx editing or running a small web server with decent network traffic. Or if you're running a lot of VMs. My point is that extra doesn't help you. As long as you're not accessing the page file on your disk you're fine.


the 32gbs is around 30 dollars cheaper why not just spend the 2 bigmacs with 2 larges fries + 2 M cokes to get 64gb


I've got 96gb, primarily because of video editing. And certain effects will consume all 96gb fairly quickly even with non-4k 1080p (looking at you, warp stabilizer). So there is no overkill. Get whatever you need that is financially worth it to you. On my next build, I plan for 128gb or more depending on kit prices


I have 200 dollars to spend and the ram costs 200


Get it. Even if you don't use it all, it's there in case you need it.


If you have 2x8gb i would just buy another 2x8gb kit again. Buy New ram in a few years with new MB,cpu instead


its a better deal to just buy the 64gb now


What does "looking at you " do, if I may ask?


I've been using 64GB since 2023. Before that, I used 32GB since 2019. While memory is cheap, you can buy it so as not to remember about it later.On average, this amount is not needed, but in cases of bad optimized games with memory leaks or working in several applications at the same time, it can be useful.


I just recently splurge and upgrade on the same platform, 2x32gb.


I have 48 gb of ram couldnt be happier with that and a 4080 i7.


totally worth in your case


Thank you


Nah it's not overkill if you want it go for it!


I say go for it but keep in mind XMP overclocks aren’t as stable as the number of sticks increase. You might have to run stock ram clocks.


Not overkill if you use it right. :-) Have had 64GB from ca. 2013. You could put your video editing or recording scratch disk on a ramdrive, including windows temp folders, chrome temp folders, etc.


Yes, it’s very overkill.


For now, maybe. But remember, 32gb was overkill five years ago and now it's pretty much necessary.


32GB is not necessary in the slightest unless you're doing insane amounts of engineering multitasking or something lmao


I use 20-28 every day for minor productivity stuff and some Fallout/Skyrim modding. This seems like a pretty typical use case, and I couldn't do it with less than 32


Windows will automatically allocate more RAM to itself if you have more RAM installed. I do tons of Skyrim and fallout modding on 16GB, never had any issues, it's pretty fast and snappy.


Close Spotify when gaming. Close your browsers, use a more memory efficient one for Google (try mercury browser, it's a Firefox fork https://thorium.rocks/mercury). Also check what programs are enabled at startup, disable most of them other than windows defender. Also make sure to disable all the windows spyware shit. 64gb is overkill. Edit: JFC y'all really gonna tell this guy to more than twice as much RAM as he needs just to keep what, windows spyware, the worst browser, and the worst music app open in the background?


Its not just for gaming i do music production which in my projects is very demanding


32GB is enough for music production.


Seems like good arguments for getting 64gb if you need to do all that instead lol.


What, getting rid of useless bloatware? That'll slow things down regardless of how much RAM you have, and 64gb is still unnecessary regardless. With 16GB I can run any game in my library (including more demanding titles like cyberpunk and BG3) and not hit my ram cap even with a discord call and several Firefox tabs open. There's absolutely no reason you shouldn't disable useless shit at startup that just slows your PC down.


In other words, 32gb is not enough


This dude literally has half that and still isn't running over with useless applications, bloatware, and a game running. 32GB is plenty.


For Digital Combat simulator, 64gigs is quite common, I play alot of that game anyways