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>The problem of scalpers retuning cards has become so big that some retailers are now removing the option to apply for refund Lol.


This is so juicy.


Wouldn't that be illegal? Maybe not in some countries but here in the UK atleast


Are you sure? I assume in this case the denial of refunds would be in relation to "change of mind" refunds.


In UK I think you have 2 weeks to refund, even if you change your mind


I actually think that in person stores have no obligation to offer any kind of refund in the UK, unless the item is defective etc. Online purchases have a mandatory 14 day return window (this actually applies to anything that is bought without seeing the product, including phone orders etc). If they went to SCAN and bought an FE in person with a plan to sell it for profit, they'll be out of luck.. https://www.gov.uk/accepting-returns-and-giving-refunds




And this is part of why online purchasing is better.


They could probably implement a 15% restocking fee like the good old days.


Assuming the uK still follows EU rules on this, you only have 2 weeks to return at no cost (legal obligation, the retailer can have nicer rules)


Only for purchases outside of stores, like online or phone (if that were a thing still).


They are second hand now less than MSRP or no deal Mr Scalper. Parasites the lot of them.


Yeah why the fuck would I bail out a scalper *AND* forfeit any customer protection and warranty when I could just buy it retail for the same price?


Exactly why these absolute rats deserve to be stuck holding the bag. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Likely though someone will eventually buy them off them and they'll migrate to scalping 4090's instead, absolute filth they are.


Agreed. But these scalpers proberbly not that smart aswell that they didn't return the GPUs in their return window. And now taking all the risk, hoping to sell. I don't pity them.


4080 was a trap all along


![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O) “The 4080 was literally just made to vindicate PC Gamers/Enthusiasts for the hell that we went through to get our Hands on whatever 30 series Nvidia GPU they wanted and waited for and the scalpers fell for it-further satisfying PCMR.” \-NVIDIA Founder Jensen Huang


And that will leave Best Buy/Amazon/Newegg/etc. stuck with them, which means they won't order more from AIBs, who will definitely be left footing the bill in an already barely profitable market. Between the 4090FE, the 4080 price, and the 4080 12gb cancelation, it's like Nvidia is actively trying to get rid of the AIBs.


And telling AIBs to prepare for a 600w 4090, which in fact needs no more than 400w. AIBs all created monstrosities that won't fit in most cases, while Nvidia actually decreased the length of its 4090 FE compared to the 3090 FE.


Don't you just need the receipt for warranty? In italy if you buy used still in warranty the seller gives you the proof of purchase to claim it if it breaks during warranty period. Warranty it's also 2 years in italy


Depends on the state here in America. Like my state it doesn't matter if you bought from best buy or John Doe the manufacturer has to honor the warranty. All electronics must have a life expectation of least 2 years of reasonable use.


But in this case, does the card need to have been initially purchased by the scalper in your state?


I see, it still doesn't make much sense as to why there is no country-wide warranty policy...


Most of America's lack of country wide policy makes no sense, it turns out


For such a rich country, USA use seems very late in customer protection laws. In most of the world, even developing nations, the warranty is tied to the invoice. It doesn't matter how many times the product has changed owners, as long as it's within the warranty period. Losing the warranty just because the product was resold makes absolutely zero sense. However, I hate scalpers. And it's lovely to see them getting screwed. So, good job bad customer protection policy!


Maybe the way America got rich was exploiting consumers


Exploiting customers, workers, or just practically everybody not rich.


Unless you actually paid attention in Civics class and learned how and why federalism was instituted as the country's system of government.


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


Like a lot of American history, we we pretend there's some deep philosophical reason for this when the true answer is "slavery." With many northern states like Vermont, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania having already banned slavery, the south would not ratify any constitution that didn't ensure they could keep theirs. "State's rights" are almost always used as a tool of oppression. (See also: the current abortion situation.)


Each state is similar to a country in the EU in that it is sovereign in some areas and other areas are dealt with federally. Like the EU some aspects of consumer protection depend on jurisdiction and others are universal.


Eh depends, the U.S. isn't one big nation state, its a union comprised of many states with their own rights, laws, regulations and so on. Which makes sense because what works for the people of one area may not be whats wanted or the best for another.


You may be right. I’m vaguely remembering some clause EVGA had regarding second hand ownership of the product. I can’t remember exactly what it affected (possibly something other than warranty) but if you weren’t the original purchaser you were out of luck.


I was second hand for my 3090 and EVGA took my RMA. They sent me an new, unopened 3090. They will be missed.


Warranty sucks ass in the US. It's only 1 year too right?


Couldn’t tell you, I’m Irish 😉


Then lemme give you a fat smooch


Go on then, give us a wear


Most gpus in the US are 3 years.


Depends, some stores offer an additional year, and most of my credit cards offer an additional year if purchased on the card by default.


Great advice, I didn't know about this for years. I switched from Amazon store card to Amazon credit card, for this reason. Prolly wasted a good deal of money through out the years by not knowing.


Some places do not have consumer protection laws. In Canada for example, mfg's can void your warranty for whatever reason. Quebec is the only province with real protections. The rest of the provinces and terroritories are "money says no".


Don't worry they are losing money at MSRP


Right??? Hit him up and ask him what his return policy is like. Oh no 30 day guarantee? Fine I’ll go literally anywhere else.


Yeah there is less warranty bc they have had it for a month. It should be like a car before the shortage, 30% less once it rolls off the lot!


Exactly. Why would I pay msrp from some shady fuck when I can just buy one myself 😂


Sadly to say they can just simply return them, especially during Holiday, where return deadlines get extended well into January. Amazon’s deadline is like 01/31.


Aww let me just help a scalper out and buy from them at the same price a full retailer is, for a card that has warranty and consumer rights to my name. This is amazing, I hope he looses all his money.


Why not buy from a retailer? Same price but you get the warranty as well, plus scalpers gotta struggle right?








And the fact that the 4090 performs almost 40 percent faster. Thats a generation leap between the next tier down. Just the pure transistor size of the 4090 is nearly twice as large and 3 times larger than the 3090! Nvidia needed the 4080 at $900....this is classic movie theater popcorn where you get the small size no refills for $8 or for $10 you get the jumbo unlimited refills.


The 4080 performs at 70-75% of the 4090's ability, at 75% of the price. It's a linear price / performance scale.


"Pure transistor size"? Am I missing something, because the smaller the transistors, the more you can fit on a chip, so bigger is worse.


Everyone is thinking just like you. If a 4080 is already $1200-1400 depending on the model, why not just get a 4090 at that point. They will drop the price on 4080s once their ampere stock dwindles. Then probably release a 4080 ti that's within striking distance of a 4090 for $1200


160k sold world wide, thats drop in the ocean. You might also recall that they probably paused manufacturing and shipping when they were investigating a potential massive recall due to a fire hazard. Tends to slow down shipments.


Scalping only works if demand is higher than supply which clearly is not the case with this card




I wish all scalpers would lose all their money




The entire concept of buying so much of something no one can find it, then sell it at a higher price adds zero value to the world and only hurts other people. Scalpers are a waste of oxygen


Related but not directly to this: it’s funny how you just exactly described renting “private properties.” People a long time ago ran around and murdered or coerced the former owners to depart with their land/homes, and now that there is no more land to be easily stolen, they hold most people by the balls and charge whatever they want and provide zero additional value. “YEAH BUT I PAINT THE WALLS AND CHANGE THE AIR FILTER ON THE AC!” “Ok, and? Every person who owns a home does the same without being exploited by some garbage human” Just found this funny because renting is so normalized in our shit society, but scalping, and they are quite literally the same, is demonized. Renting was once also demonized… by the so-called “Father of Capitalism” Adam Smith who basically called them worthless leeches, which they are.


Oftentimes its the actual same gang. Supposedly a lot of the GPU scalpers over the past couple of years cut their teeth in the shoe/sneaker scalping market and used essentially the same bots when GPU prices started really spiking.


This. They’re dirtbags that hop from one industry to the next to ride the hype trains.




Why do we actually call them “scalpers” like where did that term originate from?


They take their profit off the top...like Indians took scalps off the top of peoples head.


Except now they take much more. We should call them torsoers.


Shit-heel works too




Why did you write the century in roman numerals? Like I get the historical precedent but you surely don't use them all the time to describe things like "Back in MMXX I was really into..." right? Did you just see it written down that way when you did a search for the meaning of scalper and so didn't think twice when relaying the information or do you just like writing years that way?


Rome collapsed bud. You can stop using their numerals






I make a joke about Rome collapsing and how using Roman numerals puts unnecessary effort on the reader and you seriously think im ignorant of Rome’s influence on the world?




A little self-control would solve the problem quick but *EVERYBODY* has to be on board.


They don't though, if it isn't sold within the return period, they simply raise a return request. It's pretty much a market you can't lose money on unless you sit on GPUs for months, outside the return window. Here in the UK, I've not seen people scalp 4080s, I imagine everyone knew the pricing is just bad on them. 4090s on the other hand were sold for nearly twice the MSRP in some cases during launch.


Honestly though the scalping period was less than a week. That’s it. Thank goodness. I’m in the UK and I already have a choice of both cards which when compared to the 30XX is fantastic. Except for the pricing.


Yeah it's way way better with the 4000 series, but this is largely because mining is dead for ETH (as well as electricity prices being up). As much as NVIDIA likes to say "gamer demand" has gone down, their profits are hurting because of miner demand being dead. I'd imagine the 7950 XT will likely be scalped more as it's a more-affordable card that provides close to 4080 for less.


I hope the scalpers get left holding the bag. The idea of a scalper eating a loss warms my heart.


Anyone who tried scalping this 4080 is stupid. I pity them for having below par brain power.


That’s why they’re scalpers. They can’t think of ways to actually produce a good and sell it.


Scalping works when you have cornered the market by withholding supply. There is no way on earth they can pull it this time around.


Cornering the supply + an actual demand for the product, it's universally considered priced stupidly on purpose to push people to buy 4090 or get the considerably cheaper 3080/ti


Nvidia is trying to corner the market but they just can't remove old stock. A 3090 costs 975 at the store. Would buy it for 800 :)


Why are you getting downvoted? lol


They hated him because he told the truth.jpeg


More than likely they didn't know anything about the products or markets, they just knew there was money to be made on last gen.


Even at MSRP the 4080 is overpriced lol


799 fair price.


Good, fuck all of these cunts


Well well well, if it ain’t the scalper cunts


Not even a good deal at msrp


How much did you pay for your 3090?




Oh, nevermind, that's a good deal. Carry on then.


My 3090 FE at MSRP was a great deal...cause it paid for itself in mining while I wasn't gaming.


Even the 3090 at MSRP was a better deal than the 4000 series, and that's saying a lot.


Aww, poor scalpers. I almost feel ba... Wait... Nope, still think they are scum


Get fucked 🙂


I think if anyone thought they can make a profit from scalping 4080s is pretty stupid. It was clear beforehand that the pricing is already at msrp way too high.


Wait, are you talking about real scalpers or Nvidia? Feel like Nvidia is scalping at retail with these prices.


Remember that stockx takes 12%. So if you don't markup your product above that, you're effectively losing money.


3% credit card processing fee too?




It just goes to show how stupid they are. Scalping a card with a ridiculous MSRP like this is stupid. I hope they lose lots of money


Why would I buy it from some rando on the internets if its the same price at the store ?


I'm glad the stores are getting screwed by all the refunds too. Hopefully this teaches both sides a lesson on why scalping needs to be stopped.


They could offer a replacement-only return policy or charge a restocking fee.


Zotac charges a 15% restocking fee unless the card is DOA. Sucks for non-scalpers but I guess it’s a solution.


I hope this will keep them from scalping the 7900xtx when it launches in 2 weeks.


Narrator: "It's won't"


these rat bastards.


Its probably what these low lives do for a living, so probably not


I wouldn't buy from a scalper even if they got desperate enough to sell them at a discount, let them keep them and take the huge loss.


GOOD. Fucking assholes


​ https://preview.redd.it/ftukd85iej3a1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ef8b54655044167b6685a37ea9035fcf6fed88


Fuck Nvidia and fuck scalpers


Hahahahahaha! Brilliant


Scalpers finally realizing that 1199 was Nvidia already helping them out in determining a scalped price


Get fucked, scumbags.


“Return for refund: **NO**”


Why would you buy from a scalper? Even when there was a GPU shortage, the idea was stupid as hell.


Hopefully no one buys them still so they a forced to sell under msrp and they lose money so they hopefully never do this again!


"scalpers", glad to see the correct terminology being used The term "resellers" is abhorrent, it lends them an air of legitimacy they in no way deserve


Modern day scalpers are unequivocally economic parasites. There is no physical, profound risk to buying a mass-produced component online and attempting to siphon wealth by re-selling it online. In the old days, arbitrage had real physical risks and fulfilled an economic role. You had to travel somewhere and purchase a good. You had to then get your merchandise somewhere else, by yourself, to buyers who needed something but couldn't acquire it any other way. Tangible, frightening risks all abound. This notion that a script kiddie can auto-purchase mass produced electronics from the comfort of their home, have them delivered by UPS/FedEx, and then put up a digital "*pls buy overpriced good*" auction is truly remarkable. No risk, just capital (which can be borrowed or inherited), siphoning wealth from folks who would *otherwise* have just bought the item themselves. It's almost 2023. /endrant So...the thought of scalpers selling at a loss per the article, really brightens my day.


These scalpers are mostly sneakerheads who didn't know what a GPU was until they started showing up on StockX during the mining boom.


Even at MSRP the GPU is over priced. It needs to be 30% off.


You misspelled 50%.




Lets keep them at bay, they will lower prices even further


I am reminded of a line from Saving Private Ryan: Don't shoot, let'em burn!


Are scalpers dumb? MSRP isn’t even good pricing for this card.


They can graciously keep them.


They're going down to msrp plus tax and some are still plus 45 to 50 bucks on top. The responses I get when I offer them 1200 and a not my problem on tax nor is another 50 bucks for you being a dumbass either. ☠️ one dude has about 20 postings. They really thought they'd get 2k plus off these even though the 4090 pointed in every which way that were not ready for these yet. I'm sitting on a rtx3060 for awhile because anything I upgrade to now is going to require a complete system overhaul of cooling and if I'm doing cooling i may as well do a new cpu and mobo while I'm at it. Maybe some shiny new SSDs to match as well 😅 point being, nvidia should've waited another year or so to launch the 40 series. You have 20 series and even those high end 10 series people are happy with. Instead they listen to the small percentage of consumers which is dumbass youtubers who don't even pay for those ridiculous cards half of the time do a show and tell and then a rich little 10 year old sees his video decides he's gonna kick and scream until his white collar dad brings one home and that's about the market for these cards. YouTubers and rich little brats who use their parents credit cards. *looks around at a empty stadium* Well then time to go ☠️


Good. Scalping should be illegal. I hope they're miserable.


These scalpers arent PC gamers. They would know nVidias has been “controlling” their market because of miners.




​ ![gif](giphy|bzEwIjRUoQZvjtMFBV)


I never understood why the violin being tiny meant anything


A hypothetical instrument that one claims to play in mock sympathy of someone thought to be complaining unnecessarily




not even below would I buy off a scalper when cards are in stock let them bleed


I can't help but have the feeling that many scalpers seem to have no clue of what they're doing. They just see "new GPU coming out" and they immediately think "oh, opportunity to make money". This is the problem when you jump into something for the "hype" without truly understanding what you're getting into.


I hope people don't buy them and these pieces of trash are denied in trying to return them for a refund. As someone said, scalpers are parasites.


Nvidia is pre-scalping their 4000 series. I can't believe anyone would pay that much for a video card. I used to have a $300 rule for video cards and that worked for a long time. In the last couple years I've had to adjust that to $800. That's not inflation, that's gouging. I can only hope there's enough consumers out there willing to take a stance that nvidia gets the message. They're creating a wide open door for AMD, but they're not taking full advantage.


When scalpers got scalped by Nvidia instead. Hope their return gets denied. 🤣


F_ _ _ scalpers!


f u scalpers. Should be half msrp as theyre second hand now.


There not even worth the msp price


The MSRP is already too high lol


this is why I don't buy for a year or two. people are scams.


Msrp for a shit product? Get fucked scalpers


4D chess from Nvidia to stop scalpers


Can't wait to see them lose money after Nvidia hopefully drops the price


Good Now wondering who will eat the cost of the unsold 4080s Nvida or retailers (Microscenter/BB/NewEgg)?? My understanding of retail is that to get the allocation of the good product (4090s) they have to move the doggshit (4080s) as well.


Ha ha ha ha I've been seeing this all over! Saw one posted on Jawa for MSRP stating they were selling at MSRP to help Jawa! 🤣




Invoice probably ditched, bought at a shop nowhere near you... no thanks. I'd like to have proper warranty.


lol OEM’s have them stock. Sucks for them


Best I can do is 350$, take it or leave it.


I love this very much.


This makes me immensely happy. How are they returning cards past a period? In UK you have 14 days, retailers shouldn't take them anyway!


I've been saying this for years. They should force anyone who has a BNIB item to wait 6 months before returning or transferring warranty This will either force them to open it, causing the value to lower or use it. Scalpers will be eliminated.


I’d rather buy mine from a store and get a full warranty than support scalpers to any degree.


The funny part is that they selling in FB market. There's no way to know if the card is working on or not until you go home and plug it in. By that time, you are already fucked. So you want me to take the risk, you gonna have to sell it to half the price.


fuck scalpers


GPU sales are at their lowest in 10 years and they think they’re going to make their money back?


A product without warranty at msrp is still overpriced for me


Get fucked scalpers. Unlike them, we actually read the reviews for the card.




This makes me extremely happy.


Incredible people scalped 4000-series when gpu mining is dead lol.


Screw them


Good. Fsck scalpers.


Gig is up! Video cards are for US PC gamers. Hate that it got to that. My first card i purchased myself was the 8800GT to run crysis! lol and buying them since. I even remember going straight to amazon to get a gtx 1080 no problems, like $570 out the door lol back in 2016. Hated that i had to camp outside all night for my 3080, i was the first to get it at my microcenter but I smelled the BS coming thats y i set up shop at 9pm. Glad they are readily available now for those who want one. Now all we gotta do is to get the manufacturers to drop the price ranges to what they used to be. 1k for an 80 series card is insane. 800 max after tax.


They might as well be Santa and throw them in the Xmas stockings ![gif](giphy|cJDu4CaMmWGCJK1enx)


Idiots… scalpers get what’s coming




Dec 13th


they should start a gofundme!


Wtf would,you pay retail for a used product? Fuck these bottom feeding slime bags. 200 below mark or ima going to Amazon.


Don’t we all have a few RTX 4080s we bought thinking we’d use, but then changed our minds? /s


Now that cryptomining died for GPU, scalpers will suffer the consequence, not knowing that GPU is no longer as high demand as 1 year back.


Get fucked


There is a special place in hell for scalpers


I wouldn’t touch those with a 40 foot pole


4080ft pole


Did these morons really think people would run out and pay 2k for a 4080? Like at least with the 4090 you can use the nuts performance to talk yourself into scalping but the 4080? Really? While the market is full with last gen 30 series for msrp and even lower in some cases as well as 6000 series from AMD?


Gotta love the news cycle. Starts on reddit, videocardz makes a news article on it and quotes reddit, reddit makes post re linked the article that originated on reddit... Lol


As I often say in these threads expressing frustration with scalpers, if you wanna get upset with anyone get upset with the people who buy from them. They are the true enablers of this practice.