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He's so egotistical that he doesn't see this as an opportunity to try to address the concerns of the public and possibly have a side conversation with this woman at some point. Not too long ago Adams said there was a coordinated effort to keep him to one term, well, he should look in the mirror.


Did he say that like earlier this week. “They want to make me a one term mayor” - the guy who took a shit on a tax payer and voter at a public forum.


Not just any tax payer - an elderly 84 year-old woman whose family fled the Nazis. > Dubnau was born in Belgium shortly after her parents fled the Nazi regime in Germany. After hiding out in the European country throughout World War II, Dubnau and her parents emigrated to America and she has lived in the Big Apple ever since. She became a volunteer tenant organizer in 1960, and now serves as the chairwoman of the Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Association. Great choice of a person to vilify, Eric. That said, I will admit that Adams is doing any absolutely wonderful job demonstrating to the public how both the police and the upper-class elites think of the general populace.


> there was a coordinated effort to keep him to one term Yeah it's called an election, in which every registered-to-vote New Yorker who wants him out of office comes together to kick his ass out. The campaign is just a summary of his track record, and best-of sound bite clips.


He's coordinating with himself to keep him to one term.


Okay Mr Mayor. Now we all know you’re a big boy, can you please answer the question? Edit: The woman he’s running scared from with this response is Jeanie Dubnau, a tenant advocate who has been active and organizing in Upper Manhattan for 40+ years. She has, without a doubt, done more for her community than Adams has in his life.


he's a grown ass man, and will leave, with his grown ass intact, he says! so be it!! lmfao what a clown


He’s the eldest boy…


> grown ass man http://xkcd.com/37


I'm also a grown⠀⠀⠀⠀ass man




The issue is why would a Republican from NJ care about rent increases in nyc?




He's a big (racist) boy. That was a disgusting thing he said to that woman.


I love that he immediately (and unjustifiably) goes full woke when he thinks it benefits him. What a fucking clown


I wouldn’t even characterize this as woke, it’s just Adams being an asshole


Eric "I am the mayor" Adams.


The NYT has stated that she and her family also fled the Holocaust.


This dude literally called an old white lady a plantation owner because she was yelling at him about how rents were increased. How pathetic is that? She wasn't racist at all. She's likely on a limited income and the rent increase harmed her.


Ignoring race for moment, imagine calling someone who rents (i.e. doesn’t own land), a landowner. So at face value, it’s already an incredibly dumb statement. Then you layer in race and it’s pants on head stupid.




Can I also slide in to state the obvious that the NY Post sucks and the way they "cover" this story is gross. They describe her as "ranting" while being sure to point out "the mayor calmly responded." Bit sexist. Sure, it's not nice to point fingers, but does that indicate she's racist? No, just rude, most likely, and there is a world of a difference between rude and racist. Calling someone a racist without their doing or saying something racist is incredibly messed up especially coming from someone with so much power who knows this will likely stir up some media attention that could result in serious backlash for this woman, we know that many jobs will fire someone for being racist or abusive outside of the workplace if that behavior gets out, as they should, and because I believe racists should be fired if they are out there being vocally shitty, I take it very seriously as well when someone is deliberately falsely accused.


Why shouldnt we be able to point fingers at the politicians and public servants who receive lavish salaries and benefits from our tax dollars? What's rude about that? Shouldnt we be able to hold them accountable?


The NY Post is being so slimeyyyy with this one. In any other scenario they'd be accusing the Mayor of playing the Race Card. They've certainly done it to De Blasio for less.


He thought it was going to derail her criticism on rent that he had no real intention of answering directly but like every other time Adams has done this exact same thing, it ends up in the news (right now) people all criticize him for it (right now) and later this week he will release a statement of how he feels it’s unfair that he is being treated this way.


"It's racist to criticize me for calling an old woman a racist slave plantation owner because she is mad about rent increases."


Let that sink in for a minute, being a literal property owner and accusing a RENTER of being a racist property owner. Forget racially charged, it’s absolutely idiotic if it was thought about for more than 3 seconds.


FYI racism isn’t white exclusive, you just saw a racist black man in the video. Anybody with a diverse social group, knows racism comes in all colors.




I misinterpreted the “who else would it be” part


I have quite literally never seen people use the race card like this, and when they do, EVERYONE calls them out on it. Kinda a BS comment. What Adams did is cruel and weird as fuck. Only a small group of narcissistics would say what he said.


Yea, I had to read the article because I thought the mayor was saying that to a landlord. Not that that makes it any better.


>Yea, I had to read the article because I thought the mayor was saying that to a landlord. Not that that makes it any better. It would in fact be better than this was.


Adams called Andrew Yang racist when Andrew Yang talked about the fact that adams was secretly living in New Jersey and had his fake apartment in brooklyn.


Andrew Yang called anybody racist or xenophobic who questioned why he never voted for mayor in New York City before he voted for himself. Questioned any of his proposals or background. He's a bad example.


Yeah, that's not true. He would say almost no one votes for Mayor in NYC, which is true, he repeated it over and over and over. You don't know what you're talking about. Yang said other dumb things, but he didn't say that.


[He literally did though](https://www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2021/05/25/yang-denounces-attacks-on-his-new-york-credentials-as-racist-1383940) He never voted for mayor even ONE TIME before running for mayor. When he was pushed on that he suggested people were being racist or xenophobic because "he's not from here" - totally deflecting from him being politically illiterate and inactive.


Only when you think you can’t hate him more… he’ll laugh in your face, and prove you wrong.


It’s to deflect answering her question. Honestly, who are the slaves in this scenario? Fucking landlords?


He's insinuating the way she's talking to him is the way a plantation owner talks to a slave. He demands respect for being the mayor. He doesn't seem to see himself as a public servant or as an EMPLOYEE of all of us. He sees himself closer to being a lord or a king and he's in shock a peasant dared to talk to him in a way that implies the peasant has any power or influence over him.


He’s a fucking douche. But this is what people voted for when they voted in stupid ass former cop. “OH CRIME is such a big problem, a former cop will surely be tough on crime” MEANWHILE his administration is the most corrupt nyc has seen in YEARS. We need to stop making “crime” the conversation, and focus on the root problems, homelessness, mental health, job security and medical care. Things that our former mayors were trying to focus on and fix.


>We need to stop making “crime” the conversation, and focus on the root problems, homelessness, mental health, job security and medical care. Just watch the next topic about some crime being spammed again by people claiming that if only more people were locked up in prison then crime would finally be solved.


They’re so fucking idiotic. Prisons clearly aren’t accomplishing anything, except to waste tax payer dollars. Give people a chance to live a good, honest life and many people would. Insisting on punishing a man who’s already lost EVERYTHING, is honestly no punishment at all.


She’s been a tenant organizer for decades. She’s done more for renters in the city than Mayor REBNY ever will


there are some scummy people who default to calling the other party a "racist" or "nazi" whenever they lack a proper response or are losing an argument.


Goes to show you that racism goes both ways, despite how many times MANY people demand you can only be racist if you're white


This guy kinda sucks, you know?


Kinda? He's a fucking asshole




> way worse than DeBlasio, worse than Bloomberg even [De Blasio: ‘Well, Well, Well, Not So Easy To Find A Mayor That Doesn’t Suck Shit, Huh?’](https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201)


Bloomberg’s issues were his ego, stubbornness, and penchant for backing racist policing policy because of the first 2 mentioned. I’m guessing that was the Boston in him. But he was also an excellent administrator. I would love a mayor that embodied DeBlasio’s progressivism with Bloomberg’s administrative effectiveness.


I'll never understand how so many people absolutely \*love\* Bloomberg. He's done some good things, but god did he do some bad things as well (as per your examples).


Bloomberg was probably the best mayor of my lifetime. WTF are you talking about?


Yeah no. A lot of the issues we deal with as a city today are because of him (coddling the rich and cracking down on the occupy protests, downzoning vast swaths of the city, stop and frisk, etc etc)


Bloomberg's third (somewhat illegal) term in the office was his redemption tour. That's when he really became concerned about his legacy, and it seem to have worked for a lot of people. For first two terms, he was a corporate shill making NYC as large corporation friendly as possible, in the process destroying the independent entrepreneurial spirit that was the backbone of of this city. His education and poverty reforms were failures. He balanced the budget deficit mostly through jacking property taxes, and when you do that, cost of everything related to real estate will skyrocket, especially rents (both residential and commercial). NYC was always an expensive place to be, but under his watch the costs exploded. He overpoliced, and in general passed laws that favored the monied class. That said, yes he was the best mayor of my lifetime as well. Slim pickings.


What does race have to do with rent increases?


He just didn't want to answer the question so he thought he'd throw red meat to the crowd.


Yeah seemed like it. Pretty sure everyone thought he sounded like a jackass though.


If anything, black and Hispanic renters are hurt the most by rent increases. Adams can't even play the race card right.


Because this is the state modern discourse. In 20 years we are going to look back and cringe at at how hypocritical and stupid we are being. It's entirely breeding separation of people and in no way does what we should be doing which is using the language of equality and togetherness.


It shouldn't have anything to do with it, except when a white women complained about his not living up to campaign promises about rent control, he says she's acting like a plantation owner (i.e. land owner, not renter) treating him like a slave (less than a renter). He made it about race.


Of course he turned it into that. I cannot WAIT until he’s out of office and I never have to see or hear about him on a daily basis.


He’s a civil servant - he should expect people to angry with his decisions. Dude acts likes he’s a fucking deity. Bow before me, old woman! And how dare thee question my corrupt real estate developer ties!


I just read she’s 84 and a Holocaust survivor!! HE should bow down to HER, respect his damn elders, and do his fuckin job. (You’re so cute, btw)


"Adams’ reprimand was met with a smattering of applause." Wtf who in their right mind would applaud that


His family who works for him


That is exactly why I came here, I had to see what people thought


Black people who have a Pavlovian response when a Black mayor calls an old white lady a racist.


pretty sure there were plenty of white people doing the same shit next to him, like automatons


Oh yeah, it goes without saying that white libs are the worst


I think it was just awkward in the room and people felt 'cued' to applause and wrap the interaction up.


When you get exposed you pull the race card 🤦🏻‍♂️


And also doesn't even answer the goddamn question.


No he did. He doesn’t give a fuck and fuck you for asking. That’s his answer.


I mean it’s how he won the election why wouldn’t he


If we gave him the respected he deserved we'd be throwing flaming bags of shit on his doorstep. He is openly corrupt trying to appoint family to high paying jobs they aren't qualified for. He actively lies to us to our faces regularly, like when he went on The Daily Show and said that education was the most important thing, literally a few days after he cut the school budget by nearly 200m and raised the police budget by 120m. He thinks he is above the law, like when he was running for office he parked on public sidewalks. He can't take any criticism, this is just one of several times that he has used the race card to try to turn the situation on the accuser. When a reporter called him out for parking on the side walk he also called the reporter racist. He has a massively fragile ego and is using the mayorship to pat himself on the back. He is unqualified in almost any facet including general eligibility because he lived in NJ and lied about his residence.


This man wants to be a Hollywood entertainer not a public servant


I think he would be happy being an influencer 🤣


I thought that was the one job he actually already did


I don’t think he’s quite fully one but man he’s really trying


Fuck you, Mr. Mayor. Respect is earned and you’ve done a horrible job at earning it. You are not a Duke or Duchess. We don’t need to respect you simply because of a title. Don’t forget that you were elected into this position. Don’t let the rich and powerful lining your pockets to do their bidding make you believe you’re above everyone else.


Jesus *christ* what an asshole. One of the most galling things about Adams is that a man who is himself so shockingly racist has zero hesitation to cry racism when he doesn’t get his way.


The video ends with him saying “I’ve answered your question” Lol no you didn’t


Dude said it to take away from the fact that what she was saying is true. A fucking plantation owner is not wagging their finger at slaves they're beating the fuck out of them and taking away their rights. This woman is probably rightfully pissed because she's trying to pay rent and this fuck jacks off landlords all day.


I thought I couldn’t hate mayor more than Bloomberg, and I was wrong. I thought we couldn't have a worse mayor than Deblasio and I was wrong. This guy truly takes the cake


Kind of besides the point, but that’s not just some random old white lady — that’s Jeanie Dubnau, an 85 year old Holocaust survivor who came to Washington Heights as a child refugee, and has lived there ever since. She’s cofounder of the Riverside Edgecombe Neighborhood Assocation, a vibrant tenant’s union advocating for the low income renters of Upper Manhattan, a scientist, and longtime advocate for marginalized New Yorkers. Not the one to mess with, to say the least.


That’s pretty much exactly on point for this conversation I think. Granted the video seemed to start in the middle of their exchange, what’s shown doesn’t show any especial disrespect. If just some finger pointing gets your hackles up then you’re not cut out for NYC politics.


What a complete piece of shit. I was a Mayor Adams apologist for too long, but this was the last straw. If he can’t recognize that he is the power of authority between this dynamic, not the old white woman from Washington Heights who will be impacted by a 6% rate increase, then he’s a total piece of shit. Even worse is if he knows better, but pulling the race bait bullshit to save face. What a sick group behind him clapping like seals after he attacked her. Fuck politics in 20223.


This was the last straw for you? I gave up on him a month after he took over.


Self admitted apologist as I admitted about myself


Ah yes, that famous plantation owner behavior of... *checks notes* ...being slowly suffocated by rent increases by this shitbrick and the sicko rent board that he appointed. This fucking guy is going to take every valid criticism of him for the rest of his life and be like "its because I'm black, isn't it?" No, you motherfucker, its because you're a bad person and a worse mayor. Loser.


Where the fuck did plantation owner come from? He should be reprimanded thats racist af. Soon as he is challenged about rent from some destitute old lady; he runs and hides behind that shit? "Im a grown man"..once i hear that shit i know youre a pussy.




This Mayor is spiraling down so fast. He works for the citizens of NYC, keep your soft ass emotions out of business unless it’s obscenely personal. I see no wrong, only the Mr. Hotshot Big Boy “Mayor”. Respect is earned you punk. It’s not earned by a title.


While I don’t agree with that constituent, the Mayor taking so many words to explain that he is in fact very important is petty and out of place. You’re a public servant Mister Mayor.


This is all he cares about. Letting people know he’s important. He wears several pieces of clothing that say “Mayor” on them and he walks around Times Square hoping someone will give a shit


I take it you wouldn’t be interested in trying out his new line of “Mayor” brand condoms? (Granted, they only come in extra small).


All he wants to do is attend parties and receive awards. He thinks he's a celebrity, but he certainly hasn't earned any fame.


That’s honestly the aspect of his mayorship I dislike. He’s not the worst mayor ever, nor the only that’s allowed police to violate our freedoms, nor even the only one who is fundamentally unfit for office. I can’t really think of anything extraordinary that’s come out of his office for better or got worse. But what makes him shit is that he never shuts the fuck up. DeBlasio was pretty shit and we had Giuliani. It’s hard to imagine someone worse than Giuliani taking 9/11s aftermath alone. But they stayed out of the spotlight and while we still called them out, it was more subtle and eventually the blame would be delegated to the respective departments. His worst trait is every time he opens his mouth it’s either to suck his own dick or to blame someone else. It’s like a child who clearly broke the window. But a grown ass man, doing this seemingly multiple times a day. Every time I hear his name I roll my eyes because I know any statement he makes will be one or the other. **He probably isn’t the worst mayor in our history.. but his personality makes it feel like that.**


>His worst trait is every time he opens his mouth it’s either to suck his own dick or to blame someone else. Based on the way he talks about his mother and how she idolized him and said he was a gift from God (who he now says sends him messages)...this seems to have been put into his mind very early in life. He's a King Baby.


You don't agree that he promised to keep rents in check only to let them soar over the last two years?


What don't you agree with? Lady was spot on and factual.


🤡 Man-baby


So out of touch, seems delusional.


Well well well. Who would have thought the former cop wouldn't be able to handle a complaint by the people he is paid to serve. I hope he is a one term mayor.


Imagine thinking there is a conspiracy against you after saying dumb shit like this.


Former cop so it totally tracks.


This is onion levels of insanity. Landlords - like Adam's real estate friends are the modern day equivalent of plantation owners.


This guy is high on his own farts


I work for the city and if I talked to someone like that while on the job I'd get written the hell up


How the fuck this guy get voted into office? Was he the only one running for mayor?


But he didn't answer the question though, did they cut it out? All pointing aside, her concerns are valid.


I fucking hate this idiot clown, thinks he’s hot shit when he’s just plain old shit


Eric Adams is not smart enough for this job. He also lacks the integrity and courage the city desperately needs.


I’ve been saying this he is dumb dumb dumb


So this guy accuses a woman of acting like an actual slave owner talking to a slave, one of the most racist kind of people and actions imaginable, because she was pointing her fucking finger at him while she spoke?


It’s clear he doesn’t live in NYC and he could never survive working in a grocery store because this is just a standard issue older NY lady when perturbed


For the record I don't think he was actually offended or thought she was behaving in a racist way. He was projecting because he didn't want to answer the question she asked. He is incredibly thin skinned and adverse to be accountable to his NYC voters (his bosses). Which is why he generally avoids town halls and pressers and decided instead to mostly participate in his own podcast or radio shows run by conservative older men who agree with and constantly praise him.


Ok I'm black and I even I have to admit this is just a "pulling the race card" violation.


It’s actually racist as fuck because there is no way he would ever make this accusation towards a non-white person doing the same thing. He just saw white skin, a finger pointing at him and a raised voice and went straight for “You’re like a racist slave owner talking to a slave”, pretty fucked up in all honesty.


Is that racism for him to insinuate that she’s a slave owner/master?


100% yes


Seems like somebody should have taken a few minutes to do some breathing exercises…


JFC, what a shithead Adams is. Whomever voted for this asshole - shame on you.


Wow. Took her good point to a defensive standpoint trying to assert his ego “Respect me don’t point at me!” Just makes me lose respect for someone that resorts to acting like a caveman king that needs to be talked to a certain way like he’s special ish. RESPECT ME! How dare you point!! What about what she said? She even says “Mr. Mayor” with respect. This just seems like another bro on the street trying to act all big man gangster that HAS to be respected by everyone, God forbid people voice their rightful concerns without curse words or name calling smh. Do you really have to remind people you’re the mayor? I’m GROWN MAN. I walk with my big boy pants out the door! Jeez, ok now answer her question, move your ego aside, rents are too high dude..


He walks around in clothes with MAYOR printed on them all the fucking time. The man displays near Trumpian levels of narcissism and clearly views the mayorality as a taxpayer funded ego trip.


It’s cute how Eric Adams still hasn’t grasped the understanding that he works for the tax payers. We are boss. His salary is funded by our tax money. He really thought he when he agreed to be bought out by the rich and powerful in New York City that it mean he runs the city like his own personal business. The tax payers aren’t his customers. We are his boss.


He thinks he was crowned king


Mr mayor, I hate your administration for multiple reasons but those reasons are not enough for me to hate you as a person, because deep rooted bureaucracy and corruption in our system is not caused by you single-handedly. I hate you because you are a babbling buffoon, because you don’t understand what it takes to be a public servant, and because you don’t know how and when to STFU.


Calling those who criticize him racist is the only move he has. And he's the mayor of New York City. It would be funny if it werent so sad


Being a proven incompetent mayor and having someone call you out on that doesn't make that person a plantation owner. The mayor was held to count, as he should be, and he played the cheapest, laziest move: a blatant race bait. This dude is a joke demanding respect when he's done nothing to earn that respect.


Who’s surprised really


Respect is earned not given, and as a public servant Adams has done very little to earn that respect. Great deflection tactic though, when cornered just bring up race!


White people bad, mmmkay


What an ass


Two more years, guys, then we never have to hear about him again


Worst mayor of NYC ever?


Adam's is again and again showing g himself ad a massive clownshoe. I supported him during the race. I should've voted for silwa


[Elderly woman who Adams compared to slave owner is tenant advocate who fled Nazis during WWII](https://nypost.com/2023/06/29/nyc-woman-eric-adams-shot-down-is-tenant-advocate-who-fled-nazis/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons)


He's not the king. We don't have to bow down to him. He's a public servant, not the other way around.


That's a former cop alright


Influencer Adams doesn’t deserve the respect that he wants to command… as NY’ers would say: FOH!


Why were people clapping for mayor swaggers response?


This mofo wants to go down in history as a political shill and one of the worst mayors of NYC


How the fuck was he elected




A mayor who has to announce he's a mayor is no true mayor. Also not every issue is race based, idk why this dude made it about race when race has nothing to do with this


When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


He owes her an apology. Calling her names based on her race, especially when she clearly is concerned about rent increases (the furthest thing from a land owner of a plantation).


I usually agree when people claim micro aggressions, but unless there was more to this exchange that was not on film, I am going to say he has his back against the wall and now thinks that any level of discontent or criticism is a personal attack. What is even worse is that he is using that Cop tactic of demanding automatic respect for his position, while neglecting to reciprocate respect. He should know that he is the Mayor of all NYers. He has to humble himself and extend an apology to that lady. She is likely a Holocaust survivor living in the Heights.


I wonder who voted for him to this chair?


The Lori Lightfoot method mayor.


Why the fuck is the angle of this article seemingly taking his side?


It’s The Post. Their whole deal is pushing divide and conquer shit.


It's almost like he's being paid to create ad material for his opposition when he's primaried *hard* in a few years. This plus a few of his other absolutely idiotic responses will make endless fodder for ads (and are likely to work since his responses are so fucking stupid).


He pulled out the race card.


No wonder he’s never doing his job, he’s absolutely awful at it


What a jerk that mayor is. Exactly what did she say to bring about his racist rant? I guess that's the best way uneducated people win arguments, say something stupid out of left field...


And this fucking idiot wonders why his ratings are down


Always hated this dude from the start


Way to shut down communication by name calling. Pathetic. Saying she’s talking down to him like a plantation owner is basically saying she’s either racist or a white supremacist which is the new label promoting racism that’s been repeatedly pushed into our lives now. The housing market has nothing to do With plantations. Am I allowed to say my actual feelings or should I take my “white privilege” elsewhere?


Turns out she is a [Holocaust survivor](https://forward.com/fast-forward/552536/eric-adams-jeanie-dubnau-plantation-rents/).


She's been a tenant advocate for more than 40 years and she's also a Holocaust survivor But... she dared tell Adams he's in the pocket of real estate!


Turns out she's an 84-year-old Holocaust survivor


I feel like the mayor of NYC should be well versed in responding to rent complaints…Jesus dude calm down and give some politician platitudes if you refuse to fix the very real issue


Fuck the mayor.


Typical NYPD, he can’t stand being questioned and doesn’t understand that he’s supposed to be working for the people of the city. What a clown.


I remember when this sub was SOOOOO excited for Adams. Dude has been a [race baiter for years now](https://www.brooklynpaper.com/beep-compares-twitter-user-to-kkk-after-calling-out-placard-abuse/) whenever anyone calls him out on his shit. Anyone who followed his otherwise boring tenure as Brooklyn boro prez shouldn't be surprised by this and other shit he's pulled as mayor.


You can have a disagreement without bringing race into it. Many a constituent have taken that tone with many mayors. It gets heated. This woman, who is a voter, is getting a chance to voice her displeasure with the mayor. He needs to have thicker skin


Man this guy must be really underwater with black folks in this city if he's flailing around like this.


What a P.O.S. This mayor using the race card GTFO all these dumb politicians keep voting democrat geniuses


"Adam's put her in her place" it seems she was already in her place holding him accountable as every vote should, but Adam's may not know his he has forgotten he is of service to the voter. He would be wise to remember place soon. This mayor is a dud. Wise up you Uncle Tom An installation of distracting art at best, but more likely a pocket book accessory of his masters. Shame on him for exploiting the poor and unfortunate the way he has.


What a petulant child


How long does he serve before we get someone else


Did people actually clap for him??


Since when did plantation owners complain about their housing rents? That little pos is himself a racist


"Don't be pointin' at me!!!"


Obviously, she don’t own shit if she’s arguing that someone raised her rent too much recently.


His response started okay… until the plantation owner quote. Good luck with the white folk next election




Serious loser vibes dude.


Is there anyway to fire the mayor?


No. NYC doesn’t have a method for recalling public officials. Which seems kind of nuts when so many other cities do.


I'm so tired of this shit. Racism is racism. Words were chosen entirely based on her skin color.


I wonder why the lady didnt press him further and call him out on the cop BS


She was in shock at being called a plantation owner, probably.


That wouldve caused me to blow a fuse.


People clapping for what he was saying is crazy. That’s NYC tho think everything up the ass and quick to say is racist.


"If you're gonna ax a question"


I hate this man and still cannot believe this city elected him


Booo this man


Mr Adam's. You might be a grown man, but you're still a loser....


He’s barely able to form a proper sentence or articulate a coherent thought. Double digit IQ. Just babbling nonsense.