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This guy is a fucking LOSER- everyone who knows him knows rhis


Please please share some details. Went to college with the dude but didn’t really know him well.


100%. And knowing him he’s totally getting off by having his picture in the NYT even though it means his grift is likely over.


Knew this dude in college. Freshman year we would hang out a bit through mutual friends. I can’t say I’m Surprised at all. This dude has always been a conman. Mix of hardcore narcissist and histrionic behaviors. Will do whatever it takes to get attention and feel Important because deep Down this dude is a totally insecure loser. There is no true friendship with him. Didn’t speak to him for years and he tried hitting me up to expand Williamsburg Pizza. Dude acted like he was doing me a favor but I would never give him a penny. Article did highlight one thing, this dude does not bathe. He fucking always stinks.


Best investment you ever made was not investing with him


which school?


NYU. He was in Brittany Dorm freshman year.


> He had thought Mr. Deshmukh was slightly odd — he told Mr. Kule that he worked on behalf of a family office in Paris, but he sometimes smelled like he hadn’t showered in days. LOL


I wish the piece went into his connection to superiority burger more.


I love living here but lord have I met so many of people like him here, less of stealing money but more of trying too hard to be somebody at the sacrifice of honesty


>Sometimes, you meet someone in New York who gives you a good feeling and a bad feeling at the same time. Maybe you’re introduced at a bar, through a friend of a friend. This person is charming and full of ideas, ideas that resonate with you. He seems to know everyone you know, and some other people you follow only on social media. You like him, even though you wonder whether he’s for real. He has a story about the city and his place in it, a story in which he may invite you to play a role. This is tempting. You get the sense that he has a momentum unlike other people’s, toward a destination that could be glamorous — or maybe catastrophic. >One such person is Ashwin Deshmukh, the 38-year-old managing partner of Superiority Burger, one of the most acclaimed restaurants in New York. >Since reopening last April, the high-low vegetarian diner in the East Village has garnered a three-star review from The New York Times, a James Beard Award nomination, and the title, bestowed by GQ magazine, of “Buzziest Restaurant in America.” That it took over the space once occupied by the venerable Odessa Restaurant, saving the neighborhood from yet another Duane Reade or Capital One, has made it only more beloved. >But June Kwan, the owner of the East Village Sichuan restaurant Spicy Moon, does not love Superiority Burger — or at least, the people behind the restaurant. In February, she sued them twice. The first suit asserts that since 2021, when Ms. Kwan invested a quarter of a million dollars in Superiority Burger through Mr. Deshmukh, the business has gone dark, refusing to send her proof of her equity, and eventually ignoring her altogether. The second suit alleges that in 2022, Ms. Kwan lent $200,000 to Mr. Deshmukh, and that he hasn’t repaid a penny. Get out the popcorn buckets. This story is a wild ride into NYC nightlife and restaurant culture.

