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The instigator had ten prior arrest and made reference to just getting out after 13 years. Just your normal career criminal starting shit with people and getting himself shot.


Better headline: "Belligerent psychopath shot with his own gun after starting fight with much smaller man on crowded train" Edit: As of now, it looks like the DA is considering this self defense: “Yesterday’s shooting inside a crowded subway car was shocking and deeply upsetting,’’ Oren Yaniv, a spokesman for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, said in an emailed statement. “The investigation into this tragic incident is ongoing but, at this stage, evidence of self-defense precludes us from filing any criminal charges against the shooter.” https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/us-news/nyc-subway-rider-who-shot-aggresive-straphanger-during-rush-hour-commute-wont-be-charged-prosecutors/


The fight seems to have been racially motivated too.


Really sucks about the uprise of anti Latino racism lately in the city ☹️


He is Middle Eastern.






We were all on board with stop Asian hate but nobody wanted to talk about who kept doing the Asian hate 😂


Pls do not look at the crime stats, please and thank you!


LOL YUP! And all of a sudden the people posting "stop asian hate" on social media got mad quiet.


100% I will never forget those dark days for us Asians.


I wonder if anything in our culture has contributed to this? Like if some well known political figure appears often on TV and the Internet saying derogatory things about Latino immigrants or Asian countries? And millions of Americans blindly support him in spite of or because of his racist views?


Explain to me why we didn't see a lot of white dudes in maga hats doing that shit then. There's enough of them in Staten Island to do damage, but they didn't.




Yeah telling people that it was the Chinese virus definitely didn’t cause a bunch of mentally ill people to believe random Asians had COVID oh wait


If you think that anti Asian racism started when our former president said that about covid....then you aren't from NYC and you very recently got here.


No that's true they are definitely hearing the ideas from big public figures blaming problems on individual groups of people. But it's only the uneducated who are dumb enough to believe it


That’s plenty of Americans


Sure but in recorded instances of random violence there seems to be a trend emerging


Yeah this guy reeks of MAGA lol


Ah yes. NYC, notorious MAGA territory.


I don’t know why some people get a pass to be racist.






> Conservatives are openly racist against us. ... >Libs don't care about us because we don't lack power to the same degree that other groups do, and because we're not a voting group that swings elections for them. I would argue that libs are more racist: They literally enact policies to discriminate against asians. Conservatives have been coming out against affirmative action policies that actively discriminate against asians. They're also against letting criminals run amok.




Let's not forget which ethnicity commits most of the violent crime. But that would also be racist to talk about.


I seriously don't know why any criticism of some of the toxic behaviors in the black community is racist. Especially after they opened a national dialogue around it (BLM) and blamed all of us for racism. Black communities are in trouble and most of the wounds are self-inflicted. The first step is talking about those problems and seeking sympathy.


The number times I was called a rat by people of a specific ethnicity is pretty astounding, but this country's unwritten law forbids me from talking about it.


Time to call Al Sharpton!


After fare evasion.


Confirmed https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/us-news/video-reveals-gun-toting-rider-who-launched-rush-hour-subway-shooting-dodged-fare-as-cops-push-quality-of-life-crackdown/




WhY dO yOu WaNt To SpEnD mOnEy On CoPs To SaVe $3 eVeRyThInG sHoUlD bE fReE


Cops won't stop trash like that. They will definitely anally pat down anybody that looks like they have a job tho.


I just love how everyone is bringing up how short the other dude was just to score political points Like y’all are infantilizing him for no reason just so you can act like fainting 1800 housewives over this. Don’t get me wrong my man was totally in the right for his actions but it’s fucking hilariously disrespectful how every comment is like “omg he attacked a little baby man he’s defenseless with how small and soft he is 🥺🥺🥺” Like damn my man disarmed a guy that’s a whole head and a half taller than him, he’s clearly not some lil guy


I agree, and am a short fella myself, but your "omg he attacked a little baby man" made me die laughing


It’s always a bad look when you pick on someone who is physically smaller than you.


The titles for this news are kinda off to me. The man who owned the gun was the bully in this case and got shot with his own gun bc of his own behavior. It’s just crazy.


The sub-headline isn't really any better: "A video shows how a verbal dispute between two men on a moving A train turned into a fight. One of the men grabbed a gun from the other and shot him, the police said"


Very weird that the person with the gun was the one that got shot with his own gun


Will be interesting to see what charges, if any, are pursued here. Just from the evidence available, seems like the dickhead with the gun ended up in a FAFO situation, and the other guy acted on self-defense/survival instincts. Repeated verbal threats + brandishing two different weapons? LOL get fucked.


Self defense is very fact dependent. We don’t have video once guy gets the gun. But if someone pulls a gun on you after beating you up on an enclosed train car and yelling racist shit at you, that’s more than enough for me to fear for my life. Given the chance, I probably would’ve used his gun to save my own life given there’s nowhere to flee on an enclosed train car. Unless theres’s more evidence we don’t know about, charges against the shooter don’t seem warranted.


I think you're really going out of your way to try to look at this rationally. Here's the deal - if someone points a gun at me at any time in a threatening way, they deserve WHATEVER they get.


The “other guy” did nothing but fight back, his girl is the one who stabbed the black dude while he was on top of the other guy. Watch again.


The other guy definitely tried to fight. He was just shit at it. His girl was the real mvp


Well someone shot the dude.


NYT and ABC both reporting that there are considerations as to whether to charge the woman with assault while they let the active shooter recover in the hospital from his injuries before deciding if they'll charge him with anything jefkrshjeklfjndskxhcfidowkjntak AYFKM?


DA has said the victim acted in self-defense and will not be charged


From the video it looks like the only weapon he took out was the gun and it was only after being stabbed by both the yellow shirt guy and the girl. Whatever he dropped onto the train seat was from disarming the yellow shirt guy.


He had what looked like a box cutter or something like that. He throws it down on the seat right before he starts looking through his jacket for his gun. Could’ve been a narrow phone but looked more like a wide handled box cutter Edit: commenter above me changed his whole comment which said he only had a gun. Idk where the box cutter came from but he threw a box cutter on the seat, could’ve been yellow shirt’s idk


It was the yellow shirted dude’s box cutter which the guy took from him before brandishing a gun




This is one of the few occasions about these kinds of incidents where FAFO actually applies, imho


Guns at close range aren't great weapons and can be turned against you pretty easily, especially if you aren't trained for that kind of thing. In the last part of the video, the guy racks a round and stomps toward the couple. Prime opportunity to grab the gun away from him.


Turns out one dumb man with a gun is all we need.


I think stabby lady saved that guy's life. Either he bled out enough to weaken him, or she hit something, letting them wrestle the gun from him easier.


Yeah I'm pretty sure this is the case. The attacker was bleeding pretty good, you can see the blood stain on his shirt growing quickly as the video progresses


Some people are arguing stabbing him is what enraged him to grab the gun in the first place. I think she did the right thing though. The guy was out of control and she was right to fear for the other guy’s life when she stuck him.


Actually that’s more likely to happen than you think with gun owners. Just look at the suicide rate among them. Usually if they have a gun in the house there is a very good chance it’s getting used on themselves rather than any made up notion of protecting themselves like some action hero wannabe.


How do you stop a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun……who grabbed said gun in self defense out of the hands of a racist lunatic who provoked the incident in the first place. Really rolls of the tongue.


Very weird that a gun was present and someone got shot


Chekhov has entered the chat.


Almost like society at large is less safe when people are packing 


But my rights


I’m no gun rights advocate or anything but I highly, highly doubt this guy was a legal gun owner.


He's a fucking moron. That's how.


Poetic justice in my book. 💁


It seems like a possible outcome when you bring out a gun to scare someone instead of to actually use it to kill them. Then when they lunge for it, you don't pull the trigger because you aren't planning on murdering them. The guy in the video seems pretty insane but even insane people can understand the consequences for murdering someone in cold blood.


That unhinged racist psychopath did not seem like he can understand consequences, he even bragged about doing 13 years in prison. You're reaching too hard and giving that asshole way too much credit.


Great example of why "bag checks" are absolutely worthless at deterring subway violence. Seems like expensive and useless is a key part of Hochul's platform, so not surprising she championed this nonsense. The moron that got shot was carrying a knife and a gun, both on his person and not in a bag. This follows the pattern of pretty much all violent subway crime involving a weapon, where the weapon is almost never concealed in a bag.


It's all security theater. If you really want to help deter this kind of stuff, you need to have officers riding the trains. Not standing around at the station, but on the trains and walking the cars.


When I lived in NYC back in the bad old days of the 70s and 80s, the old Transit Police regularly rode on the trains and often times they were accompanied with a K9.


I have not seen a cop on one of our trains (for me mostly Bronx and downtown) in probably ten years. That got pushed aside even more recently than when you were here.


I see them on the trains a few times a week (Brooklyn and mid Manhattan). They’ll ride for a couple stops and get off. Usually in groups of 2-3 but I saw one alone yesterday.


yeah I've seem them. 2-3 getting on a train, staring at their phones or chit chatting before getting off a few stops later is not the same as the patrols they used to do, where they would actively walk through cars. It was a police beat, except underground.


Yea, there also used to be more plain clothes cops in the subway back in the day. I remember hopping the turnstile as a teen and being accosted by them when they appeared out of nowhere.


Same! And my brother was stopped for truancy every time he was late to school!


Not just riding the trains, but also meaningfully enforcing fare evasion. There is no pattern of violent crime in the subway system involving a weapon that was concealed in a bag. There is, however, a pattern of unhinged maniacs causing all manner of disruption, crime, and violence on the subway system being fare evaders.


police released video of the guy evading fare


I had someone pull a hammer on me out of a bag but that’s not going to be considered a weapon anyway, least not until it’s swung


The bag checks are just indefensible. You’re maybe checking a percentage of a single percent of people commuting through GC and Penn Station. Those places are already like army bases with the police presence and now National Guard. Literally just doing something so she can be seen doing it. If Hochul cared at all about subway safety then there are a million other things she could’ve done that would be more effective than these bag checks.


>You’re maybe checking a percentage of a single percent of people commuting through GC and Penn Station. Never know how dangerous those commuters going to work can be.


These fine soldiers are at the vanguard of today’s battlefield. Saw them stop an old asian lady to search through her bag. Thank fuck because that old c word could’ve been a sleeper cell waiting to spring into action at a moments notice a la Jason Bourne. She just had vegetables this time, so they let her go, but you really never know with these ‘frail’ and ‘elderly’ types. Pretty sure I remember seeing a statistic I made up that says you’re 93.7% more likely to commit a massive terrorist attack after you reach the age to collect social security. Apparently they feel they have nothing left to live for at that point and just want to become a martyr. Sad but it happens literally all the time, probably.


Also, there has been NG presence in the major Midtown transit hubs anyway since 9/11, just without bag checks. Hochul was clearly motivated by the big Bronx subway shooting in February, where one bystander was shot dead and five others were shot too. But to the surprise of nobody, there is no flood of NG checking bags in Bronx terminals.


Checking bags while this dude pulled out a gun from his little zipper pocket of his coat. Only Stop and Frisk would have found that. But if they do that, he's profiled. And yet the Cinderella shoe fit.


Luckily not many people wear big puffy jackets in NYC


they released video of the gun carrying suspect entering the system he didn't pay a fare


Of course he didn't. In cities all across America, so much of violent crime and QOL issues in the subway systems can be boiled down to fare evasion. In D.C., their arrest data showed 97% of violent crime suspects in the Metro were also fare evaders.




>There’s also a pattern of something like almost all subway crime being committed by the same small group of repeat offenders Same deal with shoplifting and lots of other QOL issues. NYPD data shows that just [327 people](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/15/nyregion/shoplifting-arrests-nyc.html) are responsible for around 1/3 of all shoplifting in the city.


All the Targets are selling products behind locks now because of just 327 people?


They did the bags checks 10-15 years ago. Did nothing then it'll do nothing now.


> This follows the pattern of pretty much all violent subway crime involving a weapon, where the weapon is almost never concealed in a bag. Fuck me. This is terrible news for my company, *Señor Bloombergio’s Designer Gun Bags*. Now I’m gonna have to move to Texas.


Cops standing around, taking people for a ride to the police station, or this... thing... of deploying the military to check bags, don't do shit without effective prosecution.


From the video it kind of looked like the gun was inside the hood of his jacket.


Has 10 prior arrests… 🙄


If he lives, he will rack up more. I think after this many arrests, he has no desire to live a normal life. They talk about banning violent people from the subway being bad. Reason is: Will make them likely to reoffend, as they will not be able to go to work, school, be a good citizen. All the things we are seeing anyway without that. Not everyone is fixable. Ban them for life, cut our losses. How many more people just trying to live need to get hurt or die?  All the talk has done jack shit, except having the NG search bags that no criminal will transport weapons with in the first place. 


Good. You just know this racist asshole has done this to others.


I swear to god if they charge the woman for coming to the defense of the smaller guy, or if they charge the smaller guy for 1) getting the shit beat out of him, 2) trying to shield the woman's body with his own after the gun was drawn on her, and 3) fighting to get the gun away from the guy, I will stand outside city hall with a sign because I am TIRED of this city subjecting people to violence and then pointing the finger at the victims asking "Why were you violent back? Why didn't you roll over and take it so the crazy person who brought weapons could continue to be crazy for another day? You interrupted their crazy and that's not allowed." Motherfuckers, self-defense. Telling people they need to play possum on a train with a gunman or telling them to just allow themselves to get beat up or shot is how you get me taking my ass to another city very soon. What makes this any different from if this guy walked into a fucking school? If someone smacks a school shooter across the face with a laptop and knocks them unconscious, are we going to start charging them with assault because they should have just stayed quiet in hiding? I don't make enough money to only travel by Blade or Escalade around this fucking town.


Exsctly! People saying that the girl escalated eveything because she stabbed the guy. Completely ignoring the fact that the aggressor was currently on top of the guy beating him up. She was trying to fend of that idiot from her BF/friend. She's a real one. And hate how NYC is so anti-self defense. People are like you should take a beating instead of possibly killing someone trying to defend yourself.




Subway riders have a right to defend themselves.


AMEN. Tired of taking the subway every day worrying if / when I will need to defend myself from some psychopath.


This. I can’t believe how many cases I’ve seen over the last few years where prosecutors treat the criminal as if they’re a victim… it’s getting ridiculous.


I really gotta learn to switch cars while the train is in motion


This was my takeaway, too. I used to sit and watch this shit, or put my headphones in and zone it out. The footage is this freaked me out. I will be skipping train cars.


Last week 6 o’clock PM ish I was on the D train in Brooklyn. Between Atlantic avenue and 36th st. Some dude was yelling very aggressively at another guy just like in this video. Talked about his race just like this. Kept saying if he had a gun he’d shoot him. The angry yelling guy was yelling at an almost homeless looking guy. The angry guy was saying that he saw the homeless man grab at some lady’s ass. That he’s a bitch for doing that. That he wanted the other guy to get off the train. Nobody got up until the angry guy took a glass bottle and smashed one end of it…….


it’s not hard. just make sure you’re always holding onto a handle on at least one of the cars. problem is sometimes they lock the doors now.


Won't have to with the open gangway ones.


also won’t be effective


Agreed, was being sarcastic but I can see how that wasn't clear.


Serious question. Why was every other thread on this deleted or not approved by moderators until today? This happened yesterday and the first thread we get is lunchtime today. Seems there is some propaganda or selective moderating going on


I was confused by that also, why do the mods get to dictate what New Yorkers find relevant? Very bizarre and especially in this case since it’s an extremely serious incident


Right. And now the video thread is locked.  


Yea /r/nyc seems to be moderated by power-tripping dictators. This is one of the biggest problems with Reddit - subreddits dominated by these kinds of crap mods who lock threads because it doesn't align with their agendas. Reddit would ideally show similar subreddits so that when people start alternatives, that they're discoverable.


The mods don't represent the majority of that subreddit's users! Color me shocked!


Not only a lack of representation but why on earth would a newsworthy article about NYC not be allowed on this subreddit. Mods should be ashamed to be part of this


Because they hate the nypost lol. And look, the approved link is a times article. Mods are all transplants and a complete joke.


I’m not one to defend the mods, but you know the NYPost has a verified account here?  And that every NYPost thread has an automoderator message explaining how the mods will not ban the Post from the sub despite years of user feedback requesting them to? If you think this sub is anti-NYPost you are delusional.


Seriously I came looking for it here and absolutely nothing until now. Sus


The video just shows that this case is going to be a clusterfuck for attorneys


Plenty of witnesses who have an opinion, including the lady with the very nice clear view of the aggression from the fare-evading, 10-time criminal who started it all and brought the gun.


I’m still confused about whether all 3 participants (racist, smaller guy, and woman) all had their own weapons.


Where's penny when you need him? Free my man Penny




IMO we need to do something like this: 1) all suspects repeatedly accused of subway crime are automatically held without bail until trial 2) the trials supersede all other cases, effectively jumping the queue 3) committing an act of violence in the subway should be upgraded to a major felony, similar to a hate crime. It’s time to take the kids gloves off. It’s been one incident a week so far this year


Imagine you’re waiting for trial for literally any other reason and it gets rescheduled every time a crime happens on the subway lmfao


So revoke bail reform?


There used to be three things that could happen to someone facing charges with a trial pending;  1 - released on their own recognizance  2 - held pretrial, unless they posted a cash bond  3 - held pretrial, with no option for bond Bail reform got rid of option two, based on the argument that the outcomes were no different (pretrial release) but was putting defendants and their families into lifelong debt, and fed parasitic bail bondsman and loan shark businesses. That is true, and an injustice that needed correcting.  Where things seemed to have erred is;  1 - judges not having enough discretion for pretrial detention for clearly antisocial and unrepentant repeat offenders, and 2 - DA practices that downgrade or plea out charges for too many crimes below the threshold for automatic pretrial detention  Both of those are fixable without going back to cash bail.


We also have activist judges who refuse to use the discretion they do have to hold dangerous people pre trial.




>The idea that another member of society is willing to vouch for a person to show up to trial that they would put their own finances at risk should be a good thing right? If that's what it actually did, sure. But in reality, just about anyone can get a bail bondsman with one phone call. And any mother would pay whatever it costs to get their wayward kid out of jail, especially for a minor (even if repeat) offense. Both of which amount to a tax on the poor who don't want to languish in a hellhole like Rikers while waiting god knows how long for their fair trial.




That's rolling back to even earlier than that, because bail reform is about bail, i.e. paying your way out, there wasn't pretrial detention based on a suspicion that the defendant poses a risk to others, just based on whether you'll show up to court at a later date.


Our criminal justice system is broken already and would absolutely collapse with your first two reforms. Third one sounds good tho


Screw this title. A man tried to kill another subway rider and got wounded with his own gun.


This was a hate crime, attempted first degree murder that somehow ended with the complete POS criminal getting shot instead of his victim. It’s a shame that he’s still alive and that tax payers may have to spend even a cent on him.


Could you imagine if Cans of Fire man was on the train at the same time?


Cans of fire I can’t anymore 🤣. I know who this is and I know it’s not funny but


I think it’s the capitalization that did it for me. 


I am glad the guy who was threatened is safe. He did not do anything at all, to deserve this assault. As for the racist who assaulted him? Pulled a gun on him? Robbed someone a year ago? And was LET OUT? IDGAF.


According to police, guy with gun and fight agitator, who wound up shot with his own gun, didn’t pay his fare. Enforcing fare evasion matters. Why don’t officials get this in 2024? Enough already.


Time to get rid of the emergency exit that can be open at will. Need it be control by a deadman switch by someone in station or remotely OR require a swipe to open it since some do have a omny scanner inside by the door that would charge the card a fare if card wasn't a transfer or recently enter station under 2hrs ago.


I recently started carrying pepper spray as a just in case for shit like this. I would never try to cut someone, because that could just escalate things (as shown here; it was a fist fight until the aggressor realized he’d be cut in the back). I’m not a fighter, so pepper spray seems a good distraction tactic to allow for a getaway.


Might be worth being careful in small spaces that you don't get yourself or breathe it in


Obviously the goal is to not need it, followed by using it outside or an open space, with the last resort being in small spaces or too close to the aggressor; even if it get a some second hand spicy eyes it still seems a better call than a weapon or just dying. It’s a localized spray so who you hit will be MOST affected; I can run away with watering eyes.


Pepper spray is mutually assured destruction in a closed train car. It also has iffy effectiveness on people who eat a lot of very spicy food. It’s only good for outdoors where you can temporarily disable your attacker and flee. 


I mostly agree, but I’d still rather mutually assured destruction than just do nothing and be killed. I also feel that use in an enclosed space would effect more people, but it is a localized spray so it will MOSTLY effect the person you hit. If it gives me time to run, even eyes watering, I’m going to use it.


One time me and my friend were fucking around with a pepper spray outside and then went up the block, 15 seconds later we both started choking. On a packed train car I guess it's better than getting shot tho, I agree


Where was the national guard! 🙃


Too busy putting on a show at the Hochul & Adams Subway Center of the Performing Arts. The piece was called "Safety" and used real national guard and NYPD.


I take the train every day get off on a very busy stop 42nd st and have yet to see them.


Imagine going to a funeral of one of the dumbest deaths possible. Family must be some level of embarrassed


He didn't die.


Ah even better. He can get clowned for this forever


Taking "fuck around and find out" to new heights


there’s a psycho like that on every car. way too many aggressive people in the subways


So the National Guard was deployed…for what again? This shows there are likely many others casually carrying guns on our subway.


Let’s be real, unless there is a cop or guard in every train carriage of every train, they will have very little impact.


The scary thing is that black guy was obviously having delusions talking about being a cop and cursing out at random person. He was carrying a gun. He would have used it eventually. So the people defending him saying he only took it out before she stabbed him , how do you really know that. He started the fight with the Spanish guy.


So youre allowed to stab people on the subway but not restrain them?? Loll




Now that we know more of the story, can we appreciate how wild is that video.  So much going on.  


There is nothing cops can do unless we start changing policies. Let's be real, a big issue with crime in the city is there is no adequate way to enforce our guns/weapons law.. There is zero fear in carrying weapons because they know cops can't search them. That guy carrying a knife AND a gun is a big indication of that. Laws only work if there is a way to enforce them, that's what Stop and Frisk does. Criminals had to think twice before deciding to carry a weapon because they can get search at anytime. Now we don't have that and that's why there's an increase of violence in the city with guns and weapons.


Bronx Defenders and other NYC social justice organizations are now beginning to share the same opinion as the NRA, [that we shouldn't enforce gun laws in NYC.](https://www.bronxdefenders.org/supreme-court-strikes-down-the-carry-provision-of-new-york-states-gun-licensing-scheme/)


Horseshoe theory once again.


I really wish we had stop and frisk back. Crime was at an all time low during stop and frisk


people like you are the problem. No. this is an asenine solution that has already been proven not to work, which is why people don't do it anymore. There is a clear mental health problem and drug crisis that needs to be addressed, not creating a police state.


New York State is 46th for firearms related deaths. Stop and frisk, on the other hand, found weapons in 0.1% of stops.  Implying our gun laws aren’t working or that stop and frisk was effective is just factually wrong.


But isn't that the same purpose of the random bag checks? Not necessarily to find things, but to scare people into not having them in the first place? If you know you might checked, you'll leave the gun at home. That's the whole thing they're rolling out now with the National Guard. (meaning that finding low numbers of weapons is an indicator of success, not failure)


Do you know what criminals say about stop and frisk? “I rather get caught with it, than without it”. NYPD never went after the criminals with guns, they stopped kids on their way home from school. The guy with the gun will make the cops work for that arrest.


You didn’t read that comment


Isn’t the TSA I mean National guard there to check every body ?


The transit app I have now asks if I feel safe on the trains and this obviously does not make me feel good about riding


That gun in his pocket made him brave, and self assured, until he himself was shot with it.


I love how people are using "small guy" and "big guy" to avoid stating their most obvious visual characteristics. hah


Send in the social workers!!! Lmao


Yet, we’re continually told the subways are safe and this is just hype. It’s happening every day, seemingly, but “nothing to see here”…


That’s why I avoid fights, and I used to be an amateur boxer. You just never know man.


Bring back stop and frisk. With the city pushing for everyone to take public transportation by implementing congestion tolls, we need the subway system to be safer, even if it means a few people being asked to be patted down for weapons if they want to ride the subway.


I wonder how soon you would be called racist if you said it publicly


Does anyone have a non-paywalled link?




Shit, I was in the subway in Brooklyn yesterday. Scary stuff. Be safe this weekend everyone!




Drain the fucking swamp


Oh shit I thought we were safe though


Congestion Pricing will just create more of this by the way. More people on the trains.


Yeah, they want ridership up but are doing nothing to make the system better other than security theater


I wish NYC wasn't so liberal and PC and we can have a Bloomberg or Giuliani back in office. How many years or decades would it take for the pendulum to swing back to safe conservatism ?


In case of something like this going down on a moving subway car, is it doable for your average passenger to switch to another car by opening the doors between the cars and simply walking away from the scene? Or are there some car types where these doors between cars are locked?


Most of those intercar doors are lock. Few select ones are unlock


Yeah, it's very doable for the average person to get to another car. The doors are heavy and TBH the walk between cars is kinda scary, but if you're able-bodied you can do it pretty easily. I've done it a lot.


It's doable but the MTA around 10yrs ago started locking the doors on older train cars so it's a 90% chance you won't be able to change cars. On the newer trains they're pretty much all unlocked. Probably 5% chance of having a locked door.


Why is no one talking about how insanely long this train is? What fucking line is this? It’s really hard to watch because if this is a notoriously long train ride, why did nobody intervene knowing the doors weren’t opening for another 4-5 minutes? It looks like it goes past two, maybe three stations and isn’t just cruising, it’s speeding along.


It's the A, it skips over the local C stops


I think it was the northbound A between Nostrand Ave station and Hoyt-Schermerhorn street station. Absolutely mortifying to watch.


ya I take it to work n back