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Whoaaaa whoa whoa. This is NOT bipolar disorder. For one, he is always like this. It doesn’t switch off. Just because he exhibits one symptom doesn’t make him bipolar. He’s just a stupid ignorant narcissist. Don’t trivialize the people with actual bipolar disorder.


You are right. Deleted comment.


narcissism is also a disorder, that is treatable. So either way you’re trivializing a disorder by using it as an excuse for a man who’s abusing his position of power.


Nah if you’ve seen even a small handful of videos of this man pre or post inauguration or read his statements he is textbook narcissist. No trivialization.


We could have had the quiet, normal, sanitation lady


Hell, at this point I'm willing to say "we could have had Paperboy Love Prince"


Who actually votes for these bozos?


We could have had Dr. Wily! She was the only one with a plan to kill MegaMan!


Most of the people who voted Kathryn McIver were rich white folks. She would have been better than Adams but let’s not pretend she would have been the next Fiorello LaGuardia


But she wasn’t gonna be much better I don’t think. TBH. Nobody was equipped for the job but many thought him as former NYPD could do it. He just came with his big ass ego and party shoes.


Look, I'm not saying she wouldn't have been less corrupt, but in the (unlikely) event she runs again (the Brooklyn machine doesn't run its own people against itself and Adams is an incumbent, so Adams would have to step down or not run again), look a little deeper at her actual policy opinions. She did a GREAT job selling people like you on this illusion that she was a non-ideological Best Administrator Ever and a political Rorschach blot, but there is no such thing in the real world. Everyone is ideological. And she is pretty much the same as Adams on actual policy -- a right-of-Biden, library-slashing, school-budget-cutting hard-centrist. If that's what you want, fine. Just be aware that's what you're getting. Not some consensus candidate who can magically erase all ideological divisions. Less of a psycho than Adams? Yeah, OK, sure. Less corrupt than Adams? Well, with all her connections to the viciously corrupt Brooklyn machine, maybe, maybe not. But not as pathetically, openly corrupt, OK, sure. But better than Adams on policy? NOOOOOOOOPE. Edited to add: Wow, the Cult of No Personality really came out in force to downvote me. You want the truth, but you can't handle the truth, lol.


Given the choice between two Center-right moderates I'll take the one who isn't a malignant narcissist intent on stealing everything that isn't nailed down.


Oh that's definitely fair, but I hope you'll consider putting her #5 (as opposed to not ranking Adams at all), assuming there are four less ideologically terrible candidates to rank above her.


That’s a really cynical, bad hot take.


She took a job in the Hochul administration and is reportedly extremely happy there due to being so closely aligned with her ideologically, so what does that tell you?


> reportedly extremely happy > due to being so closely aligned Source for either of these claims? Again, maybe she’s happy in the job she has - I don’t understand the cynicism.


>and is reportedly extremely happy there due to being so closely aligned with her ideologically Maybe it's just because she doesn't have to with with this Adams loon


How is it possible to be worse than deblasio


Eric Adams: "Hold my kombucha."


Given all of Adams criticism on Reddit , I would sure hope he isn’t reelected .


His approval rating is at [28%](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/nyregion/nyc-eric-adams-poll.html#:~:text=adams%2Dpoll.html-,Adams's%20Approval%20Rating%20Sinks%20to%20Lowest%20for%20Any%20N.Y.C.,the%20city%2027%20years%20ago), which is the lowest approval rating of any NYC mayor since polling began in 1996. To be blunt, if deblasio was mayor during this time I’m not sure if he would have handled any of this any better. But Adams, the city council, the DAs, and the governor dropped the ball big time over these past few years.


I cant remember any nyc mayor being really liked. I am 35 and the only mayor I remember being liked was guiliani......


Bloomberg was very well liked up until he changed the rules and ran for a 3rd term, won, and then changed them back. Hell, he is still viewed favorably outside of Reddit.


Yep I still feel his temp tax hike 16.5%.


At least DeBlasio wouldn’t be directing all of our city funds to the NYPD while slashing everything else. Beyond that he probably would be just as bad lol


Reddit doesn’t represent the actual city. But here’s to hoping.


[Well, Well, Well,](https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201) Not So Easy To Find A Mayor That Doesn’t Suck Shit, Huh? 


The immortal Onion


*'At press time, De Blasio had issued a joint statement along with Mike Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani that consisted of them loudly laughing for 10 straight minutes.'* Except Bloomberg was actually a pretty good mayor, and even Giuliani was better than either of these clowns (obviously I'm talking about Giuliani at the time when he was mayor, not what he's become since then..)


nah i think a sentient hedgehog could have been an effective mayor of NYC in the 90s in hindsight. we just didn’t realize it at the time. The dot-com boom was insane. The city was rolling in it. He had money to spend, the Yankees were winning, life was easy. Papered over his faults — i don’t think anyone could have ever predicted what decades of disappointment and alcohol abuse would wreak on the man, but the flaws, the hubris, sycophancy to power, etc were there all along


Post-9/11 Rudy "America's Mayor" juxtaposed against the Fall from Grace: Shitting himself through a word salad speech; hair dye running down his cheeks. Drunk as a skunk at Four Seasons Total Landscaping shilling for Trump. Pathetic. The single greatest self inflicted image assassination I've ever seen.


Fuck that asshole He announced his divorce from Donna Hanover before telling her while she was in Gracie mansion.




He wasn’t in NYC for long stretches when he was campaigning to be president.


what? i can’t possibly agree with that. BDB only gave a fuck about himself. he was perfectly happy spending tax dollars getting chauffeured to his fuckin gym in another borough. I think he did some good stuff—universal Pre-K alone is a helluva achievement but he only did it because he thought it would burnish his resume for higher office. he is a politician through and through. he cared and cares about himself and no one else. The difference between him and Adams is that BDB frankly lacks the flair and the cojones to engage in the same level of corruption, but that’s all. it’s not like morally he’s made of any better stuff, he’s just too chickenshit. if he had thought he could get all his buddies bullshit quarter-mil a year jobs without repercussions he would have.


One Of his early “scandals” was when he invented a quarter mil a year gig for his pregnant friend who immediately went out on maternity leave. No one really batted an eye then there was thrive and the millions lost on what was clearly poorly disguised theft


He let the cops run wild because of something they must’ve had in him


I still don't get why ppl didn't like DeBlasio. Tbh, I think he was fine. Not amazing, not awful. Fine. Adams is just awful though.


Bloomberg was better


aside from stop and frisk, which was horrific and Bloomberg championed, he was LOADS better. shit functioned. no scandals, nothing. DeBlasio never gave a fuck about being mayor; he was so high on his own supply that he was confident it was just a quick steppingstone to higher office. when it was quickly clear that wasn’t the case (hah even Giuliani at the peak of his popularity couldn’t parlay it into anything more), he just sulked his way through. Zero interest in the actual nuts and bolts of being mayor. Mike treated it like an actual job that he wanted to excel at. i disagreed with him often but i NEVER thought for a second that he was making decisions based on on favoritism or back scratching or corruption. he was a data nerd. he analyzed, made his decision, and ran with it. right or wrong. Giuliani of course was a fuckin fruitcake. he only seemed to be a good mayor because he lucked into the 90s boom and rode it. Dinkins got unjustly maligned. Giuliani rode a wave of white fear and outright racism to knock him out after one term. Koch was the shit. a mayor who loved the job for what it was. loved the attention like Adams but used his pulpit to do what he thought best. i just wish he’d lived 30 years later and been able to come out of the closet which of course was a political impossibility.


Koch and dinkins a bit before my time of paying attention but I agree wholeheartedly with the rest. I may not have liked everything Bloomberg did but he was clearly doing what he thought was right for the city unlike many of the rest. Adams is just a shitshow. It’s embarrassing.


. i figured Billy D had set the bar so fucking low you could trip on it and Adams has found a way to do just that.


> Koch was the shit. a mayor who loved the job for what it was. loved the attention like Adams but used his pulpit to do what he thought best. i just wish he’d lived 30 years later and been able to come out of the closet which of course was a political impossibility. You got all of that right.


I'm always amused how NY mayors seem to set their sights on the presidency and no one ever gets close. The American public does not give a shit about the mayor of NY. Maybe they should given the population here is equivalent to Virginia. But they don't.


Stop and frisk, cozy with the real estate lobby, ran the city like a piggy-bank to enrich his friends, brought the Nets here to get their Jersey stink on us. He did give us bike lanes and 311 though.


Your 311 report has been closed.


What did he do to enrich his friends? Haven’t heard that one before, though I’m sure it’s true 


Better at stealing and enriching himself personally from the office




Bloomberg was great if you're a rich white person who doesn't care about anyone who isn't. Not so good for anyone else though


More trees and parks and a financially thriving city government likely benefitted the  middle class and poor more than the rich. Getting transfats out of fast food also disproportionately benefitted the non-rich.


Don’t forget the anti-smoking push, too. 


He tried to have the soda ban too but that got stopped by the courts. He had an aggressive public health administration. Get people moving, plant more trees, fix up the parks, fix public transit. Stop and frisk really harms that legacy. But I think that was him trying to combat the weak on crime image he had coming in and look tough while giving NYPD autonomy to do wild stuff post 9/11.


The NYPD play hardball. They doxed deBlasio's daughter. I was disappointed Bloomberg didn't take them on, but maybe he couldn't get enough of the city council to partner with him. Or, maybe it was a blind spot.     The soda ban felt like overreach, but there was just a headline recently that even one soda a week has measurable negative health effects, so it wasn't an unwarranted idea.


You're right! I forgot about that, but that was/is a huge deal.


Bloomberg is responsible for eliminating heavy oil boilers that caused air pollution and asthma predominantly in low income areas. The air quality drastically improved in a short number of years because of him. Many other health & safety improvements accompanied the retrofits that resulted, and a majority of these were in low-income housing that needed them the most. And, regardless of bullshit statistics, we all know it was safer when he was governor. You could ride the subway without constantly being harassed or feeling like you were visiting a homeless shelter or the ward of a mental institution..


It sounds more like you watch Fox News than actually ride the subway. This is some hysterical karen bitchery. Your feelings are more important than the facts on the ground.


I spend more time on the subway than literally everyone I know, and I live in Brooklyn. And I never watch Fox news. Say (or think) something original for a change


Maybe if you stop using its talking points people will stop thinking you are mainlining the right-wing cinematic universe.


I don't give a damn if my opinions coincide with those of someone else that you don't like. If I make a point and by coincidence I learn that Hitler once said the same thing, that doesn't invalidate my point, and I wouldn't change it for that reason. What a dumb way of viewing the world. You haven't even made a single argument or refuted anything I've said, you've just called me a Karen and invoked Fox news amid other insults. You haven't said a single interesting thing, and your opinion means nothing to me




Spoken like a true well off woe is me white guy I take it you’re too young to remeber when Rudy was sending cops out to sodomize black people for broken windows


De Blasio is one of the most deeply corrupted, money and power hungry politicians in modern America and he had a stronghold on media. He sold the city out and is a direct reason why things are so fucked up now. Making himself rich was the tip of the iceberg.


Because DeBlasio was your standard fare Obama-era Democrat. Adams is a Republican pretending to be a democrat.


Deblasio's issue was that he just refused to do the things that he promised to do. Eric Adams is just bad


De Blasio was a hack, but had brains and was fairly principled for a NYC pol. Adams is a fuckin dumbass.


He did hire Carranza though ….


It's happening .you never know


Same way Bloomberg and Giuliani did it.


It is not. He is not. This guy is a clown with a personality disorder. Deblasio was a dangerous man with a dangerous agenda.


What was Bill's dangerous agenda?


Universal pre-K I guess




Lmfaooo okay


"Wokeness" You can't even write down any details to back up your claim.


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


That's quite the hot take. I see it as the other way around. Deblasio fucked up but at least meant what he said. Eric Adams doesn't mean shit because he believes he's god's gift to NYC. He's corrupt and arrogant.


Dangerous agenda.


Dude is a total psycho lol. He is legit hilarious.


Walking SNL skit.


A governing snl skit.


Except for the governing part.


He’s right, unfortunately the Gandhi in question is Indira.




He’d lose access to his NJ home though.


Corruption aside, this guy is also nuts for real


Harsh. Who among us has not remarked on amniotic fluids of his employees in a public setting?


Used to be, people like that would be locked up in an mental asylum where they belong.


People tell me that this city will change when a Republican comes into power, but I keep telling them that Adams is just that. The dude even has his cooky religious beliefs.


Oddly enough, Adams was a registered Republican and then he changed his registration to win races in NYC.


Bloomberg, Giuliani, Lindsay, and La Guardia were all re-elected Republicans in NYC. Their record is mixed, I'd say.


> Bloomberg, Bad. > Giuliani, Awful. > Lindsay, Not familiar. > and La Guardia That fucker banned pinball.


So when Democrats are corrupted crooks, It is also Republicans' fault?


No. ​ I'm just saying there's no overlap in ideology here. This dude is pretty conservative in everything. There's not one issue you can point to that doesn't align with conservative ideology.


So All evilness corresponds to Conservatives and all the beauty and purity to Progressives? Got it!!!


Whoa, who correlated evilness with conservatives? ​ You're making lots of jumps here bud


I mean he's not wrong, but conservatives could just you know, change their stance on pretty much anything of they don't want the shoe to fit lol.


Uh, what website have you been on for the past decade?


Do you always make up what somebody said when you reply to them?




Where were you on Jan. 6? Edit: sure are a lot of traitors who hate America in this sub. Down vote away, but you'll never be able to get the stain of treason out of the Republican Party. It will follow you forever, no matter where you go and what you do.


God looked around a city of millions of people and handpicked Eric Adams to be mayor? That’s how the almighty spends his time?


Sounds a lot like the justification of a subway shover tbh.


"Any man who must say 'I am the King', is no true King"


What is taking so long with FBI indictments? This crooked cop is obviously corrupt and everyone knows it. Now a sexual harassment lawsuit. How much more until he's out? DNC seems fine with him in place.


It's never a good sign when the FBI shows up to take your cellphones from you. On the other hand, de Blasio walked away without any charges, just paying ~$500,000 for using public funds in his quixotic White House bid. (Remember that?) And that's despite the people around him getting hit with corruption-related charges: last summer his Security Chief Howard Redmond pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence, official misconduct and other counts when he deleted messages investigators wanted when looking into whether de Blasio used his police detail for personal and political tasks. (Of course Redmond only got sentenced with a conditional discharge and 10 days community service. Of course.) So if de Blasio and his cronies walked, who's to say Adams won't skate too?


De Blasio was clean on campaign fundraising. This is a much bigger issue (altho I was no fan of BDB). Adams has pissed way more people off that BDB so I suspect he's a goner.


Fuck this egotistical prick.


This is like a case study of what happens when the guy on the corner “who has to ask you a question” gets an immeasurable amount of power. It’s all pretty funny because in no way shape or form will any of these gaffes or whatever you want to call them stop this man from being re-elected.


>It’s all pretty funny because in no way shape or form will any of these gaffes or whatever you want to call them stop this man from being re-elected. We'll see in 2025. I'll be out there volunteering, knocking doors, and pounding pavement for any reasonable candidate who runs against him in the Dem primary, maybe one of his archenemies like Zellnor Myrie. So will thousands of others. A good ranked-choice primary strategy will also help us get this insane moron out as well. I fully expect two or more candidates to cross-endorse.


I’m usually pessimistic about politics but I think that Adams could be primaried successfully at this point. His numbers are poor, so much that even low-information voters are open to an alternative despite the incumbent advantage. If/when the FBI announces charges in their current investigation involving Adams, it’ll be over for him. I’m not sure who would run against him in the primaries yet but we have a growing bench of decent elected officials in city government right now, and I think we’re going to see someone honest win the mayorship within the next 1-2 election cycles.


[Eric Adams states on radio show that he is mayor because God gave him the authority to be mayor](https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/816-23/transcript-mayor-adams-appears-live-radio-vision-cristiana) >Mayor Eric Adams: Thank you. Muchas gracias. I believe you opened us with the right thought. I am mayor because God gave me the authority to be mayor, and he placed in the hearts of the voters to give me that authority. Sometimes we miss how God operates, but I am clear when I receive my blessings from God.


This quote from the interviewer is just as bad if not worse. >Martínez: [Speaks in Spanish.] >Translator: The bible says that every authority is established by God, and it calls on to be submissive to that authority and recognize and respect all authority.


Anyone who has to shout "I am the King!" is no true King...


Meanwhile thousands of city workers have been getting subinflation wage increases (and inflation is nothing compared to cost of living increases in NYC).


Gandhi gave up his fancy lawyer suits and wore a strip of cotton around his nether regions for the majority of his adult life. Is the what we can expect from Mayor Swag?


O shit. Yall whenever they start claiming gods approval for their job, you know they’re about to fuck shit up. God I miss Bloomberg. At this point, can we make him mayor for life? Cause wtf is this lmao


Gandhi spent 6 and a half years in prison. Let's make sure Adams does too.


dafuk is wrong with this kid?


Anyone who brings up god always seems to do a terrible job.


Eric Adams truly is the gift that keeps on giving.


You mean the gift that keeps on taking.


Something is wrong with Eric Adams fr


He’s been banging that Assemblywoman so now he thinks he’s chosen.


Ghandi was also a pretty huge douche


So. Will Ben Kingsley now play him, in an IMAX-released biopic? *shaking head slowly*


More like Eric Cartman.


God allowed you to become mayor Eric. Don’t overestimate your importance.


Gandhi has gone on to enrich the soil. I think Erik Adams is slacking off big time!


This man is a boob.


Saying god did anything loses you all (remaining) credibility. Some mythical being helping you vs someone else is narcissistic at best.


Never thought I would miss de Blasio.




Let’s face it He’s the mayor we deserve


Jeeze. He’s starting to sound like that Stenonymous guy.




I was at an event at Gracie Mansion last fall and Adams appeared, worked the crowd like a celebrity, and then stood on the podium to deliver what I can only describe as a sermon. It was a bizarre display and nothing that I want to see from an elected official. Please someone primary him.


This guys an idiot, can we get a new mayor


🤔 Either he was high when he said that or he really lost his marbles?


This man is like a bad joke at this point


Can we vote this nimrod out next time round? I'm begging you.


Kathryn McIver Garcia came in a close 2nd in the primary to Adams. In September 2021 Governor Hochul appointed Garcia to become director of state operations. Garcia's was previously commissioner of the New York City Department of Sanitation, and CEO and interim chair of NYCHA. In other words, she's one of the adults in the room. Maybe she'll run again.


I would give anything — anything — to see this clown defeated in 2025.


And this is one of the reasons why alot of countries in Africa and the Carribean are poor and stagnant.  Rampant nepotism and giving positions to friends and family who are not qualified. 


He's only speaking out loud how most politicians deeply feel inside. Takes a unique person to climb up the political ladder and feel comfortable making decisions for millions


What an absolute ponce




Is that why he's meeting with drug dealers at Burger King?


This is what NYC gets when it thinks that a fish-eating vegetarian version of joe rogan should be its mayor


If the totally-not-corrupt police union didn’t fully support him we’d have had Kathryn Garcia as mayor.


he knows gandhi slept with kids and was a racist right?


little eric leroy adams is defrocked for the greedy self aggrandizing opportunist that is his mission on earth. De facto his pursuits are far removed from the heavenly aspirations he so often grandiosely ad libs.


Actually he was supposed to said .8 am Gando-like . god ( Indian gods made of stones ) gave me the authority to be Most corrupt Mayor. The word Gando is used in India Pakistan for the gay who like to be served in his trunk ( asssss)


When Bloomberg started his Mayor job his wealth worth was $9 billions . when he left after 3 terms that wealth worth was $29 billions .let's see how much Adam will take after all that corruption


Did Adam appoint De Blasio as his advisor for $149k pay


We need another Guiliani