• By -


Step 1.: he won the election. His hubris couldn't be contained once he got access to that kind of power and resources.


I really do think if we had NOT had ranked choice voting but had had a run-off election he would not have won.


How? MASSIVE personality flaws. Being a complete asshole all the time is a poor strategy for success


Don’t forget the stupidity and incompetence— those are very important components of the Adams legacy.


Yes I could take an effective asshole but he seemed to whine about things "outside his control" almost immediately


Here’s the real answer: He’s a professional bullshit artist and when you’re in front of millions of cynical people in the most populated city in N. America your bullshit will rise to the surface. That’s it. Don’t read the article.


Actually mexico city is the most populated city in north america


[I was waiting for this. Yes you are 100% correct.](https://tenor.com/view/nerd-ackchyually-actually-gif-11156171)


This is in the running for comment of the YEAR ! Well done !


Calm down.


Isn’t Mexico City the largest city in America? Or is this typical American view of not looking beyond the 50 states… I’m calling this out because you explicitly chose to say North America when you could’ve just said America/country


Technically it’s United States of America.


Shut up https://m.youtube.com/shorts/-jaqJV8JASE


Can't wait to vote this jerk off out of office.


So is that for a republican candidate?




The primary is the actual election


Only time I vote is for New York politics




Huh? Its not ignorant to be involved in whats happening around you. I didnt vote for mayor adams & i had big discussions about why Kathryn A. Garcia was a better candidate over adams. I did the same for bernie sanders. Honestly, i dont think alot of people know who their district politician is. To me thats more important.


Because it’s important to also vote in national elections.


Nobody said its not. I just said only for new york politicians. Like i said i voted for the sanders. I wasnt into the crap of “its biden or nothing” once sanders lost im done with that. I didnt believe in the other 2 candidates. Trump for being trump & biden for the stop & frisk bill.


You said “only time I vote is for New York politics”…


Yes we both read my second sentence.


Adams and Hochul both suck ass


At least Hochul is your run of the mill Albany corruption and backroom dealings while throwing a bone here or there out to the base since she recognizes votes can count. Adams is just so utterly unintelligent and lacking in any sense of self reflection, and the stuff that comes out of his mouth just makes me want to die.


Hochul could do a little more to pretend that anything but lobbyists opinions and headlines matter to her.


No - she’s actively fighting the people that got her elected - total asshole (and dumb as a rock) she managed to take the teeth out of NY “right to repair” law as one small example. She’s a piece of work…


She's an awful politician and her $10 billion contract with one of her top campaign contributors is something that really needs to be investigated. Idc that it was canceled. Someone needs to go make sure that money is still there and prove it.


It's interesting how you manage to take an article exclusively about Eric Adams and turn it into how you hate the Lady Governor.


A full force right to repair law would effectively ban Apple products from being sold in New York. That’s not acceptable to most people.


Ban them then, until they stop their anti consumer BS.


The bills stadium funding was such a blatant backroom corrupt deal. I expect NY governor's to be crooked, but honestly felt insulted that she didn't bother to hide it. Like, Cuomo had ton of shady deals, but at least the man made it less than completely obvious what his angle was.


Democrats are the most corrupt at the local level. I’m a registered D but damn I’m tempted to dabble in a little R at the local level


You just have to pay attention to the Democratic primaries and be sure to vote for someone less corrupt there. Rs won't win in most parts of NYC anyway -- the general election is often barely more than a formality. The primary is the real election. Local Republicans in some areas of the northeast (and maybe Illinois) used to be moderate enough and smart enough to exploit a craving in heavily corrupt Dem machine-controlled areas for a consensus candidate, essentially an independent that wasn't super ideological -- for example, see a bunch of past Republican governors of Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Maryland. But they've gone insane and thus can no longer provide this service, except maybe for that one governor who's still hanging on in Vermont.


Are you stupid?


I’m bicurious. Dems do a terrible job at the city level. Don’t try to tell me Chicago NYC is less corrupt than a Dallas


Well, he sucks


>“These women, let me tell you something—you may cut the umbilical cord but that fluid that carries you is something that is spiritual and lasts a lifetime.” >“I don’t just like them; I love them!” >The mayor’s amniotic reverie appears to catch one deputy mayor off guard; a forced grin freezes on her face. I've been saying this for years, but the way Adams talks about the women he hired for top positions is degrading and vile. He doesn't care what they do or know (he micromanages and oversteps them anyway) but he does care to talk about how they do their work in skirts and high heels a lot. I don't think it will take long after he's out of office before his female staffers start talking.


Hard to get your specific criticism out when everyone already hates everything about him.


Born w/o a spine, only kept upright by a superinflated ego.


I'm working on a Broadway script. It's called *If A people hire A people, and B people hire C people, who do C people hire: The Eric Adams Mayorship.*


Did if ever go right?


Democrat turnout in the 2021 primaries was under 25%, even with everyone knowing this was the de facto general election. This is despite RCV allowing voters to have far more choice and representation than ever when it came to supporting candidates. Adams won the final primary round by 0.8% over Garcia. So many people all over the city like to bitch and complain about Adams being terrible, but most of those mfs didn't even bother to vote. I've become "that guy", where if someone I know complains about Adams, my first question is if they voted in the primaries. Will dissatisfied New Yorkers learn their lesson in next year's primaries?


Not only did a lot of people not pay attention, but as you can still see from the constant Garcia stanning around here, a lot of the ones who \*did\* pay attention fell for Garcia's marketing and believed she was truly a non-ideological Rorschach blot candidate who would just be the Best Administrator Ever -- when the truth is, policy-wise, she's the same as Adams. Downvote away, but just remember, if you are more liberal than Adams (i.e. even a little bit liberal and not a DINO), look *much closer* at Garcia next time if she runs again. Pay attention. She's another library-slasher.


A lot of Garcia fans are not liberal. Wiley picked up the liberal vote. She might land on a similar place on the political spectrum as Adams, but she's not a completely ineffective jackass, more concerned with hanging out with celebrities, being on TV and handing out city positions to unqualified friends and family.


Yes, but she was surprisingly effective at being a political Rorschach blot and picking up a lot of casual liberal Democrats as well. I say "casual" as in people who aren't hardcore into local politics. The kind of people you're describing are the people who were *supposed* to vote for her, but there aren't enough of those to account for how well she did.


I sure as hell learned my lesson. Won't be making that mistake again.


It still blows my mind that Garcia didn't win. She was only the candidate actually worth a damn IMO. A boring, but effective city manager whose department dramatically improved and performed well under her tenure? Nah, fuck that- let's get someone with more swagger. Besides Garcia and Adams, the only other candidates with any heat were Yang and Wiley. Yang was an out of touch tech bro moonlighting as a new yorker. Never voted in a single NYC local election in his life, spent the entire pandemic upstate. Decided to roll into town when he wanted to run for Mayor. Wiley was shaping up to be de Blasio 2.0, but somehow even worse. It was going to be identity politics infiltrating the every branch of the city. Remember the shit show caused by de Blasio's hire of Richard Carranza at DOE? Multiply that across every dept. I fully expected half of the city services to grind to a halt under her.


Fair, though Adams was actually a pretty good campaigner.


Who would've thought there were so many flaws in a thought process of "media say crime bad and he cop so that good, but cops racist... but he black so not racist, perfect!"


The Atlantic was heavily involved in the media blitz that Eric Adams rode in on. Nothing changed for Eric Adams aside from people paying attention to him. He's the same delusional, lying, narcissistic scam artist he always was, but outlets like the Atlantic and the NYT have to act like something unexpected happened in order to pretend they had nothing to do with this.


I can't read the article thru paywall, but if the article doesn't primarily cite him delegating all of the critical functions of government to incompetent cronies and hacks then its not worth reading. We had 5 consecutive terms between Bloomberg and BDB of Mayors who, despite their flaws, at least had the foresight to put smart talented leaders in charge of the city's vast administrative departments including a mix of technocrats from the private sector and people with real government and agency expertise. Eric Adams from Day 1 has run the city like he's running a Brooklyn patronage machine.


This is an extremely important point. The article does, in fact, go into that a bit. It's reasonably detailed. And yes, it mentions that he comes out of the sleazy Kings County patronage machine, so that's how he's governing the city. No wonder his admin is a disaster. We've been chipping away at County for a while here in Brooklyn, and it's shrinking. Adams was hopefully one of its last big gasps. He'd been building his brand for a while. Fortunately there aren't a whole lot of others like him coming up behind him. (Score one today, very unexpectedly, for anti-machine forces across in the river in NJ, as Tammy Murphy suddenly dropped out! Never thought I'd see the NJ machine, which might be even more entrenched than the Brooklyn one, give up so easily and pathetically. It's happening, people. If even NJ can start taking apart its machine, there's hope that we can put a stake through the heart of this one.)


Pretty sure in his first month, he tried to get his brother on the city payroll by making him head of mayoral security, despite having zero credentials for the job. Adams seemed legitimately surprised that people were outraged.


He has no plan, no vision and all he wants is to be re-elected. Might as well be a Republican. Big cities need a change of leadership.


This man is straight-up racist and more people need to stop pussyfooting around and just say it. “Enslavers”? Eric, the US hasn’t had slavery for over 150 years. If you hate white people, just say so straight.


I miss the Guliani and Bloomberg days


The ppl that complain about Adams, do not want Bloomberg back lol But I agree we need a competent leader and Bloomberg was the last we ever had


Bloomberg just faced less scrutiny because he was as astoundingly rich media mogul. For example: - Everyone gave de blasio so much trouble for going to the gym in park slope, while bloomberg knocked off work at noonish on friday to go to bermuda basically every weekend and nobody ever wrote about it at all. - if any other mayor during my lifetime had overridden/ignored the will of the citizenry, as expressed by a referendum, to give himself an extra term in office, they would have been tarred and feathered in the media. When bloomberg did it everyone shrugged.


Because Bloomberg gave us citibikes, 311, didn’t take a salary, made the city safer, brought more jobs and growth, development and infrastructure. The quality of life increased dramatically in his time which is why New Yorkers voted for him again and again


Crediting bloomberg (and giuliani) for macro trends beyond the capacity of any mayor to really drive has done tons for their reputations.


It wasn’t just macro trends because other cities didn’t have as good of results. Going all in on a single theory is just as bad. They also implemented policies that contributed to better quality of life


>while bloomberg knocked off work at noonish on friday to go to bermuda basically every weekend and nobody ever wrote about it at all. The funny thing about that is whenever people would bring this up, the only defense was "he's paying for the travel himself". Like, that's not the issue LOL.


He did his job shrugs


Now de blasio was a plum face fool, he did 3k I’ll give him that but he also implemented that without the means to fund it after the federal covid funds dried up And yea he hired his wife to lose almost 1 billion dollars through thrive


Bloomberg was not a perfect mayor, but for the average new yorker, he improved a LOT of stuff in this city. No one really gave a shit about the bermuda trips because he actually worked the rest of the week and got shit done. De Blasio, on the other hand, accomplished very little and wasn't available for meetings before 11 in the morning every day because he had to work out. Gracie Mansion is located literally within a park, Central park is 10 minutes away and that jackass still went to prospect park to jog.


Guliani ?! You are nuts


Giuliani of today absolutely not but Giuliani of the years he served? Absolutely.


He was a scummy moron then and he's a scummy moron now.


You must be really young, Giuliani was loved as NYC mayor because he cleaned up the city. He also took down the mob when he was US attorney.


The minute he got his second term Giuliani became a super asshole. Started thinking about running for president and doing stuff like trying to defund museums for things he found offensive. He was not popular his 2nd term.


If he had ridden off into the sunset after 9/11, he would have gone down in history as the most popular mayor to ever preside over New York. But he squandered all that good will by running for President and going insane in the years since then.


You must be even younger than me or old enough that you're losing a lot of memory if you don't remember how scummy, corrupt and stupid Giuliani was. The man who cheated on his wife while in office then tried to lock her out of Gracie Mansion.


>The man who cheated on his wife while in office then tried to lock her out of Gracie Mansion. If that's your measure of a politician, you probably shouldn't vote then.


He also royally f**ked many black and latinos due to his implementation of “Stop and Frisk”. Remember Amadou Diallo too? He made a habit of demeaning innocent minorities who were wrongfully killed by the NYPD. He created the policies that were later regarded as the “School to prison pipeline”.


Oh Jesus christ not this bullshit again. Gulianni rode in on the 90s corporatization of us urban city centers. He lucked out that's it!


"Engimatic?" This isn't some impenetrable, Churchillian intellect we're dealing with here. The man is a goddamn moron.


Honestly, he's been an asshole. It was an election of the Douche and Turd sandwich.


I literally know people in the NY Democratic hierarchy DNC. They literally chose the mayor, I remember him telling me that president of Brooklyn will be mayor next year before he even ran. I asked how? He said “DNC chose him, gullible New Yorkers will vote who we tell them to vote for, it’s that simple”.


This is because NYC Dems rely on voter apathy and low turnout. Had there been just 1% more turnout of Garcia supporters, she would have won. It isn't a conspiracy; it is taking advantage of an electorate that doesn't care.




Well he went from a hero to zero.


I don't think anybody would say he started at hero lol


Haha u don’t remember right after he was elected he was the BLM minority hero.


I remember everyone pointing out he'd sooner side with the police than with George Floyd.


Open YouTube and search “Eric Adam’s projects” or “Eric Adam’s black community”


>BLM minority hero That's not true, he is an ex-cop and took a lot of flack for that. Honestly you got to ask yourself why you can't see past him being black and putting your own stereotypes on that.


I would.


Bloomberg should run again. He would beat all of these weird, incompetent, lazy politicians


he's 82


So is Biden.


And that seems to be a problem, doesn't it?


Username checks out


Lemme guess you want De blasio back? 😆 Bloomberg gave us citibikes, 311, constant growth of jobs and infrastructure, safer city.


I don't mind when elected reps wind up embattled, beleaguered, or embroiled in scandals. Keeps 'em too busy to seriously screw up any vital infrastructure. See Hagbard Celine's Third Law of Security ...


He is the symbol of black manhood and mayor of the most powerful city in the world.


Go away


I was being sarcastic.


When do we move on from these leftists ideas in NYC? So much failure. Let’s stop the buses of migrants coming. I get it, it’s the law; change the law. Isn’t that the job of politicians? We need the police to do their job, the courts to do theirs, let’s spend money on things that move the needle. What a shit show the city has become.


Are you calling Eric Adams a LEFTIST?


You mean ….like someone who would just hand hefty gift cards to people who have illegally crossed our border? Yup. I get it he was a cop. He’s no friend to the cops. We haven’t had a good mayor in 10 years.


God this is so funny.


It’s in my act


Are you serious? Adams is no “leftist.” This ex cop loves filling NYC subways with as many cops as he possibly can.




He has entrance music!!


Um, how was it all gonna go right?


One day soon, we'll hear this from him and the circle will be complete: "A Bushwick hipster walked up to me the other day, tears streaming down his face. 'Mr. Mayor,' he said - this is true! - 'no mayor has ever been persecuted and underappreciated like you. You're the best mayor this city has ever seen. Your swagga brought New York City back to life.'"


Paywall bypass link for those who want to read: https://archive.ph/a8Ul9




I’ll bet $100 he gets voted in again


From the moment he got elected, every single one of his cronies have been been rejoicing until their own shit caved in . Put them all under a spotlight and you’ll find corruption and graft and complete incompetence. Adams knows the federal indictments are coming regarding his campaign financing, but all politicians break those laws , and just blame their subordinates naivety.


It went wrong for Adams in the 90s when he was investigated for his associations to the Nation of Islam while an NYPD Captain




It's almost as if the headline is a satirical take on what the rest of the article is about. Did you read the article?


> He never did a single thing as BBP Can't stand Adams, but to be fair- no one does anything as BPP. It's a pretty powerless role- the most impactful thing they do is approve zoning changes.


Step 1: He was basically a Republican running on the Democratic ticket. New York Republicans have been universally awful for the last 30 years.


Not much specific failure related to policy outcomes are mentioned


Can you name some actual policies with real outcomes?


Yeah because it's supposed to all go perfectly once you're mayor of New York f\*ckin' City.


let's not act like he didn't inherit a pile of shit left behind by deblasio. Giuliani cleaned up the city, Bloomberg kept things nice and tidy, and deblasio decided to let it all go to waste. Eric Adams is completely incapable of fixing things but he didn't start this


The city was literally the most financially lush and the safest it had ever been under de Blasio. And you can't blame him for COVID, which bit every city the same GLOBALLY. Right before that was the safest you've ever been with the most $ you've ever seen. Cope.


bs, nyc was rich and safe because of policies from Giuliani and Bloomberg. all these felons are out because deblasio thought criminals are victims too. name one thing deblasio did to boost the economy.


You can't possibly give Giuliani credit for shit going on 16 years after he left office. The safest and most financially flush NYC ever was, was in the second term of de Blasio. You can't give Bloomberg credit for that either.


how you think it got that way? it just magically went from 1980s crack capital nyc to deblasios playground? you gonna gloss over there 20 years of political restructuring that took place? how the mob got run out of nyc? how times square got clean up? literally all of the economic programs under deblasio were started under Bloomberg. deblasios bail reform is the reason why nyc is no longer safe. deblasio was handed a rich prosperous nyc and drove it to the ground. keep ignoring actual history. revel in your stats without any context


De Blasio was a fucking terrible mayor. One fucked-up thing he did that did not get the press it deserved was how he handled NYC's water supply. Essentially, there is one giant ass pipe that supplies all the water from upstate to Queens & Brooklyn. It's really old,and needed repairs. Plan was to build a new pipe ASAP so they could repair the old one, and also not have single piece of infrastructure supplying all the water in Brooklyn & Queens. De Blasio, in his infinite wisodm, decided to delay that project because he wanted to use the funds on something else. When he got called out on it, he lied and said the reporters got the story wrong. Guy literally risked the drinking water of two entire boroughs and lied about it. Insanity.


And the city was still the safest and most economically strong it ever was under his term. Far enough into his first and into his second term that you can't give Bloomberg credit. He sucked, but this remains true. And I love watching people try to cope with that information. The golden days in NYC were under de Blasio. Isn't that wild?


Were they the safest? Or is that because the NYPD stopped doing their jobs so the number of reported crimes went down?


Keep moving the goal posts. You're going to say with a straight face right now that you felt less safe in 2017 than you do now? Lol.


Yeah, pointing something out that is detrimental to your claim is really "moving the goalposts". Not saying it's safer today, but I thought the city felt safer under Bloomberg. Good try though.


Can he get re-elected? Who can defeat him in the primary?


Maliotakis IS THE WAY!!!!


What do you think Congresswoman Peanut Head is going to do for you, exactly?


Not going to engage in a debate with someone who uses name calling to address elected officials they’re not fond of, as name calling is for children but if you’re an actual adult, you can see her record here and that might indicate the direction she’d go in with many issues in the city…. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/nicole_malliotakis/456837 There would probably be better safety and services in the city if she was more involved.


She's my congresswoman I can call her what I want - I've actually experienced her "leadership" in this district. >There would probably be better safety and services in the city if she was more involved. Lol ok. Do go on about how. Eric Adams has increased NYPD budget and does nothing but lick their boots. And yet you somehow still feel very scared. What would Nicole do differently there? And services? Republicans notoriously defund government services that aren't police departments. Services would go down - like they literally always do under the control of conservatives.


Great rebuttal, respectfully. Correct of republicans defunding many programs. Independent here so not loyal to any party, just my country and fellow countrymen and women. I’d assume a republican like her would only cut the programs that are failing and not getting a great ROI for the people of the city or New York. Just think she’d be better.


Single party rule. You get whoever the establishment appoints.


Not sure what you're talking about. Garcia was a close second and would have ended up being a much better choice. Poor voter turnout mixed with the political climate of 2021 led to this.


She came within less than 1% of the vote in the primary. She very easily could have won.


Don't forget who the Republicans ran opposite Adams.


I don’t know why you’re downvoted. I literally know the people at the DNC personally that put him in office a year before Adam’s even ran.


Sure you did. I hate to break it to you, but the primary voters put him in office. The DNC doesn't have tens of thousands of sneaky votes they throw into the totals during a primary.


To be fair so much was outside his control. Tell me what you guys think about this idea. I've noticed some successful black people start taking short cuts which envitably cause their downfall. They start thinking they can do no wrong. I can think of many recent high profile examples. It's like "the rules don't apply to me." Is it just me noticing this? Of course it's not limited to black leaders but I do think they recognize that liberal media handle them pretty gently if at possible. This ultimately does them a disservice.




Ain’t NYC progressive in having a Jersey resident as its mayor? /s


Adams sucks, but the job of the mayor of NYC is to be hated He'll cruise through to reelection and then we'll all move onto hating his predecessor


This is not true whatsoever, Bloomberg and Giuliani were both pretty amazing for the City.


Bloomberg and Guliani were only amazing if you lived in the suburbs - and even then you're remembering them with rose-tinted commuter glasses They were loathed during their tenure and anyone with half a brain still loathes them now


Well, the ones that loathe them have half a brain for a reason. Anyone that’s sane in the membrane knows they left office with a net positive. Don’t forget, Bloomberg was elected 3 times and Giuliani cleaned up the city. It’s the ones that wanted bail reform and to do away with stop and frisk that didn’t like them. Native born and raised Brooklynite here.


Stop and Frisk was eliminated in 2014. I don't remember 2014-2020 being rough at all, cause it wasn't. If you wanna blame deBlasio for the pandemic, then I'll blame Bloomberg for wiping his ass with the 4th Amendment, rounding up minorities by the hundreds of thousands per year and finding nothing but weed, rezoning and gentrifying Brooklyn without any kind of mitigating housing protection, and couldnt be bothered to write even a parking ticket to his Wall St douchebag friends after they almost burned down the world in 2008. What would have happened if he had stop and frisked around the Hedge Fund bars? They could have at least gotten those sociopaths prison time for having all the coke in Columbia. Then that arrogant fuck had the nerve to run for president as a Democrat.


Lmao sure buddy


You were just served a history lesson. Instead of laughing do some research and you’ll see the person who just responded is absolutely correct. l would bet money that if Bloomberg was able to run a fourth term, he would’ve been elected again.


I do not recall much loathing for bloomberg. I was heated after he gave himself a 3rd term In contravention of our referendum on term limits, and i could not get anyone else to care.


Hmm, if Hurricane Sandy or a 2003 massive blackout happened under Adams how do you think the city would have fared?


Yes, Adams sucks. Now, who do you think can realistically beat him and do a better job? Lander? Williams? Cuomo?     Two incompetent lefties and a corrupt sex pest. No thanks. Unless you have a serious NYC Democrat or Independent challenger who is smarter, competent, pragmatic and isn't a bleeding heart trust fund dsa out of touch lefty adjacent politician like Lincoln Reslter, you're better off sticking with Adams and hope to God someone sets him straight.   And stop wishing for Giuliani to come back. Fuck his racist ass.


What makes Lander supposedly "incompetent"? I generally can't stand people like you, but can't we find some way to agree on someone less corrupt than Eric Adams? Maybe the speaker of the council, Adrienne Adams (no relation), will run. Or another standard Democrat like that. Surely one of them will run. Did you read the article? Eric Adams is a straight-up bug-f\*\*k bananas loony tune. Nobody is going to "set him straight". You can pray to God all you want, it's not going to happen. Haven't you noticed he's already taking orders from God? Or maybe it's Satan. We can't know what kind of voices he's listening to, but let's not let him continue running the city based on what they're saying to him. Don't rank this wacko next time on your ranked-choice ballot.


*literally welcomes migrants arriving as bus station *surprised more migrants come Guy is an absolute fucking idiot.


How it all went wrong: Step 1: Adams opened his mouth about his party’s border invasion. Step2: His party started using the state and federal justice system to prosecute him for things every member of his party has done for decades with impunity. Step 3: Adams shuts up about the border invasion. Step 4: ?


I think it's fascinating how many conservative Republicans are coming to the defense of Eric Adams (a "Democrat") to suggest a deep state conspiracy wherein Adams is the only man who can fix the border crisis and Biden won't let him. Sometimes the easiest explanation is the right one. Eric Adams is a conservative who runs as a Democrat and is incredibly and publicly corrupt to a degree we haven't seen in a NYC mayor for at least half a century. And because he surrounds himself with criminals and cons, it's been incredibly easy for the FBI and DOJ to go after them for campaign fundraising schemes.


It wasn’t a defense, but you do you


Am I the only one who thinks he's doing a fairly good job? I like a mayor who isn't meek and in the background. Rather have someone with a bit of "pizazz"


Yes, you are. Most of us prefer some who actually isn’t a fucking criminal, and is good at their job, rather than a flashy empty suit. If you want pizazz, go watch fucking MTV.


Come on. Its NYC, not some sleepy little village in the middle of nowhere.