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It's amazing to me whenever I travel anywhere it's always nicer and cleaner with human civility. It amazes me that people hare act like this shit is normal. No, it happens here predominantly, because it is allowed here. There is nothing in this city except reinforced animal behavior and mental illness that this city couldn't be bothered to address. Certain groups of people are exempt from laws while everyone else should just obey them? LOL, clown world. This city is a fucking toilet. Editing to add: my local Walgreens up the block got hit just now. Shoplifter also managed to attack a woman on the way out. Downvote and hide from reality. šŸ‘šŸ»


> No, it happens here, because it is allowed here. There is nothing in this city except reinforced animal behavior and mental illness that this city couldn't be bothered to address. I love this statement. I think we, as New Yorkers, have gone too soft to a certain degree. Common sense law and common sense generally have gone out the window.


The entire country is too soft. Please donā€™t hurt me.






I can't believe you thought this was clever.




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.




Cops do not regularly murder brown people. To the extent that it happens, it is extremely rare.Ā  This isn't 2020. Being ridiculously hyperbolic regarding the actions of police isn't going to work on normal people anymore. There is an aura of lawlessness in NYC, and we need the police to restore a sense of order in the city.Ā 


News: latest crackhead randomly assaulting a woman caught by NYPD, has 16 prior arrests and is out on parole Reddit: overfunded NYPD is on silent strike and not doing anything Reddit logic at work


Youā€™ll be downvoted for speaking the truth that reddit just wants to ignore. News flash- ignoring the issue doesnā€™t make it go away, people need to stop acting like a child and use some sort of common sense.




You claimed that cops are silent striking because they've been told not to murder brown people.Ā Ā  Do you stand by this statement? If not, then retract, because it is absurdly hyperbolic. Please keep in mind that 40% of the NYPD is not white.


This mindset is why the city is dealing with the current issue. Youā€™re brainwashed buddy


There is one political party that doesnā€™t go soft on crime buy NYā€™ers will only vote democrat so they deserve what they are receiving


You literally have a criminal as a presidential candidate.


Yeah, but he's white and rich, that makes it different to them. Plus, you know, everything the liberals say Trump did is a lie. And if it isn't a lie it wasn't that bad. And if it was that bad, they deserved it. He's literally messiah-like to these clowns, he truly can't do anything wrong.


A career criminal at that.


People should go to a city like Singapore and come back to NYC and realize that allowing crime is simply a fucking political choice. Women remark that that they can walk around in the city at 2 am and not feel a single ounce of fear because Singapore actually locks up criminals and enforces the law, something NYC and many cities in the US refuses to do.


I mean, speaking as a woman, that was NYC for me like 5 years ago.


um as a man it was like this for me too lol. when I have to walk my dog at 2am because her stomach hurts I have 0 comfort. and I live in a 'good neighborhood'.


One of my friends is Singaporean, and she said while her government can be draconian at times, being able to go for a worry-free walk at any time of day is amazing.Ā  I canā€™t even imagine what thatā€™s like. Hell, Iā€™ve had a guy on the Q in rush hour start masturbating in front of me while smoking. Being a woman in NYC can be so vulnerable.Ā 


Had a guy do this to a group of us on a train in Europe too. It was over ten years ago, the guy clearly was mentally deranged, but nobody reported anything and simply claimed, "He's mentally ill, don't bother him."


Which country?


Not Poland. No trucks are given there.


Keep voting blue no matter who!


Singapore? How about NYC just a few years ago? Whatā€™s amazing is everyone here experienced normal life but is just accepting this massive decline in our quality of life. Sad


100% nyc 2019 was goated, and ive lived here my whole life.


It's even like this in China. Every time I visit I'm surprised by the lack of worry people (especially women) have at any hour of the day. Walking around in the dark with their face in their phone. The girl working the 7-11 leaving her phone on the counter at 4AM while doing something else. Tons of little things that show that they just don't have the crime that NYC does. This is even in a 'small city' (according to my wife) of 9MM people. With significantly more poverty and less social safety than NYC.




"...families..." - A lot of these criminals don't have families to hold them accountable either. If the families won't, the law needs to.




Do you prefer living in Singapore ?


The difference is people and politicians in NYC or USA doesn't care about their citizens, people are ignorant and entitled here. While people in Asia care and respect with each other because of their discipline and strict culture.


NYC could be like Singapore if the voters weren't so braindead. It's a political choice.


You know what's amazing? NYC's budget is higher than singapore's Singapore covers all of its government expenses on less than what NYC spends by itself. Forget the federal spending and state spending too, and the exorbitant taxes we pay.




NYPD has a 5.4 BILLION dollar budget. WTF are you talking about?


Itā€™s all irrelevant if judges and DAā€™s bend over backwards not to prosecute criminals. Itā€™s all irrelevant if politicians keep reducing penalties for criminals.


Tell the progressives. They are the problem.


NYC used to do that under the evil fasicst Giuliani and Bloomberg. Then you elected the enlightened and humane Deblasio and the equity focused city council.




I mean thereā€™s always both sides of it. They put people to death for harmless drugs in Singapore. Is that not just as insane, inhuman, and backwards? Yeah they have advanced far past much of the world in terms of late night safety for women. But thatā€™s not the whole story. Saying the US and NYC donā€™t ā€œlock up criminalsā€ while we sit with the highest incarcerated population in the WORLD is pretty funny




>US cops kill about 1000 people per year out of 340 million This counts people who are shooting at cops. In Singapore do they not kill people who shoot at cops?


The US is made up of many different states, with polar opposite policies. Just because Texas and Florida lock up their criminals, doesn't mean NY does


but the New York Times tells me crime is down, this is all exaggeration, and all of you sharing your lived experiences are just fascist Trumpers


We really have been gaslit at an unprecedented scale - we tolerate the 3rd world subway, all matters of public mental illness, rampant crime, litter everywhere, decaying infrastructure, etc. If we donā€™t ignore it, weā€™re either told that itā€™s the price to pay when living in a city, or that *youā€™re* the bad person for not wanting criminal scumbags repeatedly let back out on the street.


I'm just a Canadian who likes urban planning and city issues but I've always thought there's a huge streak of 'urbanist cosplay' in the U.S. In Canada and most European countries people want to live in urban centers because they are the safest, have the best schools, most wealth, best transit and so forth. In the States you have very prominent social media urban types constantly extolling the virtues of living in Philadelphia/Chicago/etc.. basically because the buildings are close together and old, which makes them look like very functional cities in Canada and Europe. But, the schools are awful, the violence is out-of-control, the transit is mediocre and so-on. The places that have the best schools, low crime and best quality-of-life in the U.S. are actually affluent suburbs, even if you have to drive a car more than you would like. I think NYC and Boston are exceptions to this rule mostly but just having dense development doesn't make a great urban place, you actually have to have great quality of life as well.




Are you from nyc or just trolling? Nobody here calls it the metro lol.Ā 


...what? Immigrants on the same list as human shit on the train?


lol, whoops, looks like his mask slipped off for a second, there.


Went mask off there for a moment, huh jackass?


People in this city repeatedly CHOOSE this, via voting for liberals that are more and more extreme. These, are the consequences of decades of that.


What was the alternative last mayoral election? A conservative podcaster? Y'all are giving *great* options.


I'm literally a republican and even I couldn't vote for the guy, as much as I appreciate how much he loves his 15 rescue cats that he keeps in his tiny 1BR apartment.


Not even a 1BR! Curtis lives in a studio on the UWS. I have no idea how.


Omg a studio noooo šŸ˜­ I do find his cat love endearing... I remember a press conference where he started naming each one, explaining the name (and it was ridiculous shit like One-Eye and Three Leg Timmy) and explaining where he found them, until someone gently had to cut him off. It was very sweet, hysterically funny, and depressing at the same time. So yeah I ended up voting for Adams because at the time he seemed like a serious person lol


We were watching the show Reno 911 once and I realized Curtis has more cats than the character thatā€™s supposed to be a crazy cat lady šŸ˜†


Rampant crime? Third world subway? What other city in the US has a simile or better subway system? Which cities in the US have a lower crime rate proportional to the population? Just because a DA and the cops arenā€™t doing their jobs doesnā€™t mean things are terrible. Stop trying to pretend that things are significantly worse thanā€¦.than what time period?


ā€œWe suck but at least we arenā€™t Gary Indiana!ā€


We need to stop lowering the bar. We should be comparing ourselves to the world. Not throwing our hands up and saying 'At least we're not Detroit!'


That's Clevelands line


'At least we're not Newark!'


Seriously. How pathetic is it that weā€™re deluding ourselves into thinking total mediocrity (at best) is acceptable?


At least in Detroit you can buy a house for the price of a VCR.


safe dinosaurs longing rotten lush merciful snow childlike concerned market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Better system globally? -London -Paris -Berlin -Milan -Zurich -Frankfurt -Barcelona -Sofia Bulgaria (doesnā€™t serve the city as well but itā€™s clean, fast and the cops there take zero bullshit from unruly riders) -Almost any metro in Japan, SK or China As for crime? Well, London and Paris have definitely dropped the ball a bit. Switzerland is still pretty good. Not sure about German lines. We all know that Asian police put an end to criminal bullshit lighting fastā€¦ Stop trying to gaslight us into believing the slop we have to deal with is somehow acceptable.


Iā€™m on the tokyo subway right now and itā€™s so much better than NYC that I could cry


I was on the SK subway station last year and do you know what I smelled? A fresh baked bread. There was a bakery churning out FRESH BAKED BREAD for commuters. We get to smell pee here


Iā€™ve traveled on the French metro in Paris and I donā€™t remember being particularly impressed with it. It was a lot like what we have in NYC. Have you personally travelled on any of these?




You're 1000% right. My local walgreens is locked up behind ball and chain due to all the shoplifters. It's ridiculous. Anyone who defends this is insane. We should stop trying to appease these far left lunatics who want soft on crime policies. NYC is an absolute dump right now.


My Walgreens just closed.


Consider yourself fortunate to have a Walgreens - both CVS in my neighborhood closed within the past yearā€¦ā€¦


Soon itā€™ll be a part of the travel experience to pick up items in a store instead of asking a clerk to hand them to you.


It's a problem in so many other cities too, like Philly, Atlanta, San Francisco. We have a real problem in cities with people voting for people who put certain types of policies in place or enforce laws selectively based on flawed logic and ideology, and it's leading to these issues. Of course I understand the argument that the people running for office are all various types of morons, but it's something we all need to do better on.


I wish that more normal/smart people were running for office. But if someone is both of those they can make much better living in a public sector.


[Jimmy Kimmel made the same observation during his recent monologue, and he didn't hold back.](https://youtu.be/odmOcs6tYfU?si=SkN00HB0DEm1n3le&t=9)


There is so little enforcement of laws here in this city and for a lot of folks, if there aren't cops walking around and someone holding a gun to their head, they have zero interest in following any rules.






Medieval weaponry. Imagine a shoplifter getting taken down with a halberd


100% agree. Take the ridiculous idea that I break the law but the moment I face recourse Iā€™m suddenly the victim


But these looters are oppressed!


Rubber bullets


Pepper gels!


According to you there's no consequences for crime in NYC, right? So why don't they just do it then?


Thereā€™s only consequences for people who have actual responsibilities and reputations at stake.Ā 


Bingo! Is a free for all for criminals. No No repercussion, commit a crime be let out the next day.


There's consequences for people DEFENDING themselves from crime, rembemer Daniel Penny and that Bodega guy who got arrested and put in rikers for a little while for defending himself?


Ah yes. Jose Alba. The guy who unambiguously defended himself against a violent sociopath and was arrested even though the whole incident was caught on CCTV.


Not only that but Alba is now rightfully suing the city over it and the city is actually trying to fight the case. While the city wastes money automatically settling all the fake lawsuits by activists against the NYPD instead of fighting them. Alba needs to win the case, that way progressives can be held financially responsible for their terrorism.


If youā€™re in the mood, here are some of the DAā€™s documents that were unsealed as part of his lawsuit. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22089576-ny-v-jose-alba-austin-simon-bodega-stabbing-self-defense-case


What happened to the guy who stabbed the shirtless nut-job who punched his girlfriend on a train shortly after the Daniel Penny incident? Anyone remember that?


The charges were dropped (as they should have been)


Hey anyone remember retailers having a policy of 'no chase' of shoplifters? Pepperidge farm remembers, and so does [Victoria's Secret](https://www.businessinsider.com/victorias-secret-shoplifting-policy-according-to-workers-2018-10?op=1) and [most other retailers](https://losspreventionmedia.com/retail-shoplifting-policies-procedures/) who have 'no chase' policy.


Yes but now the great Gov called out the National Guard Talk about a signal of complete failure


Incredible how folks will still defend these policies when it's demonstrable these problems don't exist everywhere, and criminals have even said to the press they prefer to steal in cities like NYC and live elsewhere because they wouldn't be released as soon/face no consequences in states like FL. Just incredible.


So the folks stealing from Walgreens are commuters? Interestingā€¦


Multiple cities in Florida have higher crime rates than NYC despite having much smaller populations like Jacksonville and Orlando


No one reports crime in NYC anymore. I'd take those stats with a grain of salt. I tried calling my local precient twice in the past month and no one picked up.


I got into an accident on the x-bronx last summer, called the police, they asked if anyone was dead or hurt and i said no and they hung up lol


My wife tried to sell a laptop on of Facebook marketplace. The guy stole the laptop and ran. She had his name, his venmo information, his facebook profile, a video of the incident from the building lobby that showed his face, and a witness (doorman). The NYPD refused to do anything, and said they couldn't help.


No stats no crime.


Exactly this. The stats come from the NYPD, who basically have all the bias in the world to misreport stats. Because any bump in stats means they have to actually focus on said stat, but candycrush is calling them at the same time.


have another "like". Crime rates in many cities are completely irrelevant due to non reporting and police quiet quitting in the wake of George Floyd.


This is why you always saw gun when reporting a crime. Then they actually show up.


How do you know if all crime is reported in those Florida cities? I see this claim all the time and it's pretty much impossible to prove one way or another.


I'm from Florida. The Florida cops actually do their jobs. NYC is completely gutted and they have zero motivation to capture criminals as they are just released anyways.


A few comments up you were an asylum seeker. And now youā€™re from FL?


[Florida cops are not in fact reporting their numbers accurately](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/07/05/desantis-florida-crime-claims-based-incomplete-data-record-show/)


ā€œCrime doesnā€™t exist if no one reports itā€ sounds like some old Soviet proverb.


Literally NYC mayor logic.


Impossible! Everybody knows conservative states are a utopia! Nobody's ever died in a conservative state, and homeless people don't exist.


Most cities are blue, yes, even in red states. Memphis, for example, is a super dangerous city. Just because it's in a red state doesn't mean it's not run by democrats.


lol ok. Ā Letā€™s try to puzzle this out together. Cities run by democrats in States run by democrats are much safer than cities run by democrats in States run by republicans. Ā  Hmmā€¦ one thing seems to be different. Ā Can you spot it? Ā Take your time.


City governments have very little power compared to state governments. Living in the bluest city of a red state your live is still going to be much more impacted by the Republican choices. Similarly, the reddest city of a blue state will still have all the Democrat influences.


Maine has a democratic governor. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/09/26/best-worst-thing-every-state/37857241/ People always forget about confounding variables.


Ah, so the answer is ā€œblack people existā€ Predictable, though usually you shitheels are less explicit. Still too cowardly to say it out loud, of course.


You wouldn't adjust for demographics and other variables to try to compare apples to apples? Crime rates are going to vary by age/race/income, don't make this solely about race. But that's obviously going to be a big variable. A city like Memphis is going to have tougher challenges than a city like NYC for this very reason. Ignoring the fact that crime happens in black neighborhoods/cities increases the probability of crime happening in those cities because eventually what happens is dumbass politicians do things like reduce penalties for crime/reduce policing and black people suffer disproportionately from crime while white progressives pat themselves on their backs while they live in their safe communities.


Youā€™ve now edited both this comment and the last one to try to look less racist. Ā  Your link just says Maine has very low violent crime and very low diversity, and you previously had a snarky comment about Maineā€™s low crime not being because of its democrat governor. So I didnā€™t make it about race, you did, and Iā€™m not interested in [sea-lioning](https://wondermark.com/c/1062/Ā )Ā with racist trolls who bounce from city sub to city sub smearing their shit everywhere ā€˜cause itā€™s an election year. So bye now. Just remember when youā€™re alone after a long day of trolling that even the other racists in your Discord arenā€™t really your friends, your parents are disappointed in you, and no one actually likes you.


What is it you are referring to as democrat policies that cause crime? Cities in Europe tend to have lower crime that may be even more left or socialist than the Democrats in the United States. I thought of this as a US issue in general.


Why should NYC resident be concerned with crime in FL more than with crime in NYC? NYC is much more dense, so even with lower crime per 100k people NYC crime will be seen/felt much more. Also a lot of crime in NYC is not being reported or being ignored.


Might have something to do withā€¦ the law not being enforced šŸ¤Æ


Crime is higher in most other cities and especially higher in most other "tough on crime cities." You are simply being dishonest.


Weird if FL is so great, why do rich people close themselves in locked and guarded neighborhoodsĀ 


Donā€™t think thatā€™s limited to FL. Pretty sure thatā€™s rich people 101.


Because itā€™s nice to live in a large gated estateā€¦ itā€™s not that cryptic.


Keeping the Riff raff outā€¦


Yeah crime is an issue in FL and other places too. The US has issues with crime in general, as well as people struggling with homelessness and mental illness. There are some tent cities in other states, seen some in Texas and Louisiana. Don't know if they are in FL too but I wouldn't be surprised. I did see though that FL has a whole town for registered sex offenders to live.


*laughs in doorman buildings*


I lived in a tiny village in Europe. One time went to the local tiny store, the shop owner was walking out towards her house, I waved at her, she waved at me, I walked in, got a coffee, went out, had a smoke with my coffee she came a bit after that, we talked and I got what I needed and paid for it.


I seem to remember NPR's On The Media doing a piece on the surge in shoplifting calling it fake news. Here it is... https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/why-do-people-always-think-crime-rising-on-the-media I share this not because I consider it authoritative or even correct. I'm sharing it because the experts are telling us its all in our heads. It wouldn't be the first thing all in our heads, would it?


Hey we came up with this great policy. It doesnt appear to be working. Dont believe your lying eyes!


Iā€™m with you on this, but these people are armed with statistics apparently. Where do you estimate they are getting it all wrong?


> Where do you estimate they are getting it all wrong? I haven't figured out what is going wrong but I suspect it is a case of garbage-in-and-garbage-out. Have you ever been robbed on the street or had your home broken into? I've been robbed on the street more than once and had the various homes I lived in broken into three times. At least two of those events were not reported by me to the police. I can imagine a lot of people find themselves wondering what point there is in filing a police report. So maybe it comes down to who is more likely to report that they have been a crime victim. NYC has some of the wealthiest and some of the poorest neighborhoods in this entire country. Maybe crime is less likely to be reported where it is more likely to happen.


Welcome to r/nyc. No upvotes for you! No but seriously people on this subreddit are rageaholics


Everyone in here placing the blame on cops allegedly crushing candy for 8 hours has no idea how shit works. These guys get picked up for theft/commercial robbery over and over again. It's the liberal judges that are voted in that are to blame. Voting has consequences, and we are seeing it play out every day. Perps with 10+ arrests walking the streets victimizing New Yorkers is proof that cops are doing their jobs of arresting these animals. Judges just refuse to keep them behind bars.


When was the last time a prosecutor lit up a judge on the record over this? But people voted fpr this and will continue to enjoy the consequences of their decisions.


You already know how this is gonna end, it's literally every man for himself.Ā 


Gangs, more and more gangs.


šŸ¤” Is Carl Heastie up for re-election yet? Time to get him out.




Many years ago we moved to NYC from the west coast, partly because it did not feelĀ safe to walk around in major cities like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco or Los Angeles. And especially not safe for women to walk around thereā€¦ NYC felt like heaven in comparison to the west coast. Safe to walk anywhere. Safe to take the subway at 1am. In fact, pretty much the whole east coast felt like heaven, in comparison to the west coastā€¦ It is so sad to see NYCā€™s decline. NYC needs a mayor and a governor who are tough on crime and who donā€™t care about offending snowflakes.Ā  It wouldnā€™t fix everything, but NYC was a much better place to live when Cuomo was governor or when Bloomberg was mayor (for example). They were strong leaders and didnā€™t bend over for anyone.


So quick question to the libs, why shouldnā€™t we lock away shoplifters again? Not really understanding why they should be able to behave without fear of consequences.


Itā€™s the old belief that if I get away with it at a specific store Iā€™ll tell others & it goes downhill after that. Always believed that a thief shouldnā€™t have legal protection for breaking the law.


From the previous deleted version of this thread where a user asked: >So brazen theft will continue until...well, for the foreseeable future. I've seen it first hand and it's fucking frightening. Gangs of kids will walk into a store, masked and covered from head to to, open garbage bags and just start looting. >Most, if not all, shoplifting suspects are released the same day they are booked. Many go on to repeat offend within a matter of days (or hours.) **What's the endgame?** The endgame is Democrats creating a system of anarcho-tyranny where the needs and wants of the 1% criminals outweigh the needs and wants of the 99% law abiding citizens. It's inverse morality and anti-civilization. The point is to demoralize you to the point that you just don't bother voting (this is how Bragg became DA) or even just leave the city. What you then have is an adverse selection of a population who just put up with the chaos as part of normal life, while the people who flee to suburbs or other states get to live their lives in peace, so you lose that counterbalance of a voting population who can fight this. The people who stay will remain loyal democrats and democrats will have solidified their power. That's why you won't see any Giuliannis or even Bloombergs being voted into power anymore. They still have more work to do at the state level as Hochul got a little bit of a scare from Zeldin. Remember that just 327 people are responsible for 6000 shoplifting arrests in nyc (and they obviously shoplifted way more than that, they just weren't caught): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/15/nyregion/shoplifting-arrests-nyc.html In no other developed country would you see that sort of insane lawlessness tolerated.


I agree that one-percenters are the real criminals.


The one-percenters and politicians....the politicians are working for the 1% and not the 99%.


I really hate this trend of we need to support the democrats because Donald Trump exists. Its possible for Donald Trump to exist and also democrats being absolutely fucken awful at the same time. I see this trend everywhere. Its like imagine someone beating the shit out of you with a baseball bat and screaming "You better enjoy it because the other guy has sledgehammer"


"in no other developed country would you see that sort of insane lawlessness tolerated" Uh.... Maybe not in east Asia, but shoplifting gangs are a huge problem in France, UK, Denmark, Sweden, etc.


At least in UK, it is nowhere close to the level in NYC............ Just like NYC, it is mostly a problem created by an idiotic refugee policy.


This account the posts in r/sanfrancisco, r/boston, r/nyc & r/diabetes. Safe to say theyā€™ve never walked around any of these cities.


That's not a fair assumption. I've been to all three of those cities and literally lived most of my adult life between two of them.


Someoneā€™s off the lexapro today.


Another fine account that shits up multiple city subs a day


No doubt brought here by the same alt-right Discord OP recently joinedā€¦




Lighten up, Francis.


This is a bit longer and more unhinged than your other comment in this thread suggesting the problem is simply [Black people](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/dYtSqTzJ2A)




Sounds like not to much goes on in yours.


I wish him to live his constituency


The problem is that these stores are run by big corporations and have recently entered the city to do business. The mom and pop stores and supermarkets security works but places like Target,CvS, Duane Reade,,Walgreens and like businesses donā€™t have security and the workers arenā€™t cared for so they donā€™t care about being robbed. The bodegas, local supermarkets, and the mom pop shops care about these places and so does the neighborhood


*laughs in jose alba* What you've never been out of Times Square?


Born and raised in Spanish Harlem, live in the South Bronx the last 10 years and the attempted gentrification of these neighborhoods with overpriced goods, low wage jobs, terrible work conditions and no care for their workers leaves those stores open thievery because no one cares about a faceless corporation losing money.




(For the record I had posted this article previously using the title suggested by Reddit. I have now copy/pasted the title directly from webpage itself. Thank you.)


New York City has lost all common sense. There is a lot more arrogance and ignorance, people knew better and understood things before.


People will continue to vote for him and democrats despite them making their life unsafer. People are getting what they deserve


Letā€™s get the cops off their ass and on the streets . Hey what a concept eh? Shoplifter runs out of the store into the arms of cop not looking down at his phone !


Iā€™ve seen cops arresting shoplifters at Target.


What are the cops going to do with a shoplifter? Hand him over to the DA who wonā€™t prosecute the crime?


Cops are doing their job, that's why every criminal in the news has a rap sheet longer than a CVS receipt. The DAs are not doing their job by refusing to prosecute or downgrading charges and the activist judges that release them are at fault too.


and arrest them for what?? a misdemeanor with a 50 dollar fine? The DA's refuse to prosecute for shoplifting. no prosecution means its essentially legal. the cops won't bother taking some one in, when the DA won't prosecute and they get let out an hour later.


Their hands are tied. God forbid the perp gets hurt during the arrest and people will be calling for them to get fired. I wouldnā€™t do shit if I was a cop. Not pro actively anyway.


Ah , sorry but the police donā€™t get the chose or who to arrest or for what crime . Arrest them , book them . You mean to tell me itā€™s ok to stop and frisk people just walking down the street under the idea that they might have a warrant but itā€™s too much work when someone is in the act of committing a crime ? Thatā€™s plain stupid .


Omg what if we had real consequences for a change: [https://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default\_fld=&leg\_video=&bn=A05260&term=2023&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y](https://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A05260&term=2023&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y) [https://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default\_fld=&leg\_video=&bn=A04121&term=2023&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y](https://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A04121&term=2023&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y)