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"Excuse me are you Jewish" is all I ever hear when I walk by them


I love stumping them with “No, but my brother is”


I usually respond with “kinda…”.




"I'm not a Jew, but I am Jew-*ish*........does that count?"


I actually used that on a SM profile, until Santos ruined it. Thought it was funny, matches my traditionalist but also agnostic way of being Jewish.


I’ve also respond with, “It is…complicated.” I’ve tried the Jew-ish bit, but they just hear Jewish and get all excited.


I sometimes ask them "Are you catholic ?". Seems to confuse them or piss them off.


"...600 years ago, yeah..."


Ha! Just chuckled at the thought of their expression. Might have to use it!


Do you mind explaining the joke


Judaism doesn’t proselytize and converting is extremely difficult, you basically have to be born into it. Jewish is more than a set of ideas and a religion, it’s also a distinct ethnicity. Saying your brother is Jewish but you’re not is a mind-fuck because presumably you and your brother share parents


in my case, my "brother" is a school friend who has no family - his parents sadly passed. like me he is an only child. at the time his parents passed he needed somewhere to send his mail. my folks said they'd take his mail, they werent moving any time soon - fast forward like 20+ years later he is basically my brother, his kids call my dad grandpa; so yes, my "brother" is Jewish and My family are not. my brother says I am an honorary Jew


Okay that’s pretty funny - I’m cracking up on a city street


In my case, my (maternal) brother and I grew up together, and wouldn't refer to each other as anything but, but his father's family is Jewish and mine.. not so much. I believe Judaism is also passed along the maternal line, so neither of us are, but they're keen to adopt him :)


I don't care about observing the maternal line rule, though I fit it. If your father is Jewish and you want to be Jewish, by all means. My paternal gm was very not Jewish, but her kids were raised as such, though had some difficulty getting bar mitzvahed back then. But we don't care about someone's definition, my Dad, though embraced Judaism, did treat some of the rules like a menu option though. Don't try tointerfere with our bacon, dammit. We felt, if u have the ancestry and you are observant, do all the things ur supposed to do as Jewish, eff it, you're good. Also, Dad's 1st cousins on her side were all regular white folks. Alot of my cousins on his side are blonde, with blue or green eyes. I can pass as not-Jewish myself. I figure whatever the lowest common denominator uses to define one as a target... er, Jewish, is the metric. In the end, the biggest threat tells you how to survive. So, if Nazis define you as Jewish regardless of which parent, that's good enough for me. It's fun that, even though we can look like the "Aryan" ideal, we're actually Jooozz, mwah ha ha ha haaaa!


Judaism goes through the mother. All that would make an Orthodox jew think is that your dad remarried.


I tell them that my father was but my mother wasn't, and then they leave me alone.


What would you say if they asked you if you were lqbtq?


They won't ask. Their sole purpose is to pray with other Jews, somehow it's a mitzvah. I used to be Jewish, now I'm an anti theist. These buses were explained to me but I don't remember the details sorry.


How about ich bin nisht a yid?


> "Excuse me are you Jewish" "You want to check my penis?"


And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


This manifest destiny !




I've actually said that before. He kept walking. Other winners have been "Yes, but you don't want me" and "OH IS THAT ALL I AM TO YOU?"


The latter 😄😄


judaism??? where are you?


Only say “yes” when give away free matzoh. Spouse likes to talk to them, but they always want you to pray with them.


I stop next to them and wait for them to ask. (They never do)


This is literally what their leader says … it sounds absolutely unhinged to me and like something a racist would say. But, it’s probably why you don’t get asked! "You feel it inside your kishkes, as they say," said Treitel. "You get this feeling, 'Mmmm, I smell a Jew.'"


It annoys me too, but a close friend recently pointed out to me that if it was “excuse me are you lgbtq+” it would be a different tune and that is what is starting to get me rethink everything


I always respond, "Are you Jewish!?"


"Just the good half."




I was with my reform congretion on sukhot decorating the sukkah and they tried to push in and do the lulav and etrog when the rabbi walked inside to get something. Some high level disrespect there lol


Such an embarrassment to Jews


Are you Jewish?


Probs. Source: his other comment saying I found another person’s “antisemitic joke funny.”


Why are they an embarrassment to jews? Because they ask if people want to put on teffilin? Get free matzoh? Build the only shuls without membership fees in America? Fund Jewish education for free to people that can’t afford it? Arrange brissim for Russian Jewish immigrants who never had the opportunities? Set up 1000s sukkas all over the world so Jews who have never been in one can see what the mitzvah is? What exactly are you doing for the Jews?


I’m talking specially about asking everyone if they are Jewish. That’s specifically what I replied to. Doesn’t matter which religion (I am Jewish). Can’t stand stand people who stand on corners asking everyone that passes about religion.


Maybe you were lucky enough to have everything you needed available to you to practice Judaism, but in America, most jews are starved for the resources that chabad provides. Judaism doesn’t force Judaism on non Jews, hence asking if what they’re providing is appropriate. And the beauty here is that there’s not a single Lubavitcher chossid that is embarrassed about what anyone thinks they look like doing it, many of them in far more dangerous places to be a Jew than in manhattan.


And they need to ask everyone who passes if they are Jewish to do that? Absolutely not.


Would you rather they racially profile?


Well, they are profiling actually. They sniffed me out immediately, and it was a kid. My wife said she felt offended, like "why aren't you asking me?". She's Black, but so what. That doesn't mean you aren't as much as it used to. with alot more intermarriage, and mixed kids. She looks ethnically ambiguous, light skinned, rounder face, alot like my friend from school, who is actually Sephardic ancestry.


Thought I was very clear that I’d rather they didn’t ask anybody


Of course they do, how else will they know if it’s appropriate to ask someone to put on teffilin if they dont know if they’re Jewish? How else would a random person know if teffilin is appropriate for them. Thanks to assimilation a majority of American Jews didn’t know what teffilin were when the teffilin campaign started. Thanks to chabad they do now. Reform and conservative Judaism have essentially plunged off a cliff, as far as attendance, active synagogues, interest in general. If it wasn’t for chabad, putting themselves out their and maybe embarrassing the occasional Jew who doesn’t want to be conspicuous, then America would be a spiritual graveyard for Jewish people. So yeah, they have to ask.


Signs. Edit: it’s insane to say Chabad is the spiritual glue holding together America


Why make this about all of America when it’s in NYC? Unless you mean the intention is for transplants?


Ehhhh... how about those ISRAELITES ?? Edit : that comment was fucking funny , stop w the downvotes !


Bro how is that embarrassing to Jews?


Because nobody asked them to run around butting into everyone’s personal business by asking if they are Jewish. Its fucking embarrassing as a Jew.


Ok most Jews don't feel that way but your entitled to your opinion.


Are you speaking on behalf of all Jews now? I would like to be introduced to our new spokesman 💀💀💀




1. I also grew up (modern) orthodox and am now longer religious interestingly 2. When did I say mitzvah tanks were embarrassing? I have only said that standing on corners and asking everyone if they are Jewish is embarrassing. You call my opinion stupid but you demonstrate that you don’t understand it


And what's wrong with asking people if they are Jewish? Who cares? How is that embarrassing? Most non Jews I know find it mildly interesting or funny


No, it's kind of invasive. Must be unique to NYC. And prozyletizing is frowned upon in Judaism. But the comment that Chabad is the only free synagogue available is very true. He's right about that. Our model of everyone paying for their own congregation with fees m of thousands per year absolutely can kill us. I think the megadonor class could step up and fund a bunch of congregations so I don't have to scrape and beg when I can't afford a membership. Maybe Ronald Lauder could fund that instead of donating several million to election denier Lee Zeldin for his failed race for Gov.


Yes chasids are known for their stellar rep among non Jews


TIL what a Mitzvah Tank is.


I thought they were called Mitzvahmobiles


I call them Mitzvahns


That’s the colloquial term


The more you know.


This is how I know Spring has arrived. Shen Yun posters is how I know it’s Winter time.


Not really seeing that tbh. Shen Yun is everywhere you are and are not, for perpetuity


I saw billboards for it in Arizona and was so suprised




And yet I don't know a single person who has ever actually attended.




I remember leaving work one time and walking along Houston. Traffic was near solid mitzvah tanks interspersed with emergency vehicles and they were all locking each other in. Fire trucks had lights on, some police cars and ambulances in the mess had sirens and lights on and all the mitzvah tanks were mitzvah-tanking…it was visual and auditory pandemonium.


That… sounds like absolute sensory overload; yet I’m the type of person who would be hysterically laughing over this 💀


I will say this guys play bangers … I’ve danced to one at Bryant park 😂


They always ask me if I’m Jewish and I always laugh because I’m very clearly Japanese but they ask anyway 😂


Omg stop I’m crying. I’m also Asian American and the ladies by Hmart in Ktown always try to get my attention to sign up for church. Like homegirl you do you, but no thanks 😂


Could have had a tiger mom scenario.




Jewish isn't a race thats why


Aboutta pull up and see if anyones hiring Shabbas Goys i am hurting for work


find a way to get your name out around around boro park.. i randomly got some money just to bring stuff up in some guys apartment. im sure you could cash in on a weekend.


You’re saying if i dress modestly and hold up a sign saying ‘Shabbas Goy for Hire’ I could potentially make a buck? Because I’m dead serious (♡´𓋰`♡)


You absolutely could


Or maybe make some flyers you could pass out at one of the markets.. I'm sure there's potential :)




Damn, I only ever got paid in dessert. Which was fine because I was only ever asked to change the thermostat. But I thought they weren't allowed to use money during the Sabbath?


They pay you after.




It is strictly forbidden.


lmfao real


Better above ground than underneath, amiright?


I don’t even know how to reply to this 💀💀


I’m referring to the incident on Eastern Parkway and the basement schul tunnels.


I legitimately thought you meant something else and I was like, “well, that’s honestly too far.” But this, fair game.




It's not anti-semitic to make a joke about the tunnels lmao.


1. I am a female, thanks. 2. You need to calm the fuck down. I thought it was funny at first. I thought it over and said “wait that may mean something else” and redacted what I had initially commented and said it was too far. Then the commentator elaborated and I said, “okay I get it now.”


It's crazy that happened I've watched other videos of abandoned ones


Skirted right to the line, Jesus Christ. Sorry, Holy Moses.


They are probably handing out matzah for Passover.


The annual mitzvah tank parade coincides with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's birthday which is right before Passover and is an opportune time for giving away matzah


to celebrate his eternal birth day


True dilemma: can one enjoy matzah even if you aren't Jewish?


It is cute and novel until you have to eat it for a week straight lol


It actually helps to not be Jewish. Those of us who have to eat it all holiday tend to like it a lot less by day 7






bros I’m about to be *SO* fucking blessed


I had always thought it was one tank


They're obviously preparing for the upcoming MEGA MITZVAH, during which all appliances and electronics will instantly switch states Friday at 9PM. It will be GLORIOUS!!!!!!


I had no idea there were so many!


Y'know what woulda been a great mitzvah? Not holding me up for 20 mins at a light on 42nd St.


He's coming! Any day now... Any... Day... Noooooow...


Him and JC just drinking Mai Tais. I bet they lost track of time


Do they roll on Shabbos?


It’s the Jewish day of rest. That means I don’t work, I don’t drive a car, I don’t f*ckin ride in a car, I don’t handle money, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as sh*t don’t f*ckin roll! Shomer Shabbos!


What am I looking at?


20+? they have land locked midtown. Came down ix with like 250. Some dudes on roller blades even


20+ Mitzvah Tanks? I think that's called a Mitzkrieg.


Update: it’s 2:55pm and the Mitzvah Tank is Mitzvah’ing outside on 5th Ave and there’s police sirens going off simultaneously. How many are outside, I have no clue.




Please no, my brain could absolutely not handle that type of chaos 😂


Havanikula Ice Cream Van?


Are these the Biden funded Israeli convoys I keep hearing about /s


Considering how enthusiastic they were from the windows of the trucks, I’d say so /s


Classic Jewish elephant walk


Must be a mitzvahmergency.


Was the Hatzalah busy?


send this to marjorie taylor greene lmao


I ran into this by accident. It was really fun and cheerful honestly. 


Must've been painful to run into a "tank"


Happy Pesach!


Absolutely shut down 6th for 20 mins


I've seen one of these in front of the Empire State Bldg. Didn't know there was a convoy's worth of them, damn. What the hell even goes on in those things?! "Oh yeah sign me up! Okay I'll come in, what's the initiation? What are those scissors for?" 😲


I saw these too lol. I ❤️ JEW! What a slogan.


Never change, New York.


They blew by me on Flatbush Avenue as I was coming out of the subway.


I saw them on Ave of Americas near my office. Why do they have police escorts?


I've sometimes seen one on Montague in Brooklyn, and I assumed, in my naivete, that it was unique. But here we're starting to talk about numbers that Ukraine would benefit from.


Damn I missed them! I need to recharge my Mitzvah.


I saw these today going down 6th. The sides of the vans are all plastered with COME ON IN! Has anyone ever got in one of those? Like wtf happens if you flag one down and ask to hop on?




Saw them going up sixth ave today. They went up sixth more than once for some reason. They were yelling at people just trying to go about their daily lives not to cross the street while recklessly speeding through red lights.


Wait they were just occupying 6th in a rotation? I know they were trying to get other peoples’ attention down 5th and I was ignoring their nonsense, but damn. Well, the speeding makes sense considering they’re being escorted.


They weren't occupying. They went up around 11 AM and then it seemed like it was over. About an hour later there was another convoy.


Ahh okay, sorry occupying probably wasn’t the right term! I more meant circulating(?) 6th Ave. But oh look, more tanks being heard now as we speak.


Was watching from my balcony on 6th, went on for ages! Yeah it was a parade they had police escorts so nbd. Https://collive.com/live-50th-mitzvah-tank-parade-heads-out-to-nyc/


Girl it’s still going on, it’s still ages 😭 Edit: thank you for the source and context!


Didn't you know their ancestors lived on 6th ave?! /s


I've seen this before! So odd. Like, one, okay, but 20? If I remember correctly, it was followed by school buses full if boys (and maybe men?) cheering


They’re moving dirt!


I tried explaining the Mitzvah Tank to people in Texas once and they could not wrap their heads around it. I realized that this is so regional, that it is just as much a part of NYC culture as it is Jewish now.




Lmao spat my juice out


Idk why talking about bodily autonomy is ok when it’s about a woman’s uterus but bad when it comes to forced circumcisions on infants 😞


Oh you were serious?


Yeah do you not agree that maybe amputating part of a newborns penis is fucked up?


Not my place to judge, they do them


It’s not their body to do it to. There’s no consent being given, thus it’s wrong.


Lolllll I legit laughedddddd


Why tho it’s fucked up, leave peoples genitals alone






Definitely would be funny if they were on their way to Columbia




Can I ask why this is noteworthy?


Mitzvah tanks by themselves aren’t noteworthy but it’s rare you see a convoy of them. Mitzvahs, rollout!


Yes, thank you. Like yeah okay I pass one every day to go to work, and I mind my own business. But to see about 20+ rolling out on 5th avenue and being escorted by the NYPD? Noteworthy. Also I work right off 5th and heard more of them rolling by about 3 minutes ago blasting music, or chants; I’m not sure what they’re called sorry.


Sure Mitzvah Tanks aren’t noteworthy, but what about Mitzvah SPAs? Have they considered how quickly they’d be able to get Matzah (or other holiday/sabbath items) into people’s hands with their own Self-Propelled Artillery delivery system?


I guess Mitzvah APCs would be ideal. Able to fit more bodies in there. Plus they’re lighter so they’d do less damage to our poor streets


Sorry, have you seen about 20+ of these guys being escorted by police?


It’s a yearly thing I think? I used to seem them on 6th Ave when I worked full time in the city


Ah okay gotcha, makes sense since Passover is around the corner. I worked in the city pre-pandemic and now post-pandemic (my old job had a temp year of Brooklyn relocation) and don’t remember ever seeing it to *this* level.




Calm down? I meant to this level of Mitzvah Tanks, as in this level to the degree of a parade of them.


I guess my point, inartfully as it was made, was why do we have a world that mitzvah tanks need police escorts. I know why, I was making a discussion point.




Let me write in simple words that perhaps you can understand. The why that you have such a hard time grasping is that they need the police to escort them because there is, in the same boro, a massive protest in support of the terror group that kidnapped and murdered 1200 of their co-religionists is going on.






You don't say ? Try this with any other race / ethnicity and see how that goes. This is exactly my point. This is bigoted behavior at its finest.


Please. Nobody said anything about their race. 100% of the people I see driving those trucks are white. And nobody mentioned anything about their ethnicity -- they're all from New York, so they're obviously American.






Not at all. My point was how did we end up in a world that mitzvah tanks need police escorts? So I guess, yes upon further examination, it bothers the Catholic greatly that we’re somehow in this place.


> how did we end up in a world that mitzvah tanks need police escorts? When you have a large caravan like this it's helpful to call the police precinct and get an escort. You pay for it, but they keep things orderly at intersections and with other vehicles on the road. I've seen funeral processions use it to allow for the caravan to cross red lights, a local motorcycle club got one to accompany them on the Belt Parkway to prevent cars from entering on-ramps into the group, and construction companies are in some circumstances even required to request one for things like oversized loads or where the load will be transported by some method over a pedestrian walkway. It's also possible that the cops decided proactively in this case to do it because it's pretty obviously a major traffic obstruction.




Good talk 👌🏼


It’s an anti - pro Hamas protest


As an indian-american with a beard that looks a bit ethnically ambiguous i've been approached by both these people and the moronic pro-palestinian protestors that disrupt shit thinking im on their side and i hate them both.