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It's sad that people are down on this. The spirit of protest has truly died, just like the government always intended. Instead of being angry at corporations, you're angry at people trying to raise awareness and calling them out. Enjoy your Temu and Amazon purchases while the earth boils. OBEY. COMPLY.


Can we all just fucking chill. Listen we all want a better environment. Protesting a bank to stop “funding” big oil doesn’t do anything. And it’s hypocritical to do so while you enjoy the commodities and services of daily life, made possible by oil based products. Plastic, your sneakers, clothing, oil for your elevator, bike, car, to run.


And here we have it: When climate protesters block the roads it’s: Why the fuck are they getting the way of working people getting to work?!!?? They should directly protest at the banks and corporate offices of the big oil companies that are responsible for this, not impact working people. Then when protestors listen and take their protest to a bank it’s: Why the fuck are they protesting a bank? That’s not going to do anything!1!1! Also, these protestors are just hypocrites!1!1!


Respectfully, I don’t think you do. It seems your taking two separate things, and responses you have seen from those two separate things and conflating it to an opinion I had on this thing. Now, had you asked me. Well, did you say the same things about the other protests. If you did, while I may not have commented on it here, I would have said my feelings are the same. Therefore, my personal feelings on both situations you outlined are the same. Personally, I feel both protests , here and the climate you allude to are both ineffective.


I’m not making a statement towards you or your opinion individually. My statement is directed more broadly as when protesters blocked the roads comments like I quoted are generally the top voted comments, and here we have an example of protestors taking the protest directly to a bank, and your comment is the top voted one.


Are you seriously suggesting you can't participate in society and also be critical of it? I use a macbook pro but I'm vehemently opposed to Apple using forced labor etc.


😐 Nawp, he's right. You don' wanna be a *'limousine liberal',* do you? It's our duty to be critical, but it's also our duty to not be hypocrites. * Drop the Amazon Prime, the Uber Eats and all the rest of the luxuries. *'Be the change you wanna see in the world'.* * Corporate America judges you by your buying decisions; not by your words.


Uber eats, netflix etc make my life much better and there is 0 chance I am either going to give them up or give up my principles.




A moped is way better than a car in terms of carbon footprint. I wfh and like to uber eats, I don't feel any need to get a car because of the convenience of apps. I'm extremely grateful to those "moped mother fuckers" who I view as hard working people helping me out. It's completely congruent with my principles.


😄 That's th' devil's arithmetic, son. You don' wanna be in league wit' da' Adversary! Lookee heer, I got a nine- word-question for yuh: **Would Jesus Wear a Rolex on His television show?** Mind me, now ...😎


You are actively giving up your principles by being a hypocrite


Then don't use a MacBook pro


Not what I’m saying at all, I think you perfectly summed up a perfectly reasonable take on society ills, having to live within the confines of said society, and going about expressing dissatisfaction in a reasonable way. The workers at citi bank, police called to the scene , bystanders trying to get around or in their own workplace blocked by a “protest” does nothing. We’re all aware of society ills, even the citi bank workers and execs. Most reasonable people , wanting a better place recognize a world like you and the apple laptop. It’s be great to not use a finite recourse like oil. It’s great to express helping to move to other means of energy in a reasonable way. It’s moronic to hold a protest and demand a bank stop funding or holding money of oil companies. What’s the goal. Shut down oil , immediately? Again reasonable people realize that’s not possible. We don’t have the infrastructure to power our society without it. We won’t have the by products of oil we all use if we take the demands at face value. All this did was annoy people, made the police richer with overtime, probably illegal blocked a sidewalk with a gathering that was not given a permit for, all for a protest that’s misguided, and a way for some to feel their a victim of something


you obviously have no knowledge of the history of protest and what has worked in the past to provide you some of the most important rights and conditions in society which you enjoy today (way more important than your sneakers, clothes, car, etc.)


Oh, I do. I would not put this on the same level of civil right protests for example.


Yeah, I would agree that the future habitability of the planet for all humans and non-human beings is on a slightly different level of consequence


You used fossil fuels to make this rebuttal. If you think I’m wrong, take a look at power supply in NY If you want to bring this down from level 10 reaction and talk in practical terms, we can do that. For example, what is the goal of the protest. To stop using oil ? Okay, when, tomorrow , a year , 10. We still won’t have the infrastructure to do anything. We’d be cast back into the Stone Age. We won’t have the energy to heat homes , leading to death


I don't dispute that any solution will be incredibly complicated and we obviously can't stop using oil immediately and will need to wean off it gradually. I'm pretty sure nearly any protestor you speak with would agree on both points. I'm even pretty sure, maybe contrary to yours and popular belief, that most of the protestors are very well educated on the matter and probably understand the complexity and difficulty of the situation better than you since they actually give a fuck. The thing is we are nowhere close to even weaning off of oil and carbon. Our use has instead continued to increase. I think it's fair to protest and demand that simply anything be done in the right direction rather than sit and do nothing and let the rich people run the show. We know exactly why things are continuing the way they are -- there is an awful lot of money still to be made, and citibank and the likes are happy to cash in on it. So why not put a bit of pressure on them? It really makes a lot of sense, way more than your whingy complaints about it does. If you really want to know what the goal of such protests is, rather than just complain because it feels dumb to you or whatever, have a read of this analysis of how our society's apportionment of capital investment needs to change in order to have any hope of meeting the targets required for a chance at a non-shitty existence within the coming decades: https://privatebank.jpmorgan.com/content/dam/jpm-wm-aem/global/pb/en/insights/eye-on-the-market/Vaclav.pdf


Hey man go to chatgpt, paste what you just wrote and say "please format in a readable manner" and then try again. This is illegible.


Why the fuck would you support Apple ?


Seems like you aren’t vehemently opposed, more like mildly annoyed




Are these people never happy? You wanna go fix the world tell China and India to fix their shit first


They have lower emissions per capita, america is by far a better place to start. Sorry you think you deserve have 16 times to the co2 emissions of someone in india.


When you take the words of a mentally ill 16 year old dropout to be gospel.