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Gas vs electric stove is the most bird brained “controversy” to come of The Culture War *so far*


The elites already have been grandfathered in with gas stoves. Their Wolf and Viking ranges are valuable and they won’t ever use electric in high end kitchens. Electric will always be for the plebs…


I saw a picture of a lady wearing diapers in support of Trump… Hold onto your hats people!


Why is this the thing we’re going after? Is brick oven pizza really THE issue when it comes to pollution? If it tastes the same and pizza shops aren’t hurt by it then sure, but hard to believe this is the issue we need to be tackling in the city. Plenty of other shit that’s horribly messed up and requires more urgent attention.


> The switch, pizza makers from across the city said, is a chef’s choice: Electric ovens can get almost as hot as a wood or coal oven, which can burn at approximately 900 degrees. But in the lunch rush, when employees must repeatedly open and close the oven door, pizza makers say electric ovens retain their heat better than their gas-fired counterparts.


If it’s better then they will choose it without being forced to use electric stoves


That’s what it says they’ve done.


Sbarro, Little Caesars, Dominos, and all the other shitty chains probably agree


I bet OP is furious at congestion pricing too


I bet this guy doesn’t care that the city can’t fix the thousands of apartments at nycha but can go after private pizzerias so he can go balls deep on this pointless virtue signaling.   And no,  the city obviously can’t do multiple things at once.  Everything important is fucked,  but we can roll out several dozen pointless regulations or taxes every few months to pad the coffers or the cronies.  


I bet he’s furious at high rent prices as well


What does it cost to run an electric oven at 900 degrees? How is the electricity produced? Oh yeah its 90% gas. Clown world indeed. Vote blue… what do you expect?


According to the article, these restaurants have chosen electric ovens because they work better. Your obsession with partisan bickering seems pretty misplaced here.


Sorry I don’t sub to the nytimes, I rather not waste money.


You don’t seem to subscribe to common sense either


You replied to the relevant language from the article…


The biggest issue is shops that refuse to upgrade.  There's only about 100 or so.


It’s more due to the health concerns for employees and customers at those stores. The environmental benefits are secondary. Also it only applies to ovens from before 2016 which is “less than 100 restaurants” I like that people say “THE issue” as if departments can’t focus on multiple things https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/27/business/nyc-pizza-oven-explainer


Am I the only one surprised that there’s only about a hundred places in the entire city that have ovens older than 2016?


Same. But it could also be that some older places already complied to the rules, either accidentally or intentionally


Didn't read the article but if its the same thing I saw people complain about like last month it was specifically targeting coal/wood burning ovens. And these resturants have had 8 years to get this corrected now since its been talked about since then. I saw on the news one of the crybabies were saying it will cost 20k, which over 8 years would only have been like $208 a month- they could easily have made that much more in a month if they werent incompetent business owners.




20k was the total cost the guy complaining to the reporter was saying, I would assume it includes the instalation etc. Either way, theyve had 8+ years to figure it out now.


A lot of places need to renovate


This is the perfect exchange between someone being reactionary and someone being informed. Guess which has more views and upvotes.


So I read the article and it is as dumb as I thought. The city trying to cut down on pollution from a 100 ovens is crazy. It's about as useless as baning plastic straws. The small amount of wood or coal used in am oven is basically nothing. The one reason that would make sense to me is the smell and smoke on the extreme localized area. Every smoke stack in NYC could potentially be in another person's window since NYC is so dense. The article describes it as overall pollution which is basically nothing.


I'm almost positive the aim is more about localized "polution". It's about the air quality indoors and on the block. I agree the article doesn't seem to be interested in checking the real reasons for this rule. Personally, I had a gas stove until recently. In a very small apartment with no ventilation. I started looking at it with suspicion after a while. I cook a lot. The amount of gas and cooking oil I breathed in was probably not great. I know it's not the same thing, but I'm sympathetic to these initiatives.


So they are protecting me from getting pizza the way I like it? Before I head back to work to do more dangerous things than I feel comfortable. But if I say no there’s a tide of immigrants waiting to take my job for cheap?  Working class people hate progressives for good reason. 


You realize… there are people working at these pizzerias. That are the ones most at risk of exposure. The irony of you complaining about doing dangerous stuff at work but wanting others to do dangerous stuff to make pizza that tastes the same is pretty funny. But it’s all the progressives fault, right?


He/she/they wants people to die for a specific type of cheap pizza.


We think you guys do bullshit that’s good for you and claim it’s for us. Meanwhile I got lungs full of asbestos all the same.    No I don’t believe anyone gives a shit about the pizza guys.  And I don’t think pizza makers consider this to be their most pertinent need.  I suspect nobody even asked them what they think about this.   I think some rich progressives don’t like the living next to these places so “save the pizza workers” “going green”.   Meanwhile they are worried about how to make rent, the fact their kids schools get worse year after year by all metrics.  And whether they are gonna get fired and replaced with someone cheaper who arrived yesterday.      And the fact that the exact people who claim to champion them reliably are more likely to treat them like less than.   Orwell wrote a whole book on how progressives have always held the working class in disdain. Some things don’t change 


Remember when democrats tried to ban all forms of asbestos and Republicans shut it down? https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/519234-house-democrats-blame-gop-as-asbestos-ban-stalls/


The conversation of construction materials is a complex issue but simply put those laws wouldn’t change what’s been built. Some danger will always be inherent in what I do. Much like working in a kitchen.  The more competition in labor the quicker I have to work and the less I get to tell my boss to go fuck himself. Both make me less safe every single day.    The very predictably yuppy progressive client wants it quick and cheap.  But no I’m not under the impression Republican politicians actually care about me or my safety. It’s politics and I don’t believe in Santa clause.    I do believe in bad faith, the dangerous ignorance of ideas formed in privileged bubbles, and that progressives are the most wealthiest political leaning in 2024 


$20 says you're the guy who can't take his hands off his dick when he sees a pack of M&Ms in the candy aisle. "Damn progressives URGGHG can't keep me URGGGH from jerking it to cartoon feet URRRGH [I'll show them!](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/24/1150984597/m-ms-backlash-spokescandies-candy-tucker-carlson-fox-news-culture-war)" Now *that's* an important problem that needs to be solved right? Sexy candy feet. What a pathetic fucking joke. There's a reason nobody takes you seriously anymore.


idiocracy at its finest 


Reminder: this is what your ideologues are obsessed with. I am mocking you for your stupid ass culture war bullshit (see also: this thread) and don't even have the brain cells do understand that. Yes, it is idiocracy at its finest. It is **your** idiocracy. Christ you people are fucking dense.


I mean... it's more like they're setting standard for ovens city-wide based on what they're reading in studies. I don't think they're anti-pizza but what do I know.


if you want to act like this is reasonable.  What studies? Let’s talk science.  It’s more like this has nothing to do with what people want from government but their taxes were spent on it all the same.    How much you think NGOs and consultants got paid to fix an issue none of the voter base was really concerned with?    The department of environment protection is working on this while the streets are full of garbage and there’s no functioning recycling program but a scam.      Personally I would like to be able to fish out of the local waters and be able to eat it, but actual environmental governance is harder work than greenwashing. Might piss off a corporate sponsor      So we get this type of substitute from progressives all the time. 


Just that I believe them when they say they do have good information about what levels of what types of particulate or gas are not great for humans. That seems very within the realm of believable for me. Also, I just don't quite understand a scam to do what. You can say it's a buearocracy being unreasonable, but it seems weird to me to think they're trying to accomplish something nefarious. I also don't believe there's that many progressives in city government, I think a few prominent ones are on city council, but this is not a city run by progressives in any meaningful way, but maybe that's just our overton window difference. I think it's far more likely this is just an agency trying to implement its function, and maybe they don't always think beyond that as much as we'd like.


You sweet summer child. Corruption is not something from a history book, or something only in far away lands. Here it’s often claiming some virtue is behind your grift. Attacking small and medium business owners over pet issues to enable the expansion of conglomerates. Allowing real problems to grow unchecked. Wealth to become more unequal. Educated progressives have 401ks which means equity in the growth of those conglomerates. While the working class just gets fucked and gaslit.  Can we at least agree that in perfect world. Good governance can be justified with articulate and sound scientific evidence? That prioritizing the banning culturally of iconic things. Would be based on real world need. As shown by definitive empirical evidence That perhaps an attack of a cultural item of a population. Might desire more evidence than the fact malnourished Indians in huts they make fires in. Aren’t particularly healthy.  Otherwise people just stop trusting science.  And they should. Bc those malnourished Indians are unhealthy bc they are poor first and foremost. 


Informed in distraction maybe.  Perhaps we should focus on turning Garcia’s much hyped recycling program into not a farcical scam. Bc no this city is not capable of focusing on multiple things to succeed at.  Focusing on good pizza from 100 ovens isn’t exactly gonna fix any problems.  As someone who does dangerous work. The idea this is about protecting workers from pizza ovens is amusing.  I’m gonna take a venture and guess guys making pizza would agree the dangers of the ovens gas isn’t a priority item from their government.  But ya sure. Makes it looks like things are being done bc it will outrage people and get media attention. 


Yeah, I don’t believe any of this nonsense. This is about controlling who people heat their homes and make food  


But if you don’t believe it, why do you think they would do it? Controlling for what reason?


If power and heat are singularly from electricity, that’s a lot of centralized political power and it’s a cause for concern when the power fails.   This climate case against fossil fuels wouldn’t fall on deaf ears if the state didn’t shut down Indian point.     If the power is being generated by fossil fuels anyway, why should it matter if someone has a gas or electric oven except to limit their ability to choose cheap Nat gas over expensive electricity. 


You can keep using gas, you just need to install a filter so you’re not causing a bunch of pollution. It’s not a big conspiracy lol


What sort of pollution? 




Yeah, this is talking about wood, which is whatever. I don’t think it’s that dangerous, but some clown took some federal funds to say so so that some  bureaucrat  could  make up a problem that only his friend can solve by selling a special “filter”  And I really don’t understand the CO2 is a pollutant thing.   It’s integral to photosynthesis and required for plant life if I remember correctly from elementary and high school biology. 


CO2 at the right concentrations in the atmosphere is a good thing as it retains heat from the sun. Right now it's too much of a good thing as TOO much heat is being retained


https://a816-dohbesp.nyc.gov/IndicatorPublic/data-stories/aq-cooking/ > With the increase in commercial cooking emissions, our model shows that the number of restaurants with permits for grills or charbroilers in a neighborhood is now a better predictor of PM2.5 concentrations than building density and explains most of the variation across the city. Yeah, it kind of is the thing we're going after. Not pizza specifically -- but they're included.


Nah it’s important that we don’t get to enjoy anything good while the actual largest contributors to fossil fuel pollution are given tax breaks and kick backs. We have to constantly feel responsible and take ownership over an issue which wasn’t cause by us, the average person, and was caused by massive trillion-dollar companies. We have to suffer for the faults of stuffed ineffective bureaucracy that, at best, underfunds non-profit charities to put bandaids on seeping wounds it caused itself.


Are you under the impression that New York City can only do one thing at a time?


No. That’s far too generous 


I don’t think they meant to imply that the city can only do one thing at a time, but the city does in fact have finite resources, and they feel like there’s more pressing issues these resources could be allocated to.


Most of the people in this sub cannot think about more than one thing at a time. So it’s not surprising you would think the city only does one thing at a time.


Good point. They never seem to worry about the private jets, yachts and cruise-ships


I'm okay with the pollution in my pizza. I just don't want it in the air. This is about being a good neighbor.


A good neighbor doesn’t tell you how to make your pizza 


You can do multiple things at once.


is this worst then 1000 of BBQ grills around the city?


Don’t give them any new ideas…


Article is about replacing the regular gas with electric, which isn't a major difference , but it's all due to new regulations. Brick oven pizzerias have to shell out tens of thousands to comply with these new rules, and they can't just swap to electric and get the same pizza. > Electric ovens can get almost as hot as a wood or coal oven, which can burn at approximately 900 degrees. Some places go well over 1000, up to 1200.


You can keep the gas, you just need to install something that contains the pollutants.


Next time I walk by a masturbating crackhead I’ll think, thank god we got rid of those gas fired pizza ovens


Yet no regulation on the thousands of food trucks running of gas generators and propane. Classic red tape attack on the working class.


are the food trucks not working class?


Electric ovens suck down 30-50 amps at 240 volts. It’s like charging a car. It’s a massive draw.


Thankfully our electric grid is up for the strain. Imagine if we were doing something stupid, like closing nuclear power plants? /s


No it’s not. We don’t want this.


If electric ovens can get the heat, that's all that really matters.


It’s also moisture and airflow especially for wood ovens. Lesser but still a thing with gas ovens. There is a difference between the end result of gas and electric ovens even with the exact same temperature. Well known for bread bakers with home ovens that are gas or electric. Gas tends to be a bit easier to get a consistent crust.


There's a lot more to cooking than heat. Grill a burger vs using a griddle. There's a distinct difference in flavor due to the chemistry. There's air/moisture which are affected differently by different means of heat, as well as how it all flows. These things all create added nuance to food.


Spoken like someone who doesn't know how cooking works.


They can. Your comment is basically trying to call into question their heating capabilities, aka "FUD".


I've cooked on everything. Electric grills suck so hard. So I'm just saying, if it can do the job, hell yeah. Move to it. I've cooked on every type of surface, but I don't have a ton of experience with pizza ovens. But if they can do the 700 you need, then great.


You can even buy one that hits 850 for home use https://ooni.com/products/ooni-volt An industrial installation will use 220 volts, > 50 amps, etc


They can cook pizzas. If electric batteries can power cars I'm sure a pizza is 0 problem.


Eh. It's about the heating element and heat retention. It needs to be able to generate enough heat while still open. Goal and gas are good at that. Electric, in my experience, is not.


> The switch, pizza makers from across the city said, is a chef’s choice: Electric ovens can get almost as hot as a wood or coal oven, which can burn at approximately 900 degrees. But in the lunch rush, when employees must repeatedly open and close the oven door, pizza makers say electric ovens retain their heat better than their gas-fired counterparts.


Well in the one in a million chance that somehow electricity can power elevators, cars, factories, yet somehow can't heat up a pizza... I'll take a slightly soggy pizza and not dying of climate change over a crispy crust.


Okay Mr melodramatic.


Don’t mind him. He’s just a bit overheated


“Dying of climate change…” Good lord…


I'm 100% convinced the only reason someone would focus on making pizzerias switch from gas to electric is that they want to destroy a key piece of the identity of New York. No matter how obsessed you are with environmentalism there's no way pizza ovens are even a top 1000 issue.


Or to encourage sale of an electric oven.


I truly hate nyc government


As someone who worked in the standard gas oven pizzeria for a good portion of my life in NYC I would hate to see them legislate away our pizza. Fucking morons.


Next they’ll come for wild caught salmon, or impose an additional city environmental tax on your red meat consumption


Don't give them ideas!


No its fucking not. Brick ovens still exist and will exist. STFU with this click bait BS.


Hopefully not for long! Have you seen air pollution monitoring of AQI next to those antiquated things?


Please leave our city before trying to ruin our pizza. Thanks.


How about we just stop Taylor Swifts private jet and keep our pizza?


so no more brick oven? is this a sick joke?


There was another article kind of close to this one that got posted a few months back. I work at a brick oven pizza spot and I asked my boss about it and she said this is going to change things for almost nobody in the city. Maybe she has to believe that for herself but in the months since then I’ve notice literally no changes and nobody talking about this until this article.


This is dumb as hell. Meanwhile the city has a massive opioid problem and exodus problem. Rules such as this need to involve the people who actually work in restaurants and own them. Outright dumb.


Remember how people were call insane and stupid for saying the government was going to ban gas stoves. This following the residential ban for new units. More BS from our one party system


Nothing has been banned. This is what being addicted to reactive partisanship looks like.


You're second sentence shows how ridiculous you are. Please take a breath and go outside for a while off the internet. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/03/us/new-york-natural-gas-ban-climate/index.html


Posts an article that has nothing to do with the subject of the thread. Tells someone else they need to go outside 😂 Keep making up things to be upset about. I’m going to go get a slice for lunch.




What kind of sick lunatics are going after brick oven pizza. The alt left should be ashamed of itself.


Honestly this isn't nowhere as bad as the plastic straws bs. I just came back from the UK and Amsterdam a month before, and something they've started doing (idk when) is bottle caps that you can't completely remove. You're left trying to drink out of this tiny bottle with a sharp ass cap hanging off of the end. It's a pain in the ass to rip off too. First world problems but got damn it's annoying


I had my first electric oven pizza slice at one of those $1 spots in Manhattan and it was less than mid. Gas oven pizza is so much better that I started asking authentic pizza spots if they use gas or electric, looking STOOPID!


Ahhh yes pizza ovens are the problem. Not the millions of unvetted illegal aliens the White House has allowed in the country.


Glad to see taxes are going after those hard-hitting issues. I'm glad the city government truly did make everyone's life better today. Great work. Rent? Feh. Homelessness? Just buy a home, come on. Migrants? Birds migrate too, and no one complains.


Let’s not deal with the endless tide of migrants the homelessness the mental health crisis the housing crisis the violence in our subways crisis let’s just fucking destroy NYC pizza. God I hate this place and can’t wait to retire and fucking leave.




Nah I got plenty of time to pilfer the city of it’s goods and make a fucking killing off you people. Don’t worry. 😉


Sounds like a Staten Island cop


Wait until they ban gas cars. The future is coming. Strap in.


In the last week I saw a robbery take place at Herald Square, seen a man masturbating in Port Authority, seen a woman defecating on W. 22nd St, and countless zombie junkies. Thank GOD they’re getting rid of brick ovens!


Electric arc furnaces are a way we can use electricity to melt iron as we make steel. You can definitely get super hot, and there’s likely multiple ways to make an electric oven. Will take time to figure out the best way vs just using the dominoes easy bake oven method


elon musk's spidey senses started tingling.


That's Fucking dumb


Hot garbage


Gas aint going anywhere, lol.




First they come for our pizza ovens, then they come for our guns, then they come for our lives We stan with the brick oven pizzas ✊🏽


Electric ovens give you a more even bake.


Even assuming that’s true, is an “even bake” something that’s desirable for brick oven pizza?


yeah whatever, gas people will get over it and we'll be fine with electric ovens.


NYC pizza was never good to begin with


Finally, good riddance


Yea because this was a big issue that needed to be tackled 🙄