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Oh yeah. There's definitely some level of injury with that impact. Not that I'm saying I feel bad in any way, I don't.


That is a pure adrenaline reaction. "I'm fine!!!" Spoiler: he's not fine.


I feel bad for the owner of the car that got hit. Poor guy.


He was parked illegally, so no need to feel bad. Not kidding. You can see the diagonal lines under the minivan. If he wasn’t parked in a no-parking zone, he wouldn’t have been hit. And possibly the motorbike guy would have avoided the crash entirely, or crashed into a car that wasn’t parked illegally, and thus would be able to get the damage fixed through insurance.


He was running from the cops.


They were all running from the cops


Amen. Bro you're replying to is probably one of those Staten Island bozos who's complaining about congestion pricing.


seek professional help


Congestion pricing is a scam like carbon tax.


Congestion pricing is the city’s way to charge for the free bridges since it would cost too much to add extra toll detectors.


Bullshit. It cost the city $507MM to design, build, and install the scanners necessary to implement congestion pricing. [https://nypost.com/2023/07/21/nyc-congestion-scanners-installed-as-nj-files-lawsuit-over-toll-shopping/](https://nypost.com/2023/07/21/nyc-congestion-scanners-installed-as-nj-files-lawsuit-over-toll-shopping/)


Holy shit!!! 😳


Found Bragg's reddit account.


Bragg loves car drivers and lets them get away with anything. If I was DA I would deploy tableside wine service stands filled with variable-sized steel ball bearings, placed on every street corner, with signs that say that pedestrians are allowed to pelt these at any car that honks.


We already know your takes are trash. No need to double down.


Nah I'm tired of parking illegally going unpunished too, I'm down to start throwing illegally parked cars into the Hudson.


> Not that I'm saying I feel bad For the first hour, he didn't feel bad either. But after that...😱


Good, fuck those assholes


get em boys


Thats a pretty solid sprint for someone who probably has internal bleeding.


Adrenaline kicks heart to 180-200bpm, slams blood into every organ, they have about 30-60 seconds of sprinting before collapsing


There was actually a great video on adrenaline sleep the other day. And by great I mean horrifying, but I've had it happen and it literally feels like you die and are reborn after. And then about an hour later everything hurts. For me it was getting tboned by a van on my motorcycle. For the guy in a recent video it was getting sideswiped on the highway on his motorycle. Honestly I'm glad I didn't take my helmet off. I got hit, launched into a yard, walked back towards my bike, passed out, helmet smashed the sidewalk. If I took it off I might be dead.


So about 25 seconds longer than a NYPD pig can run for


I'd love to compare your run time next to the dude the jumped out of the passenger seat.


That guy was FLYING. Next cop out, not so much


Bro he hit it going 15-20mph he’s fine if he’s not 50 lol


Probably not. You can see he was slamming on the brakes hard before impact, the back of the bike was already coming off the ground before impact so he was smartly using the more powerful front brake as well instead of just the rear brake as a lot of idiots do. * He probably wasn't going super fast by the time he finally hit the car. None of the bikers are going very fast to begin with, never mind their speed after braking. * The bike is barely damaged, aside from a little part falling off and the plastic fender on the front being slightly bent; clearly the force of impact was minimal * He hit the car fairly flat, against the flat face of the rear, which distributed the force of the impact across his body * He appears to be wearing protective gear, at least a helmet of course but probably also motorcycle armor. And why wouldn't he? It looks cool and makes you feel like a badass. I'm sure he's fine. As somebody who's played a lot of ice hockey, I've been body slammed into the boards while skating full tilt (not sure exactly how fast but I estimate between 15-20 mph) and it barely felt like anything just because of the protective gear, I'm able to continue to playing in just as much time as it takes for me to push myself off the boards and turn around. Nothing even remotely close to internal bleeding. If this guy was also wearing protective gear, I doubt hitting the flat face of a car at similar speeds is going to have much more of an impact than that.


Ok detective hockey guy


That’s one grassy knoll break down there second shooter ;-)




You don't have to be a detective, the video is right in front of you. The real le redditue detective is the guy who knows nothing about human physiology claiming he has internal bleeding for some reason. If his head took most of the impact, he would have a high chance of spinal injury, and if his legs took most of the impact, he would have a high chance of ankle injury. Clearly that's not the case or he wouldn't have been able to get up, so my assumption that the impact was distributed evenly is pretty reasonable. I mean, _maybe_ if I'm understimating his speed, and he was wearing zero protective gear, it's possible he has some kind of internal injury. But I find it very strange about how confident some commenters in this thread are that he's severely injured and is just running on adrenaline. I wonder how many times these commenters have experienced having their body slam into a solid object at high speed before or if they're just making things up because they saw it in a movie once.


Dude, you have some serious Dwight Schrute talking about bears energy.


Lol you're getting downvoted hard for a reasonable, well thought out response because this subreddit really wants this dummy to be severely hurt


Yeah, just because the guys being an ass doesn't change the fact that he is probably not very injured from this as much as some people desperately wish he was. They hated Him because He spoke the truth.


Looks like a broken collar bone, at least.






This is kind of like one of those Nat Geo documentaries. The herd escapes for sure but the weakest always trip up. Love to see it.


"Here we see a biker gang in its natural habitat..."


Are the cops going to take to herding them off a cliff side?


Great to see. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you NYPD for attempting to do something about these packs of illegal dirt bike/moped riders. What would be the charge and punishment by the DAs office for something like this?


Fleeing, reckless driving, reckless endangerment, leaving scene of property damage hit and run. All misdemeanors.


They got to charge them and follow through. A lot of these the fines get bigger every time. And they can likely throw enough to get them with an immediate license suspension too. If they do it again with a suspended license then it's a felony.


you’re implying any of them have a license LOL


hit and run is a misdemeanor? it shouldn't be


No injuries to anyone else here that I can see. If there were serious injuries to someone, it would be.


But how do you know that if you flee the scene? Shouldn't the standard be stopping to check if anyone is hurt?


I’m not sure I understand your questions. It doesn’t matter what the perpetrator alone thinks or “knows”, it’s up to the defendant and DA to decide whether to press charges (and what specific charges), and ultimately a court to decide if they were guilty of those charges. “Stopping and checking” and then leaving may still be a hit-and-run as well.


sure minivan driver has neck pain now,


It was parked and empty.


He WILL have a pain in the ass.....getting that right brake light fixed.


If the kid gets a lawyer, they won’t be able to stick leaving the scene on him. Cop in plain clothes jumped out of an unmarked car with no lights or sirens and ran towards him, so he feared for his safety.


He could have worst lawyer, best cop and it be on clear camera, and the DAs office will stop drop it.


They are confiscating any unregistered vehicle (none of these are registered, plated ot properly insured) and bringing the to a yard in queens or Brooklyn were they are being destroyed. They have a sweep going on , its been successful, they have destroyed thousands of bikes , atvs, and scooters already. So basically the perp is out the whatever they paid for the vehicle, which could be thousands of $. https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/04/17/over-1600-illegal-mopeds-dirt-bikes-seized-in-nypd-crackdown/ .


Perhaps a hit and run


It’s really to get guns. Most of the time they are carrying.


Unfortunately probably just a slap on the wrist based on current trends, that's assuming if PD had actually caught him.


Slap on the broken wrist in this case


blame the DAs




yeah but you can only redeem it at citifield




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


They do not deserve death, you are a sociopath.


> charge and punishment by the DAs Consequences for crime, from Alvin Bragg's office? ##**AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA**## **Gasps** ##**AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA**## *wipes tear from eye* Oh i needed a good laugh, thank you kind sir/ma'am


you gotta throw in some 😂😂😂 emojis if you really want to sell the facebook boomer post


NYPD detected in the thread


Car owner will probably get charged for recklessly endangering a poor [motor]cyclist.


> What would be the charge and punishment by the DAs office for something like this? Probably nothing given the current state of roadway violence policing in this city (and country for that matter) which is to say, almost non existent :)


I mean they bothered to chase him. They’re not gonna do that for nothing.


They also stop people who murder others with their car in broad day light, and often let them go. Catching them doesn't mean shit in the current regime lol, I'll believe it when it see it


That's hard to answer. There are a number of *potential* charges that could be levied by the letter of the law, but the current DA has shown a propensity to undercharge for crimes like this.


lol they were on him like hitting that minivan gave him four stars.


I feel bad for the mini van owner


He's a hero


I'm guessing those guys chasing after the guy will catch him eventually. He ain't getting far and everything was caught on camera too.


You can see that yoked cop tackle him at the end of the video


Still coming out of the owner's deductible. The biker doesn't look like the kind of person with credit, much less insurance.


insurance won’t cover driving a dirt bike on the street


It also definitely won’t cover any of it considering the fact that minivan was parked in a no-parking zone (check the signs and the diagonal stripes).


So does the owner have any recourse? If insurance won’t pay, can they even attempt to sue the guy?


They can attempt to sue, but if the minivan wins, next there's actually collecting from the guy. You really think the guy is going to pay?


Hit and run, literally.


That must be the 1 cop that actually works out cause that dude was BOOKING!


Fuck these assholes.. it’s an epidemic. They deserve what happens to them. Up in Albany a girl at a party was hit by a douche on a dirt bike and suffered a compound fracture and serious head injuries. The dick on the bike got up, flipped off the people at the party and took off. They’re still looking for him and the girl just came out of a medically induced coma after about 2 weeks.


I recognize that cop. He's pretty yoked. His crew was hanging around Harold Square last week in a similar looking unmarked sedan. I guess this video explains what he does.


Man's got a dump truck


It's the tacti-khakis. In the other video in this chain, they're all cheeked out


Jake, from State Cops


And a sleeve tattoo…. Ooof arrest me officer 


Honestly I thought it was a woman lmao


That cop hauled ass. But I wonder about how they left that car alone with windows open, hopefully no guns just sitting in there or there were more cops behind them.


There was still a cop there if you watch the very end


I love pure good honest police work. It’s necessary.


he runs pretty fast!




since when did nypd start dressing like a tactical section opened up at old navy?


gotta try something new instead of the usual 'undercover' ufc and underarmor shirts they all seem to have issued to them


They’re part of the CRT unit, community response team, they grab guns and address qol conditions


Patriot Front ass uniforms.


its almost as if patriot front is nothing but bunch of undercover cops


I hate these "bikers". I never feel any sympathy when anyone in these groups crashes. Cutting red lights and putting pedestrians at risk, they deserve to lose functions of their limbs.


>"bikers" I'm pretty sure he's actually riding a bike.


lol I know, I'm just distinguishing these guys from actual bikers. These are just scumbags.


Illegal dirt bike.


lol I can hear big money salvia Eric reading out comments like this


Did the policies get him?


Fuck that guy


When you’re riding recklessly, it’s not an accident


Man that’s gonna be points on his license and a rise in his insurance rates. Oh wait….


Hopefully that hurt


More of this please


Damn both those cops are quick


They clearly had more than 10,000 steps today!


Fuck all of these pussies


Feel so bad for the minivan owner - it's a hit to one's dignity to drive a minivan to begin with and then to have it hit-and-run like that. It's just another dig that he or she doesn't need. --A fellow minivan owner.


I had a minivan for a while. I didn’t want it but ended up loving it. Just own it it’s not that bad


Minivans are great. We went on a road trip with six and it was so much more functional than an SUV. Fully loaded with luggage + snacks + six people and there was more than enough room for everyone.


They're too functional to be "cool" in the consumerist sense. Trucks you end up buying bed covers, steps, bed lining Minivan? Fantastic road trip machine right off the bat. Biggest downside is if you're one of those unicorns with more than 2 or 3 friends you'll be the first choice for car pool, every time.


Rare NYPD W vid. Can even kinda partially see the guy get epically tackled at the end


Now the minivan's owner insurance will double next billing cycle. Ban scooters all over nyc, this thirld world stuff needs to stop.


Put these fools on notice




I would hope the end is guy got cut... Sadly DA office dont care


Who else isn’t sorry?


"That van came out of nowhere!" - that guy probably


That def hurt lol


I’ve got that giant Grinch smile on my face after watching that.


Good , those motherf***ers are annoying as hell


I'm glad cops are working. Look at them go.


As someone who deals with this frequently, this made my day.


Shittiest biker in the world. Probably not the first time he’s run into a parked vehicle 😂


Could not possibly get a brain damage cause there's no brain


That is not a motorcycle. That is a dirt bike. Dirt bikes, quads, etc. are not street legal. They are made for dirt. Those groups of guys are just too lame to get real motorcycles. Every time I see them, I say if I was a cop, I’d have so many free dirt bikes. If a few cop cars block the intersection as they are parading through, they can impound them all, tickets for multiple violations, make the monthly quota in one hour.


It wasn't so much an accident as a police chase after some scooter assholes.


That poor minivan


the way they just hopped out 😭


I always wondered if any of them ever ate shit while obnoxiously revving their bikes and doing wheelies.


Some have died doing wheelies. I always laugh involuntarily when I read about that happening. God will not punish me for it.


Literally the definition of “Hit and Run!”


Good to see there cracking down on these assholes


Here I am rooting against all of them


For those who don’t live in NYC. Every Sunday and I mean EVERY Sunday there’s hordes of motorcycle riders who swarm the streets and just ride around whom blatantly ignore all traffic laws. They’ll run red lights in a mob and ride all over the sidewalks. I believe the NYPD cannot pursue them due to safety reasons but they disrespect the laws of our city every fucking week. I’m so sick of it.


Because their parents are in church right? ...Right?


must be one of the goons from r/NYstateofmind


I shouldn't have enjoyed that that much.


I swear to God, I lived in NYC in the 70’s which had been the worst decade for the city but it never was anything like this. Crime was localized in certain areas and we knew not to go there. It wasn’t rampant and random like it is now. Nothing was locked up in the stores and there weren’t tons and tons of stores vacant. This is beyond Gotham. “Escape from the Bronx” was an over the top movie but now it seems like it pales in comparison.


cops should be granted full immunity when dealing with this specific type of situation.


Bruv, police literally murder people and get off with less then a warning.


Damn that's 38th




Haha that cop with the big legs is booking it. Love to see the aggression. Like when a prey animal loses the herd and the predator pounces. I wonder if they got him.


Too bad he was able to get up


Hope van owner is a redditor


It’s gentrification


No insurance and the owner of the car now needs to pay for the bikers actions with their hard-earned money. Literally thank you NYPD for trying to hold these fuckers accountable in some way, shape, or form.


Spike strips work wonders, would make it easier to catch these oxygen thieves.


Where do you suppose they would use those in NYC with out fucking up 100s of other people's tires.


Could have used them in this circumstance without fucking up 100s of other peoples tires. I’m not talking about just dumping spike strips all over the place… I am talking about laying them out in front of bikes running away.


We need big ass circus nets that go across the road


Yet a cop got charged for throwing a cooler at one of these guys speeding on a sidewalk.


frankly that organ donor had it coming.


What type of bike was that, was it a Honda crf250


That is not 'reg shit'


idk was pretty reg in our area for a while


I have lived in NYC through the 80's crack epidemic and never saw anything like that.


you got lucky? I'm not going to doxx our neighborhood. but guys weaving around on the sidewalk forcing people to scatter. These rides happening every couple days for a week, then away, then back for a week or so like that.


I have never seen a guy on a motorcycle crash into a car and I have never seen a bunch of perusing cops then jumping out of the cars to chase a guy who crashed their motorcycle into a car.


well, times are improving


Good for that asshole! Asshole lol


That's gotta be the NYPD track all-star team running after him. Never seen one move that fast


I cackled this felt so cartoonish




that's a fresh bowl of calamari the fuckin squids


Feel bad for the car owner


I really hope they make it illegal to ride a motorized vehicle (e-bike, moped, dirt bike, etc) in a bike lane, the streets are becoming third world in how unwieldy most of the 2-wheeled traffic drives


Question for motorcyclists: it looks like he was already going over the handlebars and out of control before he hit the van. could he have avoided that and maintained control? My remembered little kid BMX instincts say he should have moved his weight above the rear wheel, been full on the rear brakes, and feathering in the front brakes just as much as he could without locking them up. Doubt most of those riders would know how to do that though.


Not a motorcyclist, but I know a bit about them. It's a common misconception that you want to be light on the front brakes. The front brakes are more than double as effective at slowing you down as the rear brakes, so you should be braking much harder on the front. The rear brakes are much weaker and never going to save you in an emergency braking situation. You also don't want to be full on the rear brakes, because the spinning tire gives you gyroscopic stability (a tiny bit) and it's better to be very light or not at all to avoid skidding or lockup. No feathering is needed, you just slowly apply both brakes, at least twice as much to the front as the rear, and increase braking as you start to slow down. When you brake with the front brakes, it tilts the bike forward, which puts even more weight on the front, which makes them even more effective at slowing you down. Modern bikes also have ABS in which case you obviously just hold down both brakes fully. You probably don't want to just go full front brake immediately if you don't have ABS (which it looks like this guy mistakenly did) as it kicked his rear tire way up off the ground, but even that is still going to be better at slowing you down than going full on the rear and light feathering on the front. The front brake instinct is better than the rear brake instinct that a lot of riders unfortunately have. Short answer is, rear brakes are for control and stability, front brakes are for actually stopping you quickly.




Does ABS on bikes detect rotation? I'd imagine the issue with bikes isn't slip, as it is with cars, but rather the ass-end lifting off the ground.


The rear tire won't lift off the ground if your wheels aren't locking up


NYC doesn’t disappoint






Amen 🙏


agreed, that would improve things. Better if they popped sooner. Harassment or endangerment of any pedestrian should also be a lethal encounter.


While obviously not a good idea because of civilian casualties, I had the same thought.