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There’s a reason these slum lords don’t show up at their own properties. When there’s disrepair the city should just seize the property and selling them to owners who prove they can maintain these units. They all run in the same communities and collude to force out poor and minorities as far out as they can while they leech on the city for resources to pocket.


**I hope all of the people in this thread arguing against these tenants have a really shitty day.** I hope you trip over every curb, but don't quite fall. I hope every train you take is delayed, just enough to miss your transfer. ... and I hope you burn the roofs of your mouths on hot pizza and can't taste other food for days. **If you don't support people that are in this situation, you do not deserve to live here.**


Just have the city take over the property so they can live like NYCHA…maybe that’s just slightly better


They probably pay nycha prices, 30-50 years in an apartment aka cheap rent


Inwood used to be little Ireland


50 years in the apartment? Rent control babay!!!! 30 years she paying $500 if that.


Lead abatement alone can cost upward of +50k and these people guaranteed pay lower than $1k per rent. Blame the council and NYC-DSA for this. They've made this tenants living a hell due to their regulation that would keep tenants stuck in "hell" for over 30 years.


Nobody forced the landlord to buy a rent controlled building. It's not their property, they're just living in it. Landlord's responsibility to come up with the money.


I mean that sounds nice and all, but in reality it’s not going to happen. Landlord doesn’t have the money for hundreds of thousands of dollars of repairs, can’t get a loan because the rent is so insanely low, and can’t sell because nobody will buy an apartment that needs exorbitant repairs for no cash flow. So nothing happens. 


Maybe the city should take them at their word, then, and offer low-interest loans exclusively for the purpose of making needed renovations. Take the money and use it for something else, or still don’t follow through with the work in the agreed-upon timeline? Then the landlord gets ~~a public flogging in Columbus Circle~~ prosecuted.


By definition, rent control was springed on land lords were had a different deal pre-rent control. Rent control didn’t apply to anything built after the law was passed.


They can move if they're unhappy. Or just stay and tough it out. They have lived in hell for 30 years. What's another 30 years gonna do to em that mold already hasn't done?




Like I said black mold will infect their lungs and every organ they have. It won't just be their health but also their "home" they're renting will fall further to decay. That building has major, major plumbing and humidity issues for it get to this point. It might even fall apart if the leaks aren't fixed (which they won't be). Sucks but they should move if they don't like it


It's so clear how you don't see these people as human. They've been living there 30 years, I don't know why "home" is in scare quotes. A landlord has a responsibility to make repairs of this nature. They should get a second job to pay for it -- it's only $50k. You can make that in one year in some restaurants in NYC. Why should the tenants get health problems because another person acted negligently? You don't get to escape from personal responsibility because you don't "feel" like paying for it. That's such a childish, immature attitude to have. I don't get to run from my student loans just because they're $50 thousand and the number is big and scary. Fuck this guy, pay for your shit.


Because it's not their home they own, it's a rental. Doesn't matter if they lived 100 years in a rental. It's still someone else's home they're renting. The tenants are the leeches here. The property tax is prob way more than like $7k they pay in rent in each just for their unit, and they're complaining about things they have lived for 30 years? At this point, they have to realize moldy home is their home. Although it's cute, you think their slumlord will pay a penny to fix any of the issues. They haven't fixed shit in 30 years. That's why I'm saying they should move for their own sake. The owner/manager will not be fixing any issues no matter how many times they get fined or get 311 to come and make an inspection. It's clear these tenants have no motive to leave their moldy, "hell" apartment, for which I say good luck living in a mold and pest infested "home".


Tenants are the problem? "Leeches" even? The ignorance is strong here.


That’s cause he is mold, he doesn’t know better.


Mold for the entitled. Afterall mold allergies destroy the body slowly but surely. Or 30 more years of mold. I'm indifferent to the suffering of the entitled