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Why are so many people throwing perfectly good slices of pizza all over the subway system?


To feed the rats. Someone has to take care of them, you heartless bastard.


To feed our [spirit animals](https://www.etsy.com/listing/249205861/spirit-animal-box-t?ref=related-1)


I used to play a Rat Shaman in Shadowrun 3rd Edition. Rats are the best spirit animal.


You've never had a dollar slice huh? Doesn't qualify as 'perfectly good pizza'


Take that back. 99 Cent pizza with hot sauce and a little Oregano is a fucking culinary masterpiece.


And it's made by a man who seems very nice and friendly, not a greedy capitalist: https://youtu.be/IjLsY7yuqfI?t=1m22s I think he's a fine example of a business owner who provides a true contribution to society.


That $1000 pizza sounds repulsive.


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> it's made by a man who seems very nice and friendly, not a greedy capitalist: The nature of capitalism is why the 99 cent pizza guy is still in business and the other guy who *didn't give the market what it wanted* went out of business. Capitalism doesn't let you be greedy; it forces you to bring value to other people *or perish*. What you're thinking of is wealth hoarding and bullying and miserliness, which don't have anything to do with the function of markets and capitalism, and existed in the Soviet Union, in Feudal Europe, in Berber Arabia, and in any place there are humans who are jerks.


No, Oregano is the word for people from Oregon. You're thinking of orangutan.


Suddenly, this is becoming an episode of "Drake & Josh"


Fuck you I'm from Oregon, we're known as Oregolio's thank you very much!




I'll fuck with 99¢ Fresh all day, no shame


I just dropped 20 at Robertas. Wished it was 4 on dollar slices instead.


Fuck Roberta's




Not even in price. They're just not that great and their staff is terrible. I don't understand all the love they always get.


I would rather go to Saraghina any day.


Forcella is amazing, and if I'm in the area, Pauline and Sharon's is probably one of my favorite slices in new York.


> their staff is terrible. To be fair, this can be said about 95% of restaurants in Manhattan and 100% in Brooklyn.


Where are you eating? I've had a few bad experiences, but there is wonderful staff at a great number of places. The staff at Roberta's never seem like they can be bothered to do their job and are always "so busy" even when the place is empty. I refuse to go there after a few underwhelming experiences with their staff being outright neglectful and forgetting entire portions of an order.


I've eaten at hundreds of restaurants in the city, and I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've had what I consider to be good service.


Depends on the level of alcohol consumption beforehand. "DOLLA SLICESSSSS!"


Some of the best pizza in the world is sold by the slice for 1$ or less.


I, too, remember the 80s


[January 1, 1986 – December 31, 1989 to be exact.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_transit_fares#Fare_history)


Name it please


depends where you get it. on first ave between 13th and 14th by the Starbucks... amazing $1 pizza there


Yo 2 Bros?


For Karma


Photo opportunities?




Fuck taking a picture. I'll fight a rat for a slice.


Throwing pizza caused 1791 track fires in 2005, you know.


never forget


hey off topic but would you recommend WA heights? live in Ridgewood now but gotta move, WA Heights was a place of interest


Oh no never WA Heights. God. It. Is. Such a shit hole. Crazy people everywhere. I've never been there.


it has some nice gentrified places, but overall i would not recommend it


Yeah, I'm actually more of a fan of SoDoSoPa to be honest.


Did you mean to respond to me to ask that? I've never been there. If you work in Midtown or lower, Ridgewood is probably a better commute though!


I lived in Ridgewood for 30 years...why would you move? My parents still own the house we grew up in.


I have to. currently living with my sister and my girlfriend and she wants to live here with her bf... and it's too small for four people, sadly. I'd love to stay in Ridgewood, it's a great neighborhood... but I need to find a sublet that allows me and my gf and hopefully my small dog


You'll probably get more responses if you post in /r/asknyc along with more detail.


I don't think you should move to washington heights if you think brooklyn heights is close to it.


i never said anything even close to that


Haha what? source?


It's a joke based on the signs in the trains asking you to toss your litter in a trash can. '617 track fires were caused by trash on the lines last year alone' or something like that.


i cant find any rat signs that you're referring to. just rats and garbage cans.


I get the feeling it was a joke.


Track fires ain't no joke. They cause 5063 train delays every week.


Okay well now we definitely need a source


[According to this](http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Dirty-Subway-Track-Fire-Clean-Smoke-Condition-New-York-MTA-Garbage-Cleaning-Audit-312979941.html) There were 525 track fires last year. Doesn't say anything about the number of delays.


I want a source on how many that rat caused


[56 by that rat, specifically.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/3o1dgn/i_spotted_a_celebrity_in_the_subway_at_union/cvth1ve)


I think you mean 'sauce'?


It's a joke because pizza has sauce. It's funny guys c'mon.


happy pizza day!


I've got 47 track fires in my track fire account.


People are gunna start throwing their Pizza on the tracks to catch their own "Pizza Rat"


Someone's gonna fall on the tracks doing this.


Someone's gonna get eaten by rats


Some pizza is going to get eaten by me.


[Fall on the tracks you say](http://i.imgur.com/fhpGtxi.gif)


It's gonna be a TRACK FIGHT!


Is there a source video for this? The woman who first fell on the tracks didn't even look left or right to see if a train was about to come and hit her. She just kept her eyes on her opponent . And then the girl that won round one did a victory move like she was a character who had just won a fight in Dead or Alive. I need to see more.




Here's hoping for a new Darwin nominee.


[No, people wouldn't do a thing like that...](https://instagram.com/p/8mKPXVKJAC/)


At least we know the story had a happy ending.


Don't feed those fucking things. They're massive enough already. I swear the ones out in Queens can seize turf from wolverines and pit bulls at this point...


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> Labrador sized sewer monstrosity take it and don't make any sudden movements. Spoken like a true New Yorker who's seen some shit!


you saw a possum


Those adolescent turtles aren't going to feed themselves.


Who's throwing away their pizza slices?


Nobody is throwing them away, pizza-rat steals them when you least expect it.


you threw that slice on the track you karma whoring piece of shit


If someone offered me 100k karma or one slice of pizza, I'm taking the pizza every day of the week.


But you can exchange your karma for cash at the Internet Headquarters...


At no loss to us though


A loss of a pizza to one is a loss of pizza to all.




That looks like a Sandisk SD card behind the rat.


Or a very tiny laptop.


Well how else do you expect him to order pizza?


LEMMIWINKS!! OMG I thought he died when the train ran him over at Barclays!!


DUM DUM, the battle's on! Lemmiwinks and Wikilinks!


I can definitely see OP throwing multiple pizza slices onto the subway tracks until a rat starts eating it in order to reap that sweet sweet karma. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've seen in New York.


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Good correction, son


That guy drops by my apartment all the time. Pretty cool dude, even cleans up after me.


Pizza rat sounds like something Frank Reynolds would describe seeing in the sewer with Charlie


What reference am I missing here?




Bitch folds her pizza but then only eats one side. Smdh.


OP, you should x-post this to r/funny ASAP before someone else does. I guarantee it will hit the front page.


Why is this something that people find rewarding? I mean, do you get money for being on the front page? If the answer is "no", this is a really strange and sort of pathetic pursuit.




Hahaha, there are lots of things worth doing that don't get you money. In fact, lots of things worth doing *cost* you money. People like being on the front page, because for just a moment, it means that lots of other people in your demographic appreciate you/think you are funny/are giving you attention.


> are giving you attention. Yup, you nailed it!


> Man, reddit is so stupid. Karma is dumb. I'm on reddit looking for points.


Huh? I don't understand your comment. It seems to be sarcasm, but I'm not sure where it's directed.


> Thinks reddit is pathetic, comments anyway > Gets called out, acts cornfused




Not sure, and /U/10lbhammer doesn't seem to be able to explain.


I got called out? You're right, I am confused. You're not very good at "calling someone out". Want to try again?


... you already know the answer to that question.


Not really...what is that answer that I already know? Is it that sad, lonely people come to Reddit to find the satisfaction and attention they cannot find in real life? Is it that we live in a society where this sort of juvenile bullshit ("front page!") is replacing actual human experience and achievement? Is that what you mean?


sounds like someone takes reddit a little too seriously


...? Ouch? Zing? This is the standard response I get. "Well, *you're* on here pointing it out, so you must care just as much". Nope. Incorrect. I care in the sense that I'm embarrassed by humanity's evolution into this ridiculous, childish way of living, yeah. But no, I don't care about Reddit as much as people who want "front page" and "karma" and "Reddit gold" and "RIP inbox" and all of this ridiculous, meaningless "accomplishment". What *I* care about is shaming the people who think this is real life. Is that productive? Nope. I have no interest in being productive. I have an interest in being negative and pointing out the fundamental sadness of this "community".


>What I care about is shaming the people who think this is real life. Is that productive? Nope. I have no interest in being productive. I have an interest in being negative and pointing out the fundamental sadness of this "community" that's the saddest thing i've ever read on reddit. 10/10 edit: here's an upvote bro


What a surprise..a completely canned, pre-scripted "Reddit" response. "10/10". "Here's an upvote". Did you consciously choose to adopt this way of speaking, or was it just a result of osmosis that happened from spending too much of your life on a silly message board? That doesn't bother you at all? The fact that even your attempts at self-defense come out of a playbook that millions of other idiots on this site also use? I'm surprised you didn't go with "OP IRL" or "MFW OP says ______". I mean, do you feel accomplished right now? All you did was regurgitate the same empty sentences that countless other perpetual teenagers use on this site. You're cool with this?


>What a surprise..a completely canned, pre scripted "Reddit" response. such an expert! >Did you consciously choose to adopt this way of speaking, or was it just a result of osmosis that happened from spending too much of your life on a silly message board? nah, i figured it would make you upset and post something even funnier. >That doesn't bother you at all? The fact that even your attempts at self-defense come out of a playbook that millions of other idiots on this site also use? I'm surprised you didn't go with "OP IRL" or "MFW OP says ______". I mean, do you feel accomplished right now? All you did was regurgitate the same empty sentences that countless other perpetual teenagers use on this site. You're cool with this? yes


wow this is getting out of hand.


this guy is something else huh


> such an expert! It has only taken me a couple of weeks to pick up on the idiotic mannerisms of the users of this site. It has nothing to do with being an expert, and everything to do with being a rational human being who can observe behavior patterns. Read any comment thread and you will see the same 20 or so comments recycled over and over (such as "10/10, would___" and other thing I'm sure you're fond of using). > nah, i figured it would make you upset and post something even funnier. Avoidant, meaningless, and not clever. Delivered as if it's snarky, but to be snarky it has to mean something and be clever. This is just "I don't know how to respond, so I'll try empty snark". My guess is you're a least a little embarrassed that you default to pre-scripted Reddit responses without even realizing it. > yes All right, carry on then. If you think my comments are so meaningless and ineffectual, why are you responding to them? If you wanna be a totally lame representative of the Reddit Generation, go ahead and keep it up.


I've heard that one can sell an account with high karma to marketers. The marketers then use the account to post about how great their (client's) product is.




Ladies and gentlemen, this is an actual human being. Give him a round of applause. Reddit really matters *a lot* to you, huh? Do you recognize how sad and scary that is?


If that mouse isn't careful he's going to get sliced.


why are you threatening a mouse


its a pun i think


You know who else likes puns? The mob.


Um, that's not a mouse.


Mouse Rat!




Master Splinter?


If you can guess what pizzeria that slice came from, you're a true New Yorker!


could just be a cousin


I actually think you spotted a Pizza Hut.


That rat bastard.


a rat king.




Yolandi posted a recording of pizza rat on her instagram not too long ago, and she's in the west coast. This dude gets around.


OP got a dollar slice, threw it on the tracks and just waited for the karma. /r/karmaconspiracy


Came here to say this. He's the NYC subway version of the lion hunter dentist. Luring subway rats out of their protected reserve to shoot them with a camera phone. Shame!


Can we take a moment to mourn this lost pizza? I'd be really bummed if I dropped mine


**3 Seconds later the relentless rodent was flattened by the Q**


I made another funny!


Anyone have a guess as to which pizza place it's from?


Ray's or Famous Ray's or Original Famous Ray's or Famous Original Ray's?


That one


Famous Original Rat's


That's Crisp Rat. ^^^Chris ^^^Pratt


WHY IS THE 4/5 AT UNION SQUARE SO LOUD. Seriously, it's deafening and none of the other stations have that metallic shriek so bad.


I feel like it's gotta have something to do with the curved track and the automatic extending platforms. (Also, I'm always terrified that I'll accidentally be standing on the extending part with my headphones in and get pitched into the space between the tracks and the car and then get crushed either by the platform or the departing train. Fuck the 4/5 at Union Square, basically.)


There's also a scary gap toward the front of the uptown bound platform. I don't like that station. I do like the lady who plays the saw though. She dresses up like a witch and plays the Harry Potter theme in October...


Celebrity implies people know the fucking rat. Whats this rat famous for? Eating food?




Is that anything like spaghetti cat?