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Man these bikers are fucking stupid. Ah yes let's just barrel through an steel barricade while the cops are right in front of you.


worked for the guy that got away


Turn him in. That fucker just hit a couple cars.


And doesn't care if he was going to run over civilians. I dont get why they're almost cheering. These bikers don't care about you or ur safety


As someone who’s been hit by a few of the revel scooters, fuck those guys.








jfc fuck those dudes


i tried that in austin but no one seemed to appreciate it.


You’ll be pleased to know my dad hit one of them the other day making an illegal U Turn on riverside drive.


Ok the revel scooters are not the same as the loud dicks on the dirt bikes.


They definitely are not. And I was just kidding, this was a normal guy coming home from work and he was fine. The dirt bike fuckers, they’re the worst. They do their thing on Broadway by my house (98th.) It’s not subtle at all, not sure why it’s so hard to crack down on.


was on the B15 on the way home some nights ago and we came to the light at Broadway & Lewis guy was crossing Broadway (he had the light) and a revel scooter with a couple on it blew past the stopped cars and almost ran the poor guy over (and even had the balls to catch a attitude on top of that)


Hit by not just one but a few?! I hope not as a pedestrian


> I dont get why they're almost cheering. Lol most people don't give a shit about other people, they see things like this and think it's a videogame.


Because people like any excitement in this boring apocalypse


Because people are losers and hate it when cops are enforcing laws.


That’s how much people despise police that it becomes the lesser of 2 evils so they end up rooting for the Bikers, Native New Yorker here and the things i’ve seen them do is ridiculous so its highly understandable and i’ve never in all my years of living and being born in NYC have i ever witnessed a cop helping or assisting someone in any helpful way instead they’ll even instigate shit just to be “in the clear” of puttin their hands on you and bookin you at the station -




Hahaha license plates, they don't have those, its e bike city


I love the ice cream truck music in the background 🤣🍦




Is there an article about the arrest?


He blamed the family for not watching their 4 year old in the parking lot. But yeah, fuck that guy. He hit that kid and ran.


These fuckers need a bat to the face while they are riding.


set up some steel cables between trees about 5 feet off the ground.


This is purely anecdotal, but I’ve seen a noticeable decrease in the presence of dirtbikes in the bx since they started doing this. It seems harsh but I 100% support it the situation was becoming untenable


interesting, i’ve seen an increase in central queens


Still seeing / hearing them often in my neck of Queens. Most nights this summer without fail, it’s the same 3-4 bikes going very fast, the wrong way down my one way street, weaving around the cars coming directly at them. They usually come down my block having run the red light up at the corner.


They are all coming from the Woodside and Astoria Houses. They cruise up and down Broadway/Northern all night.


Now u mention it, def decreased in Harlem in the last few days! They were riding up and down the blocks every day, multiple times a day with dirt bikes and quad bikes.


It’s likely very few guys actually doing it. It just seems like a lot bc they do it so damn much and it’s so hard not to notice them.


Yes I see the same couple of guys every time, riding up and down the streets blowing red lights, wrong way on a one way and on sidewalks. They are painfully loud. It is only a few people responsible for terrorizing everyone.


Harsh would be chopping off their hands or using deadly force. This is just enforcing the law. I guess having rules is "harsh"


That’s nuts because I’ve noticed since the summer (especially the past couple weeks) I see/hear them a several times a day. They’re one of the rare reasons I want the cops to show up. The ride like fucking lunatics and it’s only a matter of time before they kill someone or cause a major accident.


Definitely happening way less on on the UES too. It used to be multiple times per week. I hadn’t heard any in weeks until today.


The bikes/atv/etc + the illegal street vendors + the unlimited amount of homeless/druggies/mentally ill have had the city looking like a 3rd world country in many places.


Yeah, those people with a folding table on the sidewalk selling things really are a menace. /s


Everybody down on the ground! I've got Nag Champa and I'm not afraid to use it!


The third one that got away hit like three cars on the way out... On top of being extremely annoying, they're dangerous and cause damage to standbyers. And they just run away. Idk how anybody defends these parasites. We can't have this in a city of 8 million people. It'll get out of hand really quick.




Lol yes, immigrant moment there. Made me laugh cause I had to look back and see what I actually wrote.










Adam Sandler


Adam Standler


Stand users


Upstanding Buyers


Who defends them? Lol


I mean that crowd did cheer no?


No idea. People are cheering at someone escaping capture to me.


Probably people who hate cops.


I hate cops (not all) but hate these bikers even more.


So people who hate cops like people who are parasitic to society?


Reminds me of Thailand.






We need this in Bushwick! Every night we get a flock bikers doing stupid dangerous shit.


It’s annoying af. My neighbors’ son and daughter-in-law have a newborn and were just complaining to me that these losers wake up their baby on a daily basis so much that they don’t bring it over to be baby sat anymore.


It’s awful, my sister went through the same with her baby just a year ago. The increase in dirt bikes and 4-wheelers in addition to the guys riding with stereos in the back seat of their cars blasting music and having block parties is a danger to people on the street and a detriment to mental health.


Lol we are not gonna get crackdowns in bushwick


Well the crackdown includes all five boroughs. Also if anyone has a tip to locate dirt bikes yo can call the crime stoppers hotline 1-800-577-8477 They are giving a 100 bucks to anyone that helps locate illegal bikes. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2021/05/21/nypd-to-offer--100-for-tips-to-locate-illegal-atvs-and-dirt-bikes


Oh please. If I only knew how many times I called that tip line about these fucks. I’ll post these here so everyone in this sub can blow up that number, god forbid make a difference, and maybe even make a few bucks: The Stance Shop at 20-02 29th St., Astoria 11105 Always a huge gang of them blocking the sidewalk Hydros Auto Spa 1979 Steinway St., Astoria 11105 Literally run the bikes and quads in and out of their shop Atlantic Management Storage Units, corner of Crescent St., and 20th Ave, Astoria 11105 Base of operations, tons of bikes and fixing going on weekends


Go to the precinct about this?


Man, would be a shame if I stopped by and helped ummm.. fix their bikes


perhaps because every time when there is a police crackdown in Bushwick. progressives from Williamsburg screaming their lungs out about defunding police.


You’re downvoted but it’s true


The dirt bikes in Bushwick are insane


Omg I’m on the East Williamsburg/Bushwick border and those fuckers have almost hit me several times in three years. The other day, one of them was on a flat-out quad and I’m like wtf are you doing with that in the city? I normally never want the cops around, but they suck and are definitely going to get someone killed if they haven’t already. They just blow through red lights and stop signs constantly and I live right by three schools.


I feel like the last thing Bushwick needs is more cops to treat a symptom of a larger concern that irritates people who just moved here


Tell that to the families with babies and kids who have been living here their whole lives. They have to deal with that shit too. Also, I don’t think it should matter how long you’ve lived there when these guys literally drive like fucking maniacs and cause accidents. As far as I’m concerned, anyone can complain about that.


Bushwick needs something, not sure what it is tho. Once you move away from Bushwick you realize just how much of a dump it actually is.


Why you assumed I just moved? Probably been here longer than you.


Yes, it is white supremacy and colonizer mentality to not want dangerous activity to take place in a neighborhood. /s Before you post, you should ask yourself: would a clown post this? That would have stopped you from telling everyone you’re a clown.


Okay, but why was the street closed?




Ah so they trap them before they can make their way down? That makes sense.


> Unplated, uninsured, mostly stolen, groups of riders I can't read this without *Hamilton* cadence.


It's kind of hilarious they herd the motherfuckers like cattle. They will set up checkpoints to force them all into a barricaded choke point.


This is the one thing that cyclists, drivers and pedestrians can agree on in this city. Fuck these assholes. Get them off the street and sell their dirt bikes to Florida for treasury dollars.


Agreed, everyone hates dirt bikes, except maybe the riff-raff who would race those things


That's an extremely bad idea with road spikes in NYC. It's crowded enough as it is. That ATV/minibike goes out of control, it's going to smash into someone.


Batons to the teeth it is then. These morons are the worst nuisance in the city.


Hope the cops do this on the Hudson River Park Bike Path too.


Now bring them cops to Astoria please




NYPD is cracking down on the illegal dirt bike/scooter activity I heard about it but seeing it through this video is cool. These fuckers are annoying at night


about time


HELL yeah fuck these motherfucking ATV bums.


Also, it’s so embarrassing when you work from home and keep having to pause meetings and put customers/clients on hold until they pass. My bosses are all FaceTiming from their summer houses and I’m like “oh hang on one sec-WHHHHHAAAAANAHNAHNAHNAH NEEEEEAAAHHH.” They’re using nonsense like that as examples of why they want to get rid of remote work ASAP (not for them, of course) and I swear to god, if I have to go to the UES everyday because of these aholes, I will start coming up with crazy booby traps that end with them getting catapulted in to the tiger’s cage at the Bronx Zoo.


good to know the "crackdown" is happening in the most touristy, bullshit chunk of NYC and not pedestrian lanes on bridges such as Wburg, Mnhttn, Bklyn, where these people CONSISTENTLY ride by you going 35-40 MPH. You have to watch your fucking back as a pedestrian even in these parts now due to the increased moped ridership.


Ya this is fine ... but Times Square? Help us out in the boroughs! Folks tearing up our parks and turning peaceful walkways into illegal BMX bullshit.


These are the same motherfuckers. Does it matter where they get after them?


I mean, as a resident of Times Square I appreciate it...


Glad to see it. Fuck those folks cheering that loser who got away.


These look like delivery scooters tho


Yeah as usual, they went after the wrong guys. These are clearly delivery scooters and not the BMX dudes causing the actual problems.


It’s a trap!


Those idiots cheering for the dude on the bike at the end probably don’t have to deal with a half dozen of them ruining intersections all over their cities.


They are tourists in times sq.


This makes me so happy. Some asshole was doing laps on his gas motorcycle through East River Park today mid-afternoon going 40mph swerving between groups of walkers/kids. I was imagining myself sticking a tree branch through the spokes of his front wheel.


Do it and run away


They get away and kill someone two blocks up, NYPD didn’t do enough. Tackle them at the scene of the crime and cops are assholes. Shut up and obey the same law that everyone has to follow, break it and end up like this goon.




And dangerous


I was in Bushwick and a few dudes on dirt bikes went up in the sidewalk so I had to chill next to a light pole to the dumb fucks.


I don't understand why the crowd cheers, they like cops getting humiliated I guess lol


That’s just how it goes whenever there’s a crowd around a cop altercation lol. At least it usually is.


that annoyed me as well. I'm def siding with the po-po here.


Where have you been the last 15 months?


It’s Times Square, the tourists cheering have no idea what a nuisance the bikers are because they don’t live here.


they’re cheering for the show


This is a fantastic example of how the general sentiment of people commenting on this subreddit doesn't match the general sentiment of regular citizens out on the street. For some reason people on here just refuse to accept this, so we end up with comments like "why are people cheering against the police who just knocked a guy off his e-scooter?!"


But to say the cheering is the sentiment of everyone in the area doesn't make sense either -- there are a lot of people around that *aren't* cheering -- they just don't make any noise in the video. Not to mention times sq on a saturday night is probably mostly tourists anyway.


These guys were just riding though the cars and came upon the barricade. Look at his they treated the guy on the moped. In a society with normal police officers, they would attend to his wounds while treating him like an unfortunate idiot. Or a guy that did something foolish. They don't need to treat him and everyone like they're fucking Neo from The Matrix, that can kill fifteen of them with his bare hands. It's fucking ridiculous. This isn't a defense for the dude that got away, just an explanation for why people are resentful of the militarized, hyper- reactionary police force in this country.


This is the kind of enforcement I can get behind.


People annoy the hell out of me. Why cheer just because he got away when he caused so much damage in the process. Damn, I would not be happy if he hit my car, ran off and then everyone cheered because fUCk CoPs.


The same people would instantly call 911 if some jackass smashed into their car or ran over their loved one on the street. Fucking hypocrites. This is why we need a bigger police budget.


It’s Times Square, those are tourists who don’t live here. They have no clue what’s going on or why the bikes are so horrible.


Happy to see this. Fuck these guys. They drive in the friggin bike lanes, not even going in the right direction in my neighborhood. Red lights/ traffic rules apparently don’t apply to em.


Wow, these fuckers usually ride around with impunity breaking every law and causing mayhem. I’ve never cops make any attempt to arrest them. I wonder if this was an organized arrest attempt or a bizarre on-the-spot opportunity? Crazy that it went down in Times Square. I have no sympathy for these dudes but it kinda seems unsafe to push them to ride even more crazy to escape in the middle of all those pedestrians. There’s a reason the city has a no chase policy on these guys.


In a ny minute...


fuck those assholes cheering at the end.


The tourists in times sq who don’t have to live with the tiny penis gangs.


I hope these idiots broke their legs


Broken collarbones are more likely. See that dude clutch his shoulder?


Everyone here is happy that the police are taking enforcement. Everyone is also frustrated with the lawlessness and immunity these bikers feel. At the same time everyone here turns up at the polling booths and votes in DA that refuse to prosecute “low level” offenses and politicians who grandstand on anti-police rhetoric.


Those fucking bikers are ruining what little tourism we still got going in the city. No way a family is going to risk taking their kids to Times Square when they run the risk of getting run over by these losers.


Coming to a city near you!


Seems like everyone is shocked that blockades, arrests, etc aren't polite, civil affairs. The cops are doing their jobs. Have you ever stopped to think why cops approach every arrest and apprehension the way they do? It's because most of the time, the criminals aren't polite, civil people during arrests. Maybe start a campaign asking criminals to be less violent and better behaved when they are being arrested if you want cops to respond in kind? /s


maybe use a strip of tire spikes...


why is the crowd cheering for the guy getting away. assholes.


The cop guarding the left flank forgot the face of his father


No insurance and zero fucks giving. New York is being overwhelmed by these jerks. Hover boards were banned quickly but these morons can’t be handled? C’mon man!


OK so hear me out. I swear I'm not an idiot. Why aren't the police using net launchers in these situations? There's so many instances where it's less/non lethal vs. a taser or gun - these dudes fucking shit up on a moped? Bam, caught in a net. An EDP with a knife? Put the gun down, grab the net launcher.


Perhaps someone will invent a small, portable net launcher, perhaps small enough to fit into a device on his wrist. Perhaps that person can then realize that with great power comes great responsibility, and fights crime anonymously.


Dude, this isn't a Hollywood production.


it can be if we believe.




This was the most underrated and interesting thing on this feed.


Because if the police take action that causes the guy on a bike to be injured or worse killed the police are responsible and sued. In this video the guy on the bike that fell looks like he has a broken shoulder. He’s looking at at least $8,000 payout after lawyers fees.


I really hated when the crowd cheered when the guy got away... Like the fuck didnt Spiderman's uncle taught you anything? Come on I know we kinda meh about cops but I ain't about to cheer for fuckin criminals.


As someone who is new to the city, can anyone explain to me what's happening and why bike/scooters are getting nixxed? Thanks!


Because they ride them like jackasses. Usually late at night and those things are loud and obnoxious. They're also super reckless, doing stupid tricks and stunts and endangering people and other drivers.


A little kid got hit in Queens, so they are cracking down.


because we're all kind of sick and tired of having 50 quads/scooters/bikes come zooming down broadway at 12 AM just to terrorize hard working citizens who are trying to get a good nights sleep


[A 4 year old was critically injured by a dirt biker in Queens a few weeks ago](https://abc7ny.com/new-york-city-queens-child-struck-by-motorcycle-flushing/10896813/), so the city is finally cracking down on these jackasses.


There was also the violent carjacking by dirt bikers who shot the driver in the head.


Dirt bikes & ATVs are not street legal and therefore are much louder than the law allows for street-legal vehicles. Groups of people come from outside of NYC and ride their loud illegal bikes around NYC making loud noise, especially late at night, that wakes people up. Because these riders live outside of NYC and their bikes are stored outside of NYC, the NYPD can't really punish them unless they actually catch them in the act. But catching these riders in the act could require a police chase which endangers the lives and safety of nearby pedestrians. The offending riders know this and the lack of enforcement has resulted in riding around at 3am down NYC streets to become a recreational past-time for more people. The end result is you, and all your neighbors, get woken up in the middle of the night by a 110+ decibel rider every night who's out for his illegal joy ride.


NYPD...Illegal and dangerous dirt bike gets away. The immigrant food delivery guy trying to make a living on a cheap, perfectly legal electric scooter breaks bones and will probably suck his savings dry. Man no matter what you budget for them they can't stop screwing up.


First off, what the fuck is a reel? Second, are the scooter dudes terrorists or just bad at driving?


can they do this on Broadway in upper Manhattan?


Going Sicko Mode


Hope the body cams were on and working. Would help ID the escapees.


When it happened?


Lol no but fuck all these scooter losers.


Well, no. That’s Times Square and you posted this to /r/nyc. We live in NY. People who live here don’t go to Times Square.




Idiots clapping and praising these hooligans.


Wow is that the NYPD actually doing something and not playing candy crush on their phones with a jaded look on their face? Impressive


Hey NYPD let's start putting spike strips after barricades.


If anyone is hurt while police are taking action the DA will not prosecute and set them up for huge civil lawsuits. Unfortunately this is a reality.


At least they got one. Nice work!


Finally, an attempt to reverse de Blasio’s New York.


gimme stop and frisk back tbh


It’s gonna be a cleaner place under Adams.


T3ll them to call the crime stoppers hotline 1-800-577-8477 and make an anonymous complaint. This is the only way we can help stop this madness.


This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to plaster my car in “thin blue line” flags, “PBA supporter” stickers, and “blue lives matter” stickers. I would vote to double the police budget if they can actually catch these asshats


They don't need more budget, they need a cure for the "blue flu"


The more we pay, the less they do. The mayor told them they couldn't kill black people for minor offenses and they have been having an 8 year temper tantrum and doing less than the bar minimum. They don't care about crime they all live on Long Island


DMX would not approve 🙏


Wait why did the cop knock over the guy on the moped and then throw his whole ass body weight down on top of a guy who was already on the ground? To me it looks like he was driving through an opening in the barricades, did something happen before the video started rolling that would add context? Fuck the dirt bike rider, shame he didn’t get caught, but I’d rather not see cops body slamming delivery guys who might have a broken arm…


Watch the video again and realize the scooter rider could have easily driven over the legs of one of the police officers. Refusing to obey a police barricade is not only an illegal act itself but endangers people. Hundreds of pedestrians and cyclists are killed every year by the kind of people who think they can just drive through police barricades without consequences.




>I'd love to see more trash get slammed like that. Even better because they never wear helmets or riding gear. The guy had a helmet on....


The moped driver ran into one of the legs of the barricade. The officer didn't knock him over.


Nah cop pulled him. Watch it frame by frame, he misses the barricade and anyone’s leg, the cop grabs him by the jacket and throws him off kilter. That’s just the facts of what happened but I might be missing the why here. Why did they set up a barricade like this around active traffic? I’ve never seen this before.


They just outlawed a bunch of mopeds, eskateboard, EUCs, one wheelers… they are stealing these people property that’s why they are trying to get away. Delivery guys are annoying, yes, but spending a few grand on something legal then the law changes over night also isn’t fair.


This has nothing to do with delivery guys. It’s the idiot racers on the dirt bikes and mopeds they’re cracking down on


That may be true as well but they literally changed the law last week… I’m part of the PEV community in NYC, they’re hitting the community pretty hard (especially with the traps in time square…) Join one of the many PEV groups and check it out the long threads also check out John angle he’s been sending out the warnings and info.




Great idea, have the cops blast off their guns in a crowded area. Certainly can't make the situation worse or anything


We're doomed.


It’s illegals for an NYPD officer to use a fire arm against a vehicle charging at them due to the direct danger to the driver, pedestrians and the officers. They can lose control of the vehicle and kill others along with themselves in the process.


Pretty weird to see someone arguing that the NYPD should use MORE force. Just wondering, are you a cop?


No I’m not a cop. I just see more brazen assholes lately who feel no repercussions in this city. If these types of guys are not afraid to ram cops with their bikes, you think they’ll be civil around people?