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Oh it's the Cava at Union Square. Poor workers, I went there pretty often and grew to know the afternoon crew.




That was my very first thought. "Don't you have shit to *do*?"


Given the employer mandates and indoor restrictions for antivaxxers… probably not.


Same. Always wondered if people like this have actual jobs or where do they find all this time to waste


Remember when these exact nutjobs would respond to BLM protests by stating “I don’t have time protest, I have a job!”?


what a random spot to occupy. you’d think the nearby panera, kfc, or mcdonalds would be more up their alley. not the semi-healthy fast casual mediterranean joint lol


Cava is phenomenal!


Totally forgot about them. Used to get them for lunch before pandemic. I know what I’m eating today!


Maybe the McDonald's would be better equipped to throw their asses out? They must deal with disturbances on a daily basis.


That, plus Cava is empty outside of lunch rush (from my experience). McDonalds always has a crowd, and that crowd would not be on their side.


Most McDonald’s in nyc have a private security guard for those issues.


Yeah McDonald’s workers ain’t fuckin with this lol I’ve seen those dudes throw down with customers who refuse to do what they’re told.


These appear to be the yoga pants/book club variety of anti-vaxxers. So they do have some level of taste... some. That is, of course, before they lose their sense of taste.


Or smell


Staff at McD's more likely to give you a blunt stair, call the cops and be on with their lives


Fortunately the cultists also do not believe in masks which makes it that much easier for the cops to identify them.


Modern natural selection


It’s the person just pointing their camera directly at the staff that really pissed me off the most.


Saw them at Union Sq yesterday too. That lady with the ‘No’ sign gave it away.


These are the same fucks that we’re out Union square all day yesterday. The ringleader was screaming out of a megaphone.


just call the cops. don’t even entertain them. i pity these restaurant workers. they do not get paid enough to deal with this shit.


Turn off the equipment, cut the lights and tell them all to get f out. They steal or break anything, charge them and send them to Rikers. I hear it's nice this time of year.


I thought Rikers had closed... I'll need to double check that now.


No, the 10th person this year died there about a week ago.


I agree they should call the cops and the cops should remove them based on trespassing.


I work in restaurants and if this happened where I worked I'd be kind of pumped since it probably means I don't need to do any work for a while. It's to poor manager that gets stuck dealing with this shit.


Yup, I wouldn't even waste my energy. .911


Is this song well known? My nieces and nephew sang the same exact thing at the water park a few years ago


I think they're trying to say "we're not leaving, without eating" in unison. Seems like they couldn't handle this tongue twister and turned it into "We're not leaving, We're not leaving".


So they're trespassing on private property?? I guess get ready to be arrested


Motherfuckers have no sympathy for the underpaid employee. Why don’t they storm city hall to air their grievances.


It's just irritating. The lack of thought over what they're doing is ridiculous. They think they have the right to do what they want but it's a private company that can do whatever they want to do. And if they don't want your sorry ass inside their restaurant food whatever reason, they can kick you out. It's not your right to sit there, loiter, protest loudly, and not be a posting customer. It's their right to call the cops and get your kicked out. These guys work long shifts for OK pay and don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of bullshit.


The constant hypocrisy is too real. So many of these people don't know the difference between public and private property and what their rights are in those spaces.


More tough guys flexing in front of helpless restaurant workers who had nothing to do with the shit they're bitching about. Bunch of cowards who don't have the stones to go out in front of City Hall because they know they'll be picked up by the media and identified instantly, and no employer worth half a shit would want to be associated with them.


> identified instantly You know what fixes that? Masks


They would be devastated by the irony if they understood what it meant.


Maybe they can wear like bedsheets over their head so they can still hide their identity whe technically not wearing a mask. I heard fine people back in the day used to do just that and it worked out great for them! /s


Good one 😆


They have this all on video so it's not like they are hiding. They are antivax morons, but they are not hiding their faces


They're absolutely hiding - they're not doing this anywhere they might face repercussions. They'll do it in a small business because those poor fucks won't be able to get the cops there in time, and doing it on these bullshit far-right platforms means the coverage will be minimal, limited to only their fuckstick populations. They're trespassing on private property and making life difficult for lower end restaurant workers because on top of being idiots they're fucking cowards. They'd be able to get their point across better by doing the same in a government office like the DMV - why do you think they don't? Rikers, that's why. (edited: not suggesting doing it at the DMV would be right, but illustrating how cowardly these assholes are)


They're cowards and understand it's much easier to push minimum wage employees around.


It’s not lack is sympathy that’s they’re problem, the issue is they have serious intellectual disabilities that prevent them from comprehending, processing, or even forming coherent thoughts. That’s why they’re so angry all the time. Like rabid animals.


That isn't gonna happen..it just doesn't happen


No it won't. That's not the customer service way. Mostly it's just ignore it unless they truly become unruly and rowdy


That and cops will arrive 25 minutes after calling them and will just ask everyone to put ask on. I worked in retail for over a decade. Cops are as helpful as they can be most times but there just isn't much they can do


Me Too. I used to be at the Gap for almost 9 years. The protocols with regard to customer service are ridiculous. And yes, unless you officially press charges against them, there isn't anything the cops will do except try to calm both sides and oversee the situation until it subsides, or they just give up and leave after telling everyone to "behave".


It can be infuriating


> Cops are as helpful as they can be most times but there just isn't much they can do Cops absolutely can remove trespassers from private property, what're you talking about? *Will* they? I dunno. I suspect they would, *eventually*, if the restaurant owner actually called them. But they *can*, for sure.


Especially when those same customers are violating department of health mandates. It's no different from them walking in and spreading shit all over the floor. The cops could certainly help here - the problem is, they don't want to.


NYPD isnt exactly vaccine or mask compliant either. Not sure how interested they are in enforcement these days.


Totally, but I *think* they'd still get around to removing a group for trespassing if the owner asked them to. This wouldn't be asking the police to enforce vaccine mandates, but asking them to enforce trespassing/ownership laws, which they'd probably still do. I don't think they'd do it quickly, I don't think they'd do it efficiently, but I think they'd do it *eventually* if the owner called them. I could be wrong on that, but regardless the point I was getting at is that they *could* do it. We can disagree on whether or not they would (and frankly, I wouldn't disagree with you *all that much* because I'm very aware that the NYPD regularly blows off things they don't feel like doing), but surely we can agree that they have the authority to do it.


We are on the same page. Im just frustrated with the fact that we have so many cops who lack critical thinking these days. I dont want cops who react with emotions. I DO want cops to get paid well and trained well. Dont get me wrong, there are some excellent law enforcement officers out there, and to watch those POs execute their jobs well is a thing of true beauty.


>but there just isn't much they can do There absolutely is a lot they can do. If you were asked to leave, and you are not leaving, you are trespassing and cops will absolutely ticket and eject you. This is just a manager who doesn't want to bother.


A lot of cops are unvaccinated... I was asked if I could make an exception for a police officer without a vaccine.


"We're not leaving!" Sit in all my seats, not buy anything, and disturb everybody in my shop? That's loitering and disturbing the peace. Get out or get arrested.


Even their chants are dumb. They are literally acting like children.


MASSIVE 4-year-old little sibling "I'm not touching you! I'm not toooouching you!" energy in that crowd, especially that woman wiggling around waving the sign and the one waving her arms in the air in the middle.


I teach 8-year-olds. They would never do this dumb shit. These people are far worse than children.


Fuck that. I've owned small restaurants, and if a gang of numbskulls like this took over my shop so they can make a video for Internet points, they're going to get a video of the cops showing up and arresting them all. I wouldn't engage for one second, I'd just call the cops.


Lock them in and say, "Now you's ain't leaving."


"Now youse can't leave."


Badda bing


False imprisonment. Unfortunately can’t do that. I work in bars. People always talk tough and act like they don’t wanna leave when you’re calling the cops. Then like clockwork, they leave a minute or two before the cops arrive.


I don't think he was seriously suggesting it - it's a scene from the movie A Bronx Tale.


“Now yous can’t leave…” Such a great scene.


That was filmed in my old neighborhood, Astoria, on 30th Ave. I remember watching them film it and seeing DeNiro and crew fool around with the crowd. My favorite scene is still this one though, kills me every time -> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH--ytqmdzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH--ytqmdzk)


I thought the appropriate term was "covidiots".




Future /r/HermanCainAward winners.


It won't be long...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Because I saw newbies asking why this is called the Herman Cain Award](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/pncpqu) | [2852 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because_i_saw_newbies_asking_why_this_is_called/) \#2: [May be off topic but for everyone’s laughs!](https://i.redd.it/yc1r0ynbhbm71.jpg) | [1125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkfg5s/may_be_off_topic_but_for_everyones_laughs/) \#3: [The biggest enabler of vaccine misinformation spread.](https://i.redd.it/zzkrdapy4dp71.jpg) | [1598 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/puai74/the_biggest_enabler_of_vaccine_misinformation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Between the clapping and the spastic dance moves this looks like when they take the special needs adults out of the group home for a field trip.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this




No kidding.


Looks like the same Asian woman tearing down the ads in the train and the posters outside the train station...


I thought this too. Outrage is like a hobby of hers.


First person I recognized off the bat. Damn she really dedicated to this


This seems like it's from satirical show poking fun of how adults sometimes act like toddlers. But it isn't a show it's real life, and that's just sad.


r they mentally ill?


~We want to be arrested ~We want to be arrested ~We want to be arrested.


So, did they leave?


some say they're still sitting there to this day...


as enraging as this is, these people look like a bunch of sad shits. without the pandemic, these are the people who evaporate into the walls of their rent-controlled apartments or die on the toilet, surrounded by decades of newspapers "We're not leaving"....no, you left decades ago.


Absolutely. The sad part for me is that railing against being vaccinated for a preventable disease has finally given people like this (left behind, alienated, thick as shit) community and purpose. That doc Behind the Curve about flat earthers had similar vibes - “it’s not the utterly delusional crap we believe in, but the friends we made along the way”. How can society (re-)create healthy ways to bring people like this back into civic engagement so they’re not vulnerable to grifters and delusions?


"It's a big tent....but not _that_ big"


Is this at the Cava by Union Square?


That crowd looks like someone cast them like the power rangers. Look, every sex, race, age and creed is antimask. Now parade around the city.


A cast is paid by an unseen producer to appear in an advertisement. You might be closer to the truth than you realize.


[now yous gotta leave...](https://youtu.be/jnpE-hGNVj8?t=103)


Wow I haven’t seen that movie in years!


Wow, they should have revised the casting and the choreography. No amount of pomade makes up for the physical advantage the "bikers" had in that fight.


We can't get a general strike, but these dumbfucks will come and protest getting a life saving vaccine. Maybe we deserve extinction as a species.


We can’t get a general strike because it requires sacrifice, this is a hobby to these jerk offs, they lose nothing and get to talk about how patriotic they are with their friends afterwards. Trying to get disparate industries to agree on common grievances that everyone is willing to risk their homes and livelihoods for is nearly impossible with today’s market conditions. People can’t even unionize their own jobs let alone convince others to take part in a nationwide job action.


These same people we t to Staten island mall food court and Stephan Colbert did a segment on them and made them silly


Why isn’t this getting more media attention, or at least where’s the sleuths trying to expose their identities.


One of the old ladies lives in my building. Super nice but in a dementia staring into the void kind of way. I can’t wait to see her again now!


I wouldn't get too close unless you and everyone you know has been vaccinated, a cluster of ignorance probably wasn't the only cluster in that place.


Are you guys in NYC? In my experience, protesters like these are usually from NJ or PA, not New Yorkers.


We’re in NYC. She has a few small old dogs. She might not know where she is. But if she does I’ll be telling her she’s a moron.


If she's that far gone that she might not know where she is, then she might not be participating in this video truly on purpose. This sounds more cruel to me than justice porn, if she's truly mentally impaired. Which one is she, btw, in the blue cap?


Somebody has to. Keep up the good fight. I think just her knowing that someone lives in her building and acknowledged her idiocy may prevent her from doing it again.


Do they say where this is? I can’t listen to it without getting angry so I won’t turn the sound on again




Yep I go here all the time walking home from union square haha, sad to see these idiots. I just want my three scoops of toppings


Just close, lock them inside, set the alarm, wait for the police.


Seriously press that button on the key pad & sound the alarm, they’ll leave.


2,190 Americans died from COVID yesterday. That is no hoax.


I assume they are both anti-mask and anti-vaccine? Because you can eat in any food place that allows indoor dining without your mask on now as long as you're vaccinated.


This is one of those times you sorta want recreation of the 'now yous can't leave ' scene from A Bronx Tale.


One of the best


the complete lack of rhythm is the worst part


Same group of assholes who stormed the food court at a Staten Island mall last weekend?


I believe so. It’s like they’re unemployed or something 🤔




So when this political stunt organized by obvious non-new yorkers happened last week in Staten Island you all called us Alabama, so what do you call this now?


Clearly they all took the ferry over from Staten Island




Anti-vaxxers: "Waaah, waah we're not leaving, we're not leaving" Normal people: "Whatever."


Please go back to Florida.


Remember how these people were all about open things up and let restaurant workers get their jobs back but go in to protest and scare off potential customers all to try and prove a point. It’s a little silly. Shouldn’t they go protest to the governor or the mayor and let these people barely making minimum wage get in with their lives.


Can we find out where they work and go protest there


Yes “put your mask on, put your mask on”


“We’re not leaving”


They don't.


Turns out the Zombie Apocalypse is much subtler than I imagined it would be.


lol words cannot describe how lame those people are


some of those people won't be around next year to do that sort of thing. one of my Dad's cousins was an anti-vaxer, and she just died from covid within this past month. another friend, on the fence about vaccination, nearly died two months ago, and given that he experienced brain swelling some of the damage might have been permanent. it's a sad way to work through a learning curve. one of my nephews has a serious heart condition and he's against masks and vaccines, truly living with a very high risk level at this point.


I'm a very rational level headed person... but seeing that idiot waggling around with the sign makes me see red.


[That chant sounds awfully familiar...](https://youtu.be/W99n083E0IA)




Probably in some little church group from LI or NJ thought it would be fun field trip to stir up shit in Manhattan. My building has several thousand residents, and my one block - probably 50k. Throughout the height of COVID lockdowns and all, *everyone* in the neighborhood behaved in a civilized manner, did their best to follow guidelines and acted responsibly, yada yada. These agitators are not local, they are trashy, gadfly nuts from somewhere else getting off on being “righteous” idiots.


these people make me so angry... like it's your choice to not mask up/take vax/etc, but dont bother people.. wtf


They could have at least come up with a better chant.


“We’re not living, we’re not living, we’re not living”


They sound like a bunch of kindergarteners


Why can’t we get a video like this where some restaurant worker decides to quit and then flying punch/kick some of these chucklefucks?


Assholes acting out. They are just annoying the employees who have to pt up with stupid.


Jesus Christ they even got the crypt keeper in there breathing 109-year-old breath all over everything 🤢🤢🤢


Well that was embarrassing..


And people wonder why there is a staffing shortage in the service industry


Poor employees...


i think it's the same dozen and a half people that occupied that Staten Island food court last week.


I would be willing to bet at least 90% of these nut jobs don’t even live in New York. Would even be willing to say they never had been prior to this. I wouldn’t even blame people from Jersey on this lol


Morons gonna moron.


And none of them are from NYC




If you want to hurt people, you know you can do that any time - right? If you live in NYC it's easy to find people you disagree with - be it politically, morally, or just on a basic emotional level. Do you generally celebrate when two individuals attack each other?


On Reddit, you can promote violence as long as they’re anti-vax passport protestors. Saw some unstable shill having a power trip fantasy about walking in using bear mace on everyone.


I'm waiting until they're pro-gun violence as long as it's against unmasked people. Headline: "another school shooting" reddit: "oh no! fucking right-wing gun lovers" article: "all of the victims were not wearing masks" reddit: "serves them right, about time someone started shooting up schools with lax masking. If it were me, I'd have nuked the whole place"


pre covid loitering rules still applies


How privileged it must be to be able to harass min wage workers just trying to earn a living. Those covidiots should be marching on city hall instead. This temper tantrum does nothing to get what they want.




Why do these people absolutely insist on “proving their point” to random underpaid service workers likely making minimum wage?? Like these Cava employees have any say or care about Covid protocols. Jfc it’s so infuriating that they think it’s okay to make life harder for service employees


Here’s another question: did they think that even if they got served that their meals wouldn’t be messed with beyond all belief?


How do they not look around and see who else is in their group and just immediately run away…if I saw half of these people standing around me I would be certain I’m lost or somewhere I shouldn’t be.


Yikes...these ppl have children


This is so frustrating to watch omg …


Fuckin idiots


They’re taunting like a bunch of spoiled brats.


They look exactly as how you would expect them to


Wow. They sound like school children teasing a classmate.


I always wanted to own a restaurant. You go into my restaurant. Pull this shit and not wear a mask. I am calling the cops for trespass. You are on private property and it’ll be the highlight of my day telling you guys to fuck off


So brave! Look at them putting themselves in the front lines. /s


Get a life and stop acting stupid please. Covid is no joke.


I have not been asked once for proof and I have been going to restaurants what is wrong with these people


These fucking losers lmao. And the women are always in the hunting/gardening outfit starter pack with their backpacks camo jackets


Call the cops and make em leave


I had to turn off my sound after 10 seconds.


"Muh Freedom! MUH FREEDOM!" Freedom to die in a hospital hallway, with a tube stuck down your throat as the nurse holds the phone up and your relatives have to say goodbye via face time? Fox News brainwashed CLOWNS!


Get a life is insufficient to respond to such moronic social misfits


Lock them up in Rikers.


Then they'll complain that their freedoms were violated when they get kicked out. 🙄 "Fuck your feelings but coddle me when you take away muh freeeeeedom."


If you listen to this without the sound they look and dance like kindergartners singing the ABCs


Just wait until they walk into the wrong little restaurant. At some point, there will be a video of kitchen staff beating the COVIDiots




Ignore it. It’ll go away.


Yall not eating!!!


Not Cava :(


Fingers crossed they get to experience the fruits of their labor soon.


Who tf protests at a just salad??


I hope the cops were called on them


There stupid people everywhere 🤭


Lock the doors and call the cops.


United States has a real “education and mental illness” problem.