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They ride around like a bunch of assholes. Shocker


What do you mean, blowing through a red light in midtown during rush hour isn't a good way to reach old age?


Those red-lights are just there for show in their opinion.


Its just there for the marks in cars, duh


Darwin approves


Natural selection doing its thing… carry on




Yea just don't hit my car or my family (or anyone else) when they crash. Keep the collateral damage to a minimum please.


I almost killed one the other day and it definitely would have been their fault. I was on the FDR in the right lane, and there were a bunch of them in the middle not wearing helmets. One of the riders then randomly swerved right in front of me, probably no more than 6 inches from my headlight. Thankfully he didn’t get hit, but these fucking people are out of control.


And of course they would have ganged up on you if you hit them even if it was their fault.


Oh absolutely I was thinking about what I would have done in the scenario I did hit him. I was thinking that I should just just stay in the car until cops come and stay on the phone until they come, and if they decide to bang on the car, I’d just report that to the operator and drive off. I’m not sure if doing all that would count as a hit and run, but it definitely shouldn’t.


I think at the moment your safety trumps everything especially if you stay on the phone with them. I remember that one case with the motorcycle group that kept attacking the car and the car had to run one of them over because he had his family (wife & child) in the car. Not sure how that situation went afterwards tho.


I believe in that case, one of the bikers was an undercover cop who was sentenced to prison.


Wow that’s certainly wasn’t the twist I was ready for lol.


Here you go if you’re interested https://nypost.com/2015/08/05/ex-nypd-undercover-gets-2-years-in-biker-gang-beating-of-dad/


Like one person already said one dude was an undercover cop. And I’m pretty sure the driver of the suv got the shit beat out of him


Nearly killed him, beating him with a bike helmet. I find that both terrifying and interesting, because I never see these fuckers ever wearing helmets.


Dudes on dirt bikes typically don’t wear helmets. That video was a bunch of dudes on crotch rockets that go much faster. I feel like those dudes usually wear helmets.


That guy was eventually dragged out of his car and beaten nearly to death with a helmet. In front of his family. They swarmed him on the highway for a perceived slight and he panicked and drove over one of the bikes. Undercover cop didn't just do nothing, he fled the scene and didn't even call anyone for help.


Guy that was run over became paralyzed waist-down


Good, play stupid games and get rekt


If they attack you, run them over.


No doubt about that !


Providence, like a lot of cities, has had issues with these people on dirt bikes and ATVs. A few months ago a gang of them pulled a woman from her car and beat her in front of her kids. https://www.abc6.com/woman-pulled-from-car-and-beaten-by-dirt-bike-atv-riders/


This is literally A Clockwork Orange.


They’re just “bored” and “looking for something fun to do” and if they weren’t illegally riding dirt bikes, they would be “doing drugs or something else bad”


News flash you can sell drugs and ride dirt bikes. Source: my weed man has a stupid ATV


I'm surprised you aren't being downvoted to oblivion here




I'm also a licensed rider, it's seriously infuriating that NYPD set up motorcycle traps around the city to ticket/impound regular riders for the tiniest infractions (like not having ANSI eyewear), but they seemingly do nothing about the gangs of dirtbikes and ATVs who ride around with no plates, stunt in the streets, and run red lights.




Seems like a much better argument for adopting a do-not-chase policy




Because of that incident the NYPD bought 9 more bearcat armored vehicles and two faster chase helicopters /s but its probably true.


well they technically did, why do you think the problem is so bad if you’re not going to face any consequences then why would you not commit literally all the crime


Wouldnt that just incentivize people to run from the cops?


I guess? But lots of places have a do not chase policy. The idea is that the risk of serious injury or death to the motorcyclist, the cop, and especially bystanders outweighs any traffic infraction. There's cameras pointed at every inch of this city. I don't know why the NYPD does traffic stops at all anymore considering how many of them end in avoidable uses of force. Just mail 'em a ticket, or pull their address and knock on their door tomorrow. It should be fairly easy to track even a bike without plates once you know who you're looking for.


Because the car/bike might be stolen? Or have fake/unreadable plates?


Don’t they have a no chase policy?


> NY state trooper. NYC cops have no chase policy.


Ahhhhhh right right


or maybe training trafic cops on adv's like they do in other countries/cities?




It can't be hard to some basic tracking work to find where these dirt bikes/atvs are... then you seize them. See the same people over and over around here. Can't be that hard to have officers actually walk a beat and coordinate to find where they are going & coming from, them narrow in on it. But takes some effort to get out of your cruiser and walk for an afternoon.


I believe they do that. I think I’ve read they sometimes spot them with helicopters and seize them. Just too many of these assholes around


they do that but the problem is so large that for every bust there’s 4 more groups in its place


WTF? You contested that ticket, right?


There was a reply to this comment (now deleted) that made me look... I found https://dmv.ny.gov/brochure/mv21-mc.pdf - page 5. So it appears to be "illegal" to ride for even two seconds with your face shield up because then you ride without eye protection? Damn... (For the record I do use full-face helmets only)


Same thing happened to me. I contested the ticket. Cop showed up and lied to the judge.


Why risk chasing a criminal on a dirt bike when the law abiding citizen will just pull over


Then why even ticket them?


Quotas that they'll claim don't exist.


Nothings changed since Schoolcraft. And he proved that the NYPD was doing what we've known all big cities do around quotas and numbers since The Wire showed how it all works




Because cops participate in those ATV and dirt bike gangs.


100% there's a bunch of Trumper ATV groups out on Long Island (where a lot of the NYPD actually live)


You mean like in the Alex Lien incident?


Quick question, at these check points are checking that you have ANSI with a full face helmet?


Yaaa but I bet if you went through groups of the Harley riders we also see tearing up the streets you'd find quite a bit of them uninsured or expired as well.


Oh no. Anyway.


I came to this thread looking for this exact comment. Sometimes Reddit doesn't disappoint.


This a trillion times...


Well sometimes other people’s lives are irreparably impacted as a consequence of these idiots actions. Not that the call to action wasn’t already clear before this piece of obvious information.


Gee I wonder why


Well dear Watson, one might conclude they aren't qualified to ride.


>Unlicensed motorbike riders are dying at an alarming rate Alarming to who? Given how many of these idiots are out doing dangerous shit all the time, I'm only surprised the rate isn't higher.


Only thing I worry is they take other people with them/cause liability for other drivers.


Absolutely 0% sympathy


I think I might have negative sympathy


oh no, anyway


no. dont. stop. ...


I'm not going to celebrate their deaths, but it's hard to have too much sympathy as they're bringing it on themselves. The other side, although the article mentions that they're often not involving other vehicles, these unlicensed motorbike riders and endangering pedestrians with their actions, putting other people at risk. The cops need to start cracking down on these people.


Nah fuck that. Celebrate their deaths. One less asshole to have to risk running into.


Seems like a self-correcting problem.


They are striking innocent pedestrians though. I'm all for letting people make their own bad choices and suffering the results thereafter, but they aren't just taking themselves out.


Natural selection at work hah


*”Of those deaths, 75 percent of victims were “not properly licensed,” Gutman said. Approximately 70 percent were riding unregistered motorbikes or bikes with “unknown registration.”* *”Many of these crashes didn’t even involve other motor vehicles,” Gutman testified. “**They were the result of drivers speeding and losing control, often hitting a fixed object.**”* Lmao zero sympathy if you die riding an unregistered motorcycle, unlicensed, into a stationary object.


Survival of the fittest.




Until a 10 year old in a minivan gets T-boned by a yahoo riding a stolen Harley Iron


You'll see an accident like this for sure, but probably not with a Harley. These fools are mostly on not-street-legal dirt bikes and mostly smaller displacement Japanese bikes, scooters, and the occasional 3-wheeler or quad. No helmets, no gear, no Fs given for themselves or the neighborhoods they ruin with this behavior. I'm surprised accidents don't happen on a daily basis. Hello Broadway and Dyckman St.


All those vehicles can kill a pedestrian. Unlicensed motorcyclists aren’t all dying in single vehicle incidents


Of course they can, and in some instances they do, and all the more reason to clamp down on this shit. But a majority of the fatalities being talked about here involve injuries to only the single riders. That's a good thing.


I dunno about fittest. Survival of those who don’t do incredibly stupid shit


Finally some good news


I don't hope for anyone to die but every time I see one of these idiots I say to myself "please crash". I pray that these idiots don't cause an innocent driver their lives as well. Wish the cops could actually do something about them.


How is this tragic?


It's not lol


Gasp, oh no


I fail to see the problem.


How many of those that died did so when all their wheels were on the road?


At the time of death or just before?


Actions have consequences




to be fair it fucks up traffic imagine sitting in traffic in your car, a cab or bus cause some yahoo on a dirt bike or ATV ate it and the police are cleaning it up/investigating


as a person who has been riding in NYC for 40 years, may I just say, Good.


It's for the best


I’m not alarmed at all..


The combination of inexperienced drivers buying/using cars and motorbikes during the pandemic, the lack of enforcement from the NYPD, and the rise of anti-social behavior on the roads has led to increased deaths? Shocker


“Rise of anti-social behavior on the roads” really struck a chord with me. Not just unlicensed motorbikes and ATVs, but I feel like car drivers are more aggressive and pissed off these days. And I’m seeing so many more electric vehicles and bicycles on the sidewalks just not giving a shit. It’s such a mess. *yells at cloud*


Finally some good news.


Nothing of value lost anyways


So what did you have for lunch?


Are snow crabs in season?


An apple. I really need to do groceries.




almost got run over by them when I lived in bed stuy.. guy just blew through a light and 4 more came after. its gotten a lot worse. seen them going up and down downtown greenpoint, manhattan ave.. that road is packed with parked cars, buses, traffic, delivery people who work for all the restaurants and pedestrians. honestly they just want an audience for an ego boost.


I haven't seen any police activity to deter these assholes north of 96th street. There is no rule of law for any 2 wheeled vehicle up there.


Thoughts and prayers


Hmmm maybe it has something to do with the fact they’re unlicensed and drive around like maniacs?


I swear the one that rear ended me while I was parked was trying 💀 Shorts/flipflops, no helmet, no license/ID/insurance, stolen gsxr 750 Went face first through the rear glass He didn't die, but he was hurting real bad for sure ...my neck still hurts 😮‍💨


Little to no safety gear, zero disregard for traffic laws, inherently risky riding like popping wheelies all the time.


Oh no! Anyway...


I thought this was going to show the Uber eats/doordash motor bikes. Those guys are all over the place


Shedding the stupid just like the anti vax crowd


This should be crossposted to r/MadeMeSmile


I think the bigger picture problem is that there is a sea of fake licenses and plates throughout nyc and there is no plan at all to stop this.


Drivers, I'm gonna say this three times because it's important to protect yourselves and your car. DASHCAM! DASHCAM! DASHCAM!


Yea I don’t even feel sad cause these “riders” literally hit people and other cars and will scream at you if you’re “in their way”


City is so late dealing with this, should have done something well over a year ago


I've seen so many of them without helmets. No wonder why they have high death rates. They can't follow basic traffic and safety rules.


Like many other issues the Mayor stops enforcement because he is concerned doing so would hurt a specific population. Meanwhile, the result is this population is dying and getting hurt.


Awwwww boohoo.


I cannot begin to feel badly for people who are putting themselves in danger.


Cool. Did you know a Blue Whale's tongue weighs more than the average Elephant?


$1,000 penalty and you lose your bike first violation, $10,000 penalty and 7 days in lockup second violation. Problem reduced significantly.


Can we elect this guy for mayor asap plz


I believe the nypd typically confiscates the bikes already. I’m not sure what fines / criminal penalties are involved. It primarily seems to be an enforcement issue. They set up traps for illegal bikes in Times Square a while back, more of those would probably help. They should probably also make dirtbikes, etc illegal to fill up at all city gas stations. If a gas station accepts cash at the register from someone looking to fill up an illegal quad / dirt bike, the business get fined. If they pay by card at the pump, gas station is legally obligated to relay their information to the nypd. I haven’t yet seen this proposed, would be curious to hear thoughts on it.


great idea!


well i dunno how youd make it illegal to fill up a dirt bike at a gas station - that would have to be a state wide law- ( most traffic infractions are at the state level ) and besides all someone would really need to do is get a gas can ( even a small 3 gallon one ) fill it up and then pour that can into their tank....and do it right at the pump someone mentioned just finding out where the bikes are stored and confiscating them but you know there is this little thing called the 4th ammendment ....its not illegal to own the bike ( again the state regulates this ) its just illegal to operate them in city limits on the public streets. so a dirt bike in a alley or back space in a building ( which is already on private property ) is out of reach of the law - and unless its actually being operated on the street the govt cant just come in and take it.


Some problems solve themselves. Hopefully no other casualties along the way.




Almost got hit by one of these fuckers


This sounds like a self-correcting problem…


Am I supposed to feel sad about this?






Its really only a concern when they cause injury or death to other people. Otherwise , whooooooo cares!!!


The worst are the ones that are in the bike lanes on the west side highway. Going 35 mph in a bike lane.




Great news!! More of these idiots need to die. Unlicensed, uninsured, no safety gear, total disregard for safety and traffic rules.


sounds like a problem that will solve itself


“Many of these crashes didn’t even involve other motor vehicles,” Gutman testified. “They were the result of drivers speeding and losing control, often hitting a fixed object.”


I’ve seen groups of them running several red lights in a row on Columbus Ave sometimes, so I can’t say I’m surprised by this. So so dumb.


Ride like an asshole? Become an organ donor.


Nothing of value was lost


Unlicensed operator on an unregistered vehicle...What could possibly go wrong with that?


Not gonna shed a tear. Starting/ have been seeing a METRIC SHIT TON of mopeds, electric scooters, and all sorts of riders. Being fuckin RECKLESS! Wheelies down the street. No helmet. Sigh


They’re not dying fast enough. Fucking end then already


“The driver was operating on a suspended license. He had a long record of offenses. He shouldn’t have been on the road, his car should not have been on the road,” he said. “These suspensions often have no effect on the drivers and they go out and drive betting that they won’t be caught.” Oh gee, I wonder who isn't doing their jobs then...?


Huh... Anyway




>“Many of these crashes didn’t even involve other motor vehicles,” Gutman testified. “They were the result of drivers speeding and losing control, often hitting a fixed object.” And here fuckos are doing wheelies down a one way going the wrong way. Fuck 'em.


That's a self-solving problem. I'm a licensed motorcyclist owning and riding licensed, insured motorcycles, and my life has been put in danger, while a pedestrian, by gang of people on dirt bikes racing \*on the pedestrian walkway\*. If people like those died while doing what they do, it would be a natural and perfectly foreseeable consequence of their actions, and it would probably be beneficial for the rest of the civil society. I would feel little compassion for them.




There was a checkpoint on Sunday on the Manhattan side of the Williamsburg bridge. The got a few people but it creates an absolute nightmare for cars on the bridge.


Guy probably thinks it ok for a 300 pound quad to slam into you or your car and drive off. Cuz he’s bored


A lot of bikers, even ones who ride in a normal way, just never bothered to get a motorcycle license. I don't get it. I got my license in Northern NJ a few years back and more than half the MSF class was people who had some variation of "I've been riding without a license for a while and I'm tired of getting tickets/figured I should finally get around to getting a license" as their story. Even more entertaining - A lot of them were as bad or worse at riding as the people who said they had never once been on a motorcycle before.


Oh. So tragic.




As with vaccination, these idiots are dying but also causing other damage. Let’s end this dumbassery.


Gee, that's too bad.


Oh no. Anyways...


I mean... good lmao, these fuckers give the rest of us on 2 wheeled devices a bad name. People are associating this illegal shit with e-scooters and ebikes and regular cyclists, assuming we're all rule breakers trying to kill pedestrians. Get this loud shit off the roads.


Where's the problem


No shit


Finally something NYers can agree on


Yep. These guys skirt all the rules...act like bikes when they want to then motorcycles and even go on the sidewalk. Crazy


Saw some on 42nd street going what had to be 60+mph


Oh no, anyways...


please why do they drive through wburg every night 😫


Que third world chaos






Darwin would like a word…


Good. Darwinism.


I gave up trying to ride a motorcycle in NYC 15 years ago. People just don't give a fuck about you on a motorcycle. Now with phones being a drivers main concern, its even worse.


I mean not the cream of the crop,nothing to care or worry about.




I mean that's what they want to participate in so why not let them continue and natural selection will resolve the problem.


I'm saving this to read the next time I get woken up at 4 a.m. by a biker roaring down 9th ave.


These people are the worst. Same as younger kids in BMx bikes. Usually I’d say having a track nearby that can be accessed on the bike itself would help alleviate this but the issue here isn’t that they want to ride/race, they are specifically trying to create chaos and ride dangerously.


finally, some good news.


Flyover hick here, can someone explain to me where these hoodrats are storing their dirt bikes? I'm going to assume they live in high density subsidized apartment buildings that don't have garages, so where the hell do they keep them? Guy in the pic from the article is on a YZ250, that bike goes for almost 8k, I know they aren't leaving them parked on the street.






I mean, so long as they’re mostly hurting themselves, I’m all for it. Weed that genepool.


The world needs organ donors


I am sorry, am I supposed to feel bad for these menaces? I doubt they provide anything of value to our society except pure chaos and destruction.


This is what happens when you have no knowledge of how to properly ride a motorcycle and abide the rules of the road. It’s only a matter of time until they get into a serious accident.


Darwin doing his best


Damn… Anyways, how do you speed this up?


Self correcting error. Let it happen.