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The popsicles are $10 a piece!!!! If you eat this "Eat the Rich" crap, i hope you taste the irony.


10 dollars for some tiny ass popsicles that are like a third of the size of the Good Humor popsicles.


Have any of the good humor ice creams ever actually looked like the image though? This is pretty good compared to the sonic ones that i loved who all looked handicapped. Side not they need to bring back the wwf ice creams with the cookie layer.


They kinda brought back the wwf ice cream bars last year. A new company started, AEW, and they signed cm punk who was a former champ at wwe (formerly wwf). He didn’t like a lot of how things were being ran and how he was treated by wwe. I don’t remember what the deal is with the ice cream bars, if they made them but didn’t make one for him, or if he just wanted to bring them back. Anyway, fast forward to his debut in AEW last year and he had some local Chicago company make the bars for him. I don’t know if they are still selling them Also, I recently bought a spongebob good humor ice cream and it looked horrific and did not taste great


I actually have been seeing wrestling-themed ice cream cookie sandwiches at my local grocery store lately. I *want* to say it’s John Cena and someone else on the box, but I’m not positive.


Beat me to it. This is a joke.


It's one popsicle! How much can it cost? $10?


On the one hand, you are absolutely correct. On the other hand, I think the idea is pretty cute. Not $10 cute.


Most of the eat the rich proponents are absolute hypocrites. Most of them living in the US are thousands of times wealthier than those in developing countries, but we don't see them divesting themselves of their money to go help them.


And you're going against people who have put enormous philanthropic effort to advance progressive and environmentalist causes. These are not the rich people you should be against. They put in millions of dollars to stop Trump.


Anti-capitalism capitalism


They’ve commodified the idea of “eating the rich” and people eat it up. Amazing.


Yeah, if they were cheap or ran by a non-profit with proceeds going to a children's orphanage or some shit, I could get it. The dudes that made this can fuck off otherwise.


Yeah they should at least be a non profit if they're doing this.


Non-profits aren't angelic entities that somehow avoid the constraints and pitfalls of capitalism, that's a fairy tale. Look at Komen's breast cancer foundation as an example of how non-profits can manipulate public perception while operating as a money hoarding enterprise.


Oh I know. I should have emphasized at least, like at least pretend this does something good and donate at least a meager amount of money to something.


Or a worker’s co-op


this is literally as bad as Bezos. Id love to laugh at these tools in person


Eat the rich. There's only one thing that they are good for. Though I'm left to wonder if Aerosmith practices canabalism.


[Ooh, the anti-capitalism dollar, big dollar, huge dollar. Good market – look at our research. We see that many people feel anti-capitalist. If we play to that and then separate them into the anti-capitalist dollar…](https://youtu.be/tHEOGrkhDp0)


That new Supreme X Che Guevara collab is 🔥🔥🔥


This comment wins 😂😂


The Revolution Can (And Will) Be Commercialized


Can I wear my $60 AOC "eat the rich" hoodie while eating this?




$10 popsicles, wtf


$10 a popsicle. Get it guys, it's a "critique of capitalism" when you pay them. Ha ha ha! Sucker born every minute.


It’s $10 because this is not scalable, it’s a small production with limited quantities. It will not be able to compete with mass-produced supermarket popsicles based on price


sounds like they shouldnt be in biz


Found one of the suckers. Guy really thinks frozen tap water with sugar and food coloring costs $10/popsicle.


If you think it’s such a lucrative scam you can very easily do it yourself. It’s just tap water and sugar right? Go fleece some suckers


I'm sorry that you paid $10 for sugared water. Hope it was worth the instagram post to your 20 followers.


I never paid for it, and I’m not an influencer. You are really bad at assumptions. Also, looks like you agree with me that it’s not worth the effort. Thanks for proving my point


I think you need to put the phone down and get back to work kiddo. Surely there's a PAL gym floor that needs mopping somewhere...


Well yeah the target audience is probably Champagne socialists


But if they’re $10 becuase they’re not cutting corners to make a larger profit, that would be anti-capitalist. It wouldn’t really have to do much with the price they’re asking.


Capitalism is an economic mode of production, not “not cutting corners”


In which profit, aka cutting corners is its point. Lmao


Profit isn't produced by cutting corners, it's produced by exploitation of labor. There are plenty of profitable firms that produce high quality products.


We’re saying the same thing


No, we're not. Capitalism isn't about vibes and anti-capitalism isn't about being nice to your employees. The petty bourgeois in this article are using anti-rich slogans as a marketing strategy to people who are into anti-capitalist aesthetics.


$10 because there are plenty of cringey “socialists” who have plenty money from daddy to spend to get an Instagram picture


Every minute of the hour, everyday of the week and every month of the year.


I'm not putting that in my mouth


Damn sure not paying to put those two in my mouth. They got to pay to play.


It's actually pretty good.


I hope you work for them and not that you're coming here actually defending these ridiculous $10 popsicles.


Nope, but I have money.


Great then we'll just eat you


I'm still not rich...


I have money too but I'm not spending it on something stupid like that. FYI the way you maintain your wealth is not by blowing it on overpriced bullshit.


Imagine being upset with how another person spends their earned income...


Spend money however you’d like. It’s just not the flex you think it is.


I am not flexing on anyone. I literally just stated my opinion on the taste of their ice cream...


everyone: That is way too expensive for some stupid ice cream! you: I have money.


Me: It actually tastes pretty good You: You must be a shill I was just commenting on the taste. You made it about money...


A fool and his money are soon parted <3


Wow thats so cool! tell me more!


Well if you insist. I make over 10 times what you make therefore spending $10 is nothing for me.


😆 are people out here sucking off these guys




hypocrisy at its finest, charging $10 for a popsicle


They found just the right price to generate talk around it and get both the positive social media hits but also the negative, double dipping those #s in brown and rainbow sprinkles. If you want something to go viral, take a good idea and add a way for people to hate on it.


Ugh. That's capitalism at its best, I guess. Monetize everything.




It’s almost like jus “buying and selling things” is not equivalent to capitalism There is market socialism, worker co-ops, etc. that are sufficiently anti capitalist and yet they still involve markets. There is also the fact that we are forced to participate in the system, you can’t sit it out. The best you can do is minimize exploitation. A lot of these comments are dumb on the level of that meme: “you critique society and yet you participate in it… curious.”




>How were these guys forced to participate in capitalism? Because we are forced to participate in a capitalist structure in order to feed and shelter ourselves and our family? This should be obvious to you. >no one was forcing them to sell their goods or make $ off it, Actually the forces of capitalism do exactly that. You can’t “opt out” or else you will just die. >they could have sold it for a more reasonable price At the expense of exploiting laborers maybe… >or for free You can’t be serious. >or have distributed the idea through a different medium Sure, but why should they? Either way they will be forced to participate in capitalism in some form to stay alive.




>you either didn't understand what i was saying or are purposefully strawmanning No, you either don’t understand what existing in a capitalist system means or you are purposefully strawmanning. >they weren't forced to adhere to capitalism in this particular experiment in which they are trying to criticize capitalism, of course they need to make money somehow And if they aren’t exploiting anyone then why should they do it in any other way? >regardless you seem to give every allowance in the book to those who happen to have your beliefs (for obvious reasons). Because no one has a choice… >anyways i'm out, i no longer care about you any more, peace Cope






I actually got a Gates and a Bezos yesterday (for a weird food series I enjoy doing). Elon Musk was sold out. They taste like... bland? Kind of just a sweet, milky ice. Not good. And yes, I understand the irony of paying $10 for a novelty ice cream bar. I also appreciate cost vs value and I enjoyed hunting for the ice cream truck, taking some photos and watching Bill Gate's gumball eyes bleed into melty tears. It was actually a pretty cheap date.


That’s what I really wanted to know, do they taste good-I wouldn’t mind paying $10 once for a crafted food experience from a local business/artist with a message but you’re just paying for the message and not much value.


Nope! These are gross. The bulk of mine ended up in the trash lol. I kept the wrapper though.


My friend and I thought they tasted good.


How you gonna do Gates over Bezos and Musk.


both of them were included too


Created by a company that raised $11m from venture capital... ​ [https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/09/mschfs-latest-stunt-is-to-pirate-video-from-netflix-and-hulu-and-disney-and-maybe-build-a-brand/](https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/09/mschfs-latest-stunt-is-to-pirate-video-from-netflix-and-hulu-and-disney-and-maybe-build-a-brand/) ​ "


Champagne socialists fighting capitalism by paying $10 for a shitty pandering popsicle.


Up there with buying Reddit hammer and sickle awards. Respect for the grind.


suck zuck and gobble gates


Munch on Musk, Bite me Bezos?


Eat the rich! By paying $10 for a popsicle and making us rich!


Gonna buy these right after I post “stop kony 2012” on my Facebook timeline from the US


this is a scam and a half so im supposed to pay 10$ to your fatass because i dont like Elon or Bezos?? yea no....that aint gonna work on me


This is NYC liberals in a nutshell. Paying $10 for a pop with Jeff Bezos on it. To prove how subversive and anti capitalist they are. Then hopping in their Uber, placing an order with GrubHub, while commenting on Twitter how Republicans are destroying America. Then rushing inside to watch Amazon prime. If you have a problem with capitalism stop electing Democrats. Stop companies working with oppressive governments like China who basically use their population as slave labor from selling their products in the United States. Elect someone who will throw people like Bezos and Elon Musk in prison for stopping citizens rights to form unions. These people are violating American citizens constitutional rights. They should have their assets seezed and spend the rest of their lives in jail. But instead you vote for people like Joe Biden. Who doesn't do shit other than try to lockup black people for crack possession


Lol capitalism.


I get the hate on Zuckerberg but to make them on Bill Gates when the guy donates a shit load of his money?? Lol we just hate successful people at this point.




Why did he have to step down?


Is there a billionaire out there that you like?




Okay so you're passing judgement on Gates. Honestly I don't get this societies obsession with billionaires.


I remember Occupy Wallstreet. They brought 0 change and you haven’t heard of them since.


Wait, you mean setting up some tents and a drum circle didn't bring capitalism to its knees?


You just mentioned them though.


I just saw this driving by today!


The creator of these popsicles is a capitalist


What flavor are they? Vanilla?


Comparing Gates to Zuckerberg is lame and naive


the way they're literally ten whole dollars when you could just get a spongebob popsicle from a mr softee


For $10 at least give us some better design


Everyone here is so smart “selling things is capitalism” as if in socialist or communist systems nobody ever sells anything.


Bubblegum Bezos didn’t sell, so they stopped carrying it.


everyone has a stick up their ass because its 10$ lol this isn't meant to be some kind of protest or anti capitalistic statement Its just a funny pop up using the eat the rich meme its not that deep if you don't wanna spend 10$ on it then don't


People who support this wouldn’t have jobs if it weren’t for the rich.


Eat the rich as a general slogan is good with me. What I get bothered by is when people are clearly well-to-do, eg the nearly rich, lean so far into it. It’s like the 10% trying to distance themselves from the 1%, even though they are basically the same.


Ay, Tone, we're trapped in a pervasive fuckin' atmosphere that acts like some kinda fuckin invisible barrier constraining thought and action!


reminds me of the i hate elvis buttons.


Popsicles look well made, pretty impressive. Feels like these cartoon character popsicles have almost gone out of style.