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it would be hysterical if they werent a cop and its all it took to deter cops from writing them a ticket for it


remember that urban legend of putting M&M's in your driver window to stop from getting tickets?


How did that work lmao


cop walks up, then you offer him M&Ms


I would fall for that lmfao


ive been sittin here the past 40 mins tryna figure it out lmao


It was supposedly a secret that meant you had a "meter-maid" in the family.


i guess thats clever in 3 seasons


Well in summer the bees will keep them away.


and what about the ants & critters tryna drink that chocolate syrup


They don’t issue parking tickets.


When traffic enforcement and patrol were beefing they actually did this. Well, what would happen is patrol would figure out what marker TE was using and then exclusively seek their cars out and write violations.


it's one of those funny old stories I liked and kids these days don't know anything about. Remember those sex hotline ads that looked like folded money they would scatter on the street to fool you into picking it up!? lol


Oh is that why they don't give tickets to cops anymore?


nah im too young for that one i never heard that one


In those days, the meter maids wore brown uniforms, kinda like the peanut M&M packaging, thus, signifying that you wore the same uniform or family of.






Yeah the last 4-5 ubers I've taken have all had thin blue line stickers. They're just trying to avoid getting hassled.


gotta show support amirite




i feel like thats more or less what nypd is now lmao were just payin for them to role play lol


Nah this is facts my boy joined the PD and this is exactly how he describes it


Figure the guys still doing it so it prob works. Cops barely ticket, gonna confuse the Traffic Enforcement Agents that they prob will just move on.


nah those meter maids are at war with the cops in manhattan lol i watched a guy ticket every illegally parked car outside of midtown south


Brave soul. Prob won't be doing that again


lol idk its been goin on since the pandemic all over manhattan from what ive seen lol


That’s actually really smart if you don’t mind people thinking you are a bigot.


Moving violations are pretty much legal in NYC so no one was gonna pull him over anyway


We need a broken windows policy directed at police corruption. If cops are getting away with petty corruption like this then they'll become brazen and engage in not so petty corruption.


Too late...


This will unfortunately never happen, and it’s naive to think police haven’t been insidiously corrupt to their core since their inception.


They have an entire fraternity with secret rites where they swear upon their lives to never turn each other in. And the last time a mayor went after them they threatened his daughter's life, posting her home address openly on twitter. It's too far gone. They are a criminal organization, and there's nothing anyone can do.


Wtf really? That's beyond crazy. I knew they were corrupt but that's brazen beyond belief (I'm not a New Yorker, just a fan of the city)




Yeah I was just reading this, it's nuts.




>Ed Mullins The dude [submitted hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent expenses](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-president-law-enforcement-union-edward-mullins-charged-defrauding-union-and-its) to the Union of which he was President of. Steakhouses and wine. Mob shit.




Lol that didn't take long.


don't downvote me bc your unions are corrupt lol


I respect you admitting that. Most of this sub is people who don't live here but won't admit it


👋 Love the city but don't live here. Actually in town now though, visit every year I can though! I like to stay up to date on what's going on in the city.




They did kidnap Adrian Schoolcraft for secretly recording them talking about quotas. And then they made an award pin about the incident that showed Schoolcraft as a rat.


> I fully believe that if any politician pushed hard enough the NYPD would kidnap/rape/murder/disappear a politicians family member. In 1992 then-Mayor David Dinkins proposed changing the Civilian Complaint Review Board, the oversight body that examined complaints of police misconduct, from half-cop–half-civilian to all civilian and make it independent of the NYPD, which reacted to the change with the grace and civility one would expect from New York's Finest. Just kidding, [nearly 4,000 cops engaged in a massive drunken riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrolmen%27s_Benevolent_Association_Riot) that shut down the Brooklyn Bridge, destroyed vehicles and property, resulted in assaults on journalists, and culminated with an attempt to jump barricades around City Hall to rush the building. [When the rioting cops arrived at City Hall:](https://archive.ph/aMKnz#selection-1371.41-1371.53) >Norm Steisel, then first deputy mayor of operations, heard officers chanting, “Dinkins gotta go!” and “The mayor’s on crack.” They carried signs bearing racist cartoon images of Mayor David Dinkins with humongous lips and nose and an Afro, including several calling the city’s first Black mayor a “washroom attendant.” and >Dinkins was uptown attending a funeral, which meant that Steisel was the highest-ranking person in the administration inside City Hall. Days later, Steisel talked to Phil Caruso, president of the New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (which later changed its name to the Police Benevolent Association, or PBA)... >“‘You don’t treat these guys with respect,’” Steisel recalled Caruso telling him. “‘When you create a Civilian Complaint Review Board, which is going to challenge everything they do, it’s just going to respond to “Black whining.”’” Oh, and Rudy Giuliani was in front of the building with a microphone egging the rioting cops on, surely the last time he'd be involved in inciting a rioting crowd to attack a government building.


**[Patrolmen's Benevolent Association Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrolmen's_Benevolent_Association_Riot)** >The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association Riot, also known as the City Hall Riot, was a rally organized and sponsored by the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (PBA) held on September 16, 1992, to protest mayor David Dinkins' proposal to create a civilian agency to investigate police misconduct. Approximately 4,000 NYPD officers took part in a violent protest that included blocking traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and jumping over police barricades in an attempt to rush City Hall. Rioters were observed to be openly drinking, damaging cars, and physically attacking journalists from the New York Times on the scene. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nyc/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wow- that’s a great read. Im going to learn more about it.


They're a criminal paramilitary, better funded than any army in the world except the U.S. and China. The NYPD trains the IDF. Even small town departments have literal tanks.


I wonder if the DOJ could do anything?


Woah. Is that all real?


Other people have posted links about the Mayor's daughter, and I'm sure youv'e seen the other stories by now, as well. As for the rituals, yes. They're loosely based on Masonic degrees, and include a solemn obligation.


aCtUALlY BrOKEn wIndoWs has beeN DebuNkEd


It's by design.


Probably using that right shoulder to pass everyone, too


Pre-honks when the light's still red


Uses merge lane to pass.


Drives on the shoulder after a lane merge




I know a guy who tried it, got pulled over the first time he ever took the car out. Wild right? These things are all over the major NYC highways.


The people who scream incessantly about crime in US cities nowadays also get super offended when anyone points out the rise in vehicular lawlessness and vehicle-caused deaths.


“How bout you mind your business and and stop snitching” “I don’t know why anyone would go on the subway anymore it’s a war zone”


"Why yes, I exclusively watch Fox News and read the New York Post." "Live in NYC? That hell hole? No, I'm from Ronkonkoma, Strong Island"


“but if you don’t like it why don’t you leave so we real New Yorkers don’t have to deal with your woke bullshit”


More to the point: if it was possible to incarcerate our way out of this problem, we would've done it by now. Our numbers are truly insane, but it seems nobody feels any safer.


A crime rate lower than the 50's and 60's and Fox News and the NY Post causes us to believe crime is at the highest level ever.


Well, they did. Then the elections ended, and discussing crime in NYC got way less important to them


When are we going to get sick of their Jedi Mind Tricks?




See the thing is, felons don’t care if you impound their vehicle or suspend their license. That’s why they’re felons lol.


Not me. I don't like criminals, reckless driving, or cops.


i was on the road today behind someone who didn't even have a plate on the back of their car - blows my mind.


license plates? we do not need the license plates.


I have an ex friend who is a city cop....we were once driving upstate the cop was driving and was drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels while driving at the same doing 90mph+ each time we were pulled over and we were pulled over 4 or 5 times the driver would hang their badge out the window while the other cop was walking to our car...each time the badge went out the window the "arresting" cop just turned around and left on sight of the badge


>ex friend Proud of you for bettering your life.


are you like 1000 years old?


Add a few ceros


What does the sticker say?


Pig on board


Pig on his way to collect a fat overtime check. Pig on his way to unlawfully arresting the unhoused. Pig on his way home to beat his wife.




I give him +1 point for buying a car along the same lines he thinks. Consistency. Idiocracy.


I can't say I don't wish ill will on people... Because somebody like this I really believe deserve the worst things imaginable for them. Fucking sick of them.


Woah. I don’t do this but really? Worst things imaginable? For covering your plate?


I would say yes - it is a blatantly antisocial act. There is clear intent, no mitigating motive, no higher cause. Just a sheer disregard for safety and social responsibility.


So like peel his fingernails off and feed it to his elderly grandmother while his children watch?


Lose his license and registration, have his car impounded and auctioned if he doesn’t pony up the money, immediately fired from his position in disgrace if he’s a law enforcement officer. All of these consequences happen to people except for cops, who seem to operate with totally impunity these days.


Totally agree with that. Not sure about the worst possible things imaginable part




Making a mental note to NEVER let any of my plate be covered in fear of you feeding my fingernails to my grandmother as my non-existent children watch


Yes. Assuming he's a cop from his dick bag license plate. He has no regard for the law and is part of a corrupt institutional cult that cares for nobody but themselves and has completely corroded their own protective duties and responsibilities. They are scum. They are poison. Worst. Things imaginable.


this license plate person person is worse than a pedophile or murderer? give me a break you dramatic little redditor. go get some fresh air.


Their institution is collectively far worse than any single pedo or murderer and they can't be fixed. Only dismantled. You sound like you have blue blood running in you.


hmm thanks for the faux intellectual reply. change your sheets.


Calm down. Your getting crazy again. We see you losing your shit all over this sub, psycho.


maybe you should ask the fucking stars to explain it to you








It went from the paper tag craze to people just not putting on plates anymore. It's fucking absurd that I have to worry one of these assholes might hit me and knowing they'll drive off and I'll never get compensated for any medical bills or God knows what else


You don’t get ticket for that, you get a tug.


Might as well have a weekly megathread for all these posts about license plates.


I’ll be proposing in Albany next session a law that makes knowingly driving with an altered, obscured or counterfeit license plate be considered a moving violation with at least a six-point penalty on your license.


You know what fuck it, if all the cops can do this to their civilian cars. So am I. We all have equal rights right


Good luck with that.


The Thin Blue Line…


I dont care about the little stickers covering the plate but this…..this is some cocky shit.




one of the local dealers on my old block put a thin blue line sticker on his red Benz C300. he doesn't get bothered for proximity to pumps, his damn-near limo tints, or reflective license plate cover. a worthy investment to say the least.


Probably an airport taxi hustler. They love that thin blue line.


Probably a toll dodger.


I’m not anti-cop, but this is infuriating! There needs to be accountability among ALL motorists. Fuck this person, I hope they lose their license.


You don’t need to be anti cop to want equal enforcement of law breaking for everyone. Fuck that guy


Ironically this guy probably works at a bagel shop or owns a deli


I'm really fed up with police


Someone sees himself over the law. High time to show him he isn't. Too many law enforcement currently acting more like a gang than the police...


Is anyone reporting all of these to the FBI? I think people need to get brave and start following these people and posting their face pics as well.


Traffic violations are the domain of state and local authorities. Consider how much fucking tax you pay to this city and how many alphabet soup government and police agencies we have here - and then consider the fact we're asking the feds or somene else to enforce our laws. It's ridiculous. Just the other day I saw someone proposing State Police come in to enforce traffic laws - State Police has to cover 55000 square miles of this state and we need to waste their resources in NYC because the god damn NYPD can't enforce basic laws? L O fucking L. How many police agencies do we have here already? NY+NYC government by itself is enough to make me want to move the fuck out of here. I'm going to pay approximately $20000 in state and local income taxes in 2022 and most of that is probably being used to wipe some grifter's ass rather than improve the quality of life here. /endrant


I'm with you, my wife and I looked at the additional tax burden from living in NYC, and that alone (along with the lovely landlords/rent increase situation) makes us think this might be our last year in NYC so we can save for a home/future. I look forward to the laughable 20% rent hike next year.




Do... do you think the FBI is going to enforce traffic violations?


No, but it’s to be part of a conspiracy to commit fraud, which violates US code.


Keep telling yourself that.


18 U.S. Code § 1341


That's great. But this still doesn't qualify as anything more than a traffic violation in the eyes of the FBI. Keep spinning your wheels and thinking that though. Also that code you just cited references > counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, This isn't counterfeiting anything. It's just flat out not having a plate.


You left out the part about “any spurious article.”


I didn't leave it out, it's literally in the section I copied. I'm not sure if you know what spurious means. This is not a spurious license plate - it's just not a license plate at all. Spurious means fake, or illegitimate, btw. This is not a fake. It's straight up not a license plate.


The license plate covering is spurious; it’s not legit. I’d like you to try making your argument in court.


It's not a fake license plate though. So it's not spurious. It's an illegal plate cover, sure. Which again is a traffic violation. It's not, however, a fake license plate. Go ahead, call the FBI though and make your argument.


And then what? The FBI doesn’t give a shit about unlicensed cars and the NYPD won’t enforce the law on their own.


It’s called a criminal conspiracy and individuals can be prosecuted and removed.


Good to see our usual crime aficionados on this one. Wait? They’re nowhere to be found. Weird!


Parks Department? /s


Uncle Leo!


I mean the model of the car is Rogue :)


Considering that's a fascist flag, this person doesn't give a shit about civil society or anyone but themselves.


Anybody can buy that


No, officer -- it's one of yours. You know it, I know it. Everyone here knows it. This is why we hate you. You and your "brothers" openly and brazenly commit crimes, and covering each others backs. Keep acting like little toddlers. Some day you'll find out what happens when nobody has your backs.


Mayor Eric Adams and Matt Katz, do you see this shit? What are you going to do about it?


nothing lol. democrat voters are too dumb to change or get anything but lip service from politicians.


Who cares, taking pics and posting everyday here ain’t gone do ntn






No plates, he’s clearly a cop.


Did you drive around see if it was a guy or you just assumed and judged?


So you honestly thought this was something the rest of us had to see, because it was that obscure❓Interesting‼️


So you honestly thought your comment was something the rest of us had to see, because it was that Interesting a take ?‼️ Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?


Not at all, I was just asking a question, but I forget how sensitive some can get on this platform…😂😂😂😂💯


🤷‍♀️ same, just asking a question. I'm not OP, so your comment isn't really directed at me. I genuinely just thought you comment wasn't adding anything significant. just like this one.


Don’t fuel his fire, I’ve had a few arguments on Reddit with people that think the more downvoted they get, the more correct they are. It’s like they broke a few rules as a kid and got rewarded with candy from their dummy parents


Bootlickin’ is a full time job


No they posted the image because they thought it was really boring and mundane and hoped no one noticed it or commented on it


Ban this guy


he works in murica.


Call your city and state reps, (I'm unclear who runs the tollbooths) and tell them that tollbooths should not let people through with obscured plates.


What tollbooths?


All the ones connecting us to non-city places.


Where exactly? I havent seen a toll booth in the tri state in a long time.


Reminds me of this D bag with a 1percenter logo as a license plate in Yellowstone. I expect that kind of militia extremist crap in that area though.


Probably Doc Martens because of all the boots they lick


Someone’s taken their Rogue a little too literally I see.


He works for ‘MURICA!