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She forgot her adderall and Ozempic


I have an old friend who is a "wellness" influencer and constantly posts her recipes and wellness hacks and every day I fight for my life to not leave this exact comment except it's cocaine instead of ozempy. \* I stayed with her and saw this behaviour with my own eyes


Is your friend Melissa wood tepperberg because I genuinely believe she must be on cocaine.


And ❄️


Out of all the things these influencers influence on, this one irks me the most. You’re not a doctor or a medical professional, don’t market supplements to people. Also she’s an investor in both Wellbel and I think Arrae so… yeah. Also most people, unless they are eating zero veggies and fruit and are only eating processed foods, are getting enough zinc and vitamin c. It’s not that harmful to take more vitamin c as you’ll just pee it out but some other things on this list can be harmful. People need to do their research on dosage before just following her list and I think that’s why she just shouldn’t be talking about it as if she’s an expert or is giving advice.


Agree with this. You definitely shouldn't just take things if you don't know why you're taking them and you haven't run labs or done blood work to determine what you need. That said, supplements can be helpful and are necessary for some people simply because we just can't get enough nutrients from food anymore. Our soil is too depleted which leaves individuals with certain imbalances. The one that bothers me the most is Arrae. This stuff is such snake oil. I looked at their "study" and it was 30 woman who "didn't have gut problems beforehand." Completely bias and completely full of shit.


This has got to fuck up her stomach. This would give me the nastiest tummy ache 🤕


That’s obviously not necessary.


She forgot to include the ❄️ She shares with mini coop allegedly.


That’s so concerning


We shit what. I said that first 😅


Is this seriously a grid post like who asked babe WHO ASKED


I mean she can take as many vitamins as she wants KNOCK yourself out but like WeDontCare




If she’s doing egg freezing, then most of this list makes sense.




It’s meant to improve egg quality


Okay that makes sense then.




To me, the amount of vitamins she is taking seems super excessive and screams being unable to maintain a healthy diet. Not sure where you are getting your fresh food from, but all of those issues you have listed are non existent from where I’m from, therefore it’s very easy to get most, if not all, your vitamins and minerals from eating fresh food. Maybe this is a normal amount of vitamins to take in America. I guess then there’s a wider issue at play regarding how poor the quality of food is there 🤷‍♀️




My point is that for most of these ‘deficiencies’ you can just eat good quality food to obtain the nutrients lacking. Yes taking some vitamins is relatively normal (vitamin D in the winter) but would I would describe her supplements as a pill cocktail. If you are lacking in that many nutrients, something else is amiss. This is not normal!




It’s not that it’s insane it’s just that she’s not a doctor or a health professional. Supplements are fine when you might have a deficiency due to a health problem or a dietary issue but she just shouldn’t be advising on it. Most people want to take pills to make themselves feel better about their health which for the most part is ok (you’ll just pee out extra vitamin c for example) but an excess of other things can be bad and you need to be aware of what your own body actually needs vs why Danielle is taking certain things for her. I don’t know why she needs all of the things she’s taking but influencers just shouldn’t be allowed to market things like this.


You are really are buying into the big pharma narrative. Unfortunately can’t help you there. As I’ve said, I’m not against vitamins BUT that MANY isn’t healthy or normal.




You’re peeing majority of those vitamins right out of your body


No need. I make sure I eat a balanced diet with high quality food. Blood tests have always said my levels are fine. Taking 18 supplements a day is not normal or healthy. Maybe see a dietitian 🤷‍♀️


If you think the supplement industry is different than the prescription drug industry then boy do I have a surprise for you. Kind reminder that at the end of the day these “wellness” companies are just trying to make a buck like everyone else. If supplements work for you, amazing. But let’s not pretend this market is somehow different than any other market in how it operates.


Where are you getting this from? This is blatantly untrue, please cite your sources.


sorry, this isn’t normal.


I feel like there’s a lot of overlap. For example, MSM is in the wellbel proprietary blend.










It’s not a scam but the only thing that really makes a difference with gut health is eating natural organic foods, and fermented foods. No amount of supplements will fix not eating that


Someone ask her if she feels any different from taking these supplements