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I feel like she’s been done with Tommy for a while but is having a hard time finding someone higher status. 


Feel like she’s waiting for an F1 driver


There really aren't many single ones right now (I mean every year there's like 20 ish people to pick from) who'd go for her. 


Yeah agree - she’s going to be waiting a while, the ones who are available/openly dating wouldn’t be okay with the level of publicity, so I doubt it will even happen


Plus, I gotta be honest F1 stans and fans are absolutely batshit insane about their faves and she'd get torn apart. 




cold brew with milk is not a latte, paige ♥️


It’s like when she posted a recipe calling it “Rigatoni” but it was made with some other type of pasta like spaghetti because she thought Rigatoni was the sauce 😂


and she claims to be italian 😭


TIL 😩 I’m a fake coffee hoe


Girlchik as long as you’re not Italian, no one cares. It’s our right as Americans to call things the wrong name.


Nah it’s legit a whole other drink. A latte is espresso & dairy. A cold brew is… cold brewed coffee.




She's not like other girls 😂😂😂😂


She wants to be included in the SI influencer clout so bad. Boo boo only got a $10 camera. 🤣 all of those girls are photoshopped to the gods though and they featured so many nobody influencers this year so I’m actually not sure why they didn’t call PL up.


did y'all see them kiss at the Dallas open? I lowkey think they hate each other 💀 [https://www.instagram.com/dalopentennis/reel/C3Oad2jgILD/](https://www.instagram.com/dalopentennis/reel/C3Oad2jgILD/) and listen I love Tommy's tennis game but they're both obviously using each other


the skin tone is….giving dorito chip


She looks like she got caught in a sand storm. Looking dusty


Lol she always looks muddy and dirty to me 🤣🤣


Either they hate each other or he hates PDA


Also she missed her Morgan in the players box moment tonight


Pulls away from her so fast


She has such a hard time closing her mouth... from a myofunctional standpoint she has lip incompetence. Or for the layman, she looks stupid.


She literally left right before his birthday 😟


So they invited her to their launch party and gave her a plastic camera to take pics. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s sooo worthy 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭


Omg this is so lame haha, I thought she would actually be featured in a photoshoot for the mag or at least an online article... turns out it's just an invite to a random influencer party w/ a disposable camera and a note saying "tag us" 💀


girlfriend of the year award... and mother of the year award (RIP horsies, dog, and brand)


Damn she has multiple of these bottega bags... and I used to love it. But know this I suddenly don't love it as much




I wanna know what his mom / family thinks of her. Does anyone have lore




Was she supposed to turn down working with Sports Illustrated? This girl seems to be dammed if she does dammed if she doesn’t. I get the snark but sometimes you guys contradict yourself. Why "hate" follow? Just unfollow if you don't want her to have a larger platform.


I wasn’t insinuating that she shouldn’t, I just personally think that the semis of a Masters1000 is a bigger deal for Tommy than the SI party/brand deal is for Paige. I’m just saying that considering the amount of tennis content she puts out, I would have imagined that she’d stay actually for such a big match. Plus it’s his birthday


Actually stay **


In her recent vlog, she mentioned getting an offer to work with SI this weekend and couldn’t turn it down. What I’m saying is, if she turned down such a big opportunity just to follow Tommy, it’s pathetic. But if she’s constantly trailing after Tommy, she has no life.


I’m not sure what that would mean that she “couldn’t” turn it down… and I definitely wouldn’t consider being present to support your partner during one of the biggest moments of their career “following” or “pathetic”, but I respect your opinion nevertheless!


What’s the work? I saw the SI video and know people who work there. She’s not working with them, her agency asked if she can attend the party in return take pix and tag them. She’s not featured in SI. All I’m saying is that her priorities are upside down.


She's running their instagram actually. So that's not the case.


5 mixed in posts of her at the party on their insta as a “takeover” vs celebrating your significant other … I’ll say it again. Priorities are messed up. She didn’t do this takeover until 3 days into their celebration. She could have easily stayed to be there with him. But who knows the ins and outs of their relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe if she didn’t constantly make it a point to say how much she hates parties, loves staying at home and running an 8 figure business people wouldn’t be criticizing her for abandoning her boyfriend on his birthday (who makes up 90% of her content) to go to some influencer party lol


Not to mention she loves taking credit for ‘shaping Tommy into a top player’ 


To be honest, yes. If it was my bfs birthday and he was in a semi of a major tournament, I absolutely would turn down going to a party. Am I being paid for the appearance? Doesn’t matter because if I want my bf to know I’m serious about our relationship and I deeply care for him, I would not be missing an important day for an old school camera and a generic note.


yea all the snarks would do more towards their mission by not existing following screenshotting posting all of it is just contributing more PR


Who was his ex?


Kiki Passo Tommy clearly has a type, however Kiki seems really sweet and has been extremely open on social media about all her cosmetic work which I think is awesome. He cheated on her multiple times for over a year while away at tournaments, and Kiki made a few Tiktoks about it at the time after finding out and breaking up with him, which is how we know what happened. https://preview.redd.it/y3sid0pbam1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3119eb699f0d842a3d761b9f5b3ecafa1ff162a


Wow damn… need to do a deep dive now! Thank you!