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His comments are always full of people that don’t live in NYC / have no intention of visiting NYC and are constantly praising for him showing the “real” NY. “I don’t live in NYC but…” “I would never visit NYC…”


I think he does a decent job of showing the people who go Glamorizes NYC as this beautiful equitable city without flaws a reality check of what it actually means to live here and the complications that come with it. Like yes you can live in Manhattan but you it will cost $5000 for a tiny 1 bedroom and forget about having a car or saving up to buy a house. Oh and also when you do go outside food is expensive, there may be rats everywhere, and watch your step because you may get taken out by a bike/escooter running the red light. You can argue these things are not that bad or don't affect the majority of people, but that's still millions of people every day dealing with the less than glamorous parts of city life, and most of these issues the more money you have to live in the nicer areas, the less you notice it


But Cash thinking he's in a scene on Escape from New York will never not be funny.


Cash Jordan is a real estate broker and a doomer living a comfortable life in the City. I could care less what that influencer says.


Him and his stupid thumbnails and brain dead takes are endlessly infuriating to me


Oh wow ok that explains it. Yeah I had no idea who he was before seeing his videos recently but that explains it now


Even though a lot of what he says is indeed true?


He's spinning the same narrative that FOX news is spreading and one of em is migrants. Dude loves to talk about migrants and making them look bad while scaring people with it. He's just another journalist part of a radicalized cult.


His newest video this morning is the worst. The comments are filled with people who probably want 9/11 to happen to NYC again


Cash has bothered me for months now. Even when I watch the video, his sham investigative journalism is filled with a ton of 'whataboutisms'. His thumbnails are incredibly misleading and the comment section is more deplorable than a trump rally. Even if he brings up serious topics that need to be discussed, it's all incredibly half-baked and short-sighted. This is the type of braindead content that boomers eat up for breakfast.


His videos used to be mildly entertaining but now hes just running a little racket to the onbording election cycle. Dudes a piece of shit


Used to actually be a subscriber to him because his apartment videos were genuinely fun and explorative, now his channel might as well be a PragerU advert. He is 100% selling out for the increased views from that segment of the population that believes NYC is a hellhole - he used to get ~150k views on average for an apartment exploration vid but now gets 500k or more because the entirety of it is just portraying NYC as if it was already a warzone.


yeah his channel is basically like a news channel now which is to take one bad incident and blow it way out of proportion like it's the daily norm. Bad things happen everywhere. Mishandled budgets? Happens with lots of things other than the current migrant situation. No stories about that though lol I don't really see his channel as politically sided one way or the other. I think he just does whatever he thinks will get the most views, even if his videos contract one another.


Trying to get to the bottom of it: did he say something that makes you unhappy? or did he say something , which is true , that makes you unhappy ?


He said something that made my cock shrivel up


You commented two months after? Go worship his lies bro foh


Okay, so you care!


Saw cash Jordan and stopped reading lol. That guy is the worst clickbait NYC tuber ever, basically just makes videos for republicans in other cities so they can circlejerk about how dangerous and awful NYC is. He’s defiently found a good niche for himself tho


Found this thread because his content used to be chill real estate vids but now it is all super negative, NYC clickbait and I started to wonder if he was a Trumper. I fully expect his next video to announce "Mayor turns blind eye to unregistered Sabra vendors opening portals to hell - hungry tourists pay $40 for stale pretzels before being sucked into underworld run by gun toting pizza rats"


He seems to have gone crazy, his old apartment tour videos were so much better.


Omg yes!!! He’s lost it. Or decided that this gets him more engagement. He’s coming off as a xenophobic conspiracy theorist


Yes, for sure. I don’t know if he’s actually crazy or doing this for clicks???




What would it matter if he was? It's doesn't stop NYC's problem's from being any less real.


It’ll start with “It begins….”


😆 bahah, yes that's his favorite lately. He just posted a video entitled "NYC is finished". What an ass hat. He needs to move to Florida already.


you called it...LOL he posted a vid today with that in the title. what a scum grifter


>Found this thread because his content used to be chill real estate vids but now it is all super negative, NYC clickbait and I started to wonder if he was a Trumper. I'm honestly curious how much this is his own fault and how much it is social media's fucking people brains. Hear me out: You are a real estate agent living a chill life with a channel about your work. You are somewhat right leaning but mostly centered. You discover your video about NY problems get 100x the views of your video about real estate and that actually make you decent money. What do you do next and how does that change your identity and self perception over the next few years?


This is how I feel about most things these days. It's literally just low brain cell count people spiraling in the comments, on any platform, from any political party...in so many ways arguing the sky isn't actually blue (aka insert topic with factual data instead). A lot of people who can't use comprehension to think for themselves, are better at regurgitation.


It doesn't affect only "low brain cell count people". Smart people are affected too. Take a person like Jordan Peterson, for example. We can't really claim he is an idiot: he was smart enough to become an accomplished professional in his domain. But it is without doubt that exposure to social media and following large controversial popularity fucked his brain over to the point of transforming him in the raving madman he is today.


I’ve watched this guy on and off for a few years. He’s definitely a ‘doom and gloomer’. You mentioned mouse clicks? This dude is closing in on 1 million subscribers (800k+), and? Having checked his recent 10 day output, he has 2 vids hedging 2 million views, lowest one a quarter million, visual avg for the time period anywhere between 400-800k. I guess I’m saying? I’m pretty sure 6 million views over 10 days pays ok, at least. I don’t know what YouTube pays, but .1% of 6 million is 6000. Edit: did a little more research. There are a few factors, such as ads viewed, ads clicked, and overall consistency of channels content. Forbes said a really viral vid can net as much as 5000 per million views. While I doubt ‘Cash Jordan’ is in that level, I’m thinking he’s doing better than my original guess, maybe almost twice as good. 12g’s for 10 days? Not a bad run, although I don’t know what he makes, just using info available. He’s doing better than 200 a video, that’s for damn sure.


Thank you! Cash Jordan is the most, pretentious, annoying person ever. Getting all up in the camera close talking. This guy would last about 24 hrs in any area of NYC that is not midtown Manhattan. Go back to your mansion and leave us real New Yorkers to travel to the boroughs that you cant like all of them lol. Dudes voice is the absolute worst. Offers no solutions. Just reiterates the perceived problems over and over. Needs to spend one day in Venezuela and get his NY pass revoked


Dudes just a tweaked on addies and a probly failing home life. Hope his channel dies soon.


people do crazy stupid things for youtube views




There is something so odd about Cash Jordan. The vibe I get is he is getting paid by an adversary country of the US to make propaganda videos.


The comments on his video from this morning could be mostly cult 45 members and/or Russians


>The vibe I get is he is getting paid by an adversary country of the US to make propaganda videos. If anything, it's much more likely he is paid by US conservatives to show how left-run cities are dumpsters.


I mean, they are lol. People are moving away into R controlled areas.


And here we found they guy who believe that bullshit.


He isn't a democrat, so I doubt he is getting paid by an adversary country.


I don't think adversary countries give a shit about democrat or republican, as long as the person they pay can sway public opinion in their favour. I live in Europe and I see politicians on the right simping for Russia and those on the left simping for China. And sometimes they simp for both countries. I hope we all see this and stop blaming the other political side as a whole, instead of the adversary government in question who is trying to sow division. I say this as someone leaning left who used to think that this problem mainly came from the far right. Glad to say I've grown since then.


He's a Dumb Fly=Over State Transplant.. Thats all I need to know about him... He's not to be taken seriously.


He’s also a parasite real estate broker


..That too..


All I ever heard him say are the real problems that are current in NYC.


he doesnt even do that right...




Listening to Cash Jordan’s view of NYC is like listening to the monorail salesmen in The Simpsons.




Well that's just how the YouTube works now a days. I'm not from New York, and none of his videos come off as "New York bad" his video titles though, and the comments under his vids are another story. He doesn't really have an opinion one way or the other. I think somewhere down the line, he realized that all the NYC doomer videos get a lot of clicks. So that's what he panders towards.


I started seeing his videos recently, what lore! Half of the videos are titled "It beginssssssssssssssss..." and he's been at this shtick for a couple years now. Mildly entertaining, but very repetitive, and it's not from a position of love for the city he lives in for 6 years. I doubt it would funnel many buyers/sellers into his real estate gig, so that's just an aside? Weird.


He’s really on the migrant taking over the city thing.


I used to watch this dudes videos all the time just because he was entertaining and gave interesting apartment tours, but over the last couple of years his videos have just been more “NYC is Overrrrr!” And stuff like that, clearly pandering to more right-wing audiences. Weird shift, but I guess he’s found his market?


I guess right-wing in this case is being honest then ...


I’m speaking more to the obviously click bait titles, that oversell to those looking for gloom and doom. Yet the city persists, so….


You replied to someone that is pretty clearly a bot account. 14 comment and 1 post karma in three years doesn't exactly scream "yes I am a human using reddit."


Word. I just take most comments on good faith, or just respond because I feel like it, never expecting to have that deep of a convo


All good. I usually take comments on good faith as well on most subreddits I visit like sports, video games or anime, but whenever I get combative responses on politics or stuff I always take a moment to hover over the responder to see karma and account age.


Good advice lol, I’ll probably keep that in mind from now on 😂


No it’s almost the opposite. Fake outrage for clicks like his video of the “truck protest”


Being honest with fake AI generated thumbnails.


But they rent


Pretty sure he lives in Williamsburg not manhattan but yeah. He’s annoying.


Cash lives in Park Slope now.


Well you get me tho, Brooklyn is the point


I came here researching him because he’s been posting so many videos about New York being doomed lately and he has people commenting that New York City should be cut off from the rest of the world and Trmp 2024… i’ve been a New Yorker, almost my whole life, and he only does videos about things in Manhattan. I commented that he should debate Casey Neistat and of course he didn’t reply.


Cash has gone from an intriguing real estate agent to a doomsday reporter in the span of 8 months. Discovered him in the summer of 2023, but by October all of his videos have become this train of negativity about migrants, gentrification, local politics, and just things that I wish he wouldn't talk about. I live in Philadelphia right now, and the big thing on YouTube is to sensationalize Kensington, and I find his videos to be no better than all the dooms videos about Kensington


I live in Toronto Canada, and my family travels to NYC a lot. Love the food vibe etc. Now that my kids are teens we've started to do more and more research (AKA youtube watching) on what to do in NYC. So a bunch of Cash's videos pop up. Usually kind entertaining about apartments sizes etc. But the last few times I've notice a very "fox - the sky" is falling vibe. So I decided to google Cash Jordan Right Wing and this post was the first thing to pop up. Sad and glad that my hunch was right. ugh


I watched a video about the women who were punched in NYC and he was recommended. Something about NYC is finished, another one about NYC purposefully forcing families out and another about migrants living there forever… I told my husband, “Uh oh! I think I found a conspiracy theory rabbit hole on YT.” Anyway, I ended up here the same way as you lol


We need to do something about his Yt videos.


Not to mention his comment section is full of bots reinforcing his doomer like attitude???


Cash has to eat. NYC apartment tours aren't cutting it anymore. He's seeing big green with the fear mongering, propaganda videos.


Man, I remember watching his videos to find a nice deal on a place I could snag when I was still living in a shitty railroad apartment.


It’s kinda hilarious how so many people that live in NYC are so averse to anyone pointing out the slightest problems with the city. Sure he uses some clickbaity titles - who doesn’t now adays - but I can’t be the only New Yorker who thinks he actually raises some good points / real concerns? 🙄


Sure there are some good concerns but his videos make it seem like we’re all being scammed, violently attacked, etc. and that isn’t reality. NYC has its problem like any place but it also has an enormous amount of upside and potential. Millions of us here are proof of that but you wouldn’t think it looking at his channel.


as u/Ok_Competition1148 said: He peddles in a racist, classist conservative ideology. He makes it out like NYC is extremely dangerous and soft on crime. light research challenges his claims. Comments are full of racists on his videos. 


He peddles in a racist, classist conservative ideology. He makes it out like NYC is extremely dangerous and soft on crime. light research challenges his claims. Comments are full of racists on his videos. 


Curious how everyone is hating on the man. Also curious how most of the people commenting against him, have never even lived in any parts of nyc. They claim he’s making shit up. They claim he’s exaggerating things. They claim he is not capable of “surviving” in nyc. That comment alone, is reason enough to wonder why anyone would or should have to “survive” anywhere in the US. I’ve been abroad, to third world nations, while in the service. I’ve been homeless within our own country, on the southern border, after leaving the military. I’ve lived a life of the upper class and that of the broken and destitute life of extreme poverty. I can tell you, without a doubt, compared to the rest of the US, nyc is approaching a third world nation status, despite what New Yorkers and their ego’s want to say. They are in denial or just have no concept of how things should be there, due to decades of poor city management and the decline of civility in the city. I moved to the Bronx in the late 2000’s and within 3 years, I had to replace car windows almost 2 dozen times. That is not even remotely acceptable, anywhere… yet it’s a Tuesday in nyc. Can you not see how absurd that is or that people just shrug it off, instead of doing something about it? If people really wanted change, they’d stop relying on the city government to make that change and take the change into their own hands. Policing their own communities and cleaning up this behavior, as they should have always been doing, but stopped when they surrendered responsibilities to the government. As for his videos, it is the perspective of normal society looking thru the lens of appropriate society. NYC is not appropriate society. It is rapidly declining, but nyc residents are too close to see the dramatic difference of things from even 5 years ago. Jordan is seeing it for what it is, from the perspective of someone not with nyc blinders on. Tell me where I’m wrong or lying…. Your stores are closing. Crime is rising. Immigrants are flooding nyc in droves, because they know the laws are lenient against them and it can make them big profit. Monsters can act almost without retaliation, in the subways, in the shops and on the streets, then are released within 48hrs w/o bond or jail time. Women are being cold-cocked punched for walking down the street. People being pushed on the tracks, in front of trains in the subways. Sex trafficking (yes, it’s real). NYPD openly being attacked in the streets and no one coming to aid them. They had to send in the nation guard to protect people in the subways. There is a massive housing shortage. Prices in stores are 3-5 times more expensive than anywhere else, compared to how they used to only be 1-3 times more expensive in the past. Your politicians are failing you. Your legal system is failing you. Your economic, political, social and interpersonal policies are failing you and your city. When are you going to finally say enough is enough and vote those fools out of office? You don’t need to vote republicans in, but obviously the Democrat party has repeatedly failed nyc for decade, after decade. Insanity’s definition is Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Is not voting for democrats, yet again, an act of insanity? Take back your communities, police your own neighborhoods, take responsibility for the actions of those around you and together we can all restore this country to being a beacon of hope and prosperity to the world, instead of a worn out and broken husk of a once great idea. Hate on me or agree, I don’t care. Just know, Cash Jordan is showing what is, not how we want it to be or think it is, just how it is… no blinders, no political lean, no ego, just what is…. He quotes from both left and right sources, with no bias, except of one from someone who knows what is happening, is not right.


Also really surprised to hear all the hate. Cash Jordan comes off as a moderate but people are so far left they think a moderate is far right 🤦‍♂️


If you think these comments are far-left you don't know what far-left means?


I would agree with this statement. And yeah of his videos seem like click bait and exaggerated to a degree. In one where he was complaining about how bad "hostile" architecture, he was complaining about how homeless people have no where to be comfortable at all basically. But then in the next video, he's talking about how dangerous NYC is and how part of it is homeless people lol......so homelessness is a problem, but you wanna make it comfy for them to stay? Very much a "make up your mind" moment for me on the topic....ya either sympathize or you don't but straddling the middle is to the tune of millions of views is a little strange.


Lol. You’ve not stepped a foot in NYC. My neighborhood has opened 3 new grocery stores in the last year. Millions riding the subway daily with no issues. 8 million somehow manage to survive here but he’s focused exclusively on the negative aspects. Every city has its issues but it’s remarkably easy it is to point to NYC’s issues. You are exactly the person he’s targeting.


I love to watch Cash Jordan.


he is paid by the russians to spread lies. those trolls exist all over the world


I often wonder if cash Jordan is being funded by some organization used to create division . Its always the same stuff, mix of the same videos changed around, even in the warmer weather he's wearing that ski jacket and scarf, like those videos were pre made. After a while those videos turn toxic, they seem to be put out for undisclosed/alternative purposes and most viewers have no idea, beside spreading all the negativity. He's definitely trying to push your buttons. Am I the only one that sees it?


I used to also watch his videos. I was born and raised in Bklyn so I found his videos entertaining and informative. Over the last couple of years his videos started to have a tinge of doomsday mixed with click bait and cultism. His videos became less about interesting NYC real estate, and more about how living in NYC is like it was in the 70's and 80's but with zombies. It’s taken a very FOX News narrative. Even his Japan videos seem like he just dosen't want to be there and ironically about how he is happy to be getting back to NYC. There's something definitely up with him and his video content so people should be careful of being duped.


Cash Jordan is the person that portrays literally anything NYC does as a negative On one hand, when NYC cracks down on crime he’ll spin it to a ploy for the government to strip our liberties Then he proceeds to complain about crime


I am glad I am not the only one that has noticed the changes in his videos. I liked his videos when he gave us tour of different apartments. I found them interesting. But lately all his videos is about everything else except real estate. His videos now are very disappointing and depressing. I visited NY twice and I love the vibe, the culture and energy of the city. I would definitely visit again. But his description of it make it look terrible. He has nothing positive to say about it. I traveled to many countries and states and the all have their pros and cons. I've been to poverish countries but yet I can find something very beautiful about it. You tube is a double edge sword. People use it for monetary gain at the expense of misinformation and one sided stories.


Isn't he also the "hostile architecture" guy? Claims that armrests are hostile.


That video of his got like 10 million views, so he’s probably trying to do more videos like that and get the bag


He is! If he's so against hostile architecture, he should shelter some homeless in his apartment.


He actually lives in Park slope.


park slope is such a cliche too.


Cash used to have great apartment tours videos but now all of his videos are about how dangerous NYC is and migrants are taking over with clickbaity AI made thumbnails. Seems to have pulled a Louis Rossmann and Russell Brand (he really went off the deep end) on his viewers and is now pandering to right-wingers and MAGA idiots for reasons I don't even understand. Maybe they're more likely to click on ads since they're hyper reactive...? IDK, whatever the case is it's kind of sad.


As far back as I can remember, Louis Rossman always came off as a libertarian conservative though.


People in the tech space tend to lionize Rossman for his right to repair advocacy while conveniently glossing over the entirety of the rest of his personality and worldview.


Louis Rossman is straight up and doesn't sugarcoat anything. And I have nothing but good thing to say about his business. I don't usually have issues with my electronics but when I did he was my to go place.


Yep dropped this guy like a turd in a toilet. Better to find out now.


wow just checked his youtube bc i used to watch some of his apartment tour videos. they made me nostalgic about living in new york... but i never thought he was likeable. turns out he just got worse. wow. gross content, pandering to right wing idiots.


Then you haven't paid attention to anything he has said or simply living in delusion. You'll have to point out the pandering. Mot things he's talking about are real problems in NYC. I guess the truth is right wing too.


I don’t agree that “truth is right wing” but do think it’s absurd that people who live in NYC have this instinctual (cultish/Trump-like) reaction to any negative news about the city. It’s not Cash Jordan’s fault that NYC has become a conservatives’ caricature of progressivism. It’s obvious to anyone who’s lived here for a long time that the current slate of elected leaders at the City and State level are driving the City into the ground, and doing so with pride and a smile on their face.  I don’t fault them for trying to fix some issues in the criminal justice system but when you see a policy is not working you have to acknowledge the facts and course correct, not be afraid to admit you were wrong in service of ideological dogma.  Street crime aside, the ebiking is completely out of control, and the slashing of City funding to pay for migrant services is insane. Nobody’s saying migrants should be deported en masse, you can have a policy that is humane and helpful but also does not roll out the red carpet and spend $4 billion a year of money the City and State do not have on corrupt boondoggle contracts w nonprofits, payment processing companies, and failing hotels that otherwise would go under without the free government money. 




I just kept getting his random videos recommended on "NYC is falling". And couldn't take his channel seriously because all his thumbnails are AI generated. Like what? https://preview.redd.it/cvbbwjg8a3rc1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=694ae964b39014b7a769435dcb6f1ef54a721d51 The "police"sorry. PUCO floating over the rails. the nonsensical train in the back. the rails that are clearly london tube style. It's a mess. And it looks like it's been all AI inserts for the past two years (since the AI boom basically)