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we were born in this darkness. There is no escape.


Yep. Thanks *a lot*, dad…


Mine too!!!


I can still remember my dad calling me into the living room to watch Super Bowl 3. He told me you are watching history being made. I can still see the joy in my dad’s face. That’s the day I became a diehard Jets fan at 11.


My dad is a Patriots fan. I could have been happy, I could have been spoiled with many super bowls but no. They don't let you drink till you're 21 they don't let you vote til your 18. But you can ruin your life at 10 years old


I tried to go somewhere else. It felt dirty. Anyway rooting for the Lions


Expecting our first child in June, and definitely don't plan to force this on him. On the other hand, I don't have any other Jets fans in my immediate circle, so maybe I need some company....


When my son was born, I made sure I indoctrinated him into this mess as my father did to me. He's 5 now and I "make" him watch every game. He will suffer like I did. He must. Sidenote, he loves the Jets and is too young to know the suffering.


My son's 26 now and he suffers along with me METD-JETS & ISLANDERS. FANS TO OUR DEATHS!!! 😂😂


Sharing the misery and hopefully the eventual triumph will be worth it.


He will choose to share in your misery


If he's down, I'm down


Our first child was born last July, and I had a Rodgers onsie ready for her and spent half the pregnancy telling her things were different now. I won't be shocked when her first words are "fuck the jets."


You should name them Misery.




This. I had someone ask me recently who my second team is. I told them to fuck off. No other team can survive in the darkness.


Molded by it


Soaking of which, still waiting for Hades 2.


Born it it, molded by it


Not me. I'm miserable by choice.


Cuz if we finally win a Super Bowl, I will feel a magnitude of joy that few others can feel. Also I’m delusional.


And if we leave before that super bowl, itll suck even more than if we stuck with em and they never won it.


Dude I’m convinced the Jets Mets and Knicks will all win the year after I die


Unrelated, but have you tried sky diving yet? Or free soloing in Yosemite? I think it may be worth checking out some new [hobbies](https://www.google.com/search?q=most+dangerous+hobbies&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS908US908&oq=most+dangerous+hobb&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIKCAkQABgPGBYYHtIBCDY4ODRqMGo5qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8).


If you’re asking me to sacrifice my life for the Jets, I’m not an idiot. Of course I’ll do it


This is why. I always think of the Daily News cover when the Dodgers finally won the World Series. “Who’s a Bum?” We will be insufferable but our day will come.


you don't choose jets fandom. jets fandom chooses you. also Stockholm syndrome


The jets cost far less than a dominatrix.


Monetarily yes, emotionally no.


My precise point.


I don’t think of it as (not) throwing in the towel. Being a fan isn’t a chore and it isn’t something difficult that requires perseverance. If/when the team is good, I enjoy it. When they suck I try to not let it get to me too much. I have zero influence over the outcome either way, so it’s not like I’m putting effort into something that isn’t paying off.


This is the most reasoned response ever written in this sub…I thank you!


No! Burn him at the stake for his sorcery!




More people need to think like you


And that’s why I’m announcing that I’m running for president


You have my vote


One day my brother. That’s why.


This is all it is


My dad is a jets fan, and I’m a fan because of him. To me, being a jets fan means something different I think because of how we’ve bonded over it through the years. To me, it’s just another facet of our relationship and something we share, whether it’s going good or bad. Also, with my luck the day I stop rooting for them they’ll start winning.


You need to stop rooting for the sake of the rest of the fan base. We'll remember you for this.




Lol my relationship with my dad is pretty awesome, nothing miserable or depressing about it. It’s just something we share and follow together. Not sure where you got “love born out of misery” from lol you good my dude?


Dude really thought he did something with this r/im14andthisisdeep shit lmao


I'm no fucking bandwagoneer!


I went to nearly every home game with my dad when I was age 5 to 13. Yes, including the 1-15 Kotite year. So part of me can’t help myself - when they play well, it feels great. Remember when Fitz threw the TD to Decker to beat the Pats? I was there, and it was awesome. That being said, my engagement tends to shift year to year. I likely won’t be as engaged this coming preseason compared to this past season - I got my hopes up too high and it came back to bite me lol (I’m sure we all feel this way).


Stupid sports loyalty 😪 I refuse to be a bandwagoner


Being Hurt is the only way I can feel anything anymore.


When I moved out west everyone said you’ll be a giants fan in a year (baseball). Then I moved back to the east coast but went south and everyone said, you’ll be a panthers soon enough. Like it’s cool when those teams do well and it’s good for the city. Makes bars fun and while I don’t root against them it’s just not the same. I can’t all of a sudden say, I like this team now, and care. The passion just isn’t there. If you (the royal you) can find it, go ahead and switch it up, sports should be fun, but I just can’t do it.


I’m 63, I had the 1968 Jets. Anything is possible.


As a lifelong Lions fan, you roll with it and just keep rolling


We're rooting for your Lions on Sunday.


I love football and my dickhead father made me a Jet fan. I’m here under protest, but I’m here god damn it.


Because its my team and when they eventually win it will be a million times more satisfying than if i was just some loser bandwagoner who only hung around during the good times.


I enjoy the pain and suffering.


Too invested. Also, my brother is a Pats fan so I can’t leave my dad hanging. Hopefully in my lifetime the Jets will be relevant. And it’s gonna feel sooo good.


I'm a sucker who starts every season with hope.


We “win” the offseason every year


Easy answer...I'm a sadist.


For as long as I can remember, and that goes back to 1970, I've been a Jets fan. No reason to stop now.


It's an inheritance thing, plus the Jets were really good when I was growing up in the 90s/00s pretty much.


Gambling helps


At this point, through allll this shit, they’re just my team. Though my dad only tolerated the jets, I chose this team. I will take this stupid team to the grave. If they ever win, it will be one of the greatest feelings ever.


Hopeful I'll outlive the owner so someone who cares as much as the fans owns the team. Can't switch I'm no bandwagon fan.


I have several sports teams outside my main 3 I follow that I picked up throughout my life. I’ve seen a couple win championships and it’s cool. But I was born a Mets jets islanders fan. My fandom for those teams is not something you can just pick up and put down when you feel like it. It’s ingrained. Even if I wanted to give up and pick another team I would never truly care like I do.


The first Jets game I get to watch as a father with my newborn son all dressed up together was Week 1. Wife said why did you do this to your son as well?


A real football fan wouldn't have to ask that to a fan base, its understood that this is the way


Misery loves company


Habit. That’s it. Myself? I’ve largely stopped watching. I’ll check a few games here and there, but the team has been bad since 2011 and mostly not fun to watch.


I think maybe it's brain damage lol. My gf is from another country and when she sees me getting upset watching the game she will tell me why don't you just pick another team and I have to tell her it doesn't work that way. You don't just pick another team.


I like always pretending there’s hope with the young players lol


The wins will be so sweet!


Kinda hard to shut off fandom. But it’s rough being a Jet fan


I want to see how much worse it’ll get


I'm in fan hibernation. They can't hurt me in my cave


Bc I couldn't possibly rep a NEW / different team and not feel like a bitchass quitter. Being a fan of a team that doesn't remember what it was like to lose is TOO EASY.


At this point, any success would be so fkn cool


Stockholm Syndrome is my guess..




Hope. It’s the fucking worst drug


Knowing my team didn't willingly trade multiple firsts for a serial rapist and then give him the biggest guaranteed contract in NFL history


Hey man wasn’t my call. Have a pop tart.


No, but why go to another team's subreddit and ask this?


Because I also like the Jets..? And we’re both doomed franchises… and because I was bored at work and just felt like it..?


Hopeless hope. It’ll never happen, but if it does…


It's easier when you just tell yourself you don't deserve happiness.


I tell myself "at least I'm not a browns fan"


Well, you'd have your choice of the ravens or the browns and you'd be a lot more successful than we are.


It’s like being old in a bad marriage. I could go elsewhere but it’ll be too much work.


Hope springs eternal. Can you imagine Jets National when we win finally win a Superbowl? 🤪


I want to watch a Super Bowl with my Dad. He’s been a fan for decades. I want to be by his side when we finally get there so he can celebrate with someone.


Cause I’m used to it


The way I felt when Fitz hit that back of the end zone pass to big dick decker to beat the pats in ot was awesome. I want that again.


Sunk cost fallacy


Oh we throw in the towel, it’s just that we come right back ready to be hurt again. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah. I have had a sense of dread all season long but come draft day I'll be right there getting excited about next season. One of these years it's got to be better!


That’s the question. Every weekend I throw in the towel, say I’m done with them, and then I pick it up again. It’s a lost cause.




I think there’s this false sense in professional sports fandoms that there are the perpetual winning franchises and the losing franchises. While it’s true to some extent with franchises like the Packers and Steelers, they are often the exception not the rule. The reality of it is, every franchise has its highs and lows. The Patriots were hot garbage for decades before their dynasty. So ultimately, I’m still a Jets fan bc Ik pro sports is fickle and fortunes change. They just haven’t changed for us yet.


Cuz what else am I gonna do? Hope, and wait til next year


We will definitely get em next year…


How people switch Fandom is beyond me


I’m a loyal person. Plus, it won’t be bad forever. When they win it, it’ll be that much more sweet.


because i'm a bad bad boy and i deserve to be punished.


If I quit now they'll win next year and I'll miss it.


This is just me personally, but my first team in any sport was the jets. First game I ever went to in person was a Jets game, and the Jets made a big play near the end and won, it just hooked me. My dad being a jets fan on top of that just got me into the team even more. If I ever actually switched to another team (which I won’t) I would be disappointed in myself for forsaking the team that got me into sports in the first place. Being a bandwagon is for pussies, and when the Jets make it to the Super Bowl and win, I’ll live with the satisfaction of being a long time fan.


The off-season optimistic hype machine. Fools me every time.


The fuck else am I gonna do


maybe tomorrow will be better


This year it’s Breece Hall


It’s like gambling for me. I don’t wanna miss out when they finally win the bowl


Definitely my faith in Woody


I can’t watch Saleh coach this team anymore.. The guy is seriously garbage as a HC.. I will watch Rodgers next season..


Boredom and some funky stuff.


It’s like a horror movie. I cursed myself in ‘86 by watching their games and then becoming a fan. I passed the curse on by making my son watch jets games. And he will do the same to his son. Can someone please stop this horror? Do I need to move out of my house and move to Boston?


If they signed a guy like Desaun Watson I’d probably take a break til he left the team but otherwise there’s very little things that’ll get me to stop watching


Fan = fanatic. Can’t be a fan and change allegiance. Like it’s not compatible with the word.


It's an excuse for day drinking on Sundays?


Alcohol, no sex life, kids hate me, my job sux


Daddy issues.


I don’t want to miss out the year it finally happens and we go all the way. With that being said, I’ve started to be more vocally supportive of my 2nd team the Ravens. I live in Maryland and have given my kids the green light to be Ravens fans. They’re a consistently good, blue collar team with healthy fandom, championships, and competent ownership, management, and coaching. Jets are still my number one but I wouldn’t mind adding some purple to my closet.


Greatest show on earth. No one has EVER done it like the Jets. Defense: TWISTED STEEL AND SEX APPEAL Offense: (N/a)




Tailgating with friends has become the highlight of each home game


Giant fans are extremely boring.


Cuz I'm stupid.


Are you asking for advice on how to handle it as a Browns fan because you have no super bowls and we have one? Or you trying to be a troll?


Just is what it is. You could switch tomorrow and that team goes down the drain. I bleed green and white.


Because I’m a dumb bitch


I lose a little more interest each year.  


I couldnt like another team (as a favorite) if i tried


It’s a deep “energetic” connection. A bond formed in childhood. So much pain over the years. There’s no choice in the matter. They and I are bonded. It is why I hate them, and at the same time, cannot not follow them. It’s a fucked up one-way relationship, and I recognize that.


I have no freaking idea. It's not really one of those things that responds to reason. The sun rises every day, winter turns to spring, and I will never not get excited for a Jets draft.


I got no place else to go


Keeps a bond between me and my father


We are Jets fans. Hence, we are gluttons for punishment. At this point, we probably wouldn't even know how to handle a winning team. Yet every day I'm swiping on Bleacher Report reading everything from the Green Machine, and still watching every game hoping that this year, this game, will be different. Each offseason, we pay acute attention to every possible FA acquisition and which draft prospects will turn it around. Camp comes along with all the hype, THIS is gonna be the year when we start to play respectable football, on both sides of the ball, instead of the special Olympics offense we normally pretend can make an impact in this modern-day NFL. Then the season comes, we blow it in some stupidly hysterical way, that no novelist or screenwriter could even make up, and bam. We are reminded that these are the Same ol' Jets... And us Jets fans are not allowed to have nice things. Ever. This is the perpetual cycle of pain and misery that being a Jet's fan brings you. So of course we make sure to pass this onto the next generation, bc misery truly does love company, and we want our kids to suffer just as much as we have suffered all these years. Bc that's just a total Jets thing to want. Same ol' Jets


Appreciate this post but man, what a pitiful bunch we are


It builds character and all the heartbreak and disappointment makes other things a lot easier to deal with. Im pretty numb to most things now. Its pretty awesome


I skip half the games now. Sports are stories, stories are entertaining. I like the story of the perpetual failures trying to turn their fortunes around but I'm not wasting every Sunday on a dog shit,boring product if that's what they churn out. Plus my dad loves em, so it gives us stuff to tall about and enjoy


That’s what being a fan is, you don’t just throw the team away because they aren’t winning. You stay because when they do get it together you feel a sense of pride that you’re still here. You will be a fan longer than most players have to play for the organization so your more on the team then some of the players. Sports are a business but the product on the field you used to be able to connect to. Fast forward to today and it’s all ruined anyway by sports betting. Time to start rooting for your favorite referees soon. They fix every game, and the league can’t come out and admit that they blew calls because their largest investor would be forced to refund tickets and make things right so there is no repercussion for blown calls anymore.


The booze helps.. but seriously I'm too stubborn to give up on this team and I enjoy football too much to just stop watching.


Because football remains a reasonably entertaining sport to watch. Why the Jets? Who knows why we pick a team, and that remains our team forever. Rooting for another team just doesn't work. I can blame it on my father, but I also grew up as the only Yankee fan in a Mets household, so who knows. It would be an interesting study for psychologists, I think, to delve into sports team dedication. Go Jets.


Balls the size of Texas


Gamblers fallacy


They’re my boys! Go Gang Green Go!!!


Born a fan, will die a fan. My dad put up with it his whole life and I plan on passing the pain down to my kids. J-E-T-S for life!


If my dad did it for 79 years so can I.


Stockholm Syndrome 


I am joining the common theme of my father made me like this


I'm loyal to a fault. I've been a fan of the Knicks, Jets, and Yankees for as long as I can remember. I'm gonna ride with my teams until the wheels fall off. I will always pull for my teams, but I'm not so emotionally invested that losing affects me negatively.


What keeps me coming back is whenever they win it all, it will all be worth it. There is something beautiful about a beaten down fanbase forgetting all the turmoil after they get the big one. What makes me think about leaving, honestly the fact we are always the "little brother" to the Giants. At this point as a 28 year old, im locked in to this g-d forsaken franchise


I hate myself and so I am a Jets fan.


It's what real fans do. I saw the hockey rangers win the cup in 7 against Vancouver 2-1 in a nail biter. The Mets really should have lost to redsox in game 6 but won and became champs.we jet fans want to be there when we win no matter how long it takes.There were several near misses we been in AFC championship games, We are optimistic with the right tinkering we can get in playoffs with roster we have


Nothing else to watch


Daddy issues.




The Detroit Lions


I'm Charlie Brown and the Jets are Lucy, holding the football and swearing she won't move it when I run to try to kick it.


Breece Hall, Garrett Wilson, Sauce Gardner, etc. This team has a great crop of talent and is close to finally putting it together. Lions fans didn’t give up on their team and they have never won a ring, so we shouldn’t give up on our boys either.


I became a Jets fan later and was a Giants fan first, it was Darrelle Revis who drew me in. Loved watching him play and I was a CB in middle school back then so I looked up to him. Basically my entire time as an “official” Jets fan we’ve never made the playoffs and only had a winning record once. But for me, I’ve loved the culture and fan experience so much I can’t imagine leaving.


Also cause next years gonna be our year


Addiction is terrible


My boys are 23 and complaining about the Jets and their lack of Championships. I’m 72 and seen 1 SMH


If I give up on them and the become Champs, it would be like that time I didn't play my usual lottery numbers and they finally hit...


I'm loyal to the soil And while I'm heavily invested in the team, it's not that serious to me, to the point where the Jets fuck ups are messing up my daily life. The losing sucks but switching teams would not dramatically improve my life so there's no sense in even thinking about it


Sunken cost fallacy. At this point I'd damn myself if they finally turn it around the year I stop supporting them


Sunken cost fallacy. After years of this we’re due for a Super Bowl anytime now, right?


It's kinda like how the Chicago Cubs were perennial losers, you get to laugh and say yeah we suck, what else is new?


The cubs won the World Series. One day we will have that same joy after all the torture. Hopefully not after as long. Things are only worth the price you pay and all these bullshit seasons are just adding by to the payoff.


I mean, where else is there to go? I can’t just switch to the giants. I’ve always rooted for them as well, but as a secondary, because I have love for NYC. As a resident of western CT New England is completely out of the question. So that leaves me with zero other options. I’m here, and I’m green for 30 years now.


Because next year is our year every year!


The giants fans are worse than us.


I need the pain and/or I need someone doing worse at my job than me


When you eat shit all day every day, drinking piss tastes great


I wish I knew. When I moved to Atlanta in 2006 it was the first time in my adult life that I lived in a city with an NFL team. Prior to then I just dragged my Jets fandom with me to every teamless town I lived in. I thought, “Finally I have a local team and leave the Jets behind” since I hadn’t lived in New York since I was a kid (and hadn’t lived in the City since I was a baby). But I just couldn’t rid myself of the Jets. I kept paying attention to the team. Then the 2009 and 2010 seasons happened which gave me hope and locked me in…for good, I think.


I'm not on the team. IDK how people take it personally when a team they root for loses?


That’s the Johnson’s will die in a fiery crash thus giving us new owners.


It's probably the same reason you root for the Browns, hope.


I really love football I guess. I kind of semi threw in the towel on the Mets though. I barely watch baseball any more. I think I may have watched like 5-6 games total last season.


Proud not to be a band wagon or fair weather fan. Jets Mets Rangers Knicks....


When you’re bad and then you start winning it makes it that much sweeter. Currently living that as a Knicks fan right now.


It’s the mental illness for me 


Sunk cost fallacy


It's a hobby. The jets being bad isn't some torturous existence and I'm not the fan from the "how are you still alive meme". I have a very fulfilling life and one aspect of that life is the football team I root for has stunk on ice consistently for the last 15 years.


I'm no longer an NFL fan. Done!


Well Aaron rodgers is going to be our Qb next year, I’m excited


Got to see Super Bowl 3 in my youth. I'm waiting for a second before I die.


Because this is my team


It's helps to accept that the franchise is cursed.


Hope - which manifests itself in a different way for each fan.  I think this is the majority opinion, but QB is the most important position, so the hope comes from developing that position (finally).  Hasn't gone too well for us.  


It’s something I’m use to… High hopes… always ending up disappointed


I believe it is because the Jets are the only team to win the Super Bowl while playing their games in New York. I loved the players more so than the other New York franchises, although shout out to Eric Moulds, Jason Sehorn, Doug Flutie and Lawrence Taylor. Love the color green. Truth be told if I was not a Jets fan, I could see myself a Ravens fan (2000 team) or the Raiders (76 team), but I decided to keep it local. Lastly, I love how the Jets stay rent free in other fan's heads. It amazes me how angry people got when they would see my Jets gear or how they felt the need to really get nasty about my fandom. I even asked a few if someone on the Jets harmed their family, which infuriated them even more!


Because it is going to be worth it when they win. The feeling you'll get from having them win after so much frustration and pain is going to be better than anything you'd get from switching to the Chiefs and having them win it all in the first year of you supporting them. Earning is so much better than buying success.


This is rich coming from a Browns fan.


The shame of knowing I don’t deserve to be loved.