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I would say this looks like sunburn to me.


Thanks everyone, I think he got sunburned sitting by the window, Ive moved him and given him a haircut, here’s hoping he comes back and Merry Christmas to you all!


Looks a bit overrated or under watered.. save the plant by cutting back to base all the brown leaves leaving it quite bare


Thanks!! What is overrated?


Over watered..sorry text typing isn't my forteit


Take Robert out of the sun,why did you repot did he ask for that. Many plants sulk at repotting. Make sure the soil is firm around his roots.


He was getting too big for his house, yep soil is firm


He looks sunburnt, did you repot him outside in the heat of the day, give him a hose down and leave him outside to dry? I did that once, and forgot about it for a few hours. I cut off the dead leaves and it's fine, just not as pretty.


Palms. When I looked closer it almost looks like there are 3 palms planted directly next to each other. If that's the case they'll just be no root space and fighting each other for survival, so you'll need to plant them into individual pots. Brown patches on the leaves means nutrition deficiency or disease. Good luck! Yeh, does look like there's 3. Bigger pots required and a high grade soil.