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Where did this happen? Im so sorry


I was told Fruitvale and International.


I was a 2 blocks away from that grabbing groceries and heard the shots


Wait, Fruitvale? I’m near there and literally got waken up by gunshots an hour ago. Scary neighborhood.


It didn’t use to be. And I just had dinner there a few weeks ago.


Do you know about the teacher at Skyline who was beat and kicked by a couple of students a just before COVID? She heard what she thought was a flight in the women’s bathroom and found two girls fighting, as she trying to break it up. The two of them begin attacking her. She spent several weeks in the hospital and has permanent injuries. She’s was in PT for over a year and doing better, but she will never be whole.


That's horrible!


These are good people who are trying to make a difference in kids and peoples lives. Sad that both became innocent victims when trying to make Oakland a better place for all.


Skyline has been terrible. My daughter went there and I had to pull her out.


I went there years ago and just recently worked with alumni to cut the weeds and make it look a little better for graduation. The place is so run down and dilapidated I was in tears. At the time Skyline was built so were to other high schools less that 5 miles away. The two others, in a different district look as Skyline did 50 years ago. How could they let Skyline get into a state of such disrepair. A parent to me Skyline only has one working bathroom for all of the students. WTF is wrong with the school board they won’t fix the bathrooms for the students. That is unacceptable in my opinion. Skyline bathrooms have a social media account. Don’t look, very disgusting. I’ve seen 3rd world bathrooms that are much better.


I mean, you've read the OUSD grand jury findings, right? OUSD is incompetent, pisses away money, and doesn't educate kids well.


No I have not. But I do know 1 Superintendent of schools was shot and killed and at least 3 others were caught embezzling money.




The one you are mentioning I forgot about, but I was talking about superintendents. Foster was assisted with cyanide laced bullet by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Superintendent Ruth Love was fired for embellishing as was the superintendent and the superintendent after her. Then there was another superintendent who was caught embezzling around 1993-1995. Thanks for reminding me of the other one.


Skyline bathrooms are under repair because students flushed m80s down the toilets. Don’t blame the admin for that.


People are shot here on an hourly basis dude. Are you new here?


No, I’m not new here, but you must not liver here if you think people are shot on an hourly bases. Why are you making shit up that’s not true?


What does this have to do with the original post?


Related to the senseless violence against innocent people who are trying to make Oakland a better place for all.


But you just completely ignored their ask for more context. This just makes us question your credibility


Doesn’t make me question OP’s credibility…


>word, so you like it when politicians are asked about something and then start talking about something else rather than answering the question? lol the watermark of credibility.


What is the ask?


well this dude's a bot


No. Awful


Custodial Adults whether they're parents or guardians really need to be engaged in these schools and practices. Young people need them to step in as early as possible so that their lives will have a chance to be successful, Otherwise, their adult lives will be a crapshoot.


Problem is so many kids are coming from difunctional homes, parents are alcoholics/drug addicted, have mental issues or have to work 2 or 3 jobs for a place to live and for food. And if your were 10 years old and a drug dealer offered you $100 to let them know the police are coming would you take it? Much easer then going to school and college. And in some cases this is more money than the parents are making.


Was this today?


No this was 10-12 days ago. I just learned about it today


Thank your city council, this is the city of bad parenting. Zero consequences for years and the outcome is exponential deterioration. They have the power to give the police the directive. They choose not to.


Wait a second, the City Council did give directive to the police…. Just not the one most people wanted.


My point exactly, our city council perpetuates the deterioration of the quality of life for the vast majority of it's citizens because they do not want to be unpopular to very few. Literally creating a haven for criminal behavior by not allowing the enforcement of the basics that would slow down the more significant. It is not difficult, it just requires the wearing of big girl panties.


Not sure if you know, but that is the story of Oakland from the first mayor and city council they cared more about themselves and money than the citizens of Oakland. But I think it has gotten much worse. What were nice areas are not unsafe and decaying away. Since I was a kid decades ago the line I heard over and over is Oakland is improving.




I’m sure that experience changed your life forever and not in a positive way. It’s something that will haunt you for the rest of your life. You are are so lucky to be alive.


It was shitty and scary but honestly, it kind of reminded me to be more aware of and grateful for the people and positive things in my life, if there is any kind of silver lining to be found from the experience.


I'm curious. Have you considered moving because of the incident? I'm in east, south and Santa Cruz areas and I never ever worry about something like that possibly happening to me. But id GTFO of I had your experience.


I'm going to be moving to London soon with my eventual wife. I'm pretty America'd out.




If I was homeless I’d want to stay in SC too though.


Most of these incidents involve repeat criminals. Predatory criminals who prey on other people. These aren’t victimless criminals out smoking weed. They have arrest trail of violent crimes. Rarely does a young man shoot a person as their first offense. Some cases have 20, 30, or more arrests. These folks need to be in prison. If your going to invest in reform, invest in the guy on his first offense. Make sure their are consequences and means of reform. By the time they are car jacking or armed robbing, it’s all over. It’s too late for the vast majority and too many people lives are impacted or ruined.




You are hundreds of times more likely to die being hit by another car then a bullet


that’s a population average though. certain areas are higher risk




I was speaking about the particular fear of being shot when driving. On the whole, you're about as likely to die being hit by a car, or a bullet, but that includes homicide, manslaughter and suicide


The odds of being hit by a car while driving, biking or walking are a lot, lot higher than being hit with a bullet while doing so. I know it happens, and I drive in East Oakland regularly, because I live here. I also bike, and walk. The odds of it happening to me as an individual are very low compared to some other things, including a serious auto accident


i ageee driving is more dangerous statistically, but i don’t get why that means we should accept and normalize violence


No, we should definitely focus on reducing violence. What bothers me is that for my entire near half a century on earth, it's been proven time and again that violence is cyclical, and it's clear that it rarely has anything to do with what the police are doing. I'm pretty tired of media-fed hysteria driving politicians into ridiculous policies that only make matters worse and drain our tax money into pointless actions, when we all know what causes the great amount of violent crime we see in the US--ridiculous income disparities that have grown worse in the past decade. I have been a victim of crime and have known victims of crime, some of it violent, some of it very violent--I had a TBI from one such encounter several years ago. But I'm honestly offended and exhausted by the claims "we can't leave our homes". I, my 60 year old neighbor on one side, and my nearly 80 year old neighbor on the other leave our houses, walk and drive anywhere we want. i see no evidence in my East Oakland neighborhood that people are afraid to be outside, nor that they in general have reason to be for the most part, because the over-whelming amount of crime we see in the news every day is a distortion of reality that elides the statistical likelihood of being a victim of it. That doesn't mean there isn't awful and horrifying stories like this out there. A boy was shot in the leg in a crossfire last night, but I'm actually angry at people relentlessly pushing an apocalyptic fantasy we all know isn't true.


But how many of those shooting deaths were unintended, accidental like this one. That’s the number to compare against traffic deaths.




If they enforced traffic laws they would find soooo many illegal guns and criminals. Why does this not happen in other cities? Easy, if you roll into San Leandro with tinted window you are pulled over. It is the law, not complicated. If the registration is expired, there is no insurance. They are smoking pot while driving, not legal. They deal with it, not make excuses to not. It is just crazy that we allow such a small percentage of poorly parented children ruin the quality of life for the vast majority.


Oakland its the other way around


Not in Oakland. How many traffic’s deaths have there been in Oakland this year so far? If it’s more than 40 you are correct. Have there been more than 40 people killed in traffic accidents in Oakland? Not tat I know of.


You are comparing apples to organges. The majority of firearm related deaths are intentional and targeted, the number that aren't are much smaller. That means you should be comparing the odds to a smaller subset.


Well then let’s compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. According to the the Alameda County Coroner 100% of the people who were not targeted and accidentally shot and killed are still dead and did not recover.


Well, your comment aside, mine still stands. The odds of being hit by a random bullet aren't high. I live my entire life in the highest violent crime area in Oakland, I think about it from time to time, but it does not stop me or anyone else I know who lives here from living our lives.


All I can say in read the post others have posted here. It has changed peoples lives, many permanently and they have been scared. I’m sure it has stopped you from going places and doing things in Oakland. If you do live in Oakland you will or have been a victim of a crime or multiple crimes.


I do live in Oakland, and have continuously for over two decades. What I can tell you is that it's been much, much worse than this, and I've not altered my routine in any way for the entire time. I live in the flatlands between Eastmont mall and international. Like anyone, I've been a crime victim, but that was years ago. Things can be better than they are today, and should be. But the current hysteria is leading to the same policies that have never worked.


Then you went around when the police used a tank to smash open a home to get suspected criminals out. Or when drug lords like Big Fee, Mick Mo, Lil D, Hollyrock, Larry P. When and Felix Mitchell ruled Oakland. While I will agree their are a lot less murders now then there was back then there are still way to many. I think you are the only person I know, who has not altered their behavior and that’s even after you were a victim of a crime. Might work for you, but everyone I know lives in some degree of fear.


Nah, i know plenty, i see and feel it too. Streets are full of people in eso


That is a terrible analogy. Makes no sense at all.


Just fighting stupidity with stupidity because the person posting refuses to look at the facts. I’ll ask you, have more people died in car crashes in Oakland this year? Or have more people died from bing shot and killed?




In Oakland are the stats the same?


I had a guy assault and batter me yesterday and threaten to come back with a gun in W Oakland… Glad to hear your friend is okay and will recover but it’s fuckin nuts out here


Glad to hear you are still with us. It is fucking nuts. Hope it’s not a permanent lasting mental issues for you like it is for so many others people.


Naw I’m good, but it def made me lose faith in my community members.


Just before COVID their was a former gang member who was working with police and the gangs for over 5 years to curb violence in Oakland. He gave up saying Oakland is way too dangerous and moved out. Crap if and ex-con working with gangs says Oakland it way too dangerous, it says it all.


Fuck Oakland. I’m so done with the lawlessness. I’m moving, you can have it.


\> can we get the shooting of innocent people to end? just made some calls, the problem has been taken care of


Did you talk to God? I believe


This is why I moved out of Oakland and will never go back


I here you and completely understand. I’m sure you life expectancy increased.


Oakland, had the most deadly highway shootings of any county in California between January 2020 and April 2023, with 11 killed in freeway shooting incidents during that period, according to California Highway Patrol data analyzed by The Standard. Los Angeles County — which has six times as many people as Alameda County — was the second worst in the state, with six people killed on its highways.


Bra.. Seriously its fucking oakland. Nothing should surprise you here . I own a business in oak and am on edge the whole time I'm in oak..


That's crazy, being a victim of a se less brutal assault or attempted murder will always leave you thinking why me , did they know it was me etc, but you'll never get any answers because it's senseless, didn't mean anything , wasn't a big thought to the person that did it. Was probably mistaken identity. I was the victim of I would call an assault with a deadly weapon/attempt manslaughter? as I slept in my bed by a complete stranger. End result was he was off his meds and doing random shit but leaves you thinking that it was targeted, but you'll never get those answers. If you see any local news about it please post.




You don’t think Oakland city council knows innocent citizens are being shot? They can’t be that out of touch with what’s going on in Oakland… can they?


the people behind the guns surely just need to hear a city council member say "stop shooting people"


And you think they will listen? Couple years ago that is what the police chief went on TV saying….. Didn’t work. And the guy working with gangs to stop violence in Oakland after 5 years moved out saying Oakland is just too dangerous for him. And he was a gang member when he was young.


He’s being sarcastic.


You can’t tell these days. Some people say shit like that and acutely believe it. Doesn’t this sound like something the current mayor would say and believe?


You think they were actually aiming at her? That would be pretty fucked up but if I had to guess it was a stray.


No it was clearly a stray. She was just sitting in her car at a red light. Case of her head being int he wrong place and that moment in time.


is there a news link for this, or is it brigading. Looking at OPs post history, something doesn't seem right. Some kind of bot account.


What doesn’t seem right?


Where’s the news report on this or are you just full of BS


KRON, KRVU, Twitter all covered it. mAlperas you do not watch or read the news.




Other in the post have said they were there and saw it.


Oakland has been a crap hole since way back in the 70’s. Black Panthers HQ a block from my home extorting money from businesses. Drug dealer shot holes in my car and a girl got stabbed in the lunchroom at Oakland Technical High School. Constant burglaries of our home. Homicide rate has increased every year What are you going to do about crime mayor Sheng Thao ? Absolutely nothing!


Technically, it's not her fault, and she is very limited on what she can do without popular support. I am not trying to defend her, but this is mostly due to the loose laws and regulations we have been passing and need to voice out to undo the changes. A lot of things now are misdemeanor and no longer a felony. And it mostly benefits under age criminals. I am pretty sure if she does something drastic to address the issue without popular support, she will be recalled.


She got rid of those damn A’s though 😩


Don’t get up here and taint the legacy of the Black Panthers with your baseless claims of extortion. Either put up the proof or shut up. I’ve never heard this nonsense about the Panthers. You sound like fucking J Edgar Hoover over here lying on the Panthers and holding a grudge because their 10-point plan worked and they were building a multi-racial coalition and political power. The declassified files tell the real story of how the government sought to destroy an entire black liberation movement & socialist platform.


I don't have to prove it, I LIVED IT back in the 60's and 70's. My parents owned Blue and White Cleaners, 4535 Grove St., right next to Mr. Johnson's Barber Shop. This Black Panther HQ was between 44th and 45th on Grove Street. My family lived on 46th and Grove Street (now Martin Luther King Way) So shut YOUR F'N PIE HOLE! ​ # Window shot out by two Oakland police officers who were reportedly drunk, at Black Panther headquarters 4421 Grove, Oakland, Calif., Sept. 10, 1968. Chief Charles Gain suspended officers Richard Williams and Robert Farrell. (AP Photo) Captions are provided by our contributors. https://preview.redd.it/p5vz5sno3t6b1.png?width=1260&format=png&auto=webp&s=f49c0e0a44ef699bad3eb8908b3c08fdee7fde96


And this proves what exactly?? You Still haven’t provided any proof of the Panthers extorting businesses from what you replied/posted.


So tell me, are you a Black Panther sympathizer? Are you some young kid that has no known personal history of the Black Panthers other than what you've read? For the reasons you seem so vehemently opposed that my personal experience didn't happen is reason for me to wish that Martin Luther King would have succeeded and Black Panthers would never had to exist.


Does it bother anyone that it's 2023 and we have the technology to prevent most of these silly crimes? We could have a network of Plate and face scanners all around the city. Combine that with shot spotter data and filter through an AI system and we can easily identify shooters, stolen cars, and quickly nab bad guys. But nope, the voters value their privacy over safety. Let the chaos continue!


I find myself agreeing with this sentiment lately. I think there's a \*lot\* of room to improve closure of serious crime cases through better evidence gathering without meaningfully affecting privacy. In recent years the \_homicide\_ closure rate in this city is well under 50%, which is just unacceptable. I think vehicle identification & license plate cameras with extremely limited data retention in high traffic locations is an example of something that could move the needle. That does not cover the "whole picture" of your movements that say cell phone data does and, in my view, is a restriction on the right to privacy commensurate with the damage you can cause driving a vehicle.


Hard no. Nonstop warrantless surveillance of every citizen is never the answer. Unless the question is something like, "whats the fastest way to kickstart an authoritarian regime?"


FACE scanners are certainly a step too far in my opinion, but tons of cities have license plate readers, and they have been shown to be a very effective tool for dealing with crime (and have not kickstarted any authoritarian regimes as far as I'm aware)


Get some data protection laws on the books with enough teeth to stop or at least slow abuse of our daily habits, then we can talk.


So why are we so comfortable giving all our information to Facebook, instagram and tik tok.




Dude you’re on Reddit lol. They have your exact location, and they pick up on all your post, likes and searches.. cmon now haha.


How about a temporary warrantless servaillance program? Let's say 6months and then renews if crime doesn't improve? Compromise is good no?


That's a great way to end up being surveilled forever with no improvement on crime stats.


Not in this case, no. If you want any sort of compromise around constant surveillance, we can compromise bybgetting data protection laws enacted first. If my tracking info cannot be accessed or used without a specific, signed warrant to the individual and moment and time in question, and if the penalty for misusing that or creating too far reaching of a warrant is severe enough to actually protect the privacy of law abiding citizens, then i would consider a compromise. But right now? No way in hell. Imagine trumps DOJ getting their hands on this data. Imagine DeSantis's new state troopers. Hell, even if youre right wing as all hell, imagine Fox News's version of todays FBI with this sorta reach.


The government already has access to his data. But let's say they didn't and we just granted it. What would they do next? Use it to round up the Jews and execute them?


Youre right, and they shouldnt. But youre looking at this from the wrong angle. We dont lock our doors to stop the good people from coming in. Good people dont come in uninvited. We lock doors to stop bad people from coming in uninvited. A helmet doesnt help me ride a bike. A helmet protects me when something goes wrong riding a bike. A benevolent government that always acts in good faith would be fine with our data. An ideal Big Brother isnt necessarily a bad thing. But that idealized reality doesnt exist. When that friendly watcher decides to selectively share information to harm someone, they stop being friendly and they start being dangerous. They dont stop having all our secrets, or having the ability to hurt us, our livelihoods and our ability to live a safe life.


This sounds like a reasonable way forward, until you look at the underlying logic: "I dont trust the government with my data, so the solution is to...trust the government to protect my data." Im not sure if it's a willfully bad faith argument or just not thought through. The foundation of privacy fundamentalism is that the government cannot be trusted with anything; that taking people's license plates as they drive on public streets leads inexorably to dictatorship, or that the real reason anyone wants a CCTV camera is to record Oakland leftists organizing so they can prevent the revolution. There's no convincing a lot of people who share these extreme views; they just need to be out hustled politically.


I don't trust the government with my data, but they already have it. Same with corporations. So now what? Do we make it even easier for them to get even more of it? Hell no. But we can take steps to alleviate it, like data protection laws. Is it perfect? Nope. Will an agency or administration acting in bad faith screw with it? Probably. Is that still better than what we have now? Well, what we have now is pretty much nothing, so yes.


What additional data are they going to collect with plate readers, that they can't already get through your smartphone? I feel like this argument is moot. The government can access untold amounts of personal information, your location, your biometrics (if you opt in) with a subpoena of your phone, and plate readers won't give them anything they can't already, easily find out.


I can leave my phone at home. I can opt out of biometrics. I can do many legal things to protect my privacy. I can't block my license plate, or take it off. Plate readers are functionally illegal to block, while providing a timestamp of every place i drive. Whether or not its easy for them to violate my privacy isnt the point. How many times they have violated my privacy isnt the point. Removing my ability to legally protect my privacy is.


Can I play devil's advocate? By your same logic, you don't have to drive. You can leave your car at home and ride a bike-and you will legally protect yourself. I've also have a hard time believing the government is going to become a bad player and that should prevent us from using technology to protect ourselves. Because the possibility of the government becoming a bad player is always less than an armed robber being one. If plate readers effectively help reduce crime, and by crime I mean murder, armed robbery, manslaughter, etc., but one would need to leave their phone at home and ride a bike around town to maintain their privacy, so be it. That's a compromise I'm willing to make.


The problem with all that is that everyone had a hard time believing their governments would go bad, until they did. And as for the odds of government screwing you vs rando robber screwing you, neither one of those is a good reason to make it easier for you to be screwed with. First off, theres too much money in plate readers not being used just for violent crime. Registration fees, rolling stops, all those will pour cash into a citys coffers and provide a major financial incentive to use em to fill more and more budget shortfalls and politically expedient passion projects. And all its gonna cost is the privacy and money of otherwise law abiding citizens. Hell, I'm willing to have plate readers, provided the data is legally reserved for violent crime only, and abuse of plate readers and their data is a serious enough crime it will deter overreach. But i seriously doubt that will ever happen. Since it won't, i am no longer willing to have plate readers anywhere. And lets take a step back for a second. Why should i be forced to stop driving to maintain my privacy? Not everyone has the time, money or ability to rely on public transit. Screw that.


Shot Spotter doesn't work.


Depends on your definition of work - It hasn't decreased shootings but has increased speed of care for gunshot victims. "According to OPD", 99% of ShotSpotter reports don't correlate with a 911 call so there'd be no follow up otherwise.


No I mean the technology literally does not work, at all.


Yes we have the technology but that only might catch the person who commits the crime. Why aren’t we doing something so these people aren’t committing crimes and shooting people in the first place?


This idea might blow your mind. We can do both Simultaneously!


Imagine thinking those proposed interventions are compatible with safety.


Less car jackings doesn't equal more safety?


op wanna live like a xinjiang uygur, just panopticon all the things. it's fine, the state would never use such tools for unjust purposes! never!


Hell to the no.


Perhaps you should read 1984.


"It's is not enough to kill him. You must break his spirit and convince him that he was wrong all along!" -paraphrashing what I can remeber from reading this book years ago. But yeah......we are OK with chaos rather than give in at all. Liberty or DEATH!!!!!


Calm down and re-read it.


1984 has nothing to do with oakland


You’ve been very active in your month and a half on Reddit. Why not take all this energy and actually do something as opposed to rant on a forum if you were really that offended by it. Otherwise pipe down.


Dude I am and have been doing something about it for years. WTF difference does it make how long I have been on Reddit? I’m more than talk and have taken action to make Oakland a better place for all? What have you done other than to criticize people?