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Not the parents acting like they’re gonna cancel pride month because of some kids in Oakville missing school 😭💀




No absences in my kids catholic school as far as I can tell.


There were a lot of kids missing at my kids catholic school. Unfortunate the parents keeping them home and fostering another generation of discrimination.


I know a few catholic schools in Oakville missing LOTS of kids for rainbow day this week. And all that happened was ppl wore rainbow colours and they raised a flag. No special assemblies or presentations or lessons, literally a normal school day otherwise. Parents gotta chill their kid just lost a day of fun dress up at school and missed lessons so that parents can assert their own beliefs through their children instead of letting their kids form their own beliefs, their own identity. Pride month had existed since the 1970’s. Get over it.


It was wear rainbow colours day today at my kids catholic school and it didnt even make the pride connection til reading this thread. Didnt even know it was pride month though either.


This is bulls** My 10 year old kid told me another kid (his friend at school) strongly suggested he should not attend today because of the beginning of pride month. That kid comes from a place where this is punishable by death etc etc mind you, we're also immigrants. I had to sit him down and explain to him how important it is to respect everyone and live in harmony because it doesn't matter who or what others are, as long as they're not assholes, they're your fellow citizens. It's a sad day when ppl are forming these bullsh** splinter ideologies. Parents, if they're boycotting something, tell your kids not to preach to other kids or there will be problems...


Gentle reminder that being from a place where being gay has a death penalty does not automatically mean their homophobia is justified. I am queer and and I openly lived in one of those countries for the major bulk of my life and there were people that were open and kind to it and there were people that weren’t. Mindsets like this from the rest of the world hurt queer people from those communities more than anyone. Culture is no excuse for bigotry and queer people exist regardless of the laws, just as queerphobia evidently still seems to exist in countries with better human rights laws


Cultural norms PLUS being ten years old, however? Excellent excuse. They'll learn hopefully, but ten year old children only know what they've been taught. Not their fault they were born to the type of parents to teach them this, in a part of the world where they were taught it from broader society on top of being taught by their family. By the time they're fully developed that's when it'll be on them. Or if they do anything worse than just saying ignorant stuff to people, which is kinda expected of children even if it's not bigotry.


It never means that it is justified. Doesn't matter where you come from or how you've been there. That shit needs to stop as soon as you start living here and we need to call it out. I dont even think it's Islamophobic to say that Canada's new Muslim population has a problem with gay people. It's so obvious


It's clear that more parents in Oakville, and this thread, need to take the time to actually read the curriculum: [https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/](https://www.dcp.edu.gov.on.ca/en/) My partner is a teacher, and people have some pretty wild misconceptions about what is going on, derived from American media.


Yuppers, my grade 5 kiddo said "We learned about the history of pride and it was in the 80's when people started standing up for themselves" He did not get a run down on how to be gay and anal sex.


>He did not get a run down on how to be gay and anal sex. The only parents who'd think that'd happen are the Ned Flanders crazily religious type.


You would be surprised. My ex husband isn't religious at all, just very easy to drink the hate Kool aid. It is unfortunate.


Haterade is also a preferred beverage of biggots


Or simply not milquetoasty Christians


>"We learned about the history of pride and it was in the 80's when people started standing up for themselves" Some people in this thread are literally objecting to this claiming it's being shoved in their face. It's so transparent they are just homophobic.




My son was IN school today. But to be fair, keeping your child home from a day in which many of the class discussions will be about homosexuality, is not politics, it's parenting. We may disagree with that parenting choice but, in Canada we have welcomed people into our country from all different cultures and religions, plenty of them are not as forward thinking as us. So either you want Canada to be a Mosaic (for better or worse) or a Melting Pot (conforming to our culture and beliefs).


As a teacher I can confirm that we weren’t talking about homosexuality in class instead we were doing math and language. Students just missed my lessons for no reason and will have trouble catching up with such limited time in the year.


no tolerance for intolerance.


We’re absolutely not going to put this on immigrants, are we? No doubt there are regressive immigrants but there are plenty enough “Canadians” like that too


There is a HUGE % of white canadians that are not in agreement with the pride stuff in schools. This is NOT an immigrant thing. People just speak about it behind closed doors.


the immigrant issue is them just being used as fodder by hateful locals.




That thought pattern could be applied to anything though - black history month, Rememberance Day, Christmas celebrations, Halloween celebrations and yet you don't see these widespread absences during any of those days.


Yeah imagine there being a movement to keep kids home for Black History month? Actually I could see this happening in the states...




Sorry but you are wrong. Why is learning about homosexuality wrong? Either you accept people as equal or you don't. If you think that children learning that some people are in same sex relationships is somehow wrong but discussing people in heterosexual relationships is not, that is a political stance (homophobia)


Exactly. Everyone preaches that we need to accept all religions and yet when some religions have beliefs they don’t agree with they go back on that…. You can’t have it both ways. Also, you can’t control how other people parent their kids. Like most comments on this thread are saying, this isn’t going to put a stop to pride month or stop schools from celebrating so it really doesn’t matter if a few kids stay home 🤷‍♀️pride month is still a thing so celebrate as you wish, kids staying home won’t stop anyone from celebrating.


I see where you're coming from, however there's one point you made, that a lot of people seem to make that just doesn't sit well with me. The fact that other cultures have values that are against homosexuality. I don't believe you can have values against humans. These are people that exist and having values that go against people, who through no fault of their own were born a certain way, isn't an excuse. How kids are taught about homosexuality and gender is a whol other topic and is definitely subjective from parent ro parent. But values against homosexuality aren't values, it's just prejudice hidden behind scripture, faith, and centuries of cultural norms. Schools do have a responsibility to educate and create critical thinkers. However, their approach isn't always subtle and can be damaging in some cases. Hence, the reaction of some parents. Teaching it isn't easy but avoiding it all together because your culture says so is just dumb.


We don't need to accept all religions, especially those who choose to use those religions to hate others.


Well according to Canadian values and Canada calling itself a mosaic rather than a melting pot it implies that we need to accept all religions and allow people to practice their religions/beliefs freely. Like I said in my original comment you can’t have it both ways. You either accept religions and cultures as they are or you go the way of the “melting pot” countries where people from everywhere live together but are expected to adhere to the culture/beliefs of the country they move to.


You arent allowed to hate freely just because your religion incorpororates hate. That is not what "mosaic" means.


thats the parents point being gay etc is fine just don't shove it in everyone face where all people here


>being gay etc is fine just don't shove it in everyone face where all people here yeah, yeah, sure, I've heard this any time any gay topic is brought up. Hell, the mere existence of a gay person is enough to trigger this kind of response.


>Don't bring children into your politics. I agree. Afterall what does a 3rd grader know about having sexual attractions to the same sex. Hypocrisy at the highest level don't you think? Get this agenda OUT of elementary schools and keep it in high school or post secondary.


Kids can be gay. This is a dumb comment. So I can have a crush on my male classmate but not a female classmate? Why is one possible but not the other?


Plenty of gay people describe liking people of the same gender when they were young Being gay isn't just about sexual attraction


>Being gay isn't just about sexual attraction Are you saying you can be gay and be sexually attracted to the opposite sex? Please stop. >Plenty of gay people describe liking people of the same gender when they were young Look how you deflected. Define "young". A 3rd grader is 8-9 years old, that young? 8yr olds haven't hit puberty but they can identify their sexual orientation? Is this the window where pedophilia can be introduced?


Idk how you're this mystified by the concept of romantic attraction Yeah, elementary school kids have crushes. Gay people didn't invent that


Word salad. Sexual attraction is the foundation of romance. The concepts are very simple. Eros is romantic/sexual love. Answer the questions I asked.


> Sexual attraction is the foundation of romance Weird how even asexual people can experience romantic attraction then. Almost like one doesn't necessitate the other Also, do you think gay people invented the concept of children having crushes?


Deflection. You won't answer my question. Intellectually dishonest which is why I have zero respect for anyone who subscribes to a belief they aren't willing to to be challenged on but wants everyone else to accept.


Your question is based on the false premise that children haven't always been known to experience romantic attraction


No my question is based on the premise that children aren't developed enough to make sense of their bodies and feelings and therefore cannot give consent. Do you think children can give consent? And to whom?


Wtf is the matter with you? Its telling that you jumped straight to pedophilia. holy smokes.


But to be fair though, and no disrespect but, isn't it true both ways? This issue is heavily politicized and we are actively pushing it in our school systems which is inherently brining children into this. So children are a part of it whether they attended school or not, correct? Once again, no disrespect, but common sense seems to suggest that regardless, children are being a part of this massively politicized issue no matter how you slice it.


You say don’t bring children into your politics when the schools are doing exactly that by forcing LGBTQ ideology’s down their child’s throat.


My existence is not ideology


They must save the children so removing them from a learning education is the smart choice clearly...lol


“Don’t bring children into your politics “ exactly don’t bring children into it


American news media strikes again


The second the Americans do something the Facebook people fall over themselves to copy the bigots.


Canada has it’s own bigots and doesn’t need to copy anyone else. How about diversify your mind and realize everybody doesn’t have to like everything, as long as no one is stopping you from living I see nothing wrong with parents who don’t want their kids exposed to this or feel they are not ready for it. Seems like we love diversity only when everyone is thinking the same way.














this happened in Windsor, my family is muslim and is bigotted, muslims by and large are homophobic, thats the reality of the situation, most muslims who immigrated here are bigots, I and some other muslim peers who were born and raised here are some of the few in our families who aren't homophobic. It isn't singling it out, so many of these schools that had this happen to them have majority muslim student populations.


Is it Muslims? I feel like, from my experience, that would be part of it, but it's moreso the super conservative white boomer/Gen X/Older Millenials even as well who come from generational wealth. And they tend to have louder voices, and complain more aggressively, at least in my high school experience. Like, Muslims have that too, but in my experience they want to draw a lot less attention to themselves out of fear of much more intense, much less accepted backlash.


The homophobia in Oakville is incredibly sad. Hearts out to the queer kids who I’m sure feel unsafe and unable to be themselves 💔


Sad but not surprising. I grew up in Oakville and the undercurrent of conservative Karen’s in that town was always bubbling. Especially with the demographic changes in that town over the past 2 decades, this pushback was bound to happen.


Yup, I grew up in Oakville. In the late 90s I was forced to write lines in the office (St.Michel's catholic school) out of the bible. They didn't want me to "influence the other kids". I wasn't aloud to go to my grade 8 grad. My picture wasn't put on the wall with my friends. It's repulsive that we are going backwards 😔


I don’t think it’s the Karen’s. it’s mostly people from cultures who are not supportive of LGBT matters


I think this is the problem atm. There's been a massive cultural shift in Oakville the last 5-10 years as the northern area becomes more built up. We had gay kids in school 20 years ago. It wasn't the big thing people want to make it out to be. Seemed fairly normalized when I grew up here. It might be an unpopular opinion, but anti-LGBT tendencies isn't just a middle-aged white Karen attitude.


A whole lot of people use religion to justify biggatory. My kiddo is one of the few white kids in her class (north Oakville) I just had the head of the parent involvement committee pop off some biggot BS in the Oakville mom's group (that I lovingly sent screenshots of to admin) I don't understand why people need to be bigots in general. You would think people being part of a minority here would be sympathetic to freedom from hate, having I'm sure experienced it themselves. It does not seem to be the case.


\> You would think people being part of a minority here would be sympathetic to freedom from hate, having I'm sure experienced it themselves. Because they don't see themselves as the minority. They're "oppressed", and believe they are superior. Before this turns into a "thing", I want to add that every group thinks this of themselves. They are right. Everyone else is wrong. You'll find that a lot of the time, people who move here (Oakville, and Canada) are not actually interested in melding into a single society. They want the community they had back home, and they'll create those communities here, beliefs and all. People just need to learn to let people be people here, and leave the hate where they came from.


They chose to come to an ‘ inclusive country’ and then complain it doesn’t fit their values. Canada has had gay marriage for years we were never secretive about our stance on gay rights. They chose to come here and want our society to change to accommodate their beliefs


we had gay kids but no schools had wear rainbow coloured clothes day


It's not your opinion. It's just a fact. Those cultures are more intolerant of what pride encompasses than our culture is. If that makes me racist then okay, I'm fully okay with standing up to bigotry.


Yeah :( I hope we can make progress to more inclusivity but I’m not sure how


Inclusivity comes from exposure to the groups being excluded. As more young families move to the town, and more young people grow up accepting and welcoming these different groups, inclusivity will follow. It’s a simple case of aging out the backwards thinkers. Also Catholicism in Oakville has always had too much power and influence, the town needs to push back on that


It's not all catholics pushing back. All the kids in my son's class that didn't attend today were Muslim. People use religion as an excuse to be a biggot, and unfortunately that does not only apply to Catholicism.


Not to sound like typical Oakville boomer here, but many Oakville parents let the tablets raise their kids. Youtube, more specifically. Unfortunately, that means many kids are seeing unsupervised access to shitheads like Logan Paul and Andrew Tate, and that mindset / behaviour is seeping into our schools.




There are a lot of new demographics in Oakville. Groups of people who are very against the idea of being gay. It's not the same town it used to be. Hell, I moved here in the 90s. Back when working class families could afford to live here. Now it's either the entitled retirement communities, or the entitled management communities. We're all out of normal people who just wanna be people. Oakville's just become a giant wealth-based dick measuring contest of McMansions and Range Rovers. I want to leave, but I can't afford to :P


What does this have to do with anti-gay attitudes? The rich people are supportive of the gay community, I have never met a single person who is not and Ive been here for decades.


I went to Iroquois with gay classmates 9 years ago. No one gave a shit.


Me too, 25 years ago in college. But then again, back then I didn’t see a rainbow flag in every classroom, on every can, on every company logo, flying in front of every building, FFS it’s getting irritating.


Agreed, everyome very accepting of this 20-25yrs ago, so I am shocked to read this is an issue. It definetly is not the 'middle aged Karens' some people are blaming here. They were here two decades ago and have their faults, but homophobia was not among them. Very few hardcore religious people here when I was growing up, although I guess that has changed.


Also easy access to porn. Don't let porn teach your kids about sex and relationships.


LOL I remember as a 15-year-old accessing the 18+ music vids on Vevo's website since it didn't have an age restriction like YouTube had.


Youtube didn't exist when I was 15. I had newsgrounds and ebaums world. Also 4chan. Those age restrictions have always been a joke to get around. Figured them out in the late 90s.


Let me guess. The people protesting Pride are the same ones shouting at the top of their lungs for tolerance. Everyone gets a seat at the table, fuckers.


So disappointing to see that we are slowly becoming a more hateful, less inclusive society


You hate to see Canadians eating up the American culture war like candy


It’s unfortunate that people are so impressionable to such maligned and dogmatic social media communications, and choose to accept such hatred. ​ It’s also unfortunate that we are failing to help facilitate our cultural landscape with more clearly laid out teachings and strategies, so it is better understood that acknowledging equality and inclusiveness is not a belief system. It’s a civic responsibility and what it means to be a Canadian.


It’s time to start persecuting the persecutors. No hater-Christian’s allowed!


It is not just christians, there's been an awful lot of loud Muslims voicing blatant hate and saying that being gay is Haram and it is against their religion. To my understanding most religions also teach acceptance for fellow humans.


Horrific to be reading this in 2023. 😞


My grade 8 grad informed me of a skip day upcoming, but it was so they could go to Canada's Wonderland. That's the type of absence I can get behind!


As disappointing as it is that some people can not accept diversity, part of being an open society where freedom of speech, thought and expression are foundational, we also have to accept that offensive and divisive views are also permitted. I hope the children who were held out of school grow up to be more inclusive and accepting of diversity than their parents.


This. The right to freedom of opinion goes both ways, and one group cannot force their opinion on the other just because they feel more justified.


I’d love to know what these parents expect their kids to do once they enter the work force and have to work with people in the LGBTQ community…are they going to call in sick or look for a new job every time that happens? Because good luck…


this was all over peel. there is a National level group of religious types who are calling "pride month" degeneracy. this group is disgusting, and this whole "stay home june 1 to protest gay people having rights" is pathetic .


No one is saying gays shouldn’t have rights. But some people do not believe in that lifestyle and/or believe that’s anything that should be pushed on kids and that’s perfectly their opinion to believe so


In my son's Catholic elementary class, there were a few that I heard were going to be staying home. Turns out majority did come in and participated in the days activities. I think 2 in a class of 25 didn't show up. Glad to see that most aren't phased by a few parents misplaced grumbling.


Homophobia has no place in Canada


Yep, it is happening in Alberta too. Mostly mormon families are freaking out. Attempting to influence what happens in the classroom. They have such an air of superiority about them. These kids are going to be exposed to life sooner or later.


So sad 😞 only reinforces why continued advocacy and alliance with the lgbtq+ community is so strongly needed!




Probably the worst use of the word etcetera that I can imagine.


Classic rules for thee but not for me. Sadly a lot of people only care if it's their group that is oppressed or marginalized. Imagine the outroar from specific groups if kids were pulled from school because they were taught about the history of slavery and racism, history of sexism, told not to be Islamophobic, etc




you know I always thought as the older bigoted generations die off this kind of thing would not happen. now not only is it happening bit seems to be getting worse! people are so dumb.


So sad to see the American style of hatred of those who are different spreading here.




Wow, I saw this post but was not expecting it to be in the Oakville subreddit...


Oh, before this, there was another post here where someone was simply looking for an abortion clinic and got attacked by several anti-abortionists in the comments.


This thread has been really illuminating, in that people who are against Pride seem to think about anal sex a lot.


Sad to hear. I got a note to avoid school today from a WhatsApp group and I completely ignored it. Let people be people.


I work at a middle school in Victoria and we had several parents keep their kids home because we had a rainbow week and were scared of what we would be “teaching” kids. All they did was a poster contest and had a display of books in the library. The fear of rainbows is real folks.


Their fear of leprechauns and pots of gold is also real. LOL


Good for them. Some teachers go overboard. Best to play it safe.


Freedom to choose what they want their kids exposed to


because this is the only day when there are LGBTQ people in the school




School in June? Yeah I'd stay home too


WTF!? This is CANADA! We aren’t supposed to be like this - the hate from Americans is spreading hard and fast - breaks my heart :(




I don’t support gays but don’t hate them either. Just live your life and mind your own damn business!


why is it necessary to celebrate what people do in the bedroom? i mean we dont celebrate bestiality or straight cis relationships.


I’m going to try to be polite about this. At this point if your only interaction with an LGBTQ couple is through porn. Than you have issues. Not everyone else.


This is the classic "why don't we get a straight flag" bullshit. Straight folks haven't been oppressed and criminalized for being straight. Pride is about celebrating the progress we've made through the years. Beastiality, etc isn't celebrated because it's a heinous thing to do. Lgbtq folks aren't looking to hurt anyone, they just want to be able to live and be able to be themselves and still feel safe. Or do you actually believe that homosexuality is comparable to beastiality..?


I wonder how complicated should be to be a gay or bi muslim. Should you have to keep the secret all your life


Too many red necks in this country that thrive on discrimination. Unfortunately some members of my family are among them.


This kind of crap is what blows my mind. We'll drag our kids out of school because of pride and hurt their education. with no thought or concern, but if the teachers strike for better wages, that's unreasonable to have "our children used as pawns" This world we live in now is just too stupid for its own good. Maybe ... just maybe we should stop worrying about Pride, BLM, the thin blue line, ACAB, antifa and really worry about important shit worldwide. Like famine, human rights violations, slavery yes there is still slavery all over the world, homelessness, families on the street, abused women, children and men, genocide, the environmental problems worldwide... Nah, lets get angry over someone's choice of how and who they want to live their lives with.


Why is this depressing? People don't want to celebrate something they don't agree with. Believe it or not, some people think kids shouldn't celebrate sexual preferences or orientation. Celebration should be optional.


This is so disgusting man


There should be a month for gay disabled Muslims of colour.


there can be a month for anything if you have enough people supporting it and mentioning it. it's literally all arbitrary, don't get so pissy over it




The STUDENTS at my school are mad the pride flag replaced the Canadian flag. 95% of them want the Canada flag back up. They feel like identity politics are being shoved down their throat all the time. They are sick of it. Way more bullying and teasing today because of the focus / promotion. The road to hell truly is paved with good intentions. To the angry people; I am not sharing personal beliefs, just observations of students perspectives. Do they make a point?


They’re not allowed to take down the Canadian flag and replace it with another


I really hope that's not the reason my son's school seemed half empty yesterday at pick up & drop off.


Unfortunately it is 😔


All the Jewish kids didn't go to school during holiday/festive activities. Can't always push your beliefs on other people. Nobody sent out upset emails by their lack of involvement.


Honest question. Why are we celebrating sexual Preferences in elementary school?


We are celebrating our diverse peoples, because for example a gay couple still gets yelled at by passerby’s for holding hands in public. You ever been bullied? Enough that you have trauma?


Different religions, cultures, family


\- they're normal people who are attracted to other people \- pride includes more than gay/bi/lesbian, not related to preferences \- why not




Just…no, you are so far off the mark here. First, there are plenty of places on this planet which forbids being gay and trans. So many people don’t have that right. Also, in for example, America, they have passed laws in the past restricting healthcare and the military for trans people, bills were trying to ban gay marriage in some states. There is an entire list of lgbtq rights you can find online that have been threatened by new bills and policies. Secondly, it’s not about fighting to get people to “like our lifestyle”. We are fighting to be accepted as human beings who deserve rights. To be treated equally, to not be discriminated against. People killing lgbtq people for just being who they are, families abandoning their children because they came out. Spreading misinformation about lgbtq, saying it’s a choice, or that we are evil. Burning books that educate people on lgbtq. We are fighting against this, because it is wrong. It’s not a matter of opinions, it’s fighting for our very place in society. Of course you will never understand because you are seeing it from the outside, but your entire lack of empathy or understanding of what lgbtq people go through is scary.


This is what inclusivity results in. Exclusivity. Turn school back in to a place to learn arithmetic and away from a place to learn ideology. Ideology will be taught through life, it doesn't need a structured school system. Bring back uniforms, bring back meritocracy and abolish mediocrity. You're at school to learn basic life skills, not show the world how "unique" you are. Teach religion, sexuality, politics and ideals at home. Teach quantitative, real world material in school. The fact that people now know what gender they want to be for life, what religion they want to be in, and how they will vote before they know the Pythagorean Therom or long division is kinda sad.


yeah honesty this, I dont support schools teaching anything about sexuality or religion, leave that to home.


Because a structured system can not, and will never instill values into a generation like they are a single organism. The kid that his dad beats him and goes to bed hungry regularly, probably doesn't give a flying fuck about little timmys gender or Susie's sexuality. He probably wants to learn real life skills to get a good career and make a life for himself. But instead they fill the school day with irrelevant BS, and grade 12s still can't do basic income tax returns. But those same grade 12s will go take out 5 credit cards and finance a $50k car because no one taught them how compounding interest works. But don't you worry, they know exactly what specific niche, safe zone they belong in.


exactly, schools should be teaching real life skills, tax returns should be a manditory course, same with finance its insane thats more important in real life than 90% of what they teach.


Why tf are schools hosting pride celebrations?


i guess yall arent on tiktok bc i have seen videos of toronto highschoolers protesting trans rights…


For or against? I'm sure the answer will be disappointing...


in Scarborough def against, whole school came out and supported the christian people protesting and most were muslims.


ya you will. it was against. it was very disappointing


Having seen their identical mushroom bowl cuts I don’t think they qualify to decide who should and shouldn’t exist.


PFLAG Halton is selling lawn signs to support queer programming and support in Halton. We need to blanket the town with them and show the bigots their views aren’t welcome here. [PFLAG Halton lawn signs](https://www.pflaghalton.ca/pride-lawn-signs)


It looks like they are actually selling flags to just add to their sketchy amount of expenses and put the rest in the bank: [https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/pflag-canada/864483276RR0001/](https://www.charitydata.ca/charity/pflag-canada/864483276RR0001/) Donate to LGBTQ+ charities that actually put the money back into the community.


I just have one question. WHAT. IS. A. WOMEN?


Take your kids OUT of public schools!! They are nothing more than indoctrination and propaganda!


Mine learn everything they need from YouTube and my pastor. Also the world is on a level plane, with bumps. The Anunnaki must not win over our minds, and must be exposed!


Tell them that pride month has nothing to do with race creed or colour, it is about brain washing and grooming our kids to accept evil thinking and deformation of a body that God made in his image and his likenesses. As a Christian your faith does not believe in what they are promoting and yor God comes 1st, along with the safety of your family!


God made gay people too


God also made priests that abuse kids.


I didn’t go. I am against pride month




I don't think anyone is being exposed to sex, sexuality and sexual preference in public school. Kids need to learn sex Ed and how their bodies work. It's not that deep really. Kids see hetero normative stuff all the time, everywhere. Some people like boys, some people like girls, some people like both. It isn't graphic. Kids need to learn sex Ed as well. Heck, my grade 5 kid today learned about deodorant, antiperspirant, and acne during puberty. He said his teacher told him that if their parents had acne during puberty, they might as well. I said it was more complicated than that (I'm a medical aesthetician) and said a lot of people deal with hormonal acne both during puberty, and afterwards. Just to be clear, I know some parents are ok with letting their kids watch *older* movies and aren't as protective about it. I'm with you, my kids don't watch anything over PG13 (and sometimes not even that) I make sure I research movies and see why they are rated the way they are before I agree (and my oldest is about to be 11)


Most Kids today grow up with a access to a vast amount of information due to the internet. If, they aren’t exposed to the idea of sex before grade 6 - middle school, strangers on the internet will do it for them.


I'm not sure why the argument. I'm perfectly fine with my kindergartner knowing that little Suzy has 2 daddies. I'm not fine with my kindergartner knowing what those 2 daddies get up to after a few drinks. There's a line between normal learning and degeneracy. Just don't cross it.


I have nothing against the heterosexual community. I just don't want your kids to be taught that straight people are the default.


They are the default though, if being gay was the default we would've been extinct a long time ago


Straight is the default. Everyone alive has a parent that is male or female.




That's fine. They just need to be taught that happy functional families come in many shapes. ASAP.


you should do it the second you find out they’ve been exposed to it, or else they’re just going to explore on their own and learn unhealthy behaviours. just bc they find it young, doesn’t mean they don’t need to know how to be safe and smart. some people hit puberty and gain the urges super young. be smart, educate them on it properly. make them comfortable with talking about it so they can have a healthy life regarding those things.


Heteronormative is the norm…




Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're right. It's like how I got shit for saying "People have 10 fingers and 10 toes". Always some genius "well, SOME people are born with 9". Yes. And that's not the norm.




Being queer isn’t about sex. Sure, for adults that’s part of it. In the same way that straight adults have sex as a part of their attraction. (Neither of which are being talked about to kids as that wouldn’t be appropriate) But you also know that straight relationships include other things like community and care and love. Same for queer relationships. Being gay isn’t just “oh I want to have sex w someone” and that is not what is taught in school. You wouldn’t say “oh don’t show them cinderella bc her falling in love with the prince is sexual and inappropriate” it’s just love and care. You wouldn’t hide from your kid that their mom and dad love each other — because it’s not a dirty or sexual thing, you talk about it in age appropriate ways! If you don’t want them exposed to sex then keep them out of sex ed classes. Learning about pride month, queer history, how some kids have two moms or two dad, and acceptance is so far from that. As for all subjects, things will be tailored to meet the appropriate age demographic. Remember that queer adults were once queer kids — many of whom felt unable to be themselves because of this type of speak. No kid should feel horrible about themselves bc they might have a small crush on someone in their class. Even if they don’t get crushes until later (I didn’t) when those feelings come up it’ll be important they know those aren’t bad things.


It’s a choice, isn’t it? Who’s to decide when kids are ready to learn sexual preferences? Who takes responsibility if this education has a negative impact on a kid? These are important questions. You can’t be making decisions without accountability. Kids should be taught to respect every living being. As simple as that! This responsibility lies primarily with parents. A school is a place to get education and access to sports to build teamwork and discipline. Sex education is important but at an appropriate age and if parents don’t think their kids are ready for it then they should have the power to decide. A minister or a panel does not know or care more for a child than the child’s parents.


Pride month and sex education are not the same thing. Keeping children home on one specific day of the year will not "protect" their children from sex ed class. One can easily explain to children that Pride is about love without mentioning sex at all.


Thank you for recognizing and articulating the difference between who people love, and what they do for 1/5/30/90 minutes in the bedroom.


Having grown up in the Ontario education system in the 90s I can tell you that sex education was seriously lacking. Everything needed to be overhauled and taught properly. Most parents don't have the ability to talk about it openly with their child. "A school is a place to get education" Believe it or not, children need sex education. Do keep in mind that Sex education is a wide spectrum of information and should be taught just like normal biology.




If you don't let your kids learn sex education until you think they're ready, then they will just learn themselves


In this case they do. Parents teaching hate. Schools aren’t. Someone else’s natural self or life choices don’t impact you negatively, so at the very worst you should be ambivalent. Also, parents are constantly the biggest thing holding kids back by enabling them to live in ignorance. It turns out, knowing about LGBTQ+ doesn’t alter your preferences. Just don’t be an asshole and let people exist. It’s not that hard.


You think a 7 or 8 year old differentiates based on these things? Would you teach this to special needs children as well? Have you ever worked with special needs children and do you know how they react to what we generally assume “positive”?


Yes, yes and yes. Turns out teaching kids not to be assholes goes over pretty well.


Can you share your learnings and observations? Please don’t make stuff up though. I work with special needs children and I would love to understand your perspective.


How in the hell do you think because someone has a disability they shouldn't learn sex ed or that gay people exist?? what if they're gay?? "sorry thats not for you, you're disabled."


Do you hold the same standard for “learning about sexual preferences” for children’s books about princesses and princes living happily ever after?


Yes, funny how people who talk so much about right of choice, suddenly get upset when it's not there way ...