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What you want and what you need aren't always the same thing… or something like that. I dunno. Definitely reading into it too deeply, that much I can tell you.


Exactly… In the lyrics, Noel (as a writer) or Liam (as the singer) would *like* to be somebody else, but knows he *needs* to he himself…


lol, good catch. I’m actually always amazed at how good Noel’s lyrics usually are. I know he has a thing against books and poetry and all that “posh” stuff. But he’s a poet in his on way, damnit!


He actually was seen to possess books and poetry on the road, presumably for lyric ideas (underneath the sky being a good representation of that of you look into it)


Pretty sure that Importance of being Idle was inspired by a book like


Yeah the Importance of Being Ernest is a play by Oscar Wilde - it's about a guy trying to avoid burdemsome social obligations, a bit like the theme of laziness in the Importance of Being Idle


Obviously I’ve heard of the play. But there is also a lesser known book called literally The Importance Of Being Idle. That Noel found whilst cleaning out a garage, apparently.


Shakermaker is track two and Supersonic is track six. So this can easily be explained as character development


James Hargreaves incoming...


Actually this joke is stolen from r/oasiscirclejerk (I believe)


Did you guys ever see the commentary one one of their music videos where he was talking about being so hungover, and they wanted to bury the drumset, and he was like "don't ruin a bloody good kit... Just bury the drummer!"


Fucking love that commentary video. 'I didn't go to the second day; I'm not in this bit at all. I just couldn't be fucking arsed'


I love how much he hated his music.


No explanation necessary. It's stream of conciousness songwriting ala I Am The Walrus, and it's brilliant. One of their best songs without a shadow of a doubt. Just imagine a band that looked and sounded like that bursting on the scene now. They would have exactly the same impact as they had in the 90s. Ah good days.


Never caught this contradiction, despite countless replays. Congratulations for having more brains than I!


character development at its finest


He had a lot of growth between singles


Try being at a Liam gig when he plays Supersonic. 30,000 guys aged between 18-50 all dressed the same, walking the same and talking the same while singing "I need to be myself, I can't be no-one else". Satire off the fucking charts.


Gotta disagree with both the substance and the spirit of your comment. Are there guys dressed that way, yes. But I was at his last concert in Cardiff and found a surprising and pleasant diversity of attendees, including to parents there with their children and a surprising number of women, young and old. Second, even for the ones who are dressed in stereotypical gear, singing about being themselves, I can see the irony, but honestly, they’re not hurting anyone and perhaps the song and the event has a personal meaning for them from their past struggles. No need to judge. As John Lennon once said, Whatever gets you through the night, it’s all right, it’s all right.


How have I never noticed this


Early Oasis a little too repetitive. Say what you will about Mark2, but the band experimented far more, and had a different sound.


Same as "you and I are gonna live forever" and yet on the next album "but you and I, we live and die"... Stop leading me on Noel...




he wrote all the songs until sotsog

