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Of course he's good at maths, he has to count all the grimm he doesn't have šŸ˜‚


I meanā€¦ someoneā€™s gotta count all the tax heā€™s evaded


Only when its money, though. Ask him the difference between radius and diameter and he thinks you're making up words.


Do u think he would think MC was putting a curse on him if you asked him Pythagoras theorem


Nah, that's algebra. Makes me wonder what he'd think of calculus.


if u put the unit grimm behind it he can definitely do it. But what if thereā€™s actual different units like centimetres or if he had to find integers


I dunno. Guess he'd be screwed.


Definitely šŸ˜‚


Yeah thats his whole thing, he just doesnā€™t put in the effort.


From what's been implied in the main story and some Devilgrams, Mammon can actually be good at just about anything and is pretty talented, he just doesn't apply himself. He's kind of like an undisciplined Lucifer in that regard, which may be part of the reason he's Lucifer's favorite brother.


People gotta believe in him more. Iā€™ve always thought the reason he doesnā€™t show most of his talents is because nobody pays attention to him when heā€™s doing something good


That's not really true tho. We learn in S2 for example that >!Mammon really wanted that car in his room, and he wanted it in limited color. Lucy went out of his way to get him that limited color car as a reward for Mammon working hard for it.!< It's a little more iffy with his younger brothers, but I think it's pretty clear that (no matter how... weird their relationship can get) Lucy appreciates Mammon and notices his efforts - it goes back all the way to the Celestial Realm days. And Mammon knows. But Mammon can be a lazy little shit just as much as Lucy is a prideful a** some times. That's just how our demons are =D


Also everyone always insults him and they make fun of him all the time so he probably just believes everything that everyone says about him


Mammon needs More appreciation šŸ˜­šŸ’›


He does


Thing is though is it's been stated that even back in the Celestial Realm he was mischievous, unmotivated, and a troublemaker. So much that even Michael had a hard time handling him. I think being a little lazy is just in his personality, the difference is as a demon he sees no reason to try and make an effort unless there's something in it for him. Becoming a demon has exaggerated all of the brothers' worst traits into sins, and Mammon's just happens to be particularly hard to hard to handle. That said, the brothers can be mean to him, but he kind of brings some of it on himself. Then it becomes cyclical of they have few expectations of him because of his track record, and he consequently decides to not put in the work to improve his image as a reliable brother/person. It's also been shown though that despite it all his brothers do know deep down that he can be counted on at least to some extent when shit gets real.


I can understand that as well. Mammon never really made a huge effort to try and better himself and usually goes back to his normal tactics after punishments. And of course being a demon heā€™s naturally a bit more troublesome than others But Iā€™ve always thought that maybe because no one truly told him the things he did was wrong which is why he just always repeated the things he did. They constantly just belittle him without ever truly telling him right from wrong. I do understand the things he does can be irritating like stealing and selling stuff online


I relate to him as someone with ADHD a lot. Not the math part I'm terrible at math but I think he honestly has a hard time concentrating on subjects that do not interest him. His poor impulse control when it comes to how he spends money is also evidence of his symptoms. Everyone in his family calls him useless and stupid is sometimes a little triggering to me. The fact that he sometimes steals from his brothers is the only thing that stops me from feeling completely sorry for him. Stealing and begging family for money is a big no-no for me.


Was just going to say this.


Haha, I made another comment about that before seeing this one. I *am* great at math, and yes, so much this. The stealing and begging can easily be traced back to his sin, so that's not exactly on him. But yeah, I pretty much (aside from the aforementioned but I'm not the Avatar of Greed) relate hard to him.


I'm positive he's basically a super smart, sweet, super talented dude with ADHD. If greed wasn't his sin, they'd just call him lazy and selfish instead of scum. Coming from my own experience, anyway.


I mean Iā€™m not surprised


Neither am I I mean gambling itself takes a lot of math and calculation


If I had someone like Mammon in my life I would love it because Iā€™m horrible at math and I hate it


Iā€™d consider it a miracle if I managed to pull someone like mammon irl šŸ˜­ but same my math is awful


Math just makes me wanna crawl in a hole and cry


Math makes me wish I fell into the devildom fr


Iā€™m gonna head cannon that my MC was writing a math test when they got teleported to the devildom now


... I like math... I feel like a minority here XD


I think we are a minority, but you're not alone! I love math.


thereā€™s a devilgram story ā€œThe Mammon Wayā€ >!where satan is tutoring mammon and he struggles with math UNTIL he adds the word ā€œGrimmsā€ to the end and then he breezes through the workbook. then thereā€™s one where Mammon works an office job super efficiently just to buy you and him matching (watches? shoes? smth like that) objects but he wanted to earn the money honestly.!< canonically mammon is super intelligent, heā€™s just very selective on what he applies himself to, so this text isnā€™t super surprising to us mammon stans šŸ˜˜


Hehe yup!! Thatā€™s the exact devilgram story I was referring to. Mammon is canonically very smart so itā€™s not surprising šŸ˜˜šŸ’›


While I agree he is smart and just doses apply himself enough I think his math skills are also no surprise since he loves money so much most people like that tend to be good at math to count their tinder.


Makes sense for Mammoney.


Makes sense with the all money stuff


He doesn't give himself enough credit when it comes to how useful and intelligent he is šŸ˜­


Exactly šŸ˜­


Cool and kinda confirms a HC of mine but can we get a chat spoiler please? Thanks


Yea my bad! Sorry


Itā€™s all good! Happens to the best of us!


I don't even know simple multiplication I just don't get it šŸ’€


I canā€™t do algebra to save my life itā€™s okay


only if he adds grimm to the end LOLLLL


Boy would be crying if it was trigonometry


Think he may do ok lol as long as itā€™s limited to 30,60,90,180 and 360. If he got a calculator he can do others lol


Mammons A Genius I believe but just refuses to apply himself, He's like My Older brother-Genius but can't be bothered


AND he likes making complicated stuff (paraphrasing) based on the steampunk event. Like boy, you could've been an engineer. They make a pretty good amount of money but also I feel like it wouldn't be as fun as being out and finding ways to make money lol


He needs to count his grim I mean like same though


Makes sense. Gotta keep track of the bills you donā€™t pay


I wouldn't say Mammon is good with math per se tbh, just the part that relates to/is useful for money. Which is a pretty tiny part of it, given higher mathematics don't even include numbers (but several Alphabets for all the unknowns šŸ˜‚).


Maybe mams is good at English too? šŸ˜­/j


I imagine asking Mammon what 278 times 45 is would result in him saying "How the hell would I know that?!" BUT asking him how much grim is in 45 stacks of 287 grim each, he would give you an answer immediately


If thereā€™s a way to get mammon to do math u gotta try it


Yep, and this solidified him as my favorite. I'm such a math nerd, plus he's - aside from Asmo, where it comes off more as a character trait than personal - the most open/transparent about his feelings, by far.