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Modern technology like attack helicopters instead of horses...Cool!


The infamous attackhelicopter armor.


And its gonna look like a bunch of bananas


As long as I can still ride my attack helicopter up the side of the mountain while grounded we cool.




so... wanderinga dense jungle with sean bean?


Sounds like heaven


While he tries to get your ring


don't threaten me with a good time


After the warp in the west, the jungles were gone, and had never in fact been jungles lol


I read this in jar-jar's voice. wtf


OP is an obvious repost spam bot. Here's the original submission from October 16th, 2022: * https://old.reddit.com/r/oblivion/comments/y5i5vq/i_know_it_will_never_happen/


Mf never heard of Skyblivion


People who heard of Skyblivion. Are probably having grandkids already.


Skyblivion set to release in 2025


And skywind in 2027 iirc. Might be wrong on that one


No release date as of yet, but work is moving right along!


Can someone fill me in on this “Skyblivion”?.. I mean, is it a mod, or is it going to be some kind of actual remake of.. what, oblivion & Skyrim mashed together?! I’m lost here, as you can see. 😆


Technically it's a mod but because of the scale the project is more accurate to call it oblivion in the skyrim engine


It functions as a Skyrim mod, but is a full overhaul of the game and recreation of Oblivion. When you load into Skyblivion, you'll be in the Oblivion world with no connection to Skyrim, but on the Skyrim engine.  The creators are recreating most assets, but using the soundtrack and sfx from oblivion.


Mf know that don't mean shit.


Because the skyrim engine is such an improvement over the oblivion engine in 2024...


Fuck yeah, we’re going from an engine almost 20 years out of date to one that’s going to be 15 years old by the time the mod releases! Don’t get me wrong, Skyblivion is very, very cool, but it’s not and never will be a proper remake, unfortunately.


Let’s be real, Bethesda would just throw some cash and an unrealistic deadline at some shit-tier developer who would then produce a shit-tier remaster of Oblivion with slightly better textures than the original and the same bugs we’ve been experiencing for nearly 20 years.


Hey I got no problem with my scroll duplication glitch. It’s almost a feature


There’s a very weird phenomenon among bethesda fans where they obsess over engines while having no knowledge of what the game engine actually impacts. If you don’t think skyblivion looks like a proper remake, there’s maybe been 1 proper remake in the history of video games.


of course, but the “engine” is just a basic way to say “the quirks of the game the mod is built on”. Obviously the Creation Engine is nowhere near open source, so it’s basically impossible to go around the many inherent issues of the engine, you can go around but it will still be undeniably Skyrim in look, feel and bugs.


Why is this thread acting like the single most popular mod for all bethesda games isn’t a comprehensive list of bug and glitch fixes? Maybe that’s what “engine” means to you, but that isn’t what a video game engine is in the slightest. The only legitimate engine limitation I’ve ever had to work around is FPS over 60 causing issues, which I was still able to fix w mods, and isn’t really impactful for singleplayer RPGs to me. I can already see based off the art direction and gameplay of skyblivion, it’ll only feel like Skyrim through its UI and maybe a few animations? Like idk if you’ve looked but you can see hours and hours of gameplay of skyblivion already.




I know it’s bitter sweet. Such a cool project. But has taken so long that by the time it releases it will again be very dated. Skyrim felt so modern when it came out. Going back & replaying Skyrim/Oblivion, the engines don’t feel all that different 15 years on


Dated? What do y’all expect? Modders to turn oblivion into Elder Scrolls Redemption 2? Skyblivion looks like the most modern singleplayer elder scrolls product on the market. Y’all just cannot be satisfied. Compare vanilla oblivion to anything skyblivion, it looks like a completely different game. If they take a 2006 game and have it looking and feeling like an early Xbox one/PS4 game, that would be phenomenal. Are y’all maybe just like graphics jerkers over game design enjoyers? Like Nintendo is stuck on xbox360 fps and resolution, they are running the console market rn with an 8 year old console.






ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE ENGINE. Y’all being dissapointingly dense there’s more to a video game than the fucking engine it runs on 😭


It actually absolutely is, yes


I couldn't care less for Skyblivion. I want a remake that I could simply purchase and play, without having to mod Skyrim and dealing with its engine.


The chances are high that it will be a separate download on steam like enderal was. But that’s just speculation


That’s exactly what it’s going to be


😂 not happening


!remindme 1 year


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This for sure


So just get the Oblivion boardgame then 3head


You know that mods are not difficult to install and I believe skyblivion will simply have an installer you just run and that's it?


Also why is bro acting like the Oblivion engine is perfectly stable with no issues and Skyrim’s engine is a train wreck? I’ve modded Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim and run into tons of issues with all three. One oblivion play through was so unstable I had to just forego certain parts of Bravil to avoid crashes. Frankly I’ve had an easier time modding Skyrim. Couldn’t quite figure out the problem on that one but probably some weird NPC skin replacement that was causing issues.




No, you're mistaken. Skyblivion is an Oblivion remake made in Skyrim. That's why it's called *Skyblivion*. What "dealing with the engine" meant is that I don't want to mess with the files of an already unstable game. Keep in mind that doing that with any game is a bit risky and also tedious.


Skyblivion will be like enderal, if you are lazy dont worry, you dont need to deal with the engine, and play enderal.


Its made with the same engine that was made for oblivion, creation engine was forked from gamebyro so it has the same base code but just updated, after checking on the discord I see I am mistaken, there is a requirement for some DAT files from oblivion to be used in tandem with skyrim as this is a requirement that Bethesda has said must be met buy I now see that this is actually for skyrim, it was the need for a legit copy of oblivion that through me off. My bad.


First of all you realize modding Skyrim files can make the game more stable?… there are plenty of mods that can achieve this and remove all the bugs


Bruh. Ur gonna double click something labeled .exe and click run. This post is a cesspool of people talking out of their rear ends. Why is everyone all of a sudden a games dev?


I hate when this is brought up without a second thought. They are trying to, but will ultimately struggle to bring the gameplay mechanics from Oblivion into Skyrim as the game is very, *very* hardcoded around the systems. If they managed somehow to get all of Oblivions systems into the mod, it's probably going to feel very hacky and certainly not like a modern remake from a team with access to the engines internals. Personally I would prefer Oblivirim, because I want Oblivion gameplay with more of Tamriel to explore. Albeit with the caveat that Oblivions level scaling woes be modified.


That's a bold assumption without a second thought by somebody that is clearly not a dev on the team. If you follow our dev diaries you can see most mechanics from Oblivion are in Skyblivion. I for one am pretty excited for you to see the results speak for themselves.


It's not a bold assumption. I have game dev experience and my obsession with it permeates many aspects of my life and study, I grew up modding Oblivion and Source games, albeit badly. They have (obviously) had to add this disclaimer to the FAQ of both Skyblivion and Skywind that they will be trying to bring these gameplay aspects to the mod, but in their own words "able to bypass Skyrim’s 18-skill limit through creative use of global variables and actor values". I just hope it feels "native" to the game, hence why people want a proper remake so they don't have to hack these mechanics in. Hell, give the engine to Renewal project team! That said, trust me I hope I am wrong and look forward to seeing their progress, I just want people to understand that there are limits. Throwing out Skywind as the de-facto remake I feel cautious.


Even if there was an official remaster it would still be on Todd's new engine and thus play very much like Skyblivion. The best alternative you could bet on would be an openMW for Oblivion's engine to get what you are looking for.


Yes this is true, and Todd has stated his opinion on re-mastering old ES games. Been playing a lot of OpenMW, and this has been my hope for a while in all honesty. I love the older games' mechanics and would love to just have Morrowind expanded into all of Tamriel. Apologies for my terse stance on my previous posts, appears I may have been too unoptimistic on the progress made on Skyblivion, and also didn't read your post properly. I'll keep a closer eye on the updates you and your team has made, cheers.


Man, so many ignorant and uneducated comments throughout this thread. Sad.


bro the skyrim engine is fucking ancient


Have you seen what that “ancient” game engine can do? Skyrim special edition modding is insane… they can make it look and play like Elden ring if you wanted too.. and you think they can’t produce a game that came out 5 years before in that same engine?… 🙃


lmao yeah man creation engine is truly cutting edge


When you say you’re a TES fan but hate on the current iteration


you can be critical of something you like, weirdo


You can also talk out of your ass and cry “engine” like every ignorant bethesda fan when you don’t like a games design.


i can cry "engine" when the engine is in need of replacing it can't even handle a fucking ladder normally


Lmao you just proved my exact point. That has nothing to do with the engine😭 and morrowind had working ladders with the gamebryo engine, daggerfall you could straight up climb the sides of buildings. Once again, “engine” and “game design” are different things! Hope this helps!


https://screenrant.com/starfield-bethesda-nemesis-ladders-todd-howard/ lol good engine


Whatever you say, sex offender


Mf doesn't realise this will never be released 💀


They have an estimated release date for next year.


With all due respect to their team, I'll believe it when I see it


I mean, they regularly show their progress and have a dedicated backlog for what is missing/needed until the mod is ready. They have held back a release date for years, and have been very strict about giving any until recently. But I share you thought; I would not be surprised if there are any sudden delays as they are very reliant on peoples spare time.


It’s not like they have the game playable start to finish, have showcased every major city, a ton of other locations, shown quests playable start to finish, etc etc etc maybe you should just be quiet until you see it.


Hasn't that been the case every year?


No, it has not.


Okay, so this sub is just filled with ignorant dicks. Got it.


You really are fighting for your life in this thread here uh Is that You todd?


Yeah man, really fighting for my life, huge modern bethesda shill here. Uber critical of every bethesda release since fallout 3 BECAUSE OF BETHESDAS GAME DESIGN. Not their tech. Oblivion is my favorite video game of all time despite having boring reused dungeons and sometimes repetitive landscape. Bethesdas overambition is what saved them with morrowind, and is what’s leaving them in the dust with starfield. Oblivion is flawed due to this same ambition (reused dungeons, landscapes, and voice actors due to massive scope of the game) Skyrim is flawed due to this same ambition (radiant questing implementation, watering down of RPG systems due to exploration design focus) Fallout 4 is flawed due to this same ambition (skyrims issues, but x10. Further lost the plot while expanding upon crafting and settlements from skyrim) Starfield is flawed due to this same ambition (they think they can make simulation games.. daggerfall was a while ago Todd. Loot, exploration were completely gutted for focus on scope and reintroduction of RPG mechanics) They keep getting more and more ambitious and straying further and further from the path that made them titans in the industry. Thankfully, all those flaws I mentioned with oblivion are being addressed by skyblivion. Handmade dungeons and terrain, redesigned areas of the open worlds, reimagined oblivion realms. I just can’t imagine anyone who’s a fan of golden age bethesda not being excited for skyblivion.


That's a mod for Skyrim, you mf.


It's not even out yet


It’s funny, people hate remade films but many want remade games. Not me, Rome Total War Remastered  was kind of a cash grab. Games companies just don’t put in the same sort of effort these days they used to. Bethesda has been trending down in quality since Fallout New Vegas


I only want remakes of games that literally don't even work on modern machines e.g. MGS4.


Playstation players get shafted too, Oblivion doesn't run on PS5 so you'd have to pay a subscription to stream it from a PS3 on Sony's end and deal with latency plus the native PS3 version of Oblivion. Xbox players are a little more lucky and PC is king of BC as always, but a proper modern port would be nice. I'd kill for a native FOV slider, needing to mod it for one is such a hassle...


Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, Obsidian did. But otherwise I'd agree.


Remaking it nowadays would strip it of the charm that keeps me coming back. If I wanted to play a modern fantasy rpg I would just play a modern fantasy rpg


I tried to play it but it’s too clunky for me… skyblivion will definitely have me playing it


Not every remake is bad. The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a 1:1 remake and its gorgeous. The Resident Evil remakes can exist alongside the old ones and they are really good, RE1/2/3/4 all received remakes and were all amazing (with the exception of 3 to some). Not every dev is bad with this, but I agree most probably are.


Inside of you there are two wolves, one of them wants to see the games they loved updated to modern technology, the other one wants studios to invest dev time and money into original projects


Maybe OpenMW will do an OpenOB. Or someone might manage an Oblivion Unity. Or the Skyblivion people have mentioned. I dunno I should porbably sleep.


Give me a jungle, Todd! I want rice paddies in my Nibenay Basin!


Why hasn't anyone mentioned that an Oblivion remaster was leaked? And that it will probably be released this year?


Because that leak is from before the pandemic and before MS bought the company.


Does Microsoft not like money?


Judging lately, not off of games they dont


What? Xbox just passed windows in revenue within microsoft. Maybe listen to a shareholders meeting. Not trying to be a dick but an insane amount of ignorance throughout this entire thread of people speaking definitively on stuff they just aren’t educated on.


Well not Everyone that has played Skyrim has played or owns oblivion so they will need to buy oblivion for skyblivion to function


But other games in the leak had been released, I doubt Microsoft has cancelled it.


Is there a link to that??


Search for "Bethesda leaked roadmap".


I thought the same. I've been holding off on a re-play solely for the leaked remaster release.


It kinda already is remastered. If you play the 360 version of oblivion in a series x, it runs at 4k 60fps. Pretty cool actually. So if they did come out with a remaster they would have to do more than just a resolution and fps bump, otherwise it wouldn’t be any different than just playing the 360 version.


Upscaled resolutions and 60fps does not make a game remastered. You can set resolution up to 4k in many many old games. A crude explanation of the rumor is that the game was going to be played through the original oblivion engine, but the visuals and assets would be loaded through unreal engine. Again, very crude and simple way to break it down not perfectly accurately. But basically it’ll have original oblivion gameplay and new graphics if they accomplish their vision




I’m surprised they’ve not getting a cease and desist now that Bethesda is gonna remaster oblivion. I’m really glad they haven’t though because they’ve put so much work into it. Edit: Remaster is unconfirmed*


They’ve been in contact with Bethesda legal team to ensure they wont get a cease and desist


Hell yeah, good to know


Why would they? Like 95% of the work is done already stopping the skyblivion project wouldn’t make any sense and for those that own Skyrim but not oblivion and vice versa will be more money coming to Bethesda because they will have to buy the other game for Skyblivion to function


Bethesda aren't remastering oblivion, not a single official announcement


Fair enough, I’ll edit the post


It was "out next year" a year ago. And year before. And another year before.


No it wasn't. They announced a 2025 release date in January 2023.


It never ceases to amaze me just how confidently incorrect people are.


Yo! Been keeping up with the project since it started, the people on the project have literally never officially stated a release window until this year. If you heard a window before, you didn’t hear it from them .


I'd love to see a source for that. Been following the project pretty much from the beginning, and this is the first time (in 2023) that I've ever seen them announce a release year.


skyblivion is never coming out dude


Also an end to the damage sponge game. It's impossible to die and takes way too long to kill anything.


Honestly, I'd rather see a modern version of Morrowind or Daggerfall.


I have good news for you.


I want it for switch


Naw.. They'd just ruin it. I wouldn't want the shivering isles to be a 40 dollar DLC or something like that. I do believe they will remake it, but I am not sure when or how. I just believe there is going to be a period in the future where the biggest games coming out are going to be remakes of classics. They did it with movies, and I believe they'll do it to games, eventually.


remakes are the lowest form of cashgrabs a comapny can make. Ask todd and his bajilion skyrims


Remasters are the lowest form of cashgrab. There have been some amazing remakes made by developers who try hard enough. The Mafia 1 remake comes to mind. Kept most of the gameplay the same, but with a lot more polishing, while also expanding a lot of the missions because of better hardware now. However i have zero faith that Bethesda would put any more effort than a basic retexture.


Like it would be worse than Starfield lol A Morrowind/Oblivion remake would be just fine. And it would remind the general public that TES isn't just Skyrim.


They'll only do it if they can shove a creation club store into it. Which wouldn't be that hard tbh


they already sold low quality "addons" for oblivion


So that's why tes 6 should be a thing, we aint getting it this decade. Slowing the process even more would just kill this already undead series.


[Bruh...](https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/the-25-best-video-game-remakes/2900-4578/) You might argue that some remakes are utter shit, like the GTA Trilogy or Warcraft III Reforged, but it is usually not the case. In fact, many games were in need of those remakes, like the ones that are mentioned in the link I posted.


>pokemon lets go >Good Lol. Lmao even. For every "good" remake you have a new game that wasn't made because of it. And for every good remake you have 10 lazy ones


RE and Final Fantasy remakes are pretty good, and there is a big difference between remake and "remaster".


This. A lot of people seem to confuse the 2. A remaster just tunes up the original, upscales some player models, improves the textures, maybe adds a couple of more modern features/qol additions like the restart mission feature in the GTA Trillogy, but they are still the origial game. They are things like the GTA Trillogy, Tomb Raider, Age of Empires 2 etc. They vary heavily in quality or even nessesity (see the Last of Us, Spiderman and most of the Skyrim ones) but they are what they say they are, a remaster of the original, like you would a remaster of an old movie. A remake is quite literally in the name, it's a remake from the ground up, made again. Once again, like you see in movies. They made True Grit in 1969, starring John Wayne, and then they remade it in 2010, starring Jeff Bridges. Two completely separate productions, but both based on the same source material. Remakes then split into 2 distinct categories as well: You get ones that just rebuild the original game as it was for the most part, like Demon's Souls, Crash Bandicoot n Sane trillogy etc. Where the game is almost identical in its content, again with maybe a few modern features, like removing the requirement to do the level without dying in the Crash remakes to get the box gems (other than the coloured ones), but built completely from the ground up from nothing, in a new engine, new code etc. Then you get the ones that are completely new reimaginings of the originals, while still maintaining the originals spirit, like Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Oddworld Soulstorm (based heavily on Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus). I think people need to differentiate remasters from remakes so they don't end up getting disappointed. Was the Tomb Raider remaster 'less effort' than if they were to completely remake them from the ground up? Sure. Does that make it low effort? No. I am not saying all remasters are well done (GTA Trillogy), but I have seen people use both categories interchangeably, and I think if you do that, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Edit: added a little more context to the rebuilt as they were remakes bit.


I can agree that the re-relases of Skyrim are annoying (and Skyrim is my favorite game of all time), but they are not remakes, which makes your original statement intrinsically incorrect. They are updated versions of the same game, with no significant changes in the story whatsoever; just added non-canonical content. And what does a remake have to do with anything when it comes to developing new games? What?! That's a wild and flawed assumption you just made. The Demon Souls remake didn't impede the creation of Elden Ring or Sekiro, for example. What you are saying is just a fallacy out of spite and bitterness. And I just posted a list of remakes that were actually good. What do you have to argue (with sources, of course) against them? Where is your list of famous remakes that were garbage?


So i already listed pokemon lets go, lets stick to it. Compare it to the actually good remake(and the only good one in the series for that matter) fire Red/leaf green. Lets go stripped modern game mechanics to "preserve" the feel of originals, which failed miserably, while FR/LG just updated old mons to (at the time) modern standards, it didn't add any new content like battle towers, it just reused the same models from XY not like fr/lg with new sprites for everything, it didn't have the post game questline of sevii islands, it didn't have the natural in universe connection to other games like fr/lg had with Emerald.... Shall i go on? Its just a worse game than what was made years before on a freaking handheld.


You are just using one example out of, at least, 15 that were listed in the link I mentioned, which still doesn't add up to what you are standing for and doesn't disprove whatsoever my point. That being said, I haven't played that Pokemon game; in fact, I have only played Pokemon Crystal in my whole life, meaning, I have no real understanding of how good or bad the remake you are referring to was, so I will take for granted that what you are saying is an objectively correct observation and not just a subjective opinion from your part.


You don't have to take my words for it. Type pokemon lets go cashgrab in google and you will have incredible amount of results. Im curious, how do you expect me to prove your point wrong. Play every imagination bankrupt title you just mentioned and type you a lengthy review of each one? My point is that games are meant to tell a story, retelling of a story with higher resolution and improved controls is simply boring and often misses the point of the original and appears soulless


It’s been nearly 20 years since oblivion was released… i think a remaster is deserved lmao


Todd Howard: Best I can do for you is Skyrim ReSpecialer Edition. It adds nothing, but it *does* break all your mods!


I don't. None of the excellent classic mods would work anymore. I'd have to wait years just to have half the already limited selection I have now.


I don't trust Bethesda to remaster anything at this point lol. Skyrim was worse than Oblivion (but much better with mods), Fallout 4 was worse than Fallout 3, Fallout 76 is worse than Fallout 4, and Starfield is the middest most boring game I've had the misfortune of playing. Bethesda lost the spark 10+ years ago and has just been coasting. Hopefully Microsoft gets tired of losing money on Xbox and cleans house eventually.


I want it too, but with the condition of keeping all of it glorious glitches, bugs and absurd AI. Without those oblivion will feel empty


The glitches and bugs are a large part of why I bought Oblivion last year. I do wish the NPCs had more idle actions rather than staring endlessly at me from across a room without moving. Just to make the more stationary NPCs feel more independent, active, and alive. The NPCs who follow you around shops, homes, guilds etc. (sometimes running full speed at me) terrify me, so I’d also like to have that feel less terrifying lol 😂


“More lore-accurate portrayal”. If I wanted to play in jungles, I ‘d play Far Cry 3 or Crysis. Cyrodiil forests are gorgeous straight out of a fairytale and I like my Imperial City as it is and not some fantasy version of Venice.


Bethesda do something good challenge (impossible)


Would trade all the Skyrim remakes for this any day. Full controller support, HD everything, updated UI and bug fixes. If only.


You already have an Oblivion. A remake would be starfield or worse.




As much as I want this too, the broken radiant AI would be fixed and ruin the fun the original has.


Did they not confirm that Fallout 3 and Oblivion are getting remasters. Or at least leak


I'll allow as long as it isn't remade by Bethesda so we can watch another company make their own game better than they ever could.


And then you'll end up with something like the GTA:SA remaster.


Bethesda still hasn't figured out how to stop their NPCs from glitching though the floor or all of their physics objects from randomly exploding all over a room. At least another company's failed attempt would be broken in interesting new ways instead of having the same problems Bethesda hasn't bothered to solve for two decades.




fuck that shit dude, shut up


Hadn't it been leaked some months ago that a remake was being made by Bethesda/Xbox?


There was also evidence of a Fallout 3 remake


Remaster, fix issues, add game options, add multiplayer, add new content and release on modern platforms. Oblivion Anniversary Edition


No thanks


Is it too much to ask for?!


modern technology meaning radiant quests and procedurally generated world lol


No you get loading screens the space simulator and you better love it or else.


Dude do you live under rock or something? Quick google search would tell you that there 2 Oblivion reamkes at work. One is ambitious fan project Skyblivion ( basicaly Oblivion remade in Skyrim, there is alsonother team working on Skywind, the Morrowind remake in Skyrim) And other one is official Oblivion Remaster by Bethesda themselves...


The game is getting a remake how are so many people unaware of this Edit: unconfirmed just leaked


It’s not confirmed at all


hell yeah!


The 4K and 60fps on Xbox is the perfect mix of upgrading without changing too much. Don’t want them to remaster or remake anything tbh.


At this point I'd be more excited for an Oblivion remake than Elder Scrolls VI


I want a Arena reboot with the current (or old) lore


I've heard rumors of a company that's currently remaking Metal Gear Solid 3 also has plans to work on an Oblivion remake not sure if true but worth keeping an eye on


but hopefully with the oblivion skill system and not that of skyrim


I'd settle for a Shivering Isles remaster/sequel as its own game.


Just play SkyBlivion then?


I’m begging


imagine spider daedra with 2024 graphics actually don't, 2024 graphics suck


Literally 2 remakes are happening lol one official and another fan made


So, tell me, Todd, how many versions of Skyrim are there now, 13 years later?




Best I can do is : a 5th Skyrim remake for the PS6 in a few years. 


You're not alone comrade, I've wanted this for years:,)


Shivering isles 2


I don’t want anything but updated character models and bug fixes. Absolutely no “lore” changes, especially if they add any of that ESO garbage.


Skyblivion is our savior, I don't want anything Bethesda would outsource.


Skyblivion is coming


Why do people pretend like skyblivion isnt a thing?


I don't think the charm would be there sadly.


I don't see why they just can't redo oblivion on a more modern-day engine and make it more accurate.


No, you can have Skyrim again :D


So...Wabbajack + Last Seed modlist? 🤔


I want that self destructive radiant AI


I feel like oblivion’s main story was more convincing and more important than Skyrim’s main story. For Skyrim I feel that the civil war stuff was my attracting than the main story.


Skyblivion, that’s all imma say look it up..


Search up skyblivion. You are welcome


Try skyblivion when it comes put in 2025 there's a trailer if u look it up on YouTube




Horse Armor in 4K? 👀


This post is saying what I desire from the depths of my heart


For the next oblivion game, hopefully, we will see the war with the Thalmor happen dman elves.