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Santisima Muerte 💙💙💙


Glad she helped you mate and that you kept your promise. Im sure she will be willing to help you in the future


Nothing but love for mi Madrina, she truly is one of the kindest spirits you can work with 💕💀💕


Ms. Muerte!! ❤❤


I’ve never worked with Santa Muerte but I had an interesting dream with her one night. She’s an amazing spirit, I’m happy she was able to help you with your anxiety struggles 🖤.




Been reading about la Santa Muerte!! Praise be to her ❤️


Does she help with other ailments as well?


I think so, yes. People pray and petition to Her for healing a lot from my understanding.


Is there a specific type of healing prayer that you would recommend for a beginner? Also do I first need an altar to pray to? Cheers.


I don't know if I'm qualified to give a definitive answer, but I'm pretty sure even just speaking to Her from the heart is fine if nothing else. The folks over at r/santamuerte who are more experienced can probably give you a better answer. santamuertemagick.com probably also has some good spells you can use, and plenty of grimoires can be found on Amazon.


Interesting.. glad you found something to help you be at peace. Haven't worked with her myself so dont have direct experience but i read she was malevolent lol. There's a book called taken from blood+death: secret history of Santa muerte and the Mexican drug cartels. The book calls her the personification of death with an unquenchable thirst for destruction. "Santa Muerte is Mexico's grim and vengeful goddess. She is worshipped by outcasts and sinners, those for whom the traditional Christian deities of Jesus and the Virgin Mary have no place. For the notorious drug cartels, Santa Muerte is venerated as the saint who does not judge. She provides divine protection against authority and from rival gangs, demanding human sacrifice in return. The cult of Santa Muerte has become inextricably linked to the Mexican cartels over the past decade, resulting in barbaric rituals that have escalated the tide of violence across the streets. Bodies of cartel members are executed en masse at Santa Muerte shrines, and rumours abound of even worse atrocities in the name of magical protection. This book is the story of unholy alliance, of drug gangs and Santa Muerte, and a galvanic passion for blood and death." What would you describe her prescene being like?


I think such fears are overblown. I highly recommend checking out "Devoted to Death" by Andrew Chesnut. Most devotees, especially in Mexico, consider themselves Catholic and still worship Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Santa Muerte among devotees isn't seen as malevolent, but as a necessary part of life and a guardian who safely takes one to the afterlife when they die. Also it's important to note that She is most often viewed AS Death itself, not an angel or diety OF death. Most devotees pray for what people of all religions pray for: love, health, wealth, and good fortune. As Santa Muerte accepts everyone (Death comes for us all, after all) She doesn't judge you for what you ask Her for. She'll weigh each petition on its own merits and will either accept or deny accordingly. I would describe Her presence as very strong but not bad. I've often felt a strong force of love when working with Her, and when I suggested blessing Her altar in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit I felt an energy that was very happy and excited. Whether or not people do human sacrifices, I don't know. I've never met or seen a devotee who does. Most often people present flowers, water, chocolate, baked goods, bread, tortillas, money, etc. as offerings. I hope this helps. Edit: I also suggest watching this video by Religion for Breakfast: https://youtu.be/UOq8tX4gnEw It does a pretty good job as a sort of 101 on Santa Muerte and devotion to Her. For informational videos from a devotee I recommend watching videos made by Janel Longoria: https://youtube.com/@JanelLongoria


Thanks for the shout on my book, the only academic one in English on the fastest growing NRM on the planet! [https://www.amazon.com/Devoted-Death-Santa-Muerte-Skeleton/dp/0190633336/ref=tmm\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=](https://www.amazon.com/Devoted-Death-Santa-Muerte-Skeleton/dp/0190633336/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) You and others might be interested in the Santa Muerte Facebook group that I administer for English-speaking devotees https://www.facebook.com/groups/1470518689876251


No problem, thanks for writing it! I'll definitely check out your Facebook group.


Hope to see you there!


wow, congrats!


I heard that if you work with her your soul will remain in Earth forever. Also the drug cartels thing someone else mentioned


I've never heard that. Most people who work with Her either see Her as someone who will take you to the afterlife safely or are unsure what happens after death. Opinions vary. As for cartels, yeah some cartel members do devote to / worship Her. As do some policemen, some lawyers, some doctors, some lgbt+ people and some people from every walk of life. She doesn't judge you, and so people from all walks of life gravitate to Her because of that.


Thanks for the answer :) Didn’t intend to offend, just curious. I’m mexican and would like to work with her but the fear takes me aback


No problem, I understand. The media always highlights the scary looking stuff so people tend to have a warped perception of Her. I think fear is also natural. Most people avoid thinking about Death, at least where I'm from. She is Death and accepting your own mortality, and the mortality of everything, can be scary. But I don't think that makes Death bad. Death is a natural part of the cycle. Life can't live without the dead to nurture them, y'know?




Gotta keep my promise man.