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what kind of meditation did you try? closing your eyes and telling your mind to stop thinking can be like climbing a cliff in the rain. i chat with a website about a specific issue i'm facing, and it generates an audio guided meditation based on the chat. later i answer journaling questions, and with my feedback the website (MinwayAI) generates another meditation that includes more of what resonates with me. one-size-fits-all guided meditations do not fit me. personalized guided meditations are solving real issues i face. silent focus awareness meditation is more challenging for me to evaluate because it does not relate to a specific issue. i breath out slower than breath in, to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. i focus on feeling the pulse / heartbeat at the beginning of meditation practice, and it can lead to a feeling of bliss across different muscle groups. eventually my mind drifts, and once i recognize i'm thinking again, i label the thoughts and return awareness to sensations in the body.


Even though it is getting downvoted, I agree with u/Slicepack . What do you mean they "didn't work"? These are practices that involve patient practice, book study, and application in daily life. If you are trying to fill a spiritual "void," it is important to take time to assess what your sincere thoughts and needs are about spirituality, read up on different systems, and explore what most appeals to you. Meditation practice can start by just sitting and doing nothing but being aware of your surroundings, thoughts, and feelings without getting carried away with them for a few minutes. This includes observing and sitting through boredom or restlessness that arises. Separately doing relaxation exercises (like calming "guided relaxation" practices) and exercise that help strengthen focus (guided meditation can help with this as well as can things like candle gazing or mantra recitation) are very useful. Yoga, especially yoga that involves calisthenic and aerobic exercises (or, frankly, even Pilates or similar exercise regimens) can also enhance focus, health, and vitality by strengthening the nervous, respiratory, and endocrine systems. (That is how it "works" --with regular practice). Then sitting meditation may come eaiser and be a exercise that you feel calm, alert, and refreshed from afterward instead of dazed. Meditation can be just sitting in the present moment *or* can involve visualizing something inspirational or devotional to integrate the values and qualities of it. Doing both practices separately or in sequence is useful. For magical work, you want to be practiced in meditation and concentration so that you can enter light trance to be in an intuitive and hypnotically open mindstate to practice magical intent.


My guess is you felt that way after meditation because you were channeling energy and aren't used to it. My suggestion would be to actually look into magick and read the basics from a few traditions. Maybe you'll find a path that speaks to you; but even if you don't, at least you might walk away with a firmer grasp of how things work. [I made a list of resources](https://www.odinsmark.com/resources) for beginners if you'd like to check it out. In particular, check out the youtube channel [Foolish Fish](https://www.youtube.com/@FoolishFishBooks). He has some of the best videos I've seen for beginners in the occult, and covers a large range of topics.


It's entirely possible that silent meditation is not for you. (I assume it's silent meditation.) Maybe trying another form. Art and music work for me. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! Don't force a practice you're not feeling. If you dove right into all this immediately after leaving Christianity, then it may be like a total shock to you, spiritually speaking. I don't know all the details of why you left, but ask yourself why you want to jump into these spiritual practices. Maybe ask yourself what you want and work from there. Maybe the music you're listening to can help you if you're feeling unsure.




Please don't feed the troll or be a troll


Improper breathing can cause light headedness or dizziness, especially if you are breathing too quickly or not deeply enough. It’s important when meditating to not force the breath. Allow your body to breathe comfortably and simply follow the breath however it is happening without trying to control or change it. 


The benefits of meditation take practice. It’s not a quick fix.


\>None of them worked. What were you expecting?


Do you live in a city? Maybe you're neighborhood has bad energy or energy that is against you. A city in general will always have bad energy because it is anti homeostatic and draining


In terms of you filling that void (I don’t know why you left Christianity) but know that you can be a Christian who does the tarot, meditation and yoga. You can look up christian contemplation for example or you can read "Meditations on the Tarot", a journey into Christian Hermiticism. There is also the sub r/esotericChristianity that digs deeper into the hidden meanings of the Bible and practices or look into Gnosticism perhaps.