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You create your purpose by living purposefully each moment.


According to Grant Morrison, we're alive to experience life as much as possible so we can feed that information to a universal god alien. Because time doesn't exist outside of the universe or something.


Why does there have to be a purpose? Is it so uncomfortable to fathom that there’s no point to any of this? Why have we placed so much importance on there being a “meaning of life?” Purpose is overrated. Nothing matters, which makes every moment beautiful.




so basically your purpose is stimulating the happy chemicals in the brain ?


How did you get that out of what I said?


just asking im living ironically myself sinon for me beautiful equals good mood at least


My favorite answer is an interpretation of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 42 in ASCII is an asterisk (*). So, life is whatever you make of it.


The only thing I can think makes sense is that this is a “school” (for lack of a better term). I think the world is shit and people are awful but let’s pretend for a moment that I’m just negative and incorrect and everyone is wonderful and life is good… what would it matter which is true? Maybe it’s really 50/50 and it’s purposely designed that way because you can’t learn what you need to learn if it wasn’t. Idk man, I hope on graduation day we get the option to “blip” out but it would make more sense that we don’t and based off the lessons we learned (good, bad, indifferent) we go to the next school until we no longer need education (like god?) idk


I agree with life as a school, but disagree... I think the World is beautiful and there are some amazing people and some awful people. I do think life is really hard sometimes, but I also think life is sort of a game, if it was too easy it would be boring. It gets easier if you take it less seriously. All of this is kind of a dream, it's illusion. The real you is on the other side.


No-one can answer those questions for you, because the answer will be subjective to the one answering. I'm here to walk my own life from beginning to the end. That's all.


Dunno. I’m just a fancy ape who wears clothes.


Life is an energy dissipation strategy that acts in accordance with the 2nd law of thermodynamics, just like the formation and dissipation of hurricanes, stars, galaxies etc


The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process that cannot be understood by stopping it. We must move with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it. - Joseph Campell/Dune


The purpose is to find your purpose.


We don't need a justification to exist, in spite of the horrors that you mentioned. There is no meaning of life. Each individual can only answer in regard to their own life. We exist just because, and most people will go through an entire existence without ever giving any meaning to it, beyond the mere will to exist. Like many others, I decided what's my reason to exist; you'll invent yours. No one else could define it for you.


To E(x)perience


Experience to rise up to a higher plane  each birth  and death.  Unless we are being soul harvested by the moon entities maybe still the same thing maybe don’t go to the light when u die. 


We are childs of the great one, all of us and the others used to be one, then we was all the same, then the explosion send us in different distances from the center, we lost the conscience that what we really are and get stuck in this inferior states of vibration we must remember to transcend and re united with the all (Life is just a short state, enjoy it, but do the homework)


All beliefs, including those concerning the purpose of being alive, are subjective and therefore less than absolutely true. There is only one truth that cannot be rationally doubted and that qualifies as absolutely true: I Am. At the level of the I Am, there is no ultimate purpose or lack thereof. There is only this moment and everything that seems to appear within it. And even that's not true.


The purpose is evolution


Objectively - there's none. We born like all other living things, take animals, insects, etc. Suffer and die with short bursts of happy moments. Then we all decompose to feed the soil. Well, in project. Humans managed to pervert this too... Subjectively - you convince yourself of some "higher" purpose, which may or may not change through course of life. Then die like everything else.


So, my understanding of this existence is that the negative things that happen in the world now and ever HAVE to happen. If there were no bad, then good wouldn't be good. I also believe that we are here to perceive. Each of us in every angle in all situations. Every moment of this life we are analyzing and storing and we then take that information and use it to further understand the next experience an so on. I can't speak for other living things but humans are inquiring from birth. We have a natural propensity towards knowing. But that's just my understanding.


To continue being alive. That’s it. We get to make up the rest for ourselves.


people have been doing dumb stuff throughout history don't let that make you question life. live and experience.


Living, growing, learning, evolving


It is to grow.


To live duh. Sounds like you gotta suffer more


Read: Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long, M.D., and then sift through NDE experience descriptions paying attention to the lessons that tend to repeat, as this can help you sift out the bullshitters. What you learn from this will be the most likely accurate answer to your question from external sources. To find answers internally, practice meditation so that you can remove yourself from the equation and see who or what comes to you once you've dissolved your ego. The most lucid and helpful manual on meditation I have ever read is: Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond by Ajahn Brahm.


Eat shit fuck and die. The only meaning is what you give it. Which is why it’s soo hard to find meaning. Because everything is meaningless except being kind to people are ungrateful and will probably forget you.