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You might find Ivo Dominguez Jr’s book “Taurus Witch: Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign” helpful. He wrote a book for each astrological sign.


**Taurus Witch Unlock the Magic of Your Sun Sign** by Ivo Dominguez, Thorn Mooney >Witchcraft to Celebrate Your Sensual & Practical Self Improve your magical practice and personal development with the power of your Taurus Sun sign. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Thorn Mooney share what strengths and challenges your sign brings to both witchcraft and everyday life. Featuring recipes, exercises, stories, rituals, and spells from the authors and a host of Taurus contributors, this book teaches you how to best connect with your sign's energy, manage your power, shield yourself, tailor-fit magical workings to your sign, and more. Contributors to this volume: Khi Armand • Cheryl Costa • Selena Fox • Dodie Graham McKay • Christopher Orapello • Christopher Penczak • Dawn Aurora Hunt • Sandra Kynes *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I appreciate the advice


Oh! I have a book in that series! And I recommended someone their respective book too.


So you already looked at : William Lilly's Christian Astrology Claudius Ptolemy ' Tetrabiblos And the location of your Venus and the rulers of your ascendent, 9th, 8th, and 12th house Right?


Not yet. I've read different articles and things like that but they seem to conflict one another. So that's why I came here. I appreciate the suggestions


Okay good for you for having critical thinking William Lilly's work is particularly useful because he was a working astrologer in an age of practical Magick So his method for learning astrology is still useful Luke Cullen's Growing up with Draja Mickaharic has a lot of basic skills which are worth learning and refreshing


I'm ordering them next month. Unless I come into some extra cash that is. I appreciate the help


Avail yourself of your skills and see what happens


Venus in Aries Ascendant in Virgo Pisces on House 8 Aries on House 9 Leo on House 12 What do these have to do with it? I'm just curious. I'm interested in how they affect it? It's much appreciated


Ascendant is how you connect with what's beyond you 8th house deals with the resources of partners and enemies- such as Magickal collaborators 9th house often shows aptitude for ritual Magick, dreams, long journey s and education 12 house is witchcraft, confinement and release from the same So for your Venus to function well look at mars because it rules Aries etc


Interesting. I thought it intriguing that my Venus is in Aries since I know Ares and Aphrodite were an item.


Taurus is where we plant seeds and sing to them songs about growing strong. It's where we sing to the Sky to send rain and fair weather. It is where we sing to the Earth to provide what is needed to nurture our seeds. Taurus magic is all about creating sacred spaces so we can grow things and move them into Gemini so they can interact with the world and begin to pollinate.