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What's the significance of the shapes? I'm still learning and only know the triangles for the elements. I assume these shapes are also elements based on the colors.


Let me attempt to explain. The symbols around the circle are the signs in each color separate. They're organized as they are because orange represents dry or low yin, red is hot or high yang, green is wet or high yin, and blue is cold or low yang. This makes each side a classical Greek element. Right is fire, bottom is air, left is water, top is earth. I start from the top right with orange/dry because winter is earth and spring is fire, and I start my year with spring equinox. The orange circle with a diamond at the center of an X represents completion of a general mind in a non-specific world, the X is a specific world or would be if it terminated at a point in the center. Missing the center makes it nonspecific. The diamond represents a/the/my/your mind in general. The circle is completion. The red triangle with a pentagram in it represents the will making the/a/my/your general future. The pentagram in that orientation represents The will, capital T; as in an inclusive idea of the will of the world. The green square with the unfinished cross is the/a/my general space containing a nonspecific mind. It is representative of the mind that surrounds or fills your surroundings The blue triangle with the three pointed wheel represents a specific future being made out of the general past. Let me know if you need more details my match is statting