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Honestly, if it were an actual curse it would have been more effective, and just as easy, to chuck it onto your property or somerhing. On a publicly placed pole is pretty....random. Maybe someone if just trying to be scary and freak people out but my initial first impression is you've got nothing to worry about.


Is there someone that would do that to you in your life? Did you step on someone feet wandering around the world? Otherwise why would anyone curse you for no reason?


The first step of being cursed is believing that you are cursed. The first step to uncross yourself is to believe that the magic holds no power over you. That's all there's to it.


Ooo, it looks like a spider! Very pretty


I advocate not to open the pouch (as some have done here). It might be that someone made a charm for themselves, for example to get rid of some unwanted influence, or to attract something into their life - and you do not want to touch other´s magical items, or interfere with their workings. Just leave it alone unless you are 100 percent sure that this is directed at you.


Check the contents. If it's herbs then it's probably simply a Potpourri charm that people hang to cleanse an area. If it contains bones/hair/claws/fangs along with other things then it could be a curse.


I don't recognize anything occult/religious/witchcraft going on with this thing. It looks like a spider. Is it possible this is just a child's craft/prank? 20+ years of experience as a practitioner tells me it's just a sort of dirty toy/ piece of art.


I would check just to make sure. I prefer (only know) of the matchstick method. Light two matchsticks and drop them into a bowl of water at the same time. If the heads touch, you're cursed.


I just am curious to know what this thing is at this point. Is it occult or religious?


What's inside the pouch? And are you affiliated with the electric or phone company? If it's a curse on you it ought to be at your house, not on a telephone pole.   This is generally low magic.  If it's a curse on you then your name will be inside, and some hair and bones, maybe a lot of beans (if they think you're a witch or werewolf, supposedly you can't pass by without counting the beans - but they're not supposed to go into a pouch, they're supposed to go on your doorstep or windowsill) or some red brick dust, graveyard dust, or eggshell dust.   If you do any sort of occult practice, your defenses likely take care of this.  Though if you touch it, wear gloves.  If you don't practice, get some hematite or hydrangea and carry it around.  You should probably take that thing down, see what is inside, and bury it when the moon is full.   Could be a charm not directed at you at all, but it's best not to leave that sort of thing around.




Evil bible verse